标签归档 西安耍耍论坛

Industry standard "navigation" and "speed-up" of China’s autonomous driving technology commercial track

  Developing autonomous driving technology is an important content of building a transportation power. In recent years, with the rapid development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G and big data, the application of autonomous driving technology in the field of transportation has been accelerated, and the rapid iteration from closed site testing to road testing and from pilot demonstration to commercial trial operation has been realized.

  The Ministry of Transport recently issued the "Guide to Transportation Safety Services for Self-driving Vehicles (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guide"), which made it clear for the first time from the national policy level that intelligent networked vehicles can be used for transportation business activities, and pressed the "acceleration button" for the commercial application of self-driving technology in China.

  What is the development of autonomous driving technology at present? How to improve the safety guarantee ability of autonomous driving? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport and relevant experts.

  The market scale is growing rapidly, and it is steadily moving towards commercial application.

  "With the joint efforts of all parties, in recent years, China’s autopilot-related industries and market scale have shown a rapid growth trend, and autopilot technology has steadily moved from testing and demonstration to commercial application." Zhang Jinhua, chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society, introduced.

  The industrial development environment continues to improve. At present, 17 national-level test demonstration zones, 7 national-level vehicle networking pilot zones and 16 "Shuangzhi" pilot cities have been built nationwide, with a cumulative open test road of over 22,000 kilometers and a cumulative test mileage of over 70 million kilometers. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities have introduced policies to allow self-driving cars to engage in commercial trial operation of urban public buses, taxis, logistics and distribution in specific areas and at specific time periods, and the application scale has been expanding.

  In Shunyi District, Beijing, hundreds of bright yellow automatic delivery vehicles appeared in the streets and lanes, waiting for traffic lights side by side with pedestrians, or avoiding other vehicles safely on the road. "After years of iterative upgrading, unmanned delivery vehicles can not only ‘ Get ’ , can provide consumers with ‘ Send it quickly ’ Service experience. " The person in charge of the automatic delivery department of Meituan said that at present, in Shunyi, the daily delivery orders of automatic delivery vehicles of Meituan have reached thousands.

  In the Economic Development Zone of Wuhan, Hubei Province, open the "radish run" taxi software, and you can quickly call an unmanned self-driving car by setting the starting point and the ending point. Passengers click "OK" on the back screen, and the vehicle can travel according to the established route. "The fisheye camera and laser sensor on the roof device can help the vehicle avoid obstacles accurately and automatically adjust the speed according to the road conditions." According to the person in charge, 300 driverless cars have been put into operation since the unmanned self-driving travel service was opened in Wuhan in August 2022, covering a population of over 4 million.

  The application of industry innovation has accelerated. Scene-level autonomous driving solutions have accelerated to maturity, and some autonomous driving products have reached the conditions of mass production application, and have been applied to transportation service scenes such as urban travel and freight logistics on a certain scale, and new formats such as autonomous parking service and unmanned distribution have emerged continuously. At present, there are more than 200 self-driving city buses, more than 1,500 self-driving taxis and about 1,000 self-driving trucks in China. Baidu Apollo autopilot test has a total mileage of more than 78 million kilometers, and its travel service covers more than 10 cities.

  With the continuous expansion of market scale, it is urgent to strengthen industry norms. "At present, the basic requirements for using self-driving cars for transportation operations are still unclear, which is not suitable for the healthy and orderly development of self-driving cars, and the safety pressure is increasing." The relevant person in charge of the Transportation Service Department of the Ministry of Transport said that the Guide clarified the basic requirements for using self-driving cars to engage in transportation business activities under the framework of current laws and regulations, and guided the healthy development and standardized application of self-driving cars in the field of transportation services in an orderly manner while ensuring transportation safety.

  Build a security system to provide compliance for business activities.

  Transportation services are related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. Continuously improving the safety and security capability is the primary goal of transportation services, and it is also the basic requirement for the promotion and application of self-driving cars in transportation services. Sorting out the measures in the Guide, the word "safety" runs through.

  "Adapting to the development trend of autonomous driving, the Guide focuses on ensuring the transportation safety of autonomous vehicles. Under the condition of meeting the requirements of relevant departments for the access and road traffic of autonomous vehicles, it puts forward requirements for the production conditions and qualifications of transportation operations, dynamic supervision and emergency handling of vehicle operation, and operational supervision, and guides the transportation safety services of autonomous vehicles in all directions and in the whole chain." Zhang Jinhua said.

  In terms of technical standards, the Guide clarifies the technical requirements for self-driving cars, emphasizing that "self-driving cars engaged in taxi passenger transport, road passenger transport and road cargo transport should also meet the requirements of technical standards for operational motor vehicle safety in the transportation industry". "This move has achieved the connection with the management boundary of self-driving cars in the departments of industry, information and public security." Li Bin, vice president of the Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said.

  In terms of personnel allocation, the Guide specifically puts forward the concept of "safety officer" in view of the safety problems during driving.

  "The on-board driver or operation safety guarantee personnel of the self-driving car is ‘ Safety officer ’ 。” Li Bin said that the Guide fully considers the business models of self-driving transportation with different formats, and provides for the allocation, skills and qualification requirements of safety officers engaged in different transportation business activities by classification on the premise of ensuring safety. Among them, in view of the application scenario of fully self-driving cars engaged in taxi passenger transport, the form of personnel support for remote safety officers is put forward in particular, and it is clear that "with the consent of the people’s government of the district and city, remote safety officers can be used when operating in designated areas, and the ratio of people to vehicles of remote safety officers should not be less than 1: 3".

  "Overall, the Guide has built a safety guarantee system from six aspects: safety production system, transportation safety guarantee, running state information management, vehicle dynamic monitoring, safety notification and emergency response." Li Bin believes that under the premise of being consistent with the current road transportation management, the Guide fully combines the new characteristics of self-driving car transportation, and provides compliance for self-driving cars to engage in road transportation business activities safely.

  Classified scenarios provide normative guidance to accelerate the application of technology.

  As a new technology, autonomous driving has been widely used in various transportation service scenarios. Different scenarios have different design and operation conditions, different security risks and different risk level requirements. In order to further ensure safety, "classified policy" has become a highlight of the Guide.

  The Guide clarifies the application scenarios of self-driving cars to carry out road transport services. For urban public buses and trams, related passenger transport business activities can be carried out under the scenes of physically closed, relatively closed or simple road conditions with fixed lines and controllable traffic safety; For taxis, passenger transport business activities can be carried out in the scene of good traffic conditions and controllable traffic safety; At the same time, self-driving cars are prohibited from engaging in road dangerous goods transportation business activities. At the same time, the Guide clarifies the requirements for "self-driving transport operators", and taxi passenger transport and road passenger transport should be insured with carrier liability insurance according to law.

  "Standardizing the application of self-driving cars in the field of transportation services by classification, scene and level will effectively guide all kinds of transportation service business activities to carry out self-driving applications, effectively ensure the safety of self-driving transportation services, and promote the healthy and orderly development of commercial applications of auto-driving." Wang Advanced, vice president of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said.

  The overall scale of China’s automobile industry remains in the forefront of the world, and the production capacity and application technology level have been greatly improved. As an important breakthrough to improve the level of industrial intelligence, autonomous driving has been valued and supported by relevant departments.

  In 2020, the Ministry of Transport issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development and Application of Road Traffic Autopilot Technology; In 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Access Management of Intelligent Networked Automobile Manufacturers and Products; In November 2023, four ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, issued the Notice on Launching the Pilot Work of Intelligent Networked Vehicle Access and Road Access, which covered the key links of vehicle use, such as production access and road management of automobile products, and the management policies for the production and use of self-driving vehicles were gradually established … … In recent years, various ministries and commissions have accelerated the research on policies related to the commercial application of autonomous driving and issued a series of policy documents.

  "The increasingly perfect industrial development environment has made it possible for self-driving cars to accelerate their application in transportation services." Wang Advanced said that the release of the Guide has established a safe bottom line for the application of self-driving cars, and also left enough room for the innovative application of autonomous driving, which will further promote the application of autonomous driving technology in the transportation field.

Home fitness improves health, moderate exercise maintains function and relieves anxiety (Figure)

  Upward oblique push-ups

  Standard push-ups

  Downward oblique push-ups

  L extension

  Flexion and extension of sitting arm

  Hip bridge

  Alternate forward arrow squat


  Moderate exercise can not only maintain good physical function and enhance the athletic ability of skeletal muscles, but also help officers and men to relieve anxiety and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. Here are some recommended fitness exercises that can be done at home.

  Practice chest muscle movements — — Push-ups According to the difficulty of the action, it is divided into upward inclined push-ups, standard push-ups and downward inclined push-ups. When doing push-ups, be careful not to collapse, hips or shoulders. Upward inclined push-ups are suitable for beginners, while downward inclined push-ups are suitable for people who can easily do standard push-ups. It is suggested that each group should have 10-15, with 3-4 groups at a time.

  Stimulate back muscle movements — — L-shaped extension L-shaped stretching can stimulate back muscles, enhance back muscle strength, maintain the stability of thoracic vertebrae, relieve muscle tension caused by long-term desk work and reading, and make people stand tall and straight. It is suggested that each group should have 10-20, with 2-4 groups at a time.

  Practice upper arm movements — — Sitting posture, arm flexion and extension. Flexion and extension of sitting arm can exercise triceps brachii, improve arm strength and protect shoulder joint. This action can be done by the bed, in front of the TV cabinet or with a stable chair. It is suggested that each group should have 10-20, and each group should have 2-3.

  Practice hip muscle movements — — Hip bridge. The gluteal bridge can directly stimulate the gluteus maximus, which is helpful to stabilize the hip joint and improve the forward inclination of pelvis. At the same time, it can also activate the deep stable muscle group, strengthen the core and prevent low back pain. Be careful not to use arm strength to prop up your body when doing this action. It is suggested that 10 should be a group and 2 groups should be trained.

  Lower extremity motor ability training — — Alternate forward lunges. Strong lower limb strength can improve the flexibility and stability of body movement. Training the exercise ability of lower limbs can not only burn fat, but also strengthen joints and reduce the chance of injury during exercise. When doing this action, be careful that the knee joint does not exceed the toe, do not buckle internally, and keep in line with the toe direction to avoid putting pressure on the knee joint. It is suggested that 10 should be a group and 2 groups should be trained.

  Core muscle group training — — Flat support. Plate support is a static exercise, which strengthens muscle strength by exercising core muscle groups, maintains the stability of spine, pelvis and scapula, and shapes the lines of waist, abdomen and buttocks. When doing flat support, be careful not to bend your back, bow your back or get on your hips. At the beginning, you can aim at supporting for 1 minute. If you can’t finish, you can increase the distance between your feet and reduce the difficulty.

World Cup+Golden Ball! In just one year, Messi opened Ronaldo: the era of double arrogance officially ended.

Chatelet Opera House, Golden Globe Festival. When Beckham handed the Golden Globe Award to Messi, the audience stood up and gave applause!

This is a tribute to the ball king. During the performance inspection period of the 2023 Golden Globe Awards (from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023), Messi contributed 42 goals and 26 assists, as well as the World Cup champion, World Cup MVP and Ligue 1 champion trophy. The 8 th Golden Globe Award is in hand, and Messi leads alone in the century-old football.

Messi smiles and accepts the award, and we will think of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the peerless double arrogance.

38-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo, will he feel "injured"? Cristiano Ronaldo is really a little injured-Cristiano Ronaldo, who played successfully in Riyadh, suffered a slight bruise on his ankle, which did not affect his play. The Golden Globe Award is 5-8 behind Messi, and Cristiano Ronaldo, who is competitive, is hard to quiet inside.

Sports media all over the world gave the front page headline of the cover to Messi, who was holding the Golden Globe Award, and the praise was overwhelming. At this time, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is already late at night, and Cristiano Ronaldo may have fallen asleep, preparing for the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s "Guardian Cup of Two Holy Temples" on the second day, or the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s King’s Cup, without much attention.

At this moment, we can feel the fact more: the dispute between the peerless and arrogant has ended.

On December 10, 2022, Portugal was eliminated in the quarter-finals, and Cristiano Ronaldo said goodbye with tears; On December 18, 2022, Messi won the sacred World Cup under the crowd, and the global media all exclaimed that "the new ball king was born". In just 8 days, the peerless double pride has embarked on a different track, and its historical position has been frozen.

In the twilight of his football career, Messi made a great leap to lift the World Cup and achieve the greatest goal. C Ronaldo left regrets and explained disappointment and unwillingness with tears. On the night of the Golden Globe, Messi was crowned with the Golden Globe Award for the eighth time-this is the continuation of Messi’s joy and Cristiano Ronaldo’s sadness in the World Cup, which really ended the dispute between the two arrogance.

The era of double arrogance PK has ended, and the era of Messi and Ronaldo has also ended.Messi in Miami and Cristiano Ronaldo in Riyadh are veterans running in the afterglow of sunset, and the direction of sunset is the time to hang up your boots. This day will come eventually, and watch and cherish it.

The future belongs to Bellingham and Harland. Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, this is the sun-like stage, the center of world football. The dispute between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo is no longer the mainstream-although the two veterans can still contribute to the monopoly level of heat and topic, the gods also have the end of the day, and next year’s Golden Globe Award is likely to completely turn over the page of double arrogance.

Air China flight CA1524 flew normally today after the clear sky turbulence, and the model was changed to Boeing 747.

  Air China flight CA1524 flew normally today (July 11th) after the clear sky turbulence, but the aircraft type changed.

  The Paper reporter learned from Fei Changzhun platform that on July 11th, Air China flight CA1524 will still fly normally, and it is scheduled to take off from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport at 14: 45, and it is expected to land at Beijing Capital International Airport at 16: 36, with Boeing 747-89L.

  Fei Changzhun flight status of CA1524 on July 11th. Fei Chang Zhun screenshot

  On July 11th, Air China flight CA1524 was operated by Boeing 747-89L. Fei Chang Zhun screenshot

  On July 11th, China International Airlines issued a notice in its official Weibo: On July 10th, 2023, Air China flight CA1524 (Shanghai-Beijing), model A330-300, was suddenly bumped by the clear sky during the flight, and the crew and crew handled it according to the procedures, making every effort to safeguard the safety of passengers, and one passenger and one flight attendant were injured in the process. The flight landed normally at 17: 18, and Air China arranged a special person to accompany the injured passengers and flight attendants to the hospital for treatment.

  Air China official micro-release notice Weibo screenshot

  On the 11th, the band @SummerVapour Summer Solstice Dream released Weibo, saying that he was on flight CA1524 at that time, and he personally experienced the thrilling scene of the plane bumping. According to its profile in Weibo, SummerVapour Summer Solstice Dream Band consists of three people.

  At noon on the 12th, Weibo replied to the The Paper reporter that the passengers were blinded at first when the plane was bumpy, and only after the plane was stable did everyone slow down and start looking for things, and young people helped the elderly with mobility difficulties. "Thanks to Air China flight CA1524, the professional crew, and the passengers who abide by the regulations, everyone was surprised and had an unforgettable flight."

  In addition, Weibo also shared some warm-hearted clips at the time of the incident. After the turbulence, the crew broadcast for medical practitioners. The fans of star @ Kid-Lil Ghost had medical qualification certificates, and stood up first to help the injured passengers. When landing, @ Boxing World Li Jingliang soothed the passengers around and took everyone to applaud the crew. After landing smoothly, the musicians of various bands on the plane got up and squatted to help some people with mobility difficulties find lost mobile phone headphones and other items.

  This incident has caused many netizens to pay attention to the word "clear sky bumps".

  According to @ Central Meteorological Observatory, clear-sky turbulence usually occurs on sunny days, which is caused by clear-sky turbulence. Turbulence is caused by the irregular flow of the atmosphere. When encountering turbulence, the plane will bump rapidly, and in severe cases, the plane may temporarily lose control. Because it is not accompanied by obvious weather phenomena, it is difficult to observe and detect, which poses a great threat to flight safety.

  According to the Beijing Evening News, in June, 2017, China Eastern Airlines flight MU774 from Paris to Kunming, China, also had a clear sky bump, causing dozens of passengers on board to be injured to varying degrees. At that time, Wu Mingxiang, a senior captain of Shenzhen Airlines, said: "We can only make a comprehensive analysis of the forecast through the high-altitude weather map before taking off, but the accuracy is low. In fact, flying to an area that may be bumpy is not necessarily bumpy, and it is also related to the flight altitude, so ‘ The clear sky is bumpy ’ It is not easy to predict. It is recommended that passengers fasten their seat belts when sitting in their seats. After all, the flight situation is complicated. Planes are different from cars, and the impact force before and after is not as big as that up and down, so wearing a seat belt can prevent people from flying and being injured. Generally speaking, people who are injured by bumps in the air are not wearing a seat belt. "

  According to a recent report by Xinhua News Agency, a British study shows that in recent decades, the probability of aircraft encountering clear sky bumps during flight is increasing, which is inseparable from global warming under climate change.

  Chen Jianguo, a senior pilot, told The Paper that there is no need to panic excessively in the event of bumps. Remember that keeping your seat belt fastened on the plane is the safest preventive measure, regardless of whether the seat belt indicator is on or not.

Today, beginning of autumn, this autumn, I wish you all the best.

The wind blows a leaf.
Everything has surprised autumn.
The breeze gently brushed the treetops.
The solar terms in beginning of autumn came quietly.
Data Map: The park is full of green shadows and flowers. Photo by Wang Jiaoni
"Make autumn ten days in advance"
The arrival of this solar term in beginning of autumn
Doesn’t mean the heat is over.
Often have to wait until the "summer" comes.
Is the basic farewell to summer
Beginning of autumn is the first solar term in autumn.
"Li" means "start"
A beautiful and moving autumn picture
Spread out slowly on the earth
Data Map: The picture shows the sky in Daxing ‘anling, Inner Mongolia in autumn. Photo by Li Ming
The summer heat slowly dissipated.
It’s a little cooler in the autumn wind
Crystal clear dew
Dotted with green leaves
Welcome the morning sunshine
Milk crow scattered jade screen empty.
A pillow is cool and a fan is cool.
Beginning of autumn will "chew the autumn" after that.
Some places are also called "biting autumn"
Eat a delicious watermelon.
Welcome the arrival of autumn.
Data map: The picture shows the "autumn" placed by the staff with watermelons. Photo by Chen Chao
It is easy to have a bad appetite in summer
Remember to "paste autumn fat"
Braised pork, hotpot …
Have a good meal.
Reward yourself for your diligence.
The weather is getting cooler after beginning of autumn.
A balanced diet is needed.
Eat less spicy and greasy food.
Eat more lotus seeds, tremella, etc.
Data Map: The picture shows the hot pot in Chongqing. Photo by Liu Xian
"Autumn begins with yin, so everything is harvested."
The prelude to the large-scale autumn harvest opened.
People are filled with joy.
Dry the harvested crops.
Autumn is a poetic season.
When the rice is ripe, the fruits are fragrant.
Once hard work and sweat.
Will be richly rewarded.
Data map: Colorful harvest results such as peppers and corn are placed on the drying rack under aerial photography. Liu Zhankun photo
Autumn is peaceful and quiet.
Clouds and clouds are clear and clear.
Just like life.
After experiencing all kinds of things in the world
Love life more maturely.
He Xiang Xiao wan Xia
Chrysanthemum gas enters the new autumn
Say goodbye to summer
Welcome the picturesque autumn
Data Map: The picture shows the beautiful scenery composed of snow-capped mountains, red leaves, meadows and pines. Photo by Wang Jiang
Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!
(Reporter Shangguan Yun)
Everyone is searching.
May you harvest in autumn. Autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn. May you harvest your dream. Autumn is cool. Harvest is just the first sentence of harvesting in autumn.


Xi le nian Hua 3KA

You also reap all the good things! !





Brother Lao Du, Kunming, Yunnan






Yunbai Xiahou 7I

May all our good things come as scheduled!





Mizhenxuan 94

Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!





Yi yi1236669Y

Illustrated with pictures and texts, they complement each other and are beautiful





Xingxinchang 078

May everything be beautiful in autumn!





Invincible old darling

A touch of autumn dispels fatigue and troubles, a touch of autumn embellishes life, and a little happiness resides in the heart. Beginning of autumn, I wish each of us feel comfortable and happy!





Flower and berry water giant nearly 00

In the harvest season, may the beautiful dream come true.





Ancient poetry fragrance

How time flies! It’s beginning of autumn in a flash!
In the distant mountains, autumn clouds rise at first, and Ping Ye gradually turns yellow. The melon in the yard is ripe and the tea at hand is slightly cold.

Willing to work hard for you

Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!






Return of overseas wanderers





There is no more.

Spring in Ma ‘an Village

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, February 27th (Reporter Wang Ruiping) When the Sanhua plum beside the village road blooms a little bud, Ma ‘an Village is also ushered in spring with more than 30,000 mu of bamboo forests around it.
Ma ‘an Village, Pingtang Town, Xinyi City, Guangdong Province, located in the depths of Yunkai Mountain, is more than 800 meters above sea level and more than 1,000 meters above sea level. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the land is barren. The villagers once used "nothing but steep slopes" to describe their remoteness and poverty.
"I have to walk on the dirt road hanging on the ridge for more than an hour every day when I go to school. I bring my own rice and leftovers. At noon, I use three bricks to build a stove to cook." Zhou Qinglian, born in 2002, recalled that her childhood journey to school was full of bitterness. Today, although her face looks immature, she has been working for almost two years after graduating from college and is a reserve cadre of Ma ‘an Village Committee.
Zhang Yujiao also chose to go back to the village for employment. In 2023, she graduated from Guangdong Ocean University majoring in economics and joined the Ma ‘an village tourism development and operation enterprise, becoming the "new generation" of local rural revitalization. "I used to study hard to get out of this mountain, but I didn’t expect to return to my hometown after graduation." Zhang Yujiao, dressed in fashionable clothes, wore Chinese hairpins and a horse-faced skirt, while receiving tourists, told reporters the story of employment at home.
It depends on the earth-shaking changes in Ma ‘an Village to attract college students to return to their hometowns for employment. In June, 2021, Yunmao Expressway was officially opened to traffic, which ended the history of no expressway passing through the eastern mountainous area of Xinyi City, narrowed the time and space distance between the mountainous area of western Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Ma ‘an Village also ushered in a new life.
The new look of Ma ‘an village (photo taken on February 12, drone photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
More than 30,000 mu of bamboo forest around Ma ‘an Village is the biggest local feature. In August 2022, the rural revitalization project of "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" officially started construction. As an important node in the "Demonstration Zone of Rural Revitalization along Yunmao Expressway" carefully built by the local government, the project is jointly invested by the government and enterprises with a proportion of 250 million yuan, and the construction and management are not lower than the national 4A-level tourist attractions.
"The first exit of Yunmao Expressway in Xinyi is our Pingtang Town. We have the largest bamboo forest in western Guangdong, with alpine meadows, lakes, clouds and patches of virgin forests."
Xiao Yingbei, secretary of the Party branch of Ma ‘an Village, took the reporter across the rest pavilion hanging with "cooking tea around the stove" from the entrance of the renovated village Committee, along the asphalt road, through the hydrophilic platform with flowing water, climbed up the hotel and homestay in the middle of the mountain, and went around to Zhuhai Square in the middle of the village. As he walked, he introduced that Pingtang Town used to be the "leftover material" of Xinyi City, and Ma ‘an Village was the "leftover material" of Pingtang Town. Now the traffic is good.
The scene of Yunmao Expressway passing through Yunkai Mountain (photo taken on February 11th, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
"Just after the Spring Festival, several friends from other places wanted to visit our village and asked me if there was a traffic jam." Yang Xiangwen is usually engaged in logistics and distribution work in Baiyun District of Guangzhou. After dinner with friends, he walked to Zhuhai Square. He took the reporter’s hand and said, "Now I am very proud to tell others about our village. There are many videos of our village on my mobile phone, which others envy!"
Tourists took a group photo in Ma ‘an Village (photo taken on February 12). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
In the reception room of Ma ‘an Village Committee, the wall is a new panoramic photo of Ma ‘an Village. Xiao Yingbei broke his fingers and analyzed the situation of the scenic spot after it was opened to reporters. In 2022, the collective income of our village was only about 170,000 yuan, and it has increased to 963,000 yuan in 2023. "Ticket income, house rental, parking fees, operating share of hotels and homestays, plus homestays run by villagers, restaurants and canteens can all increase villagers’ income."
According to the planning of Ma ‘an Village, after the "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" scenic spot is opened normally this year, the per capita annual equity dividend of villagers can reach 2,000 yuan, providing 200 jobs, and more villagers will also find jobs at their doorsteps.
"In the past, the village was a winding mud road, but now it has expanded into a 5.5-meter two-way lane." Zhou Qinglian said that every time the hometown road is widened, the life of the villagers will become better.
Driving from the top of the mountain to Yunmao Expressway, the clouds spread over the bamboo sea from the valley, and countless bamboo shoots were buried in the soil at this time, calling for spring rain. When the spring thunder rings, these spring shoots will bring different spring to Ma ‘an village.

Tips: Go to work tomorrow! Don’t panic, there are still these holidays in 2024.

These days of vacation
Did everyone have a good time? Did you enjoy your meal?
Are you tired of visiting relatives and friends?
Xiaobian is coming to tell you a message:
I will go to work tomorrow!
The Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.
If there’s something you want to do, you haven’t done it yet
Just hurry!
Stay at home leisurely for half a day
Ask your parents to watch a movie
Then adjust the state ~
Don’t stay up late and have fun!
Also, have some light home cooking!
It’s time to have a rest.
It’s almost time for vacation.
Xiaobian sent two important reminders ↓↓↓↓
Reminder 1: I have to go to work this Sunday!
The last day of the holiday is New Year’s Day! I have to go to work on February 18 (Sunday) on New Year’s Day! Going to work! Adjust the alarm clock quickly!
Reminder 2: Holiday overtime pay should be sufficient.
Spring festival holiday
Many people will choose
Stay at your post
● February 10th to 12th is a statutory holiday, and enterprises have to pay three times the daily wage for arranging workers to work;
● Work will be arranged from February 13th to 17th, and enterprises with standard working hours can choose to give workers compensatory time off or pay double daily wages.
But don’t be too sad.
After the Spring Festival holiday
There is still a big wave of holidays this year!
Collect the 2024 holiday raiders.
Tomb-Sweeping Day: We have a holiday from April 4th to 6th, lasting for 3 days. Go to work on Sunday, April 7.
Labor Day: May 1st to 5th, with 5 days’ holiday. Go to work on Sunday, April 28th and Saturday, May 11th.
Dragon Boat Festival: It is a holiday on June 10th, and even closed on weekends.
Mid-Autumn Festival: Take a holiday from September 15th to 17th for 3 days. Go to work on Saturday, September 14th.
National Day: 7 days’ holiday from October 1st to 7th. Work on September 29th (Sunday) and October 12th (Saturday).
Hurry up, everyone
Finally adjust and adjust
Tomorrow will usher in a big start.
Source: yanzhao metropolis daily.

Go to the grassroots in the Spring Festival and stick to it for a better reunion —— A note on the New Year’s Eve run of Shenzhen Express Takeaway Brother

  Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, January 22nd Title: Stick to it for a better reunion — — Shenzhen Express Takeaway Brother’s New Year’s Eve Running List

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Ruixi

  In the early morning of New Year’s Eve, Yang Lei went out on his electric car and was busy collecting and dispatching parts in several communities in Shenzhen Nanshan Science and Technology Park. This is his 17th year as a courier. He can’t remember how many times he received the delivery on New Year’s Eve. "After working as a courier, he didn’t go back to his hometown for the New Year."

  On the morning of January 21st, at the gate of the residential area to be delivered, Yang Lei moved the boxes of express delivery out of the car. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liang Xushe)

  "My wife and two children are in Shenzhen. Many younger brothers’ families are not around, giving them the opportunity to go home. " Yang Lei said, "The company will also give rewards for going to work during the Spring Festival, and give compensatory time off after the holiday. My wife works in a supermarket and also works during the Spring Festival. Both children are in junior high school, they can understand us, and they can also heat their own meals and take care of themselves. "

  This year, SF Express, where Yang Lei is located, set up a special incentive package and warm-hearted care activities for the Spring Festival totaling more than 400 million yuan to encourage employees to stick to their posts.

  Yang Lei told reporters that the peak of receiving and dispatching parts is before the Spring Festival, and the workload during the Spring Festival is not too heavy. He, who is usually responsible for receiving and dispatching office buildings, went to support the receiving and dispatching work of residential quarters during the Spring Festival. In the four hours in the morning of New Year’s Eve, he received more than 80 tickets. "Under the superposition of various incentives, the Spring Festival can earn more than 10,000 yuan this month."

  On the morning of January 21st, Yang Lei (former) was busy sorting express delivery. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liang Xushe)

  Near noon, Yang Lei was almost busy with the delivery task in the morning. At this time, Shen Jinfeng, a takeaway rider in Longhua District, got busy and rode his electric car between the restaurant and the community.

  In 2021, Shen Jinfeng joined the US Mission and became a full-time takeaway in Longhua Minzhi District. He said: "Takeaway is an industry with more work and more rewards. As long as you are willing to pay, you will get a reward." In order to earn more money, he has chosen to stay alone in Shenzhen to deliver meals during the Spring Festival for two consecutive years.

  Meituan has invested more than 500 million yuan this year as a subsidy for riders to stabilize their posts during the Spring Festival, including the subsidy for staying in the post, the red envelope for starting the Spring Festival, the red envelope for duty, and the subsidy for stepping back to work.

  On New Year’s Eve, there were not many take-away orders. Until 1 pm, Shen Jinfeng sent out a total of 10 takeaways. "Although there are not many orders, the delivery fee per order is much higher than usual. I earned more than 9000 yuan in the Spring Festival last year. This year’s Spring Festival will get all kinds of rushing rewards, and you can earn more than 10,000 yuan. " Shen Jinfeng said, "earn more money and go back to your hometown in Anhui on the fifteenth day of the first month to reunite with your family."

  In addition to strengthening the incentive mechanism for enterprises, the government has also taken action. Years ago, the relevant departments in Shenzhen made it clear that the express delivery and take-out during the Spring Festival would be subsidized by the municipal finance for each order in 1 yuan. Front-line workers in construction, tourism, sanitation, manufacturing and other industries can also receive corresponding government subsidies.

  "Although the Spring Festival is not around my family, I am very happy to deliver the meal to the guests in time so that they can have a hot meal and have a happy year." Shen Jinfeng said.

  Yang Lei said that nowadays, the society generally recognizes the courier brother more. During the Spring Festival, it is still relatively happy to ensure that residents receive the needed items in time and have a good year. "A package sent every day conveys a love." He said.

  They are the epitome of tens of thousands of little brothers who stay deep in the post during the Spring Festival, contributing to the better reunion of others and working hard for their own better reunion. Shen Jinfeng said: "I believe that the good days are still behind!"

Eddie Peng Yuyan: After filming The Rescue, I don’t even want to swim now.

  The film The Rescue is the fourth cooperation between Lin Chaoxian and Eddie Peng Yuyan. In every previous cooperation, both of them constantly challenged the limits with the support of each other. When they co-produced Guild Wars for the first time, Eddie Peng Yuyan was trained as a professional boxer, and it took him three months to learn Thai boxing, lock technique and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. When shooting against professional boxers, I hope to "convince the audience". In the second collaboration of Breaking the Wind, Eddie Peng Yuyan participated in training for four months, and during the training and filming process, he rode over 110,000 kilometers, almost three times around the earth. In the third collaboration with operation mekong, the challenge between Lin Chaoxian and Eddie Peng Yuyan rose to a new height again. When shooting, Lin Chaoxian was even accidentally bitten by a six-inch centipede, while Eddie Peng Yuyan was fighting with a real gun, and every action instruction was close to reality. This time in The Rescue, they will challenge the "water play" which is recognized as difficult to shoot all over the world. The Rescue is the first Chinese-language film about maritime rescue, which is based on real maritime rescue events. Eddie Peng Yuyan said that the director has changed from "Devil Forest" and "Explosion Forest" to "Monster Forest".

  As soon as the director looked for me, he came to shoot.

  Q: Why did you take on The Rescue? The shooting conditions are very difficult. What mental preparations did you make before taking the show?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: Director Lin Chaoxian came to me as soon as he asked me. I knew that filming the director’s play would be particularly interesting and enjoyable, and of course there would be certain challenges and difficulties. That’s why I wanted to shoot the director’s play, so I was ready long ago. I just didn’t expect that I was not prepared enough this time. Every day when I arrived at the scene (shooting for 8 months), it was a variety of difficulties, which was very challenging, and it was an unprecedented surprise both physically and mentally.

  Q: You play the captain of the Maritime Secret Service. How much do you know about the real salvage team?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: My name is Gao Qian in the play, and I am the captain of the Maritime Secret Service. He is a man with great courage, experience and a strong sense of responsibility. He has performed many tasks and saved many people.

  Before shooting, the director showed us some information about the rescuers, so we would know their lives and train with them. We were like friends. They all look like ordinary people, but when they receive the task, they are completely different. Once when they were on a mission, I followed them. You can’t imagine these ordinary people hanging on the helicopter, and you will feel as if they were in another world. As salvage team members, they need extra concentration to save another life, because sometimes, you have to give up something to save other people’s lives. You can only save two people in the water for three to five minutes, but there are twenty or thirty people around. What do you do? This is what they have to face. They have to face the human tragedy every day when they go to work, and they have to be a normal person when they get home. If they don’t have faith, they can’t do it. This is what the director wants to talk about in this play. We also experienced it ourselves and found out how great they are.

  Rescuers are giving "hope of life" to others. They are faced with the tragedy of life. Without faith and firm heart, there is no way to meet and complete the task. In this profession, they must have enough courage and faith to forget themselves and their own lives to save others.

  Q: Did you find it challenging to play your father for the first time in The Rescue?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: I think it is very difficult for the director to give me this role. The director is very interesting. He knows that I am a single-parent family, so it takes me a lot of time to convince myself that there is no father in my life. Thank you very much for giving me this role. The actor who plays my son is very smart and cute. It is natural and great to act with him. Because the child is very real, he can recite his lines by heart and act naturally. I also hope to keep this innocence and nature when acting with him. Directors and screenwriters have done a lot of homework in advance to understand the lives of rescuers. Family is also very important for rescuers, which should be an important reason to support them to be so brave and responsible. Maybe everyone thinks this is an action movie, but I think it is actually a drama full of love.

  Being abused by all kinds,

  Every time you go into the water, you should be mentally prepared.

  Q: What scenes impressed you the most in this shooting?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: There are many scenes that impressed me the most, usually the first time is the most unforgettable. For example, the first time I was blown up by fire, I was blown up in a fire of 600 to 700 degrees Celsius, and I thought it was all right several times. As a result, I was going to be blown up by water later. After the explosion, the director said excitedly, "Eddie was finally blown up by me with water." Before, I didn’t know that water could be used to fry people, but the next day after the frying, it was hung in the air for a day, until it was almost vomiting. But it’s also quite enjoyable, because the real shooting is hung on the helicopter, and the height is very high, so it’s also unforgettable. I thought it was all right when I came down, and then I had to flood with fire, and then I flooded with water, so this time it was all kinds of experiences, basically all kinds of "abuse". This is the director’s style, and he just likes to "abuse" artists. But in fact, actors can get a lot of nutrients in this process, which is also the reason why we fall in love with the director, so that we can make a very unforgettable play.

  Q: Are all the security measures in The Rescue in place this time?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: Yes, of course, there’s still a possibility. Although I’ve tried all the heat insulation suits, after all, the fire is at least 300 degrees Celsius, and my whole fire protection suit is on fire, but that’s what I want to feel when shooting. Although I am fully armed, I am still afraid, and I can still feel my skin burning. I am still afraid if I shoot like this every day and I am suspended every day. Moreover, when I finally get into the water, the water temperature is 6 degrees Celsius. I didn’t think I could make it. It was really cold.

  I think I am the kind of actor who is not afraid as long as I have the conditions to do it, but I really have to prepare myself before going into the water every day to make this film, because the water is too cold and there are chemicals in it. There are many things in the play that I need to take off my equipment. Without goggles, chemicals will get into my eyes and I can’t open them. Those photographers wear goggles when they go into the water. When they take them off, they can’t stand the water flowing into their eyes. They should always wash them. But I soak for more than ten hours every day, and I may stay for 15 minutes at a time, because it is too cold. Wash your eyes every day, and at the end, your eyes will always shed tears and your eyes will be red. The director is also distressed, so he will go down to accompany me. After filming this play, I don’t want to swim until now, and I feel that the quota of touching water has been used up this year.

  Q: Did you get any serious injuries this time?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: I drowned several times. One scene that impressed me most was that I was hooked by Weiya in Mexico, and then I was pushed under the bottom of the pool. Everyone is scared, and I can’t get out. I found that the Viagra that tied me was stuck on the base of the truck, and the rescue team had not come to save me. So I thought that I would save myself first, and I would find out if I had any tools to cut the rope, but I couldn’t open it. Later, I found the hook point, untied the rope desperately, and then came out. The director kept saying, "Are you all right? Are you all right?" I said to have a rest. Because the rope was too tight to open, I tried my best to pull it. My nails were all lifted and my hands were cracked. The director was scared. This was the most horrible thing.

  Another time, I was in the water, and my oxygen bottle was running out of gas, so I could only suck eight spare cylinders. The deeper the water pressure, the more I sucked, so I had to save my eight mouths every time. Later, I took a long shot, and the rescue team had to withdraw far away. When I finished swimming back, my oxygen bottle was out of gas and I couldn’t find the spare cylinders, so I held my breath to find an exit. This kind of situation often happens. I always think I am a good swimmer, but when you are really more than ten meters underwater, it is completely different from you in the swimming pool, and we carry a lot of lead on us, so I can’t float. Coupled with the water temperature of 6℃, I feel like I am in the freezer.

  Looking back on filming the scene in the water now, I will be scared. I remember that after shooting those scenes, we went to dinner, and the local staff in Mexico would take the initiative to greet me and praise me. Friends of our rescue team told me that local rescuers felt that this was beyond the ordinary people’s ability. Many people couldn’t believe that we China actors went down to shoot by ourselves, and foreign countries went to that scene to make movies, but body double went down.

  Q: Are these self-help things in the water the methods you learned from training before filming?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: Yes, basically. All the training was used in filming. If you don’t train well in advance, you may not dare to shoot this play. We followed the real rescue team to rescue outside. The rescue process was very hard, and we really experienced the fragility of life. There was no way to imagine the power of nature. It was really terrible. After making this film, I feel I must cherish my life.

  Q: In addition to feeling the fragility of life, what influence has it had on you after making this film?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: Now, if I fly, I will read the rescue manual, see where the escape pod is, and see the people nearby. If something really happens, who needs help. Not before, but now it becomes instinctive, and then I will imagine the filming situation at that time. I will count several old people, and several of them came up in wheelchairs. These are all realized after I finished filming, and I can’t help but think it is quite exaggerated. As soon as I talk about the escape pod, I will think of the horrible scenes of training in the past eight months and saving people in the plane. I always tell myself that if something really happens today, I can save people.

  And director Lin Chaoxian are also teachers and friends.

  Q: This is your fourth collaboration with director Lin Chaoxian. Do you feel that his films are getting more and more difficult?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: If the difficulty hadn’t increased, I don’t think it would be directed by Lin Chaoxian. Since I met the director, I think the greatest thing about him is that he has not changed what he likes, and he is persistent about what he likes, so when the director makes a movie with such enthusiasm, you will be infected, and then you will feel, why not do it?

  He is very good every time, and I believe he will only get better and better. This time, there are many scenes that he wants to shoot, as well as many action scenes and emotional scenes. He finished writing the characterization of the characters and then went to the scene to schedule, which he has always loved, so I think the director is very good. Moreover, the director becomes more and more challenging, because every time he shoots something new, just like this underwater shooting, we have never experienced it before, and many of them are unknown. We can only follow the camera when we go to the scene to shoot, and then we can shoot after training, and we have to rehearse before shooting. It is conceivable that many scenes are actually difficult to implement. We are all studying, and the director will give me a lot of confidence.

  Q: Is Director Lin Chaoxian different from other directors you have worked with?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: I think it’s fate. He appreciates me and I respect him. Few actors can work with the same director four times, so it’s rare. And to some extent, there is also a habit problem. In many cases, we can omit some running-in things, which is a bit like "family". I have experienced four different lives in seven years, and these four lives are not what ordinary people can experience.

  Q: One saying is "Eddie Peng Yuyan while the iron is hot, Lin Chaoxian while the iron is hot". Do you agree with this sentence?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: I’ve heard it (one of the leading actors with the most cooperation times, second only to Nick Cheung). When I heard this sentence before, I felt that it made our feelings smaller, as if it was only tempering, but after The Rescue, I felt that it was too accurate.

  Because I think The Rescue is really like "grinding", which is very dangerous. I have been throwing caution to the wind several times. If the director wasn’t Lin Chaoxian, I would definitely have questions. In fact, when I finished filming operation mekong, the director told me about it. At that time, I really wanted to shoot it, but I felt I needed to take a break. It happened that the director had other plays at that time, so I took a break.

  I didn’t take this play because it was dangerous, but because of the theme and role. It is much more difficult for the director to give me this role than I used to play, and it is quite different from my previous image. (Difficulty) Mainly in the emotional aspect, I play a father, and the other is the difficulty of this profession.

  The relationship between me and the director is more like mentoring. It is natural for the director to shoot a man’s play and talk about the feelings between men. I think the director has quite a pattern in dealing with this very real human nature. He sees things a lot and is very real, so I think acting his play is an immersive experience to some extent. From MMA fighting to cycling to The Rescue, I don’t need to think about how I want to act, just experience it.

  So I think the director and I are also teachers and friends. He thinks I should shoot something at my age, so he asks me to shoot it. If I haven’t reached that stage, then maybe the drama at that stage is not suitable for me. He hopes that I can grow up slowly, and to some extent I can understand what he really wants to pursue. There is a tacit understanding between us (appreciate each other), and I feel that there is such a person in the film industry, which is a kind of existence that will be infected with each other. Needless to say, I can see from what he wants to do, so I get along very well. I quite appreciate the director’s point.

  From the first collaboration of Guild Wars to now, neither the director nor I have changed. Luck is true. I never thought I could have so much cooperation with the director after Guild Wars, and he probably never thought that Eddie Peng Yuyan could still be used as an actor. The director also gives me a new thing every year or two, so I also feel lucky. The director did a very good job in his field of work, and I tried to play every role well in my own school.

  Will cherish the opportunity to cooperate with each other.

  Q: Have you ever had any conflicts or differences with the director?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: There will definitely be some. Maybe I have some ideas about some performances. The director also knows that the actor must be given space. On this basis, I try to surprise him. When he sees it, he may think that the role I created is more three-dimensional than he imagined in his mind. The director will feel very valuable. I have also been addicted to acting, so I must trust each other.

  A person’s ideas are limited, and maybe we are infinite together. When you are willing to share your things, he will certainly share his things with you. The difference between me and the director is often that he may feel enough, and I want to give more. He will let me play and make me happy. I think one advantage of filming with the director is that what he sees will never be the same as what others see me.

  Q: If you have the chance to cooperate with the director for the fifth time, do you have a subject you want to shoot?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: Actually, we have talked about too many topics. Every time we run and chat, we will think of a topic. He will ask me what I like, and I will ask him what I like. Before, we discussed many things like racing, action and gunfight. Usually, the director said the type he wanted to shoot, but I don’t have any restrictions on his films because I believe him.

  Q: Are you worried that the director will choose more and more actors in the future?

  Eddie Peng Yuyan: It’s possible. The director has the right to choose the actors he thinks fit. It doesn’t mean that we have to cooperate with the fifth film now that we have cooperated with four films. That’s why this is very subtle. Also, I have a choice whether to continue to cooperate with him or not. I think sometimes it’s just a magnetic field between us. We can give each other what they want, and we all know it’s hard to come by. Therefore, when shooting every play, I try my best not to regret it, because this is the only thing I can control. I will gain experience and wisdom in the process of doing my best within our control, which is very worthwhile.

  Text/Xiao You for the picture/Tian Tian

Kunming: Fireworks and firecrackers are on sale in the Spring Festival of 2024.

  On January 30th, fireworks and firecrackers started to be sold in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas of Kunming in the Spring Festival of 2024, and the retail outlets of fireworks and firecrackers in various urban areas opened their doors one after another.

  On January 31, the reporter went to the fireworks and firecrackers retail point at the intersection of Yuyang Road and Yupu Road in Dianchi Resort. The sales staff were wearing special protective clothing "pure cotton flame retardant clothing" and were busy placing and selling goods in the sales warehouse. Although it was morning, many citizens had come to inquire and buy. "Our retail store has an area of more than 20 square meters, and according to the relevant regulations, it can hold up to 140 fireworks and firecrackers," the salesperson said. "We have more than 200 kinds of fireworks and firecrackers, and only one third of them are placed today. Later, we will pick up the goods from the warehouse according to the sales situation."

  According to the requirements of Kunming Emergency Bureau, all 304 retail outlets in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas in Kunming use explosion-proof warehouses for sales, and all of them have installed video surveillance systems to implement 24-hour monitoring. There are signs on the stalls in all retail outlets that "it is forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers within 80 meters around the point of sale". The fireworks and firecrackers safety commitment letter and business license and other related documents are posted on the walls of the store, and fire extinguishers, buckets and other fire-fighting facilities are placed outside the store. Through layer-by-layer protection, the awareness of fireworks and firecrackers’ business safety and law-abiding and emergency handling ability are effectively enhanced, and fireworks and firecrackers are strictly "safely closed".

  According to the "Management Measures for Fireworks and Firecrackers in Kunming", the operation and discharge time of the Spring Festival in 2024 in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas in Kunming is from the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month to the fifteenth day of the first month, that is, from January 30 to February 24, for a total of 26 days.

  Yunnan net reporter Hu Yuya’s photo report