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9.3.2 Another computing machine 2

This book regards the conceived language machine as the latest development of language media system tools, and language machines can also be analyzed and compared in the history of computing machines.

When Turing conceived the Turing machine, he began by observing the process of people’s calculation on paper with pens. The Turing machine device conceived was used to simulate the behavior of human beings in the calculation process. Turing machine models calculation problems by establishing rules about symbols, internal states, and how input and state determine output. Simply put, given the input, Turing machine can output regularly. The idea of Turing machine is more from the machine, which is reflected in the fact that the atomic operation of Turing machine is based on a character: reading a character, making judgment and processing, and the output is only a character or no output. This is unnatural to understand from a human perspective. The object of concern in manual calculation operation is various expressions, which may be a single symbol only under certain circumstances. In this book, we regard calculation as equivalence in expression-substitution as a calculation operation. In an abstract sense, Turing machine’s output from input to rule can also be regarded as a replacement operation. Only the substitution of a single symbol is not a human computing behavior pattern. The effect is the same problem, usually Turing machine needs to establish more rules.

As mentioned earlier, Turing machine is equivalent to Chomsky’s type 2 grammar. The basis of Chomsky’s grammar theory, such as production rules, is also a substitution operation in nature. Chomsky’s grammar theory forms the grammatical basis of modern programming languages. A few months before Turing submitted his paper, the American mathematician alonzo church (June, 1903–August, 1995) submitted his paper "Explanation on Deterministic Problems", which also proved that there was no solution to the deterministic problems. Qiu Qi’s argument is based on Lambda calculus. Qiu Qi’s Lambda calculus is equivalent to Turing machine’s computing power. By studying the theory of Lambda calculus, we can find that the operation of calculus is obviously embodied in recursive symbol replacement. Through more investigation of the history of computing machines, other computing machine models based on similar replacement operation designs can be found. Turing machine thought does not explain where the rules from input to output come from, which is regarded as open. Church’s Lambda calculus theory, Chomsky grammar theory and other theories and models are also considered from a specific technical point of view. In this book, calculation is not studied as an independent topic, but in the context of the use of symbols. The replacement rules on which calculation is based can be classified as equivalence relations in knowledge or facts, including existing equivalence relations and potentially derivable equivalence relations. The background on which this book is based enables machines to be used as tools for language media systems.

Modern computer is an engineering realization of turing machine, and turing machine is not only realized by modern computer. The processing of modern computers is ultimately decomposed into arithmetic and logical calculations. Turing machine theory itself has no such requirement, which is only determined by the technical route. The consistency of binary system and its calculation in symbol and physics has brought modern computers. In the concept of language machine, the process based on substitution-transformation can have special advantages in terms of the efficiency of calculation execution. Because it can operate directly on any level of expression, it reduces the process of decomposition back to atomic operation. A substitution-transformation operation in expression corresponds to many times of atomic arithmetic, logical calculation operations and corresponding internal communication of modern computers, and theoretically, the consumption of space and time will be smaller.

Using the present computer, it is possible to simulate the ability to perform substitution-transformation operations at the expression level, or to package a programming language based on substitution-transformation operations. For the goal of language machine, these schemes have only limited verification significance. First of all, this brings some kind of cycle: virtual replacement-conversion operation based on logical and arithmetic calculation, and logical and mathematical calculation based on replacement-conversion operation. Conceptually, this book thinks that substitution-transformation is a more basic operation than logical and arithmetic calculation. Secondly, it sacrifices the possible efficiency advantages of language machines. The conception, design and implementation of language machine may draw lessons from some current computer technologies, and the overall use mode is difficult to be compared with the use of von Neumann machine. It can be predicted that the language machine will be realized, and its ability will not exceed that of a universal Turing machine, which does not constitute a key evaluation of the language machine. What the language machine pursues is the effects that can be brought by the new man-machine collaboration, which are first of all for people.

If the language machine is finally realizable, will it be dedicated or can it be used as a new universal machine? It is too early to think about such a problem now. It can be seen that the discussion in this book is basically limited to the scope of theoretical knowledge. By comparison, the application of computers is mainly in the fields of technology and engineering. In the problem solving in these fields, many problems are not typical calculation problems; Empirical rules are equally important for solving all kinds of problems, and they are not all deducible from theory. This book is to understand the language machine from the perspective of language tools, and to support people’s use of symbols is always the first. On the other hand, once the machine shows some potential, people will try to maximize the potential of the machine, which is easier to carry out and may be counterproductive to the goal of using human-oriented symbols by the machine.

In application, the depth of language mechanism and content of language machine is related to the problems considered by artificial intelligence at present, so the two can also be compared. Fundamentally, their ideological starting points are different. The primary goal of language machine is to replace tools such as paper, pen, ink and computer to support the construction and use of human language and realize more effective use of human language with the help of tools. Contemporary artificial intelligence generally uses machines to simulate the intellectual behavior of the human brain, so that more jobs that were originally done by people can be replaced by machines. This book regards human intelligence as developing or expanding with the use of symbols, rather than a roughly fixed model that can be imitated and replaced by machines.

While better cooperating with the use of symbols by human beings, the knowledge possessed by human beings and machines can be more and more similar, and the knowledge possessed by machines can exceed the capacity of any human individual; In the past, more and more symbolic regular operations performed by people can be performed by machines, and they are more efficient; At this point, it is no problem to say that the behavior shown by the machine is intelligent. Let’s look at a concrete example, the relationship between category and instance. A is a category, and X is an example under the category. We say that X belongs to A, and the word "belonging" can be understood by interpretation. It is doubtful whether the understanding formed by this explanation is really effective, and it is impossible for us to explain the machine like this. Now, we can realize such a mechanism: X is an example under category A, which contains any proposition of A. You can replace A with X, and the proposition still holds. This substitutable relationship can be actually implemented by the machine in a specific context. From the operational sense, the language machine shows that it has understood that "X is an example under category A". Machines don’t understand whether symbolic units have meaning or not, just like people do. On the other hand, an important sign of understanding is to know how to operate symbols.

A popular view is that modern computers are good at dealing with structured and regular knowledge, but they are not good at dealing with unstructured and open knowledge, such as common sense. With the development of machines in the latter direction, we can understand and imitate human intelligence more. First of all, this book does not think that a perfect understanding of structured rule knowledge has been established, and this theory has been disintegrated in machine application. Modern computers began with computing as an independent theme. To this end, this book has established its own theory, the core point is: knowledge is expressed based on equivalence relation, and calculation is based on equivalence relation. On this basis, we discuss how to build knowledge in the machine, thus making the machine have deduction ability. What is important is the structured and regular knowledge, which corresponds to the expansion of human intelligence and cognition by symbols. From the perspective of the division of labor between machines and humans, it is a reasonable way to improve or innovate tools to enhance this expansion.

The emphasis on common sense makes natural language a core theme of artificial intelligence. Through the establishment of a complex language model and statistical calculation on a large number of corpus, the machine also shows a certain language processing ability. From the economic point of view, these advances can be of great value. Most white-collar jobs are fixed jobs and do not need real creativity. It is possible that these processes are close to some parts of human intelligence, but this will not be the core part. The deductive ability of a language machine, ideally, can calculate all possible conclusions from the currently known theories and facts. This ability is the part of human intelligence expanded by symbols. This book only re-understands and realizes this part of intelligence as a more general way.

When the system we build shows that we can name, define, form new cognition and express, and ask questions, we can probably say that it is close to the core of human intelligence. This may require more systematic research, and a continuous understanding from perceptual experience to symbol system and from natural language to abstract symbol system can be established before we can find out whether there are some forms of intelligence that always depend on it. This book is more concerned about whether we can develop new forms and ways of using symbols, so that human beings can use symbols more efficiently.

Will artificial intelligence reduce human creativity?

This is a controversial topic. As an efficient and intelligent tool, artificial intelligence can help people complete some tasks that require a lot of calculation and analysis, such as natural language processing, image recognition, data analysis and so on. In the past, these tasks may require human beings to invest a lot of time and energy, but with the development of artificial intelligence technology, these tasks can be completed more quickly and accurately, thus saving human time and energy and enabling people to concentrate more on creative work.

However, some people think that artificial intelligence will reduce human creativity. Because artificial intelligence is a "non-human" technology, its working principle and thinking mode are different from human beings. Some people think that when people rely too much on artificial intelligence to complete certain tasks, they will gradually lose their creative thinking, because they only need to complete tasks according to the guidance of machine learning algorithms, and do not need to think about solving problems themselves. This kind of mechanical repetitive work may make people gradually lose in-depth thinking and creative solutions to problems.

However, some people think that artificial intelligence will not reduce human creativity, on the contrary, it will stimulate human creativity. Artificial intelligence can process a large amount of data quickly and accurately, and extract rules and patterns from it. These patterns and patterns can be used as inspiration for human creative thinking, so that human beings can better understand problems and find solutions. In addition, artificial intelligence can accomplish some mechanical repetitive work, so that human beings can be more involved in creative work, which will promote human creativity.

Therefore, whether artificial intelligence will have an impact on human creativity still needs to be observed and explored. While using artificial intelligence, we also need to keep our creative thinking and play, and constantly look for innovative ideas and methods to meet the ever-developing social needs.

Go their separate ways after three months? Meme teamed up with the 300th assists of the king’s career.

After cleaning icardi and Sarabia, Paris’ goals this season depend entirely on NMM Trident. Now that Neymar has been reimbursed for the serious injury season, Paris can only rely entirely on Messi and Mbappé. In the face of Bayern, the overall strength of Paris is obviously insufficient, and Messi and Mbappé failed to create miracles. When facing brest tonight, the familiar Meme’s flirtation appeared on the pitch again. Thanks to the excellent performances of Messi and Mbappé, Paris won a 2-1 away game.

The first goal in Paris belongs to Sohler, but the real heroes are Messi and Mbappé. Paris’s conventional offensive means can’t break Brest’s iron drum array. The key to breaking the game is the two superstars on the front line. Messi made a breakthrough on the right. After attracting many people to defend, he sent the ball to the top of the arc in the penalty area, and Mbappé was in a defensive vacuum. Mbappé’s subsequent long-range shot, though at a positive angle, was surprisingly powerful. Bizot managed to save the ball and finally got rid of it, which led to Sohler’s follow-up shot.

After the Paris defence unexpectedly gave gifts again, Meme made a pass to help the French leader score the winning goal in the 90th minute. This goal stands out as a clean one. When receiving a direct pass from the backcourt, Messi shook his left ankle slightly on the right side of the midfield, while Mbappé pressed the offside line in the middle to start the sprint. When Mbappé got the ball, he didn’t have any defenders around him, only the goalkeeper Bizot was left in front of him. Mbappé easily broke through Bizot with a vertical acceleration, and the Frenchman then pushed the ball into the empty net. In a flash, Messi and Mbappé decided the trend of the whole game.

This goal is the 3000th goal of Paris in the top league. This assist is the 300th in Messi’s career. He assisted 269 times in Paris and 29 times in Paris. In the five major leagues this season, Messi has assisted 13 times, and he beat Braune to lead Europe. This goal is Mbappé’s 40th goal in the club and national team this season. Mbappé has scored 40+ goals in four seasons, and he is the first French player to do this in five major leagues. Mbappé scored 138 French goals for Paris, tied with cavani for the first place in history, and tied Lille striker David with 19 goals in the French top scorer list.

After nearly two years of cooperation, Messi and Mbappé obviously have a better understanding. However, judging from the current situation, the probability of disintegration of NMM Trident in Paris after three months is quite high. Messi’s contract is about to expire, and at present he prefers not to renew it. Mbappé and Real Madrid had an affair again, and Neymar was pushed into the transfer market for the nth time. This group of tridents, which had high hopes, failed to achieve the expected success because of the top-heaviness in the Paris lineup. Paris missed the quarter-finals of the Champions League for two consecutive seasons, and this transcript is not a pass anyway.

Comparing the four virtual human companies, who do you choose?

The application of virtual human technology is more and more extensive and mature. Microsoft Xiao Bing, Iflytek, Silicon-based Intelligence and Fengping Intelligence are all highly influential companies in the field of virtual human. Let’s take a look at the outstanding advantages of the four virtual human companies!

Comparison of technical strength and popularity: Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek are leading artificial intelligence companies at home and abroad. They have deep technical accumulation in natural language processing and speech recognition, and have the leading technical strength in the world.

Xiao Bing, as a digital employee, is loved by many users, and also highly praised in the industry, such as the digital employee "Cui Xiaopan".

Iflytek has excellent technical strength in the fields of speech synthesis and speech recognition, and its developed virtual human images, such as the host of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the virtual "Wang Bingbing" of the Winter Olympics, are also very popular.

Comparison of application scope: Silicon-based intelligence and leveling intelligence are better in the application scope of virtual human technology. The virtual human applications of silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have covered many fields such as education, medical care, advertising and e-commerce. In the field of education, virtual people can be used for online education counseling, curriculum promotion, etc. In the medical field, it can be applied to health consultation, medical diagnosis and so on.

Comparison of making and customizing digital people;Silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have a large number of digital people libraries, which can select digital people with different images to appear in the camera, and can be driven by text and voice. It is also relatively simple to customize digital people’s images. Providing real-life videos can generate digital avatars through modeling.

Price comparison: In terms of price, compared with silicon-based intelligence, Iflytek and Microsoft Xiao Bing, Fengping Intelligence is more affordable and can provide faster digital human production services. Because of its technological innovation and high production efficiency of digital people, Fengping Intelligent can reduce the production cost, introduce a more affordable price scheme and attract more customers.

Generally speaking, Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek have higher technical strength and popularity, while silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence are superior in the application scope of virtual human, and the price of Pingping intelligence is lower. When choosing a virtual human production company, you can choose a company that suits you according to your own needs and budget.

TA: Benzema is in poor physical condition this season because he has participated in more competitions.

Live broadcast on March 10 th According to The Athletic, Benzema’s physical condition has been very bad because he participated in more competitions this season.

When Ancelotti and his coaching team coached Real Madrid in 2021, they noticed that Benzema’s training state was different from that when he coached Real Madrid before. The 35-year-old player has been plagued by injuries since last December, and Benzema also missed FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 because of a hip injury.

Javier Atalaya, who has worked with Benzema for eight years, compared the player to a bull. He told The Athletic that Benzema’s physical condition has been very bad because he has participated in more competitions this season. In addition to the League, the King’s Cup and the Champions League, Real Madrid also participated in the World Club Cup and the European Super Cup this season. Despite the injury problem, the team still thinks that his strength is equivalent to that of last season. So far this season, Benzema has averaged 4.4 shots per game, which is the highest since the 2015/16 season, while his average expected goal in Spain is 0.58, which is also the highest since the expected goal statistics.

Benzema, on the other hand, performed well both on and off the court. Atalaya said that unless Real Madrid had a game in the middle of the week, Benzema trained with him for two days a week for an hour of extreme training, which was equivalent to five hours of regular training. He believes that Benzema and Carlo Ancelotti will arrange the players’ game time, and Carlo Ancelotti will not risk the recovery time of the injured.

The source said: "Benzema is very independent, which is why he has extra training with his trusted physiotherapist and physical fitness coach outside the Real Madrid training base. The players are very focused on the match between Real Madrid and Europe. "

Although the player’s contract will expire this summer, he has not discussed the future with other clubs. They will play Liverpool at 4 am on March 16th, Beijing time, and he will prove the doubters wrong in the game.

AI server burst into red, China Taiwan Province industrial chain benefited.

The growth rate of global server industry’s shipments this year is approaching the "Guarantee 1" war. However, with the rise of self-driving, AIoT and edge computing and the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) chat robot "ChatGPT", AI servers will become a pioneer in the growth of server niche this year. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of shipments will reach 8%, and Taiwan Province supply chains such as TSMC, Weiying and Quanta are expected to benefit.

According to the report of TrendForce, a research institute, under the leadership of emerging application themes in 2018, many large cloud operators began to invest heavily in the construction of AI-related equipment. By 2022, it is estimated that the annual shipment of AI servers equipped with GPGPU(General Purpose GPU) accounts for nearly 1% of the total server.

It is estimated that in 2023, with the application of chat bots, it is expected to stimulate AI-related fields again. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of shipments will reach 8%, and the compound growth rate from 2022 to 2026 will reach 10.8%.

In 2022, the proportion of AI server procurement is dominated by Google, AWS, Meta and Microsoft, the four major cloud providers in North America, accounting for 66.2%. In recent years, with the intensification of localization in mainland China, the wave of AI construction has warmed up, and ByteDance, Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu are the providers with large purchases.

In terms of computing specifications, ChatGPT is mainly based on NVIDIA A100 and exclusively uses Microsoft Azure cloud service resources. If other Microsoft applications are merged, the annual demand for Microsoft AI servers is 25,000. Baidu Wenxin adopts NVIDIA A800 in a word and combines other applications. The annual demand for Baidu AI servers is about 2,000 units.

Taiwan Province AI server supply chain includes TSMC, IC design factory Creative and Purui -KY, server foundries Quanta, Weiying and Inventec. The market is promising. With the contrarian growth of AI servers, the supply chains of related factories are expected to benefit.

Among them, whether it is AI computing or data center, most of the back graphics cards are manufactured by TSMC, especially on the AI chips led by Nvidia, including GPU A100/H100. Related accelerators and chip design applications are mainly produced by TSMC’s 5-nanometer family process.

Wei Ying pointed out that in 2022, AI servers will be less than 20% in terms of shipment or revenue. At present, more than 50% of newly opened cases are AI-related servers.

Quanta has invested in the field of AI servers many years ago. Although the revenue proportion of AI servers has not been announced, the legal person pointed out that the unit price of the main board of AI servers is twice as high as that of standard products, and it is difficult to manufacture, and the gross profit margin is rising, which is beneficial to the improvement of product portfolio.

Shanghai International Tourism Resort has also added new projects! Ji Le Tang Million Shudu Street opened

"The former family came to the resort and lived in the Disney Hotel. This time, I found a new spa street, and I tried this. Multi -sclerosis. Tang, who comes from Xishuangbanna, said" All Japanese style, very good Essence ""

On July 23, it was officially opened on the blooming soup million Qifeng Street, and Shanghai International Tourism Resort. As the country’s first "hot spring resort town", it is very suitable for resort to be a unique Japanese style and add unique Japanese style. This also means that most citizen tourists have leisure choices in resort.

Jiletang Million Shudu Street is located in a bookstore shopping village near 99 Shendi East Road. It is located in Shanghai Lavender Park with a total floor of about 18,000 square meters. This is a multi -functional complex integrated leisure, entertainment, catering, shopping.

It is reported that Jile Million Wo Wo Hot Spring Street is a 10-storey-floors. The Japanese hot spring brand "Company Nam Co., Ltd." 10th store in China, it is also its first store "Million Stone" Essence

Unlike the "Urban Hot Spring" models of other BLISS Tangmen stores, Extreme Le Tang Million Peak Street includes Japanese hot spring venues, Japanese cuisine, pure Japanese collapsed rice rooms, Japanese garden landscapes and courtyards, and so on. Bring new foam and holiday experience to consumers.

According to reports, Tang’s water in each soup hall in the temple Tang million SHUM Hot Spring Street is from the "Silver Decoction" natural hot spring water, in Shaxi, Taicang. "Fluoro" hot springs are rich in "iron acid". Happy soup will also be based on different seasons. Give public tourists more experience in bubble soup. Also, 4 private soup rooms were designed. Each decoration style is different. Outdoor scenery, suitable for family, friends gathering.

The person in charge of the headquarters street engineering operation, "One Tie 20" is a holiday method for traditional Japanese hot spring tourism. Refers to one night, enjoy two meals. Therefore, unlike other happy soup projects, this is a "hot spring resort town", which is a "hot spring holiday town". There are a variety of rooms, more than 20 rooms, for tourists to stay here and enjoy the Japanese SPA resort.

Also, "Three Tea Butterfly House" in Kim Experience Store, "Hyja Island" in Japanese restaurants, Japanese brand pharmaceutical cosmetics shop "Loyal Qiliac Tang" and other companies have opened the door. Three tea butterfly huts, tourists can experience various clothes and experience Japanese traditional culture.

Beijing tourist Zhang Yang took away the happy soup million Shi Hot Spring Street. In the first time, my name was "Three Tea Butterfly House". "I wore Disney Paradise to watch the fireworks last night. It was very interesting. I haven’t experienced clothes before going to Japan. This time, I also gave my regret at that time." The leaders of the three tea butterflies told reporters that the Japanese tea ceremony will be launched next year, one Fragrant experience, and so on. Continuous consumer experience.

Fortunately, in Unicolands, they gathered in many cosmetics, special foods, and so on. Bring a one -stop shopping experience to consumers; all -day restaurant administrative kitchen, full Japanese restaurant. Visitors can enjoy pure Japan and concessions.

It is reported that the temple Tang million SHINK Spring Street began on July 15th. However, the hot spring street soup is only open to the accommodation guests. The private soup house is not open.

Hong Wei introduced that during the trial operation, the room was almost every day in the hot spring street. The concept of peace, "sincerity, no stain" standards of "we will use the safety, remember" standards, and various services have been continuously improved, bringing consumers to consumers A better experience. "

The relevant person in charge, Shendi Group, said that the THATEXTREMELY on the street, allowing the Shanghai International Tourism Resort to have a unique Japanese style. "I hope that citizens of the garden, hot spring holidays, such as home Express Hotel, have gained a new leisure and entertainment experience here. Subsequently, we will continue to launch more high -quality projects.

Editor Zhang Qi

Responsible editor Liu Xinwei

Picture source Xinyiqi

View Author: Pudong Observation

Shanghai Chongming gradually returns to life normal

With the gradual termination of the seal control management, the lives of the citizens of the Chongming District of Shanghai are returning to the normal state. At present, the staff of the party and government agencies at all levels of Chongming District will return in an orderly manner. The district administrative service center, the township community affairs acceptance service center and other government service windows restore offline services in stages. The 30 bus lines are put into trial operation, and the school is actively prepared to welcome the college candidates of the middle school entrance examination. It is reported that there are 35 government service halls in Chongming District have resumed offline window services, and a total of 97 windows are opened, including district administrative service centers, some township community affairs acceptance service centers and district departments. Tax registration, employment and entrepreneurship, marriage registration, medical and health, social security, etc. involved in the daily affairs of the masses. During the gradual opening of the service hall, the current restriction measures are taken to implement the preference for appointments. Citizens can go to the nearest business after making an appointment through the Internet.

In order to facilitate the travel of residents and restore the people’s lives as soon as possible. At present, Chongming District conducts comprehensive pressure testing for the number of bus classes, the information of the information, and the capacity of the transportation. At present, there are 30 bus lines in Chongming District to resume trial operations, and the townships have evacuated the roadblocks of the main roads. (Fu Xiaobo, a reporter from Science and Technology Daily)

[Mingxuan · Crab Museum] Lujiazui Center | 199 yuan to grab the market price of 609 yuan signboard crab powder 2-3 people meals! Intritious crab powder for 20 years! Take you to taste delicious!

Mingxuan · Crab Museum

Little friends who love crabs come here ~

It’s time to add a "fresh" beauty to yourself

Sip a sip of fresh fragrance

Another sip of aftertaste

True incense warned, wipe dry first!

The overall simple decoration style

As soon as people enter the store, they are deeply attracted

Retro charm, antique

Everywhere makes people shine!

Neat and elegant environment

It is a sense of ritual to open the food feast

Can’t wait to ask friends and family to sit on a seat

Can enjoy the old Shanghai style charm

You can also taste Shanghai specialty food

Shanghai on the tip of the tongue, let you do this!

Signature crab powder fishing rice

Fresh ingredients, 20 years of crab powder

Drop by bit, leave incense!

Every classic is ingenious!

Restore the traditional taste of old Shanghai

Mingxuan has made a full effort in choosing crabs

The selected one is full

Fresh and delicious, energetic crab

In this way, there can be fresh and fat crab yellow, crab meat, and crab paste

Before entering the mouth, the deliciousness is in front of you

Just watching the delicate crab yellow

I can’t help but want to enjoy it soon

Mingxuan inherits the culture of Shanghai people’s crab eating

Handmade crab yellow and crab meat

Each crab used is freshly steamed

After frying the crab powder that was dismantled on the day

Fresh mellow, bling bling’s golden light

While retaining the ingredients

Combined with the right seasoning and cooking method

Make this crab powder more delicious, you will fall in love with a bite

Sure enough, there are crab meat and taste buds that can not be disappointed

A good bowl of good rice, warming the stomach and warmth

Golden appearance, seductive color

Every bite is fragrant!

The rice with soup will be impressed by you

=Black pepper beef grains=

Beef grains wrapped in black pepper

Full and thick visible to the naked eye

The aroma of oil is inspired by high temperature

The juice of beef is tightly locked in the meat pieces

The moment I put it in my mouth

Fresh and fragrant juice

Broken from the soft denim particles

The rich aroma is wonderful!

One bite and eat the more, the more happy, the happiness is rising


Shanghai sauce duck


The characteristic of this gang is thick red red sauce

Duck duck is one of the representative dishes in the cold disk

Skin black meat tender, delicious flavor

Look at the drool

With a trace of freshness, mellow and not greasy

A solid meat can feel when you eat

=Live eggplant=

The spicy taste of peppers and garlic is mixed together

Soft glutinous taste, slightly spicy taste

Make this dish loved by diners

Before eating, be sure to let the eggplant suck the soup in the plate

This is the classic way of eating juice eggplant

=Seasonal vegetable=

=Matsutake bamboo mushroom soup=

=Homemade pudding=

TA is here! TA is here!

Along the warm yellow color tone, people are in front of people

The environment is clean and tidy, simple and atmospheric

The lights are shining, it looks warm and bright

The spacious dining space makes people relax physically and mentally

There is no noisy and noisy in the traditional restaurant

Let you enjoy the deliciousness here quietly and elegantly

Different specifications of tables and chairs can have multiple needs

Unique design, collision of color

It is not difficult to see the style of TA