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Home fitness improves health, moderate exercise maintains function and relieves anxiety (Figure)

  Upward oblique push-ups

  Standard push-ups

  Downward oblique push-ups

  L extension

  Flexion and extension of sitting arm

  Hip bridge

  Alternate forward arrow squat


  Moderate exercise can not only maintain good physical function and enhance the athletic ability of skeletal muscles, but also help officers and men to relieve anxiety and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. Here are some recommended fitness exercises that can be done at home.

  Practice chest muscle movements — — Push-ups According to the difficulty of the action, it is divided into upward inclined push-ups, standard push-ups and downward inclined push-ups. When doing push-ups, be careful not to collapse, hips or shoulders. Upward inclined push-ups are suitable for beginners, while downward inclined push-ups are suitable for people who can easily do standard push-ups. It is suggested that each group should have 10-15, with 3-4 groups at a time.

  Stimulate back muscle movements — — L-shaped extension L-shaped stretching can stimulate back muscles, enhance back muscle strength, maintain the stability of thoracic vertebrae, relieve muscle tension caused by long-term desk work and reading, and make people stand tall and straight. It is suggested that each group should have 10-20, with 2-4 groups at a time.

  Practice upper arm movements — — Sitting posture, arm flexion and extension. Flexion and extension of sitting arm can exercise triceps brachii, improve arm strength and protect shoulder joint. This action can be done by the bed, in front of the TV cabinet or with a stable chair. It is suggested that each group should have 10-20, and each group should have 2-3.

  Practice hip muscle movements — — Hip bridge. The gluteal bridge can directly stimulate the gluteus maximus, which is helpful to stabilize the hip joint and improve the forward inclination of pelvis. At the same time, it can also activate the deep stable muscle group, strengthen the core and prevent low back pain. Be careful not to use arm strength to prop up your body when doing this action. It is suggested that 10 should be a group and 2 groups should be trained.

  Lower extremity motor ability training — — Alternate forward lunges. Strong lower limb strength can improve the flexibility and stability of body movement. Training the exercise ability of lower limbs can not only burn fat, but also strengthen joints and reduce the chance of injury during exercise. When doing this action, be careful that the knee joint does not exceed the toe, do not buckle internally, and keep in line with the toe direction to avoid putting pressure on the knee joint. It is suggested that 10 should be a group and 2 groups should be trained.

  Core muscle group training — — Flat support. Plate support is a static exercise, which strengthens muscle strength by exercising core muscle groups, maintains the stability of spine, pelvis and scapula, and shapes the lines of waist, abdomen and buttocks. When doing flat support, be careful not to bend your back, bow your back or get on your hips. At the beginning, you can aim at supporting for 1 minute. If you can’t finish, you can increase the distance between your feet and reduce the difficulty.

The "Belt and Road" international music season ended successfully, explaining and conveying the connotation of Silk Road with music.

  sznewsNews On the stage of Shenzhen Concert Hall on the evening of April 14th, "Chanting West and East" — — The closing concert of the 2019 Shenzhen "Belt and Road" international music season was staged in shock, and artists from all over the world presented a carnival of vocal music art, which brought the music season to a successful conclusion. During the 22 days from March 24th to April 14th, 809 world-renowned musicians from 41 countries and regions gathered in the 2019 "Belt and Road" international music season in Shenzhen, bringing 23 high-level wonderful performances and 7 supporting art extension activities to the general public in Shenzhen to jointly play the wonderful music in spring.

  On the occasion of the upcoming second "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum, the 2019 Shenzhen "Belt and Road" international music season played a prelude. Since it was held for the first time in 2017, the Music Festival has responded to the national "One Belt, One Road" initiative, focusing on "promoting the spirit of Silk Road and promoting mutual learning among civilizations". By providing an opportunity and a broad platform for countries along the "Belt and Road" to fully display and gather their outstanding national music arts, it has enhanced the integration, exchange and interaction between countries and China cultures, and explained and conveyed the connotation and development concept of Silk Road spirit with music, and reached consensus.

  This season’s art feast has written a wonderful note of harmonious coexistence and harmony between the people of China and the people of the world, effectively promoted the communication and common prosperity and progress of different civilizations in countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and even in the global field, and made Shenzhen a veritable "la la land".

  An important platform for exchanges and dialogues among different civilizations.

  Looking at the well-known art festivals with great influence in China, beijing music festival and Shanghai International Art Festival all belong to the category of big art, and their artistic forms are all-encompassing; The Silk Road International Art Festival in Xi ‘an and the Maritime Silk Road International Art Festival in Quanzhou, which also focus on the Silk Road, respectively focus on the separate display of the Silk Road on land and the Maritime Silk Road due to their geographical advantages.

  Different from the above-mentioned art festivals, the "One Belt, One Road" international music season in Shenzhen adheres to the spirit of "peaceful cooperation, openness and tolerance, exchange and mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win", and takes the two silk roads of land and sea as the main line of the music season, showing and promoting the traditions and development of countries along the "Belt and Road" and countries around the world in the field of music and art, and playing a symphony of mutual understanding and cooperation in the community of human destiny.

  The theme of the "Belt and Road" international music season is "connecting China and foreign countries and communicating with the world", which fully reflects the cultural responsibility of Shenzhen. At the beginning of the music season, it received great attention and support from all walks of life, and was praised and praised by fans all over the world. In this year’s 23 performances, there are not only classic music such as Franz Wilser-Most concert with Cleveland Orchestra in the United States, but also folk music presented by Indonesian, Qatari, Vietnamese and Georgian art groups along the Belt and Road Initiative.

  Music season is not only a music festival, but also an important platform for exchanges and dialogues between different civilizations in the world. As one of the important extension activities of this year’s music season, the "High-end Dialogue on Modern Dance between China and Israel" takes music as a clue, extends to the field of modern dance, bases itself in Shenzhen and radiates across the country, which promotes the ideological exchange, academic mutual learning and win-win cooperation between China and Israel in the field of modern dance, and will effectively promote modern dance to become an important carrier for consolidating cultural exchanges between China and Israel. Classics and pop, East and West, tradition and contemporary, have merged into colorful art scrolls in Shenzhen, and the theme of "playing Silk Road music together and learning from each other" in the music season has been vividly interpreted.

  After three years of unremitting efforts, the "One Belt, One Road" international music season in Shenzhen has become an important art festival platform for "gathering the world’s top art, encouraging all kinds of artistic creation, focusing on tradition and modernity, and condensing humanities and creativity from all over the world", and it will surely become an important business card for Pengcheng Shenzhen International Music.

  Originality and innovation are different from other festivals.

  Holding the "One Belt, One Road" international music season is an important measure to echo the national "One Belt, One Road" initiative, implement the "Shenzhen Cultural Innovation and Development 2020 (Implementation Plan)", build a global regional cultural center city and an international cultural innovation and creativity pioneer city, and is a brand-new pioneering work to create Shenzhen’s international cultural business card. In the previously released "New Top Ten Cultural Facilities" construction plan of Shenzhen, a number of major cultural and sports facilities such as Shenzhen Opera House and Shenzhen Conservatory of Music have condensed the deep expectations of Shenzhen people; This season’s music season is also actively helping Shenzhen’s new positioning as a "global city", building a music "New Silk Road" starting from Shenzhen, and continuing to enhance city soft power.

  Han Wangxi, deputy director of the "Belt and Road" International Music Festival Executive Committee, said that the city of Shenzhen is full of imagination and creativity, and the melody of music is flowing in its veins. Originality and innovation are the highlights of the music season that are different from other art festivals, and they are also the embodiment of Shenzhen’s urban cultural characteristics.

  In this year’s music season, originality is the soul of music development, whether it is the original concert tailored by Ye Xiaogang, chairman of the China Musicians Association, and many composers, and performed by the National Symphony Orchestra, or the light of the future created by Thai composer Pang Narong, or the brand concert "Mei Lan Zhu Ju" in the music season. Providing a platform for outstanding artists, especially young artists, in countries along the Belt and Road has further condensed the common feelings of countries and people along the route and promoted the consciousness of "community of human destiny".

  The creativity of the "Belt and Road" international music season is also reflected in the relationship between inheritance and innovation. The innovative expression of Cantonese opera works, the cross-border integration of percussion and Beijing opera, the Slovenian symphony carnival, the Polish artist’s rock Chopin and so on are all presented on the basis of classical and traditional art, with the modern expression that young people like, which makes the art have a wonderful chemical reaction in Shenzhen.

  Artists invited to participate in the music season also expressed the concept of "Belt and Road" in a variety of ways with their infinite creativity. Musicians from Vietnam, Georgia, Russia, Qatar, Thailand, Indonesia, Hungary, Slovenia, India, Poland and other countries along the route fully demonstrated their colorful national music art. Artists from other countries and regions use their own musical forms to express their understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative — — Piano master Cazalis, a French citizen, connected the music of 25 countries along the route into a silk road picture through adaptation and creation; Cleveland Orchestra played Ye Xiaogang’s "Guangdong Suite" on his return, and made his own thoughts on the origin and connection of China’s art.




  In 2019, the "Belt and Road" international music season in Shenzhen has the participation of artists from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, both in the opening concert and in the setting of sections. Zhang Heyun, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports and deputy director of the Music Festival Executive Committee, said that Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao and plays a core engine role in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s "9+2" urban belt. Culture, tourism and sports, especially culture, need to continuously strengthen cooperation and exchanges in this area under the background of Greater Bay Area. You have me and I have you. "Although it is one country, two systems, we are a family, and there are more and more cultural exchanges."

  In addition, the cultivation of young audiences is also a highlight of this year’s music season. In order to let more young audiences enter the concert hall, the lowest student ticket price in 80 yuan was set for all the performances in the music season. Except for Cleveland Orchestra, the ticket price of all other performances below 180 yuan accounted for 30%, and four Huimin performances were open to the public free of charge. In addition, there are young musicians with great positive energy and educational function, such as Emma Doicher, a British prodigy, who provide reference for Shenzhen teenagers to learn art. Various lectures, extended activities and open rehearsals provide a platform for young audiences to communicate with masters at close range.

  In this season’s performances, more and more audiences easily walked into the elegant art hall, enjoyed high-level wonderful performances at close range, shared the light of the city, and enjoyed tangible cultural benefits for the people. (Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Qi Qi/Wen Han Mo/map)

Shipments increased by more than 100% year-on-year, and the price reduction of folding screen mobile phones led to "new war"

"With the continuous increase in R&D investment by Android manufacturers and upstream supply chains, the hardware technology has improved and matured, the application of software systems has been optimized, and the consumer experience has been continuously improved. The further decline in prices has also made more consumers willing to use folding screen mobile phones early. "

On February 20th, the latest quarterly tracking report of mobile phones released by International Data Corporation (IDC) showed that in the fourth quarter of 2023, the market shipment of folding screen mobile phones in China was about 2.771 million units, up 149.6% year-on-year. A number of new products from Huawei, OPPO and Glory promoted the rapid growth of the folding screen market in this quarter.

In 2023, the China folding screen mobile phone market shipped about 7.007 million units, up 114.5% year-on-year. Since the launch of the first product in 2019, the folding screen mobile phone market in China has grown by over 100% year-on-year for four consecutive years.

However, folding screen mobile phones still often appear "the screen is not resistant to falling, the maintenance price is expensive, and the screen itself is prone to problems". Guo Tianxiang, senior analyst of IDC China, told the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter that with the continuous progress and maturity of technology, especially the increasing participation of domestic supply chains, some problems related to folding screens will continue to improve. "But it still takes more time to completely solve it."

The price of folding screen dropped to 400-600 dollars.

The market share of transverse folding products increased to 68% again.

The price of folding screen mobile phone continues to drop. According to IDC data, in 2023, the share of mobile phones with folding screens above $1,000 has dropped from 81.0% a year ago to 66.5%, down 14. 5 percentage points year-on-year. In addition to the overall cost reduction, the products in vertical folding form are relatively cheaper, which also makes the price of folding screen drop to the price range of 400-600 dollars in 2023.

In terms of product form, horizontal folding products are more popular with consumers in China. Although the price of vertical folding products is relatively lower, horizontal folding products have been favored by more consumers in China because they can better reflect the big screen experience of folding screen mobile phones. In 2023, the market share of transverse folding products increased to 68.1%, up by 10.4 percentage points year-on-year.

At present, the vertical folding products are not only easy to carry, but also consumers still lack the necessary use scenarios. At the same price, there is also a clear gap between the use experience and the straight board machine, and there is still room for improvement in product quality.

IDC pointed out that the importance of horizontal folding products in the mobile office scene of high-end business people is increasing. At the same time, the high-end people pay less attention to the price, and are more willing to choose the horizontal folding products with full product configuration.

Recently, it has been reported that individual mobile phone manufacturers have stopped planning to release new small folding models this year. In this regard, Guo Tianxiang said to the Shell Finance reporter that it is mainly a demand issue. "There is no rigid requirement for vertical folding usage scenarios. The sales volume is not up, the price is not high, and the product quality problems lead to great after-sales pressure, and the final cost is high, and most manufacturers are losing money. Individual manufacturers are not saying that they will not do it at all, but they will be suspended. When the supply chain technology is more mature and the cost and quality are better, they may come back. "

Huawei occupies the first place in the domestic folding screen market in 2023.

Folding screen is still the key product of various manufacturers in 2024.

In terms of the market performance of folding screen mobile phone manufacturers, the above report pointed out that Huawei Mate X5 series has been in a state of price increase since its listing, and the supply is in short supply, helping Huawei firmly occupy the first position in the domestic folding screen market in 2023, with a market share of 37.4%.

OPPO gained 18.3% market share and ranked second in the overall folding screen market; Among them, the market share of vertical folding products ranks first with 36.3%; The horizontal fold Find N3 series has been widely praised around the world.

Glory made great efforts in the folding screen mobile phone market in the second half of 2023, and won the third place in the folding screen mobile phone market for the whole year with the hot sales of Magic V2 and other new folding products, with a share of 17.7%, and the shipment volume increased by 467.0% year-on-year, with the fastest growth rate.

Samsung occupies more than half of the global folding screen mobile phone market, but ranks fourth in the highly competitive China market with 11% market share. Vivo ranks fifth, and its first 5G horizontal folding product X Fold 2 released in 2023 is about to be replaced.

Guo Tianxiang concluded that "thinness" has become the primary factor affecting consumers’ choice of folding screen mobile phones. However, if the pursuit of "thinness" blindly leads to the decline of reliability, it will directly affect consumers’ long-term choices in the future. However, the use scenario of vertical folding products has not been fully discovered, and products that position potential users as "fashionable young women" will form direct competition with Apple.

"Folding screen mobile phones are still the key products of various manufacturers in 2024. The participation of more manufacturers and the launch of more products will continue to promote the rapid development of the folding screen mobile phone market. " Guo Tianxiang said.

In addition to the flexible size of the screen itself, will there be some new innovation highlights compared with the straight board machine? In this regard, Guo Tianxiang responded to reporters that vertical folding products are more convenient to carry after folding. Horizontal folding products are mainly the advantages of large screen, but more need to be reflected by the adaptation of software system applications.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Sun Wenxuan

Editor Yue Caizhou

Proofread Liu Baoqing

Huge harvest comment: the market shocks back to artificial intelligence ebb tide

  Disk brief description

  On Wednesday, A shares oscillated back. On the disk,Lead the rise,、、Other industries rose slightly,Real estate led the decline,Wait for a small callback. Theme stocks, short play interaction,Wait for the lead,, PEEK material,Wait for a small callback.

  hot plate

  The media has soared,20cm daily limit,Up more than 10%,Wait for the daily limit

  The concept is active,Up more than 16%,Daily limit

  Strong,Daily limit,The gains are among the highest.

  The concept changed in the afternoon,Daily limit,Wait for it to rise.

  News surface

  The entry clearance for listing has been tightened again: the proportion of on-site inspection will be greatly increased soon.

  Following the tightening of IPO in the second half of last year, the "entry barrier" of listing will be further tightened this year. Recently, there are rumors that the IPO will increase the intensity of on-site inspection and on-site supervision, and many project teams will be notified in the near future, especially for the on-site inspection of enterprises under review.

  The first 200 billion-level stock ETF was officially born! Witness history once again.

  The stock ETF market ushered in a new milestone! According to the latest data of the Exchange, as of March 12th, the total scale of Huatai Bairui CSI 300ETF exceeded 200.2 billion yuan, making it the first stock ETF product with a scale of 200 billion yuan in Chinese history.

  The three major US stock indexes collectively closed up.Up 7%, popular Chinese stocks generally rose.

  On Tuesday, Eastern Time, US stocks opened higher and higher, and the three major indexes collectively closed higher. The Nasdaq rose 1.54%, the S&P 500 index rose 1.12% and the Dow rose 0.61%. Among them, the S&P 500 index hit a record closing high. Most large-scale technology stocks rose, up over 7%, and Meta rose over 3%.Up more than 2%,Up more than 1%, Google,Slight increase;It fell slightly. Popular Chinese stocks generally rose,China Jinlong Index rose by 3.96%.Up nearly 9%,Up more than 7%,Up more than 5%.

  Jufeng viewpoint

  In early trading, A-shares shrank back and rebounded near midday. On the disk,, games,,,,,,, ChatGPT, concept, etc. are at the forefront of the increase list. 、, chicken,, pork,、、And other sectors performed poorly, leading the market down.

  Afternoon,,,,The sectors such as Kechuang 50, Shenzhen Component Index, Growth Enterprise Market Index and Shanghai Composite Index have turned red. Late,Diving,The concept ebbs and the stock index falls. Northbound funds flowed in slightly in the afternoon, and the net inflow for the whole day exceeded 1.5 billion yuan. The market is active, and the turnover of the two cities has shrunk slightly compared with yesterday, but it still exceeds 1 trillion.

  Since August 2023, the adjustment of A-share position has been mainly influenced by the depreciation of RMB exchange rate and geopolitical factors. In the medium term, with the implementation of various counter-cyclical adjustment policies and measures, the domestic economy has entered a recovery cycle, and A-shares have gradually identified the market bottom and fluctuated upward, suggesting a bargain-hunting layout.

  capital proposals

  Jufeng Investment believes that under the expectation of economic recovery, A shares are expected to enter a medium-and long-term bull market. In the short term, the market is mainly affected by exchange rate and peripheral geopolitical factors. In the medium and long term, the market has resumed its activity, and the attractiveness of A shares will be further enhanced in the future. Investors can arrange on dips and expect to increase their holdings or repurchase.Subject matter; And grasp the active varieties in the market:,Opportunities for oversold rebound in sectors such as automobiles.

Using mobile APP to spread obscene articles for profit was solved. The suspect taught himself to develop mobile phone applications.

  CCTV News:Not long ago, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province and the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Cultural Bureau cracked a case of spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile APP, which was listed as a case supervised by the National Leading Group Office for Combating Pornography, and arrested Li, the producer of the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting, Yu, Shi and Ren, and found more than 7 million obscene video files in the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting.

  In July this year, Liu Haibo, a grass-roots grid member of Zhoushan New Town Management Committee, found in his daily visit that many people were watching obscene videos using a mobile APP called "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", which aroused his vigilance.

  After mastering and fixing the relevant evidence, the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Municipal Bureau of Culture immediately launched the joint disposal mechanism for eliminating pornography, provided relevant clues to the Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, and cooperated with the Netan Detachment to investigate related cases.

  Access to overseas obscene websites is hidden.

  After receiving the relevant clues, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau immediately filed an investigation. During the investigation, it was found that the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" APP was extremely confusing and concealed in the process of spreading obscene pornographic videos.

  The police investigation found that the main page of the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App is no different from the normal film and television App. Users can watch a large number of legal film and television works as long as they install it, but when they click on the sub-pages such as classification and search on the page, obscene pornographic video pages will pop up on the mobile phone. By purchasing the registration code and registering as a member, you can browse and watch these obscene video contents.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "The criminal suspect made this mobile APP, and its communication route is mainly through his QQ group, WeChat circle of friends, or website. To watch obscene videos, you must first get an invitation code on your mobile phone and send a part of the invitation code to the card issuing website. "

  After careful investigation, the police found that most of the registered users of this mobile APP purchased the "registration code" from a place in Huanggang, Hubei Province, and there are more than 1,500 registered members from all over the country, and the actual owner and maintainer of this mobile App is Li, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Li made the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App, rented the Internet data cloud to set up a server, and finally accessed more than a dozen overseas obscene websites and more than 7 million obscene video resources.

  Through further investigation, the police also found that 16 other people, such as Shimou from Yuyao, Ningbo and Renmou from Deqing, Huzhou, also bought apps from Li or purchased obscene video resources to access their own apps, and then spread them for profit. After mastering sufficient evidence, Zhoushan Public Security Bureau police rushed to Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Huanggang, Hubei, Yuyao, Zhejiang, Huzhou and other places, and successfully arrested suspects such as Li, Shi and Ren with the cooperation of local police.

  Self-taught mobile phone application development is involved in pornography and is in jail.

  Different from the previously uncovered cases of spreading obscene articles on the Internet, the case of "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile App has the characteristics of fast spread, wide spread and large audience. The four people involved in "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" arrested by the public security organs are all very young, and three of them are post-90 s. What is even more surprising is that Li, the developer of the mobile APP "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", has only a first-year junior high school education.

  Gu Zhoutao, deputy detachment leader of the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, said that it is difficult to block obscene videos spread by the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" mobile APP.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "This software is very concealed. The cases encountered in the past spread through the cloud disk and are easily blocked by the public security organs. Connected through the mobile APP, it is very concealed and difficult to block, so these obscene video data quickly spread to the whole country. "

  The registration code used by registered members of this APP is also very cheap online. The registration code is divided into day card, month card, half-year card, year card, permanent card, etc. The online price of permanent card is 98 yuan, and the cheapest day card only needs 2 yuan. From March this year, the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" went online for only six months until the incident, tens of thousands of people across the country have registered as members, and the relevant personnel have illegally made more than 100,000 yuan.

  Because of his poor family, Li began to work after dropping out of school in the first grade of junior high school, and later taught himself the mobile APP method online. In the face of police interrogation, Li realized that his mistakes were irreparable. At present, four suspects have been transferred for prosecution.

"Tracing back to the Double Ditch" and the launch of the town reading club

  Shuanggou Town, Suining County, Xuzhou City, recently held the "Tracing to the Source Shuanggou" and the launching ceremony of the town reading club at the local Zhaoyi Academy, aiming to build the town reading club into an important platform for local residents to learn and communicate, and to stimulate residents’ love for culture and art.

  At the event site, Zhao Xu, vice president of Suining Reading Association, as the keynote speaker, told the history and culture of Shuanggou Town, shared the importance of reading, and introduced in detail the goal, activity form and daily operation mode of the town reading club.

  It is reported that the reading club will last until the end of March, and various literary lectures, sentiment exchange meetings, reading sharing meetings and other activities will be held regularly to meet the needs of residents of different ages and hobbies. (Shi Wenqiang)

LinkedIn develops built-in game functions, and it is reported that employees’ scores will affect the company’s ranking.

IT House reported on March 18th that LinkedIn, a social platform for the workplace, was developing a built-in game function. Nima Owji, an application researcher, posted a series of screenshots on X, showing some games being developed by LinkedIn, and said that employees’ scores would affect their company’s ranking in the game.

LinkedIn has confirmed this plan to foreign media TechCrunch. The official said: "We are adding puzzle-based games to the LinkedIn experience to release some fun, deepen relationships and hopefully stimulate opportunities for dialogue."

The report also said that the games currently being developed by LinkedIn include Queens, Inference and Crossclimb. It is not clear when the game function will go online and whether it will be available to free users.

LinkedIn revealed that its advanced subscription plan in 2023 generated revenue of $1.7 billion (Note of IT House: currently about RMB 12.24 billion). These plans start at $39.99 per month (currently about RMB 288).

Champions League-Cristiano Ronaldo helped the Red Devils win 5 consecutive victories, Manchester United 2-1 Sporting Lisbon.


  Sohu Sports News On November 28th, Beijing time, Group F of the Champions League ended the fifth round of competition. Manchester United beat Sporting Lisbon 2-1 in stoppage time at home at Old Trafford, while Rome beat Dynamo Kiev 4-1 away to secure promotion to the top 16 in advance. Sporting Lisbon won the third place in the group and can continue to participate in the UEFA Cup. ——

  Manchester United 2-1 Sporting Lisbon

  As the only team in the top 32 that scored 12 points in the first four rounds, Manchester United can ensure the first place in the group as long as it wins, and Sporting Lisbon can’t afford to lose this game if it wants to retain its promotion hope.

  However, judging from the past records, Sporting Lisbon’s trip to England was run out of luck. Manchester United’s previous 8 home games against Portugal were unbeaten with 7 wins and 1 draw, and nearly 32 home games in the Champions League were only lost to AC Milan. On the other hand, Sporting Lisbon, nearly 11 Champions League away games have only a poor record of winning.

  In this game, Ferguson was not affected by the unexpected loss to Bolton last weekend, and continued to rotate the starting lineup. O ‘Shea, Fletcher and Kuszczak were all allowed to start, Vidic recovered from his back injury and returned to the starting line instead of Pique, while C- Ronaldo and Nani played against their old club in the frontcourt respectively. Sporting Lisbon, Ledesson injured his right thigh at the weekend, but the injury was not serious. Patricio, 19, still started in the Champions League for the first time instead of stojkovic, who suffered a hip injury.

  At the beginning of the first half, although Sporting Lisbon had a slight advantage in controlling the ball, it was slightly stronger than Manchester United in terms of offensive sharpness. In the second minute, Anderson obliquely passed C- Ronaldo, and the Portuguese international scored after running 50 meters with the ball. Unfortunately, Saha was a little slow. Subsequently, Nani got two chances in the left rib, but they failed to form a real threat. In the 12th minute, Motinho turned to his right rib 24 meters away, and his right foot slanted the low ball and it would miss. Two minutes later, C- Ronaldo received Carrick’s oblique cross from the right side of the frontcourt and then shot low, which also missed the long post.

  In the 19th minute, O ‘Shea made a cross on the right, C- Ronaldo made a heel pass, and Saha inserted an oblique shot and still missed the target.In the 21st minute, Veloso distributed the ball to the right. Abel caught the ball and suddenly volleyed his right foot near the sideline. Kuszchak, who was unresponsive, made a save, but the ball flew into the net.In the 26th minute, Ledesson once again sent the ball to Manchester United’s net, but the Brazilian striker’s offside goal was invalidated. Three minutes later, Bohr increased the front of the restricted area and turned around to shoot, and the angle was slightly confiscated by Kuszchak. Since then, although the scene is lively, neither side has created a really threatening shooting opportunity. In the first half of the game, Manchester United fell 0-1 behind Sporting Lisbon and entered the halftime break.

  At the beginning of the second half, Ferguson sent Ryan Giggs and Carlos Tevez out. Only 25 seconds after the opening, Tevez successfully broke the ball on the right side of the frontcourt, and Hade had no choice but to put down the shovel and sweep down the Argentine beast and was given a yellow card warning. In the 50th minute, C- Ronaldo took a free kick from Giggs, grabbed a header, and was deflected. Seven minutes later, C- Ronaldo pushed horizontally, and Saha adjusted when he could kick. As a result, the ball was destroyed before kicking.

  In the 59th minute, Ryan Giggs kicked off the right corner, and Nemanja Vidic jumped high and tossed his head to attack the top of the goal.In the 61st minute, O ‘Shea’s cross on the right side was slightly stronger, but Evras quickly inserted the ball and successfully intercepted it. After the cross ball was blocked, it bounced in front of C- Ronaldo, and the Portuguese international hit the door with his right foot. After the ball hit Harder, it touched Tevez’s foot 6 meters in front of the door and changed lines to enter the goal.In the 64th minute, Veloso’s shot on the edge of the restricted area was slightly higher than the lintel. Four minutes later, after receiving Tevez’s cross, C- Ronaldo’s low shot was blocked by Patricio with his foot, and Anderson shot wide 35 meters away. In the 74th minute, Tevez made a long pass from the right, and C- Ronaldo leaned forward and headed the ball from a small angle.

  In the 76th minute, C- Ronaldo hit the door with his left foot and slid from the front door to the bottom line. Three minutes later, Anderson picked the ball, and Hargreaves, who had just come off the bench for less than one minute, plugged in and shot it and was blocked by Patricio with his foot. In the 80th minute, C- Ronaldo failed to get a yellow card because he was fouled. Two minutes later, Evras was also given a yellow card warning for diving in the restricted area.In the 92nd minute, Anderson was violated by Ledesson to create a free kick. C- Ronaldo took a free kick 26 meters away from the left rib and shot his right foot directly to the right side of the goal to complete the reversal, which made C- Ronaldo score 11 goals in his personal season and continue to sit side by side with Ibrahimovic at the top of the Champions League scorer list with 5 goals.In the end, Manchester United defeated Sporting Lisbon 2-1 at home, continued to maintain the record of winning the Champions League this season, and expanded the winning streak at home to 9 games, thus locking the top spot in the group one round ahead of schedule. -This year’s Golden Globe Award will be announced on December 2nd. Do you think C- Ronaldo is a suitable candidate for the Golden Globe Award?

  Manchester United (4-3-3): 29-Kuszczak /3- Evras, 5- Ferdinand, 15- Vidic, 22- O ‘Shea /16- Carrick, 24- Fletcher (46’11- Giggs), 8- Anderson /17- Nani (46’).

  Sporting Lisbon (4-4-2); 1- Patricio /3- Harder, 4- Polga, 13- tonel, 78- Abel /7- ismailov (81’25- Pereirinha), 24- Veloso, 28- Motinho, 30- Romanori (67′ 10- Vukcevic) /9- Purovic (81

  Dynamo Kiev 1-4 Rome

  In the 4th minute, panucci made an oblique pass near the right touchline. Vucinic’s shot at the front point of 7 meters didn’t kick the ball, but shook Rybka, and the ball flew directly into the far corner of the goal. In the 32nd minute, Giuly scored the ball and went straight into the penalty area. Facing Rybka, Giuly calmly pushed the ball to the right and passed the 20-year-old Ukrainian young goalkeeper to expand the lead, which was also the 20th goal scored by the French in Europe.

  In the 36th minute, the Roma midfielder launched a quick counterattack after breaking the ball. The ball was distributed to the left from Jiuli Middle Road, and Vucinic stopped the ball in a proper position. After going straight into the restricted area, he pushed the arc ball 14 meters from the left and hit it in the far corner. In the 63rd minute, Shatzkikh, who came off the bench, made a cross on the outside instep of his right foot at the front of the left rib restricted area, and I- bangura pulled back a point from the right corner of the goal with a 16-meter push from the middle road. In the 78th minute, after Vucinic cooperated with Tonetto on the left, he scored twice with his right foot at 17 meters to seal the victory. In the end, Rome beat Dynamo Kiev 4-1 away and advanced to the top 16 in advance; Kiev, on the other hand, has not won in nearly 12 Champions League matches, with 2 draws and 10 losses. (sandwich)

  Rome (4- 5-1): 32-Doni /2- panucci, 4-Juan, 21- Ferrari, 22- Tonetto /16- Derossi (61’29- Barruso), 7- Pizarro, 11- Taddei (46’18- esposito), 14-.

Editor: Lu Fangfei

World Cup+Golden Ball! In just one year, Messi opened Ronaldo: the era of double arrogance officially ended.

Chatelet Opera House, Golden Globe Festival. When Beckham handed the Golden Globe Award to Messi, the audience stood up and gave applause!

This is a tribute to the ball king. During the performance inspection period of the 2023 Golden Globe Awards (from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023), Messi contributed 42 goals and 26 assists, as well as the World Cup champion, World Cup MVP and Ligue 1 champion trophy. The 8 th Golden Globe Award is in hand, and Messi leads alone in the century-old football.

Messi smiles and accepts the award, and we will think of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the peerless double arrogance.

38-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo, will he feel "injured"? Cristiano Ronaldo is really a little injured-Cristiano Ronaldo, who played successfully in Riyadh, suffered a slight bruise on his ankle, which did not affect his play. The Golden Globe Award is 5-8 behind Messi, and Cristiano Ronaldo, who is competitive, is hard to quiet inside.

Sports media all over the world gave the front page headline of the cover to Messi, who was holding the Golden Globe Award, and the praise was overwhelming. At this time, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is already late at night, and Cristiano Ronaldo may have fallen asleep, preparing for the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s "Guardian Cup of Two Holy Temples" on the second day, or the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s King’s Cup, without much attention.

At this moment, we can feel the fact more: the dispute between the peerless and arrogant has ended.

On December 10, 2022, Portugal was eliminated in the quarter-finals, and Cristiano Ronaldo said goodbye with tears; On December 18, 2022, Messi won the sacred World Cup under the crowd, and the global media all exclaimed that "the new ball king was born". In just 8 days, the peerless double pride has embarked on a different track, and its historical position has been frozen.

In the twilight of his football career, Messi made a great leap to lift the World Cup and achieve the greatest goal. C Ronaldo left regrets and explained disappointment and unwillingness with tears. On the night of the Golden Globe, Messi was crowned with the Golden Globe Award for the eighth time-this is the continuation of Messi’s joy and Cristiano Ronaldo’s sadness in the World Cup, which really ended the dispute between the two arrogance.

The era of double arrogance PK has ended, and the era of Messi and Ronaldo has also ended.Messi in Miami and Cristiano Ronaldo in Riyadh are veterans running in the afterglow of sunset, and the direction of sunset is the time to hang up your boots. This day will come eventually, and watch and cherish it.

The future belongs to Bellingham and Harland. Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, this is the sun-like stage, the center of world football. The dispute between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo is no longer the mainstream-although the two veterans can still contribute to the monopoly level of heat and topic, the gods also have the end of the day, and next year’s Golden Globe Award is likely to completely turn over the page of double arrogance.

Millions of greedy people openly shouted: I didn’t make a mistake! The prosecutor used this trick to silence him.

  CCTV News:Recently, the Intermediate People’s Court of Zibo City, Shandong Province publicly pronounced the case of Lu Zaimo, former member of the Standing Committee of Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and former chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Ethnic Affairs, accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The defendant Lu Zaimo was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined 600,000 yuan.

  At the age of 18, he served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of Rushan County in Yantai, the head of Fushan District in Yantai at the age of 36, the mayor of Jining at the age of 48, and the first director of the Department of Commerce in the history of Shandong Province at the age of 55. Lu Zaimo’s career can be said to be smooth.

  At work, Lu Zaimo was highly effective and conscientious, and was praised as a "good cadre". However, it is this glamorous "star" official who used his position to illegally accept property of more than 4.28 million yuan; It also reimbursed many times the monthly expenses, transportation expenses, meals and other expenses that should be paid by individuals and families for more than 170,000 yuan; Even the public funds of 9 million yuan from Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce were used to buy houses, decorate houses and buy vehicles in Yantai for their personal use.

  At this point, in the face of censorship, Lu Zaimo refused to explain the problem, and even yelled at the case handlers: "I didn’t make any mistakes, you are so unfair to me! I want to report you! "

  However, no matter how tough his attitude is, he can’t change the outcome that he will be caught if he reaches out.

  Restore massive evidence and sit on the "iron case"

  According to Zhang Jingya, the procurator of the Third Public Prosecution Office of Shandong Provincial People’s Procuratorate, in case Lu Zaimo did not plead guilty, the case handlers worked around the clock almost every day, made a pre-judgment of every possible situation, and went back and forth to Jinan and Zibo several times to look for evidence. Finally, I found a key witness, Qi Moumou, who gave Lu Zaimo 1.5 million yuan in cash four times since 2003.

  In August 2016, Lu Zaimo was suspected of accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The key witness, Zhai Moumou, testified in court, but Lu Zaimo did not look at him. He even insisted that "I don’t know him at all, and I have no impression at all. The bribe of 1.5 million yuan is unnecessary."

  Lu Zaimo (data map)

  Lu Zaimo’s reaction, investigators have long expected.

  In order to confirm the testimony of the witness, the case-handling personnel went to the scene in advance to extract the paper bag used by the witness company to bribe Lu Zaimo. After the test, it was found that it could indeed hold the cash and gifts mentioned by the witness. Bribery money can be found from the company’s finances; Witnesses can clearly explain the purpose of the loan in detail … …

  In this way, more evidence of bribery by Lu Zaimo was restored one by one.

  The investigators also adopted synchronous recording and video recording technology when Lv Zaimo was first arraigned, and kept all the guilty confessions he made before the trial.

  In the face of overwhelming evidence, Lu Zaimo was finally speechless.

  Diet Coke, jiaozi and Longevity Noodles Break the Suspect’s Psychological Defense Line.

  In the face of censorship, some people are arrogant, while others play dumb.

  Qi Guangsen, a discipline inspector at the tenth discipline inspection and supervision office of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, has encountered such a situation.

  When conducting a disciplinary review of Yu of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yu pretended to be deaf and dumb and said nothing. Qi Guangsen found that Yu did not speak because he worked in the judicial department for a long time and was very aware of the consequences of his violation of discipline and law.

  After careful observation, Yu was most concerned about his elderly mother, so he adjusted his work ideas and conversation strategies in time, focused on family influence and policy, insisted on talking with Yu every day, had dinner together, and carefully prepared a sugar-free coke that Yu loved to drink.

  In the first 20 days, Yu was still expressionless and stubborn, but Qi Guangsen didn’t give up, and finally influenced Yu to truthfully confess his disciplinary behavior.

  In fact, "moving people with emotion" has long been a common method for case handlers to break through the psychological defense of the censor.

  According to previous media reports, at the beginning of 2014, a cadre of a unit in Xicheng District of Beijing seriously violated the law and was taken "double regulations" measures. Just before the Spring Festival, in order to stabilize the mood of the investigated cadres, the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Xicheng District of Beijing ensured that he ate jiaozi on the New Year’s Eve, and let him watch the Spring Festival Gala if conditions permitted.

  Similarly, when investigating a case a few years ago, the day when the Xicheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection took the subject to the "double regulations" happened to be his birthday. The staff first gave him a bowl of longevity noodles during the meal. Seeing the noodles, the cadre burst into tears. The follow-up investigation of this case was very smooth.

  Judge the facts of a crime in English

  In order to avoid the organization’s inquiry, what’s more, they came up with a "crooked trick" to communicate and talk with the case handlers in English.

  In the interrogation room of the Dazu District Procuratorate in Chongqing, there was such a scene: the prosecutor Lu Duandong conducted an exchange trial of the suspect in English.


  Lu Duandong (right) discusses the case with colleagues.

  It was a corruption case that Lu Duandong’s case-handling team took over. After the case arrived, the suspect Liu refused to cooperate. During the trial, Liu even insisted that the interrogators communicate with him in English.

  Lu Duandong found that Liu had the habit of persisting in learning English because of his master’s degree and his daughter’s studying in Canada, and his oral English level was also high.

  Grasping this point, Lu Duandong asked during the trial: "If we interrogate in English, you will honestly explain the facts of the crime?"

  Liu didn’t expect the prosecutor on the other side to ask this question, and smiled silently.

  Therefore, after work, Lu Duandong began to suddenly train his listening and speaking skills, preparing for the next contest with Liu.

  The second interrogation of Liu, Lu Duandong calmly and fluently talked with him about English, Liu’s psychological defense line was broken a little bit, and more and more criminal facts were confessed.

  During the trial break, Liu asked, "What do you think of using ‘ Fight back ’ Is it appropriate to describe my current situation? "

  "No, I think ‘ The trapped beast still fights ’ This word is more suitable for you. " Lu Duandong said.

  After listening to the word "trapped beast still fights", Liu was silent for a long time and confessed all the criminal facts.

  Facts have proved that no matter how cunning a fox is, it can’t compete with a resourceful and good hunter. Any act of resisting censorship and inquiry will ultimately be nothing more than shooting yourself in the foot. Corruption and violation of discipline are like stepping into a swamp, sinking deeper and deeper, and breaking free with brute force can only accelerate the fall. (Text/Chen Xin)