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TCL and NFL, the top sports league, surprised the world with a giant rugby helmet in the second year.

The historic moment has come. How can TCL, which represents the "scientific strength of China", lead China’s science and technology to the world?

On January 12th, CES2024, known as "Science and Technology Spring Festival Evening", came to an end. The exhibition brings together global technology giants, attracting more than 4,000 exhibitors and more than 1,200 startup companies.

Among them, TCL, as the world’s leading intelligent terminal enterprise, appeared at CES with a brand-new "dare to act" attitude. TCL’s overall exhibition area covers an area of nearly 1,700 square meters, making it the most famous brand in China, exhibiting more than 120 innovative products and top technologies, showing its C-style. During CES, TCL also invited NFL Hall of Fame star Charles Woodson to help out by airborne, and interacted with the audience at zero distance, which narrowed the distance between brands and consumers.

This is the second year for TCL to join hands with NFL, the world’s top sports league.

NFL is the highest-level sports league in American football, and its annual feast "Super Bowl" is known as "American Spring Bowl", which is the most popular sports event in the United States today. The 57th Super Bowl attracted about 113 million spectators around the world. As a professional sports league based on American native sports, after a hundred years of development, its influence has long been not limited to the American domestic market, but also has become the first echelon sports event with global attention, occupying the chief place of the world sports league, which coincides with the development of TCL.

Since 1999, TCL has set up 32 manufacturing bases in Vietnam, Mexico and other places through TCL Industry and TCL Technology, and 46 R&D centers in Poland, the United States and other places. TCL products have maintained a high market share in developed countries including Europe and America.

In addition to the leading scientific and technological strength and the influence of brand globalization, it is highly recognized by the NFL, and it may be that both sides dare to resonate with each other.

Driven by the spirit of courage, TCL and NFL have done a great thing.

In 2024, TCL joined hands with NFL to light up the new landmark of Las Vegas — — Sphere is the world’s largest giant ball, TCL’s highly recognizable brand LOGO and NFL’s iconic giant football helmet shine in the night sky in Las Vegas, showing the extraordinary elegance of China brand to the world with unparalleled visual feast, and further demonstrating TCL’s brand technology hard power of "dare to be extraordinary" to the world.

TCL has developed from a small company producing magnetic tapes into a globally competitive intelligent technology industry group. Through TCL Industry and TCL Technology, three core industries, namely intelligent terminal, semiconductor display and new energy photovoltaic, have been widely recognized internationally.

Pay tribute to the past and move forward for the future. As one of the earliest China enterprises to go international, TCL has always practiced the concept of "globalization is localization" and achieved remarkable commercial success in overseas markets. In addition to constantly improving its overseas localization management ability, it continues to provide users with the best products and solutions, and it also benefits from its continuous exploration and investment in global brand building.

On the road of globalization, TCL continues to lay out the world’s top IP, giving the brand a strong sports gene. Up to now, TCL has more than 40 global cooperation IPs, covering rugby, football, basketball, e-sports and other sports fields. In addition to the NFL of the United States, there are also top-level global sports IPs such as the Libertadores Cup, FIBA, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Germany and Arsenal Football Club. These cooperation has become a distinctive symbol of TCL’s layout of international sports venues.

In addition to official cooperation with the NFL, TCL has also reached a partnership with three super-popular NFL teams, namely Los Angeles Lightning, Seattle Seahawks and Atlanta Falcons. Not only that, TCL also invited Justin Herbert, the quarterback of the Los Angeles Lightning Team, as the brand ambassador of TCL North America. This move will continue to help TCL establish closer emotional ties with local fans, so that more consumers can feel the charm of TCL’s cutting-edge technology, and it will also promote TCL to lay a powerful battle in the development of global sports.

In February this year, the Super Bowl, the NFL’s most important competition, is about to open, when TCL will once again make a heavy appearance, leading the new era of China brand’s overseas rise, letting the world once again see the strength and influence of China technology, and continuing to write a new chapter of "Dare to be Extraordinary" in the global market.


  CCTV.com News (news broadcast): "New Year’s Eve, including jiaozi". Today, when every household is preparing for the New Year’s Eve, local governments and the masses have "arranged" a special "reunion dinner" for the needy people with care and love, so that the true feelings and warmth can accompany them to have a happy New Year.

  At noon today, more than 8,000 widowed elderly people in Hongkou District of Shanghai put on new clothes bought for them by the community and got together to have a "reunion dinner". Young volunteers from Hefei, Anhui Province came to the apartment for the elderly today, sending deep affection to more than 150 elderly people.

  Gao Caixia, an Anhui old man: I have lived to be over 90 years old, and I feel that now is the best time.

  Young volunteers in Hebei, Guangxi, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other places have formed a "family pair" with the widowed and low-income elderly to take them home for the New Year. Charity federations in Guizhou, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jilin, Henan and other places also held "charity reunion dinner" to let the needy people share the festive feast of love.

  In the SOS Children’s Village in Putian, Fujian, children are eating steaming reunion dinner with their mothers in the village. Orphans from Fushun Welfare Institute in Liaoning Province came to Leifeng class today and wrapped up jiaozi with their uncles in the military camp. The orphans and disabled children in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, and the police "dads" will celebrate the New Year soon.

  Guan Nan, sos Children’s Village in Qiqihar, China: Because today’s New Year’s Eve dinner is very special, they are like relatives to us.

  Today, 100 academicians and professors from Central South University invited more than 200 poor students to their homes to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

  Academician Huang Boyun, President of Central South University: Just let them feel that the school is their home.

  Reporter Wu Xueshan: This is the construction site of Wuhan section of Wuhe Railway, a national key construction project. Now, hundreds of migrant workers who insisted on construction during the Spring Festival gathered together to have a delicious reunion dinner and celebrate the New Year.

  Not only the reunion dinner was sent, but more than 500 migrant workers also received accident insurance of 200,000 yuan per person purchased by the construction unit.

  Lu Kunhao, a migrant worker in Hubei: It’s a double happiness.

  In Sichuan, more than 2,000 migrant workers gathered together and had a lively "Dam Banquet for the Year of the Communist Youth League". In Guangzhou, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held a group year dumpling feast for more than 10,000 migrant workers who didn’t go home. At the dumpling banquet, a videophone was specially set up.

  Shen Jian, a migrant worker from Shaanxi: (talking to his mother) I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best. Mom, I’m fine in Guangzhou.

  Red dumplings, colorful buns, hot jiaozi, delicious dishes, and a series of delicious dishes are accompanied by blessings. From yesterday to today, in the community and on the train, all kinds of "reunion dinners" and "thousands of family banquets" have made people in need and people who are away from home feel deep affection and festive joy.

Editor: Zhao Wei

[Learning and Realizing the Nineteenth National Congress] Social science experts take you to understand the Nineteenth National Congress | What did China contribute to the development of world civiliz

  abstract:The development of China has provided the whole world with a brand-new concept.

  Guest speaker:Jiang Yihua (Senior distinguished professor of Fudan University, Member of Social Science Committee of Ministry of Education)

  The 19th National Congress proposed that we have entered a new era. The real meaning of the new era, we can think from a broader perspective of the development of human civilization.

  When we build a well-off society in an all-round way, it actually means that China has stepped out of the era of agricultural civilization that lasted for thousands of years, entered the era of industrial civilization, and is advancing towards the era of new information civilization. Not only for China, the 19th National Congress has such an epoch-making significance, but also for the whole world, especially for the vast number of countries in the world that are still in the era of agricultural civilization or have just entered the era of industrial civilization.

  At least, these countries can refer to how a country can truly proceed from its own national conditions and realize the development and leap to modern civilization: find its own path and find a system that adapts to its own national conditions, especially to give full play to its own cultural potential and use such cultural resources to develop itself. I think in this respect, China’s own experience and China’s development path may have some enlightening effects on the civilized development of many countries.

  The fundamental reason why China can achieve such a great leap-forward development in such a short time is that we have our own theory, our own road, our own system and our own culture. What is the greatest feature of China’s theory? We applied Marxism (including its world outlook and the most basic way) in China, and formed the real theory of China, that is, Marxism in China. When we talk about the modernization and popularization of Marxism in China, in fact, the most important point is to constantly carry out reforms and change our present situation under the guidance of Marxist theory. We are not dreaming of changing the status quo, but proceeding from reality and existing conditions, step by step.

  China’s system has a deep cultural foundation and a civilized foundation. In the process of development, China has not lost its own culture, but used the outstanding parts of the world’s various material and spiritual cultures and combined them with our own culture, thus giving full play to the potential of our own culture. Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years, so let it play out with such a huge potential.




In the eyes of the ancients, the most beautiful scenery

Where is the most beautiful scenery? Is it the mountains in spring, the water in autumn, the poetry in the distance, or the fireworks nearby? In the poems of the ancients, there is no lack of beauty in the world, and there is no shortage of love and hope. Good scenery is also a good mood, and with a good mood, wherever you go, you feel picturesque.

There are many silk in the sky above the main avenue, it is like the butter – like fine and moist, the overlook grass is vaguely connected, but it appears to be sparse in close range.

This is the most beautiful season of the year, far more than the late spring of green willows.

-Tang Han Yu, "Early Spring is a Member of the Ministry of Water Affairs Zhang Shiba"

Chang’ an street is falling with fine light rain, which is as moist as milk, and the light green grass is connected into one piece. From a distance, if there is anything, there is nothing. The poet’s favorite scenery is this early spring season. Everything has just recovered in the silent drizzle, which is far better than the summer when the city is full of smoke and willow. Indeed, the light rain in early spring nourishes everything and gives people endless hope in a hazy way.

There is also a poet Du Fu who loves spring rain. His praise for spring rain is extremely vivid and delicate.

Good rain knows the season, and when spring happens.

Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.

The wild path is dark, and the river boat is bright.

Look at the red and wet place, and the flowers are heavy in Jinguan City.

-Don Du Fu’s Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night

Good rain knows the season and comes with spring. With the gentle east wind, it sneaked into the night and moistened everything quietly. The path in the field is covered with thick dark clouds, and it is dark everywhere, while the lights on the fishing boats along the river are particularly eye-catching. When I get up in the morning, I see that the spring flowers are wet after the rain. Jinguan City is full of colorful flowers, but it is full of clear feelings. The poet loves this scenery that has been baptized by the spring rain.

Jiangnan is Bai Juyi’s second hometown, and the scenery of Jiangnan has become a unique beauty in his heart. He is immersed in the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan and is full of love and nostalgia.

The scenery of the south of the Yangtze river is beautiful, picturesque scenery has long been familiar.

When spring comes, the sun rises from the surface of the river, and the flowers on the river are brighter than red, the green river green more than blue grass.

How can we call people not miss the south of the Yangtze river?

-Tang Bai Juyi, "Recalling Jiangnan"

Jiangnan is good, and poets have long been familiar with its scenery and have never forgotten it. As soon as the sun comes out, the river flowers on both sides of the strait are bright red and dazzling. When spring comes, the spring water in the south of the Yangtze River reflects the long blue sky, blue and clear. This vibrant and colorful Jiangnan spring has naturally become a beautiful memory that Bai Juyi can’t give up.

Li Bai loves nature very much. He has traveled through countless places and seen countless landscapes, but there is always a special place that makes people peaceful and leisurely.

I asked Yu what he meant to live in the blue mountains, and laughed without answering my heart.

Peach blossoms are flowing away, and there is another world.

-Tang Li Bai’s question and answer in the mountains

My friend asked me why I like living in Bishan. I just smiled and didn’t answer, but my heart was very leisurely. Peach blossoms fall on the water, and slowly flow away with the blue waves. There is a different world here, which is really not like being on earth. This is my Xanadu, where the scenery is beautiful and the mood is smooth. Where else can it be better than here?

There are so many mountains and green waters, and the beautiful scenery written by the poet is also so desirable.

Xisai Mountain before the white egrets fly freely, the river, plump mandarin fish swimming happily, floating in the water in the peach is so bright and full.

An old man in the bank, wearing a green bamboo hat raincoat, wearing a green raincoat, braved the wind and rain, leisurely and leisurely fishing, he was fascinated by the beautiful spring scenery, even the rain did not go home.

-Don Zhang Zhihe’s "Fisherman’s Song"

There are flocks of egrets flying in front of Mount Cisse, and mandarin fish are at their best in the Bijiang River where peach blossoms are floating. The fisherman is wearing a blue bamboo hat and a green hemp fiber. Although the oblique wind is blowing the drizzle, it doesn’t matter. On the contrary, it adds a different kind of beauty to the scenery. Why rush back? It’s drizzling in the oblique wind, peach blossoms floating on the blue waves, and people who sit firmly in the mountains and rivers are so carefree!

In this world, some people like famous mountains and rivers, but others love the unknown countryside. The scenery is unforgettable, sometimes not just because of the scenery itself.

It was nearly a year before the east hill, and return just caught up with Springfield.

The grass is green in the rain, and the peach blossoms on the water are burning.

You Lou Biqiu studied Confucian classics, and he was a wise man in the village.

Daoxi came out and met me, and laughed heartily before chai men.

-Don Wang Wei’s "Wangchuan Bieye"

I haven’t been to Dongshan for nearly a year, and I came back just in time for spring ploughing. The grass in the rain is green and can be dyed, and the peach blossoms on the water are red and bright, as if to burn. The eminent monks and wise men in the village, who are all good friends of the poet, came to meet each other with joy when they heard that the poet had returned, and they hurried to put on their clothes and even forgot to put on their shoes. Everyone is talking and laughing in front of the firewood. Happiness is so simple, but it is full of sincerity. No wonder the poet is obsessed with Dongshan. The scenery is beautiful, and the world is more affectionate.

I see how charming Qingshan is, and I expect Qingshan to see me as such. This is the most beautiful scenery, the scenery is ruthless, but people are interested.

The birds fly away without a trace, leaving the solitary cloud at ease and ease.

You look at me, I look at you, between each other two, only me and the eyes of jingting mountain mountain.

-Tang Li Bai’s Sitting Alone in Jingting Mountain

All the birds have flown away, and a cloud has drifted away leisurely. Jingting Mountain and I are the only people who never tire of looking at each other. In the arms of Jingting Mountain, I feel clean, kind, peaceful and happy, but I won’t feel lonely.

The most beautiful scenery is actually in a dull life.

I planted beans under the south hill, and the weeds in the fields were full of pea.

Early in the morning get up early to eradicate the weeds, the night falls on the moonlight carry hoe to return.

The narrow path covered with vegetation, and the night dew moistened my clothes.

It is not a pity to wet my clothes, but I hope not to go against my will.

-Wei and Jin Dynasties, Tao Yuanming, "Returning to the Garden, the Third"

Planting beans at the foot of Nanshan Mountain is characterized by lush weeds and sparse bean seedlings. Get up in the morning, clean up the wasteland, and come back with a hoe in the moonlight at night. The road is narrow and lush, and the cool dew in the evening wets my clothes. It doesn’t matter if the clothes are wet, as long as it doesn’t go against the original will, everything is worth it.

Spring flowers and autumn moon, nature and seasons always make us meet with all kinds of beautiful scenery, which is shocking and intoxicating.

The lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind mirror on the pool surface.

Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate.

-Don Liu Yuxi’s "Looking at the Dongting"

Lake light and moonlight blend with each other and complement each other. Without a trace of wind, the pool is smooth and seamless, just like an unpolished mirror. Looking at the landscape of Dongting from a distance, the water is bright and clear, and the trees on Dongting Mountain are lush, just like a green snail in a white silver plate, quietly for people to enjoy and ponder. How can we live up to such a beautiful scenery?

When the poet meets the landscape, it completes both the poet and the landscape.

As far away as Hanshan Mountain, the stone path is oblique, and there are people in Bai Yunsheng.

Stop and sit in the maple grove late, and the frost leaves are red in February flowers.

-Tang Du Mu’s "Mountain Walk"

Along the winding path up the mountain, where the white clouds are born, there are several families. I stopped because I like the late scenery of the maple forest. After the wind and frost, the maple leaves are red and dazzling, which is even more beautiful than the spring flowers in February. The poet fell in love with the red maple in autumn and was reluctant to leave for a long time. Thousands of years later, the maple leaf burning like fire in front of his eyes will still arouse people’s yearning and enthusiasm. The red leaf has never faded after thousands of years, and his mood at that time made people feel the same.

The most beautiful scenery in people’s eyes is often because of their love and even their preference.

The flowers withered, the unique plum blossom against the wind swept out, the beautiful scenery of the small park scenery.

"Dappled shadows hang aslant over the clear shallow water, in the evening of moonlight their fragrances peacefully expand."

When the cold bird wants to fly, it first peek at the plum blossom; Butterflies, if you know the beauty of plum blossom, will be enchanting.

Fortunately, there are micro-songs that can be compared, and there is no need for a total of gold bottles.

-Song Lin Bu’s "One of Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden"

Flowers wither, only the poet’s favorite plum blossom blooms alone, occupying all the scenery in the small garden. Sparse plum shadows are slanting in the shallow water. At dusk, the moon rises and the faint fragrance floats in the air. Plain birds want to come down, first take a sneak look. If butterflies in spring know the beauty of plum blossoms, they will be heartbroken and lose their souls. The poet sighed with emotion, fortunately, I can also sing poems to praise the plum blossom, and I don’t need to clap the sandalwood to sing songs, and I don’t need to hold a glass of wine to express my love for the plum blossom. The small garden with faint plum fragrance in winter is the most beautiful scenery in the poet’s eyes, and even the spiritual sustenance.

Some people always think that the most beautiful scenery in the world is far away, but people floating in other places deeply understand that when they look back, their hearts are already full of thoughts, and every grass and tree in their hometown is the most beautiful.

You have just come from our hometown, we must know the ways of the world.

When you came to my home carved decorative pattern of the window, the plant of the plum flowers bloom?

-Tang Wang Wei’s "Three Miscellaneous Poems No.2"

The poet asked: You come from your hometown, so you should know something about your hometown, right? Is that plum tree blooming outside my carved window? The plum tree outside the window once accompanied the poet through countless dull but warm times. During the journey, he looked back more than once and all plants and trees were affectionate. Where there are no plum blossoms, but those in my hometown must have taken root and blossomed in my heart.

As time goes by, winter goes and spring comes, how many endless scenery there are?

Only know the search for the beautiful scenery and forget the cold, I am in the spring breeze in the sunset.

I like that Dongshan sunny after the snow, the light of the red in the light of the mountains of Yinshan.

-Song Yang Wanli, "Four mountains are green after the snow clears, but Dongshan’s all-white fu loves Dongshan’s two quatrains after the snow clears."

Poets only know how to chase beautiful scenery, but forget the cold, standing in the sunset and spring breeze. My favorite is Dongshan Mountain, which clears up after the snow. In the soft red light, there is a surge of silver mountains, pure and dazzling! The poet was shocked by the beautiful scenery after the snow!

Welcome the new in time, miss the old in emotion, and what you can’t give up is the feelings of the past.

Without washing and dyeing the dust tassels, I returned to Fangcaoping.

A vine path is green, and there are ten thousand snow peaks and sunny spots.

-Tang Li Bai’s Winter Returning to the Old Mountain

Before the poet could clean the dust from his hat, he came back with grass. A path covered with green vines is green and welcoming, but it clears up after the snow, and the ten thousand peaks are particularly clear in the sun. Returning to the old mountain in winter, the poet was very happy and his eyes were full of beautiful scenery.

The beauty in the eyes of the ancients tells us where they have been and what they have loved. It is a journey of life, a meeting, a fate, and perhaps helplessness in reality. The beautiful scenery they love is still loved by us today, and ordinary people like us will meet many scenery on the way, just like them in the long river of history. What is the most beautiful? Perhaps it is still two words, love. Whether for people or scenery.


He Yu, a woman who likes poetry, is looking for beautiful details in the four seasons, hoping that time will leave warm memories.

From "Fashion Week" to "Fashion Week", how does Xiamen write the fashion industry in South China in ten years?

Fashion show was founded by Charles Worth at the end of the 19th century, which injected the concept of seasons into the fashion industry at that time and gradually evolved into the grand event of the four major fashion weeks in the world.

Under this historical background, China’s Shanghai and Xiamen began to rise as emerging forces in the fashion industry.

Fashion evolution: the integration of history and modernity

Fashion show has played an important role in the historical journey of fashion evolution.

From the concept of season in Charles Worth era to the grand occasion of the four major fashion weeks in the world today, the development of fashion week has witnessed the vigorous development of fashion industry.

The rise of China’s Shanghai and Xiamen in this historical process shows the new vitality and innovation of China’s fashion industry.

Xiamen Fashion Week: Sports and Technological Innovation

Xiamen has expanded the concept of fashion into a broader "fashion week" through International Fashion Week, and emphasized the upgrading and development of sports fashion industry.

This transformation not only shows the rise of fashion industry in southern China, but also highlights the characteristics and position of sports fashion in the market.

In particular, Xiamen Fashion Week is guided by scientific and technological innovation, which promotes the integration of sports fashion and new technology and leads the industrial development.

China Luxury Market: Global Leader

China’s fashion industry has become one of the largest luxury goods markets in the world.

Under this market background, the rise of Xiamen Fashion Week highlights the importance of China market to the fashion industry.

Its sports fashion industry driven by scientific and technological innovation shows the unique characteristics and potential of China market.

Industrial upgrading and integrated development

The upgrading and development of fashion industry needs constant innovation and integration.

The integration of scientific and technological innovation and sports fashion emphasized by Xiamen Fashion Week is an important direction.

This integration not only embodies the innovative consciousness of the industry, but also pays more attention to the demand of consumers for the combination of technology and fashion.

Future prospect and thinking

The development of fashion industry is inseparable from innovation and integration, and the future development direction will pay more attention to technology and consumer demand.

As an important member of the global fashion industry, China not only leads the global trend in the luxury goods market, but also continuously explores the technology and industrial upgrading.

The mode of integration of scientific and technological innovation and sports fashion embodied in Xiamen Fashion Week will become an important direction of future industrial development.

Summary view

The rise of China’s fashion industry has attracted worldwide attention.

The characteristics of Xiamen Fashion Week and the industrial development direction displayed by scientific and technological innovation provide new ideas and enlightenment for the whole industry.

In the future, the fashion industry needs to innovate constantly, pay attention to the integration of science and technology, and be closer to the needs of consumers in order to maintain the sustainable development and competitiveness of the industry.

For women, "obedient" is the least imaginative.

Xinyi Zhang

Let’s start with a story, which I saw on a public number. The wealthy mother spent money to buy her daughter a 300,000 yuan shop, but her daughter was ungrateful and didn’t shop all day. She doesn’t study, she doesn’t lose weight, she doesn’t even look at the shop, and she is keen on talking about her boyfriend who is useless to outsiders. Mother went online for help and wrote down the facts themselves.

Such a story sounds simple and boring, even as creative material, it seems that there is not much room for imagination.

However, the mother-daughter story, ordinary life, secret inner corner, and life that is stipulated and arranged are all potential elements that can be described in this story. Is the daughter really happy or seemingly rebellious? What is she expecting? What is the dislocation between her expectation and her mother’s expectation? There will be other shops in the same street. What is the biggest difference between the daughter who became the boss in her early twenties and other middle-aged women who became the proprietress through marriage?

Women’s roles can be confined to private space. The water towns, alleys and ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River are some familiar narratives that originated from contemporary literature in the 1980s. You can also enter the workplace. The images of professional women in Hong Kong film and television in the 1990s, such as "Sister Tuo Gun", "No.1 Imperial Court" and "Wonderful Hands and Kindness", have shaped most of our generation’s life imagination in professional fields, work ability and romantic urban love. However, only longing does not resonate, because it is not realistic. The details of life should be broken down, such as the long scenes in Hou Hsiao-hsien’s movies when recalling the past, and the endless meals in Xu Anhua Tin Shui Wai day and night. Focusing on specific individuals, we discuss the situation in which women enter the public sphere from private space, and then wander between them to find their own position.

Feminism from scratch, written by Chizuko Ueno and Yoko Tanaka on [Japan], translated by Lu Lingzhi, Beijing United Publishing Company, September 2021.

Chizuko Ueno’s new book, with its title, cover design and dialogue style, is closer to the popularization of popular science. It is placed after her previous publication "Misogyny" and "Patriarchy and Capitalism", which is in line with the title "Starting from scratch" and is similar to some metaphor. Although we have taken some steps, the complexity of reality will require us to return to the original point at any time. This is a proposition of collective environment and a strategy to understand individual situation.

Starting from zero, the starting point of zero varies from person to person. We need to know concretely and constantly before we can start our reflection. It is more difficult to understand and act in the field of practice. However, if you are lucky enough to be a creator at the same time, you will have another mission-narration. It will add an angle to help you inspire greater understanding and empathy.

Cognition: "disobedience" under structure

Patriarchy and Capitalism by Ueno Chizuko is not only an introductory reading to introduce the theoretical basis and limitations of Marxism, but also an extension of it. It uses several concepts to explain the dilemma of women being under the family structure and social structure at the same time. "Love" and "motherhood" are constructed myths, and the actual situation is the hidden economic and power structure: the contradiction between production and reproduction, "housework" from the dual perspective of patriarchy and capitalism, the trap of "interruption-re-employment" and so on.

Patriarchy and Capitalism, by Ueno Chizuko, translated by Zou Yun and Xue Mei, Zhejiang University Press, March 2020.

Some of the habits of writing with articles while reading will become unintelligible sighs when they reread. Rereading Patriarchy and Capitalism, I saw that I was full of expressions such as "I want to see hope" and disappeared at the back of the book. In the concrete development of reality, the old explanatory terms show their growing limitations. Facing the fresh and more complicated realistic dilemma, we need new languages.

This is, of course, a great significance of "female writing". "Female writing" and "female narration" are undoubtedly not rigorous enough in academic expression, but its significance lies in being named itself. We hardly talk about "male writing", but emphasize "female" from the gender dimension, which lies in the necessity of gathering eyes. "We don’t want to turn our backs on each other, we are the injured whole." What Jane Austen blurted out through the protagonist’s mouth in northanger abbey is largely the author’s own voice. Under the structural conventions and restrictions, "female narration" of various art categories will be placed on the cultural edge. The expression of individual experience outside the mainstream narrative will be defined as an "autobiography" that is not decent enough or a trivial narrative. The heart and voice that have been neglected for a long time will be covered by another way of interpretation, such as narrow life, defects in works, rebellion against self and so on. The emerging "female role model" has also become isolated. While we praise her, we praise an isolated and talented individual who has grown up, and we can’t see the possibility of changing the fate of the group.

"Obey", we will continue to stay in the original structure and language expression. Those ways of explaining life make us feel safe, easy and easy to resonate, but they just bypass the protagonist as the main body. A mother with a traditional concept understands her daughter in the old structural cognition, and her daughter will undoubtedly be condemned. My daughter has a "correct" life template in the old structure, which is related to losing weight, becoming beautiful, finding a "reliable" male protector, watching the shop and so on. But in her daughter’s mind, will she define her life outlook and individual value in this way in her early twenties? Her rich, subtle and secret feelings, her curiosity about the world and her desire for love have thus entered a stable track, past, present and future, and the established rules and expectations … As a specific individual, her daughter refused such a narrative.

Imagination: Focus on specific individuals.

"disobedience" will cause the fear of the original power subject. "How to restrain women’s writing" writes about the ridicule and doubts suffered by "women’s writing" in various eras.

"Let them fear is not a stranger. It is a reinterpretation of familiar things. " "Women writers broke into the canon again and again, out of nowhere-they are unusual and maverick, their writing techniques are weird, and their ideas are’ out of date’".

How to restrain women’s writing, by Joanna Lars, translated by Zhang Yan, Nanjing University Press, November 2020.

Its anachronism comes from two levels. First, in narrative skills, in the empirical world defined by male theme discourse, the interpretation from the female perspective challenges the so-called objectivity and absolute standards. Once the existence of "the other" art itself is recognized, the linear hierarchy, order and standards need to be redefined. Second, in the narrative experience, in the field where "they" have expressed, "they" have made a new sound, which has the structural vibration force that the positions of "center" and "edge" are constructed. To what extent can the heterogeneous experience expressed by female narration be understood and accepted? The essence of expression lies in confirming the existence of experience and calling for the possibility of new historical construction.

As a means, narration is the expression of experience. However, within the female group, how to treat their own experience is also undergoing a process of change and development. The reflection of "misogyny" exists not only in the structure of gender opposition or social economy, but also in the internal development and cognition of women, which involves the part with the most imaginative space besides rationality, that is, people’s subtle and rich inner world.

Misogyny, by Ueno Chizuko, translated by Wang Lan, Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, January 2015.

As a novel-writing enthusiast who thinks that she has written female stories, I also began to find the ghost of "misogyny" in myself from reading "misogyny". If I write this story, there is a high probability that I will write a story about a successful startup. One is to spend a lot of energy to prove her daughter to her mother, and the other is a mother who can’t understand that her daughter finally chooses staged reconciliation. There is obviously some kind of template behind such a story. For example, even in such a close relationship between mother and daughter, we need social wealth and status to prove our value. This is the "canonical" evaluation standard under the structure of patriarchy and capitalism. Realism, but lacking vivid details, is written "truth". The portrayal of characters is nothing to be desired.

Maybe the daughter is a daughter who can’t become a female entrepreneur. Maybe the mother’s judgment is right. She has no talent and is wasting her time. Such a narrative will be trapped in the meaning of the commonplace, so why should we tell and appreciate it?

Movie poster of Days and Nights in Tin Shui Wai

And if this is a movie, shoot the daily life of mother and daughter. Eating, washing dishes and sleeping, my daughter secretly went out for a date, and my mother was alone in the deserted shop. It was dull, boring and unintelligible at some moments. Suddenly, I would think of a certain narrative style of Xu Anhua, Days and Nights in Tin Shui Wai, Sister Tao and Forty Women. Recently, the documentary film "Make a Good Movie" about Xu Anhua was released. Taking this opportunity, I revisited many works by Xu Anhua. The female images she created, such as Zhang Mu, Grandma Liang, Tao Jie and A E in Tianshuiwei, are all individuals who have worked hard in concrete life. Buy food, eat, wash dishes, deal with relatives and friends, and then continue to buy food, eat, wash dishes and solve all kinds of troubles in the family. They are faced with specific dilemmas: husbands who don’t care about things, silent sons, complicated housework, and fathers-in-law with Alzheimer’s disease … They don’t have such luck. Like the heroine in Escape is shameful but useful, they clearly mark the price and get salary feedback from their employers/male parents. In Ueno Chizuko’s analytical framework, they are individuals who have never awakened and reflected on their thoughts. They are kind and hard-working, swearing and stumbling to take responsibility.

What we have to do is not to condemn and take sides. Starting from "zero", we have experienced the long efforts of women’s power fighters in past dynasties. The reproduction mode in family structure is to try to answer the reasons why women feel uncomfortable in family life. The self-discovery of "misogyny" is a precious turning point. Every one of us has more or less "misogyny", and feminists start to think from it, which makes us focus on the part that is disciplined in a subtle way. Writing is a kind of expression. Let’s let our imagination fly. The expression of experience has many forms.

Only a part of individuals can be understood by theoretical analysis, and the more important part focuses on real and rich life experiences. How can women find their own value under different circumstances?

Narration will come to an abrupt end here, and the interpretation framework and story template will be invalid. For example, we need more imagination to understand the story of this mother, daughter and shop. Life tells a story, the logic is rigorous, but the facts are ever-changing. The premise is a deeper understanding and empathy, not only as a listener and storyteller, but as a member of the group. The value that the mother thinks, the value that the daughter yearns for, and the value that the daughter can achieve in the current situation are all misplaced scripts that need to be rewritten in many details. It is a good thing to come to an abrupt end. In the face of new and more complicated practical difficulties, we need new languages.

Narration: We are a whole.

The sincerity of narration requires us to enter the individual’s life experience and spiritual world. However, in the meaning behind narration, it may be of special significance to connect individuals and become a whole. In Make a Good Movie, except for the actress, almost all of Xu Anhua’s colleagues are male directors, so the narrative of the documentary about the director himself cannot be separated from the gender issue. When Xu Anhua finishes a film and publicizes it all over the country, she will also be expected to make such a narrative. As a female director, what do you think is special in all aspects?

Poster of documentary "Make a Good Movie"

In the analysis of How to Restrain Women’s Writing, "deprivation of authorship" has gone through a long process of development. After acknowledging the existence and rationality of writing-she is writing, she should write, and she writes well. There is also a part that is embarrassing-where did "she" come from?

She is not an individual, not a genius, not an alternative, she is a member of the group. The context of women’s writing needs to be connected, and its logic is the discovery of role models, the combing of artistic traditions and the affirmation of historical achievements. Women’s narrative and voice need to leave results, which are the traces of "we" trying to live.

In How to Restrain Female Writing, it seems to talk about a very small part-female creators, but in fact they can be regarded as individuals who are temporarily separated from the myth of motherhood, family structure and reproduction distribution. The expression of individual experience, beyond the despair of "Jin Zhiying", opens up a new track for us-paying close attention to ourselves as much as any specific problem. Its greatest significance lies in the completion of behavior. When we say it, we say it, and when we write it, we write it. The opportunity of women’s writing and its recognized space did not fall from the sky, but it took a long time and the efforts of several generations.

Where did she come from? Xu Anhua is not an exception. Make a Good Movie disenchanted her. No matter how excellent she is, her most appropriate identity is still a sincere expresser. On the one hand, from the perspective of image nourishment or literature reserve, she has her own learning context and field role models, among which, of course, there are female role models, such as Zhang Ailing, whom she has repeatedly mentioned. On the other hand, she entered "their" life from the perspective of "people", which was a stiff and even awkward warmth, a way of explaining and trying to understand.

"Obedience" is the least imaginative. What it lacks is that the story of "Jin Zhiying" is not endless, and it causes fear, not resonance. Life’s refusal to discipline and self-exploration must always be a conscious act. In this sense, the seemingly useless daughter in her early twenties has ignited a flame that can become the light of reflection in the future. For girls in their early twenties, falling in love is a serious matter, not looking at the shop. The mother thinks that the value of her daughter is so single, and her daughter may not think so. At least, she didn’t lose weight and resisted the anxiety of appearance. She just likes a handsome, useless and not so serious boyfriend, which is understandable.

"Obedience" will stifle the imagination of life, and the specific way is the practice of individual experience. Therefore, after reading all kinds of theories, we still have to mistake the daily petals for the rare snowflakes in the south, like the ignorant "father-in-law" in Forty Women, and imagine that we are standing in the snow all over the sky, and there is such an epiphany moment that "life is very enjoyable".

Editor in charge: Fang Xiaoyan

Proofreading: Zhang Liangliang

Some things are more complicated than you think.

# Tell the truth #

(Tang Zhongzong Li Xian)

Brother Xian of the Tang Dynasty, namely Li Xian, the fourth emperor of the dynasty, the seventh son of Li Zhi and the third son of Wu Zhao.

Talking about Li Xian should start from the early Tang Dynasty.

The history of the early Tang Dynasty, which is very well-known, is familiar to ordinary people.

Li Yuan stole the home of his eldest cousin Yang Guang, Emperor Yangdi, and took Sui Jiantang as the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty. This is Gao Zu.

High-impedance under two sons stroppy, prince Li Jiancheng is not pleasing to the eye to see the second Li Shimin, the second Li Shimin also don’t deal with, two people in the Xuanwu gate about a frame, Li Jiancheng directly confessed at the gate, Li Shimin semi-coerced father tang gaozu please down from the throne, became the second generation emperor, this is emperor taizong.

From a macro historical perspective, Tang gaozu, the founding emperor, is not well-known and has a poor social evaluation. He is not on the same level as Han Gaozu, Ming Taizu and Yuan Shizu.

To tell the truth, Tang gaozu is a little buried.

This guy was fifty years old when he started his army, which was not easy. He was vigorous and healthy, but he was slow and steady, and he made one step at a time in the troubled times at the end of Sui Dynasty. It was legendary and inspiring at the end.

At the end of Sui Dynasty, he was the supreme leader in Shanxi. At that time, before the chaos in the world was particularly severe, he began to station grain, troops and cities, and widely recruited talented people for his own use.

So you see, Li Yuan has ambitions and ideals, and he has a keen sense of political smell.

The overall feeling he gives people is that he is a stable and mature leader, and the world falls into his hands, which is also appropriate.

As for why Tang gaozu’s sense of existence is low, people say that it is "Qin Huang Hanwu, Tang Zong Song Zu" but not "Tang Zu Song Zu". The author thinks that it is probably his son Li Shimin who has intentionally or unintentionally concealed his father’s light.

(The Qing Dynasty painted a colorful portrait of Tang Gaozu Li Yuan)

This Xuanwu gate kills my brother and kills my brother, and this Taiji temple is forced by the sword. When Li Shimin himself is idle, he must also worry. He will think that his emperor is a bit ill-informed.

In order to make his throne look authentic, he has to do two things, one is to revise the historical truth as much as possible, and the other is to deny the ability of the last generation of emperor Li Yuan.

If this father Tang gaozu has the ability, why should your son force him to abdicate?

Therefore, Li Yuan can only be "mediocre", because only Li Yuan’s "mediocrity" can prove that Li Shimin’s acceptance of meditation is reasonable.

There is an interesting record in historical materials that Li Shimin immediately went to visit his father Tang gaozu after he killed his eldest brother Li Jiancheng in Xuanwu Gate.

At that time, the situation was that Tang gaozu had been put on stilts by Li Shimin. Li Shimin didn’t want to drive him out. This royal family was the most ruthless since ancient times. Li Shimin just killed Tang gaozu, which is actually a knife.

However, when Li Shimin visited Tang gaozu, he plopped down in Tang gaozu’s arms and burst into tears.

Killing my brother and destroying my brother have all been done. In fact, there is really no need to perform such a thing again.

Therefore, Li Shimin burst into tears. He was not acting, but showing his true feelings.

History is like iron. After Li Shimin knew that he had done these things, he would bear the comments and accusations of later generations. The change of Xuanwu Gate would also become a huge stain in his life, so he would cry with his father in his arms.

He was sad, he was wronged, and he was bitter. He didn’t understand that when he was fighting in the world, his father clearly promised that he would be proclaimed king in the world, but why did he change his mind when all the dust settled?

Tang gaozu didn’t tell him the answer. The cruelty of political struggle is beyond the ordinary people’s endurance.

Of course, this answer will be personally tasted by Emperor Taizong.

(Part of coachable Map of Emperor Taizong)

Emperor Taizong’s men also had three sons, Prince Li Chenggan rebelled, and Wang Wei and Lee Tae were too preoccupied and devious. Emperor Taizong had no choice but to choose. In the end, Li Zhi, the king of Jin, got a big bargain, and Li Zhi took over and became three generations of emperors. This is Emperor Taizong.

Personally speaking, Emperor Taizong’s favorite son, Li Shimin, is Wang Wei Lee Tae, so he is also the best for him at ordinary times. However, in terms of etiquette, Emperor Taizong had to make his eldest son Li Chenggan Chu Jun.

Li Chenggan is very confused. You let me be a prince, and you still spoil Lee Tae the most. You have a deep affection with Lee Tae every day, and the relationship between you two is so close. What do you think of making me a prince?

Moreover, there is something wrong with Li Chenggan’s legs and feet, and his health is not very good. Compared with all aspects of comprehensive quality, Li Chenggan is also a lot worse than Lee Tae.

Lee Tae is Wang Wei, but he is not willing to do only Wang Wei. He also has the idea of seizing the office. When Li Chenggan sees me, don’t wait for you to seize the office. I’d better start first. I just want to learn from his Lao Tzu Li Shimin in Xuanwu Gate, have a mutiny and a coup, and just roll Li Shimin down.

However, he thought the political struggle was too simple.

In the history of China, such adventures as Li Shimin can even be said to be desperate. The second child killed the boss and drove the emperor’s father down, but it was rare and even less successful.

Li Shimin is an emperor through the ages, and he is one of the few outstanding emperors in history. He licks blood with the tip of a knife in Xuanwu Gate, trying to survive, and you are just a naive child.

Li Chenggan was defeated, but he didn’t die, because Emperor Taizong saw himself in this child. Of course, it was a failed version.

Emperor Taizong’s life was really not inferior to others, let alone his achievements. Since then, almost all the emperors in China’s history have had Li Shimin as their idols.

However, an emperor better than this is just a fragile father in the face of this heavy affection.

He didn’t kill Li Chenggan, but exiled him for three thousand miles, and never saw him again.

Li Chenggan was out, and Lee Tae immediately stood up and said, Dad, you can pass the throne to me. There is nothing wrong with it. I’m sure I can’t do anything to kill my brother. If I become emperor in the future, I won’t pass the throne to my son. Then I’ll definitely kill my son, and then I’ll be brothers and sisters, and give my position to Li Zhi, the king of Jin.

Li Tairen is very clever, but like Li Chenggan, he is in a hurry.

It’s good that you don’t say such things. When you say such things, you are undoubtedly cheating.

Emperor Taizong wouldn’t believe that Lee Tae would do such a thing, so the old emperor thought that his son was deceiving himself and lying, and that Lee Tae was dishonest and had problems with his personality and character.

(Li Zhi, Tang Gaozong)

As a result, Li Chenggan and Lee Tae were out, and Li Zhi, who had been muddling along in Buddhism, became the final winner.

Li Zhi, three generations of emperors, is called Emperor Gaozong.

Li Zhi, like his grandfather Tang gaozu, is the kind of emperor who is very buried.

When a person is not buried, sometimes it can’t be said that he is not good enough, but it may be that his position is a bit embarrassing.

Before Li Yuan, it was the controversial Emperor Yangdi, and after Li Yuan, it was Emperor Taizong.

Their fame is too great, and even the founding emperor of Tang gaozu is somewhat unknown.

Li Zhi is even worse. Li Shimin, the first emperor of the ages, followed by Wu Zhao, a female emperor of the ages, and a father and a mother stole the limelight from their sons.

However, we can’t just think that Li Zhi is mediocre, let alone anything else. When Li Zhi was in power, the territory and territory of the Tang Dynasty was the largest, and it was unparalleled in the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, you can’t say that it was a complete failure for Li Zhi to introduce Queen Wu Zhao into politics and let her master considerable power in the later period of his administration, because Li Zhi really loved Wu Zhao after all, otherwise he could not have taken the world by storm to have feelings with his father’s woman, and he would not have paid a huge price to take Wu Zhao out of the Kanye Temple.

Li Zhi didn’t completely trust Wu Zhao. Before his death, Li Zhi had plans to depose Wu Zhao’s queen, but then he thought about it, because in the emperor’s view, his sons were weaker than himself, so just like Liu Bang’s support for Lv Zhi, because the emperor thought that consorts and imperial power were skin and bones, which was better than eunuchs, powerful ministers and border guards.

(Wu Zetian’s inscription is partial)

Li Zhi allowed Wu Zhao to have power, but he didn’t expect that Wu Zhao had too much power and blocked it. Later, she became a female emperor.

Of course, this, I’m afraid Wu Zhao himself couldn’t think of.

The silence in Taizong’s harem for more than ten years, the painful life of being a nun in Kanye Temple, the intrigue in the harem struggle, and the condemnation when boarding the court. …

The author can only say that Wu Zhao is too patient.

Cruelty and intelligence, madness and stability are perfectly matched in this woman who ruled the Tang Dynasty for half a century.

Therefore, becoming the son of Wu Zhao has become Li Xian’s greatest misfortune.

After Li Zhi’s death, he became emperor for only 55 days, and he was deposed by his mother Wu Zhao.

One of the most important reasons why Li Xian was deposed was that after he became emperor, he was too close to his queen Webster and wanted to worship Webster’s father as prime minister.

Wei Xuanzhen, the father of Webster’s family, was just a small soldier in the Tang Dynasty. This rocket promotion from joining the army to the prime minister was obviously unreasonable, which led to opposition from the ruling and opposition parties.

Li Xian, a young man, was furious. He said, I am willing to give the whole world to Wei Xuanzhen, the old father-in-law. Will I still be stingy with a small prime minister?

Wu Zhao was furious after hearing this, and a few months later he deposed Li Xian.

(Wei Xuanzhen)

Wu Zhao’s father, Wu Shihuo, once funded Tang gaozu when he started fighting in those years. Wu Zhao was a talented person of Taizong and a queen of Emperor Gaozong. Of all the emperors who have experienced in Wu Zhao for so many years, they are at least admirable and worthy of mercy. In Wu Zhao’s heart, there is a standard for being an emperor, so she was shocked that her children were so incompetent and humiliated the royal reputation. This is absolutely her.

So, when Wu Zhao pulled her own son down from the throne, maybe at that time she was still doing everything possible for the men of the royal family in Li Tang, but she didn’t know that it was only six years before she ascended the throne.

Sometimes a person does absurd things, or his self-awareness is not complete enough. Maybe there is no other reason, but he is still young.

Of course, being young is not a sin, but young Li Xian can’t imagine what position he is in.

We always say that reading history makes people wise, because without reading the vast history books, you won’t know that there are so many possibilities and impossibilities in history. The fate of individuals is not worth mentioning in front of the dynasty, and the rise and fall of the dynasty is under the wheel of history.

When you really understand the history, you will lose those so-called youthful heroism, and you will realize how small you are.

As an emperor, Li Xian may not be small, but it was not him who could make and change history at that time.

Exercise can really lower blood pressure, and the research has been hammered! 3 kinds of exercise, especially suitable for patients with hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the most common metabolic diseases, and most patients suffer from it. On the one hand, it means taking medicine for a long time or even for life. On the other hand, in life, they need to regulate their own lives and adjust their daily behavior, and then they are subject to many restrictions.

However, in order to control blood pressure and stabilize the disease, these things have to be done, and they must be adhered to in order to get healthy. As for the methods of lowering blood pressure in daily life, most people will think of exercise, but few people know whether exercise can lower blood pressure and how to lower it.

Can exercise lower blood pressure? Look at the answers given by scientific research.

Here’s one for everyone first."reassuring":

Getting into the habit of exercise does have a stable antihypertensive effect.

according toAberdeen Thai university of dundee, UKThe comparative experiment conducted by the research group shows that conveningMore than 6000 elderly people with hypertension were treated.People, after a series of moderate and high-intensity exercises such as pedaling bicycles and jogging,Blood pressure dropped by about 9% on average..

According to the researchers’ further discovery, the tension of the autonomic nervous system is reduced due to the acceleration of metabolism during the exercise of the elderly.catecholamineThe amount of release is reduced, soBlood vessels will also expand reasonably.With the increase of vascular capacity, blood pressure naturally decreases.

Not only that, exercise can also make the bodyMuscle fibers thicken, which in turn makes blood vessels more elastic., can withstand the negative effects of hypertension and reduce the risk of complications.

It can be seen that exercise does have the effect of lowering blood pressure, but although exercise is good, it is not appropriate to take the wrong method, such asExcessive exercise, the choice is not suitable for their own physical fitness.Sports events, etc., on the contrary, it is easy for your bones and muscles to be consumed and worn, increasing injuries and hidden dangers of diseases.

Therefore, for friends who want to rely on exercise to lower their blood pressure, it is very important to choose their own exercise methods. Here are three kinds of exercises recommended, which are especially in line with the physiology and condition of patients with hypertension.

Want to lower blood pressure through exercise? Try these three kinds of exercise.

The first kind: running or jogging.

Running should be the simplest and most obvious exercise mode, as the mostClassic aerobic exerciseExercise intensity is moderate, and it can effectively enhance the body’s blood oxygen content, further improve blood quality, and play a better role in lowering blood pressure.

Of course, running also needs to pay attention to "degree". Generally speaking, patients with hypertensionRun about 1 km to 3 km every day.That is, greed is easy to burden knees and muscles.

The second type: light and moderate resistance exercise.

What is resistance movement? Simply put, it is a way of exercise that will impose a certain burden or oppression on the body, such asDumbbells, sandbags, push-ups, etc, all belong to the typical resistance movement mode.

However, some studies have found that proper resistance exercise canReduce the activity of vagus nerve in patients with hypertension,Down-regulating the sensitivity of peripheral sympathetic nerveTo reduce vascular resistance.Therefore, proper circulatory resistance training has also been written into the guidelines of the European Heart Association in 2020.

The third kind: cycling

Simply put, cycling is one of the typical endurance sports methods.Adjust the leg shape, strengthen the muscles and body shape., has a very good effect.

At the same time, cycling can also play a good role in lowering blood pressure. While riding a bicycle,Because of breathing and wind pressure,The frequency of oxygen we breathe will increase,Increased blood oxygen content. Therefore, the blood circulation in the heart will also be accelerated, which will strengthen the heart and maintain blood pressure.

Not only that, according to research, riding a bike often, justPrevent nerve aging and osteoporosisIt can also help.

To sum up, for patients with hypertension, it is absolutely right to exercise regularly. Choosing the exercise method that suits them best, arranging life plans scientifically and reasonably, controlling blood pressure and stabilizing their condition are actually things that are easy to grasp.


[1] Li Jian ‘an. Exercise and rehabilitation of senile essential hypertension [J]. practical geriatrics, 2001, 15(5):3.

[2] Fang Li, Wang Yejing, Fu Chaowei, et al. Qualitative research on influencing factors of long-term effect of hypertension exercise intervention [J]. China General Medicine, 2006, 9(15):3.

On the atmosphere, China football is still far ahead, far ahead of German football.

Do you remember that last year, the Top10 classic story happened in China football?

It is said that there was a big upset in the second round of the FA Cup in 2022. Beijing Guoan was eliminated by Jingchuan Wenhui, the Chinese champion team, at 5: 7, which broke the big upset. You should know that Zhongguan is the fourth professional league in China and it is an amateur team, but Jingchuan Wenhui still belongs to the downstream team in the Chinese champion.

However, after the game, the official account of Beijing Guoan issued a document saying: This is a close game, and finally said that Jingchuan Wenhui, which is better in strength, won the game. This also made some Guoan fans angry, lost to amateur teams, and boasted that they were stronger than themselves, and they really lost face.

In a word, the top team in the top football league in China lost to the fourth league, which is quite calm. How easy it is to respect that this is a close game.

Let’s go to German football, Bundesliga and European football overlord Bayern Munich, needless to say; The other team, Saarbrü cken, is quite unknown to us. According to media reports.Saarbrü cken is a German football team in the third division. In the second round of the German Cup between these two teams with such a big difference, Saarbrü cken actually pulled down the giant Bayern 2-1 in 96 minutes.

The 96 th minute lore

After the game, start fromThe Saarbrü cken team came to see their mood. Saarbrü cken player Zelitz said: Up to now, my mind is in a mess. I don’t know how to be happy. No one can guess the result. Before the game, we had achieved the result that we might suffer a fiasco, but in the end, when you saw that the scoreboard said 2-1, it was incredible.

The winner is not as calm as our China team, which is quite understandable, because it is difficult to leapfrog the victory because of the details and systematization of German football.

Look at Bayern again, losing and losing. From the club official, "this is unacceptable. I don’t understand why the players played so badly in the first half." Disappointment is huge. " To the players’ "Unbelievable. Unbelievable. We are really disappointed with this result. "

Compared with Beijing Guoan, Bayern’s tolerance is much smaller and a little frustrated. Look at the official announcement of Guoan: this is a close game, and the opponent’s strength is even better.

My humble opinion, rather critical, I wonder if football in China is the real atmosphere, or is it shameful.

Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?


World Football Day

These world cup cold knowledge

Do you know all about it?

Although the cold winter is coming, the football enthusiasm has not diminished. Tonight we will have a wonderful match between Croatia and Brazil, and today is the World Football Day recognized by the United Nations. Come and learn about the cold knowledge about the World Cup with Xiaobian and feel the charm of football!

Why is this year’s World Cup in winter?

In the past memory, the World Cup is always associated with summer, full of sweat, passion, beer and cheers. This time, however, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was held in winter, which was mainly due to the Qatari climate.

Qatar is located in the desert area of the Middle East, with a tropical desert climate. In summer, the temperature is generally 25-46 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature can soar above 50 degrees Celsius. This is really too hot for a player who wants to run for 90 minutes, and there is even the danger of heatstroke.

Of course, even in winter, the highest temperature in Qatar at the end of November can exceed 30℃, but the stadiums in Qatar are basically equipped with cooling systems to ensure that football players can play at a suitable temperature.

Why do players spit water?

This scene often occurs in football matches. Players take a sip of water and then spit it out immediately like gargling. Many friends will misunderstand when watching the ball. "Why do they spit everywhere?"

In fact, this is a way for players to drink water. The professional name is "carbohydrate gargle", which can effectively improve sports performance and relieve sports fatigue. It is a "scientific plug-in" for athletes on the field. They need to cheat their brains in this way without affecting their state, in order to quickly restore their physical functions and continue to play.

Why is there no British team in the World Cup?

There is no British team in the World Cup because there is no only football association in Britain.

In 1863, Britain, as the birthplace of modern football, established the world’s first football association: the English Football Association. In 1886, the football associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland jointly established the World Football Council and made unified rules. Later, FIFA generally joined football associations everywhere, so four football teams in Britain were invited to participate in the World Cup, namely, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is offside?

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in full swing, attracting countless fans to watch. In the first half of Argentina’s game against Saudi Arabia, it was blown offside six times, which made people confused. Many new fans will ask a question, what is offside?

Offside refers to the moment when the attacker passes the ball, the receiver stands closer to the goal than the penultimate defender, and at the same time closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball, and tries to prepare for the attack from this position. In other words, offside is an act that has a clear purpose, produces intentions quickly and puts them into practice. On the court, it is often seen that players are sentenced to offside because they start too fast and fall into the offside trap of their opponents.

The offside rule was formulated by the British Football Association in 1870. In the football match at that time, the audience often saw such a scene: when one side launched an attack, most of the attacking players had gathered in front of the other side, ready to start shooting when they received the ball, so the game between the two teams was mainly concentrated in front of the goal, and there was little wonderful cooperation. The offside rule is precisely to adjust this excessively unbalanced offensive and defensive relationship and make the game more exciting.

Source: Yellow River News Network