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Spring in Ma ‘an Village

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, February 27th (Reporter Wang Ruiping) When the Sanhua plum beside the village road blooms a little bud, Ma ‘an Village is also ushered in spring with more than 30,000 mu of bamboo forests around it.
Ma ‘an Village, Pingtang Town, Xinyi City, Guangdong Province, located in the depths of Yunkai Mountain, is more than 800 meters above sea level and more than 1,000 meters above sea level. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the land is barren. The villagers once used "nothing but steep slopes" to describe their remoteness and poverty.
"I have to walk on the dirt road hanging on the ridge for more than an hour every day when I go to school. I bring my own rice and leftovers. At noon, I use three bricks to build a stove to cook." Zhou Qinglian, born in 2002, recalled that her childhood journey to school was full of bitterness. Today, although her face looks immature, she has been working for almost two years after graduating from college and is a reserve cadre of Ma ‘an Village Committee.
Zhang Yujiao also chose to go back to the village for employment. In 2023, she graduated from Guangdong Ocean University majoring in economics and joined the Ma ‘an village tourism development and operation enterprise, becoming the "new generation" of local rural revitalization. "I used to study hard to get out of this mountain, but I didn’t expect to return to my hometown after graduation." Zhang Yujiao, dressed in fashionable clothes, wore Chinese hairpins and a horse-faced skirt, while receiving tourists, told reporters the story of employment at home.
It depends on the earth-shaking changes in Ma ‘an Village to attract college students to return to their hometowns for employment. In June, 2021, Yunmao Expressway was officially opened to traffic, which ended the history of no expressway passing through the eastern mountainous area of Xinyi City, narrowed the time and space distance between the mountainous area of western Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Ma ‘an Village also ushered in a new life.
The new look of Ma ‘an village (photo taken on February 12, drone photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
More than 30,000 mu of bamboo forest around Ma ‘an Village is the biggest local feature. In August 2022, the rural revitalization project of "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" officially started construction. As an important node in the "Demonstration Zone of Rural Revitalization along Yunmao Expressway" carefully built by the local government, the project is jointly invested by the government and enterprises with a proportion of 250 million yuan, and the construction and management are not lower than the national 4A-level tourist attractions.
"The first exit of Yunmao Expressway in Xinyi is our Pingtang Town. We have the largest bamboo forest in western Guangdong, with alpine meadows, lakes, clouds and patches of virgin forests."
Xiao Yingbei, secretary of the Party branch of Ma ‘an Village, took the reporter across the rest pavilion hanging with "cooking tea around the stove" from the entrance of the renovated village Committee, along the asphalt road, through the hydrophilic platform with flowing water, climbed up the hotel and homestay in the middle of the mountain, and went around to Zhuhai Square in the middle of the village. As he walked, he introduced that Pingtang Town used to be the "leftover material" of Xinyi City, and Ma ‘an Village was the "leftover material" of Pingtang Town. Now the traffic is good.
The scene of Yunmao Expressway passing through Yunkai Mountain (photo taken on February 11th, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
"Just after the Spring Festival, several friends from other places wanted to visit our village and asked me if there was a traffic jam." Yang Xiangwen is usually engaged in logistics and distribution work in Baiyun District of Guangzhou. After dinner with friends, he walked to Zhuhai Square. He took the reporter’s hand and said, "Now I am very proud to tell others about our village. There are many videos of our village on my mobile phone, which others envy!"
Tourists took a group photo in Ma ‘an Village (photo taken on February 12). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
In the reception room of Ma ‘an Village Committee, the wall is a new panoramic photo of Ma ‘an Village. Xiao Yingbei broke his fingers and analyzed the situation of the scenic spot after it was opened to reporters. In 2022, the collective income of our village was only about 170,000 yuan, and it has increased to 963,000 yuan in 2023. "Ticket income, house rental, parking fees, operating share of hotels and homestays, plus homestays run by villagers, restaurants and canteens can all increase villagers’ income."
According to the planning of Ma ‘an Village, after the "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" scenic spot is opened normally this year, the per capita annual equity dividend of villagers can reach 2,000 yuan, providing 200 jobs, and more villagers will also find jobs at their doorsteps.
"In the past, the village was a winding mud road, but now it has expanded into a 5.5-meter two-way lane." Zhou Qinglian said that every time the hometown road is widened, the life of the villagers will become better.
Driving from the top of the mountain to Yunmao Expressway, the clouds spread over the bamboo sea from the valley, and countless bamboo shoots were buried in the soil at this time, calling for spring rain. When the spring thunder rings, these spring shoots will bring different spring to Ma ‘an village.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  The stars and the moon are burning in the sky, and there are two yuanxiao on earth. Every year, it’s Lantern Festival again.

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival". In this festival, in addition to eating dumplings, enjoying lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns, there are also countless literati who have left many poetic poems. These poems, or trigger the resonance of missing, or contain similar warmth, as well as countless inner attachments. These beautiful images hidden in ancient poems have amazed the time and the soul.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Today, let’s walk in poetry and feel the Lantern Festival in poetry.

  Ouyang Xiu wrote in the Northern Song Dynasty: "On the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market was lit like a day. The moon rose above the willow tree, At dusk he had a tryst with me. The lantern festival on the fifteenth day of the first month of this year, the moonlight and the lights are still the same as last year. I didn’t see last year, and my tears wet my spring shirt sleeves. " Just a few crosses create a hazy, quiet, graceful and soft artistic conception, which makes people feel the charm of China’s traditional poems.

  "Jin Li Fang Yan, Lan Hongyan in his early years. The color is far away, and the light is far away. After the Chinese suspect that the stars are falling, the building is like a moon hanging. Don’t have a thousand gold smiles, come and reflect the nine branches. " Lu Zhaolin, one of the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Watching Lights at Fifteen Nights", which made the colorful Lantern Festival lights unique and brought people into the enchanted fairyland.

  The poet Su Weidao wrote in the poem "The fifteenth night of the first month": "The fire tree and silver flowers are combined, and the star bridge is locked. The crowd surged, the dust float in the sky under the hoofs of the horses; Moonlight all over every corner, where people can see the moon overhead. Prostitutes are all ruined, and songs are all ruined. Jin Wu can’t help but stay up at night, and the jade leaks. " The poem describes the scene of lights scattered and crowds surging on the Lantern Festival night in Chang ‘an, and people still don’t want to leave at midnight. Read it carefully, and you will have a wonderful feeling of being in the capital of Datang and sleepwalking in the sea of people and lights.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Yuan midnight snack, between the lights. "Find him thousands of baidu in the crowd. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, and the lights were dim. " Xin Qiji, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, is well-known for this word in "Qing Yu An Yuan Xi". In fact, in ancient times, Lantern Festival was also a romantic festival. Lantern Festival provides an opportunity for unmarried men and women to get to know each other, and it is also a good opportunity for young men and women to meet their lovers.

  In the Song Dynasty, the anonymous poet "Partridge Sky Shang Yuan" said: "At dusk, we welcome the auspicious to the Royal Return, and the palace flowers carry the brocade in piles. The whip sounded by the bridge in Tianjin, and the shadow was opened in front of Xuande Building. Play Shun music, enter the Yao Cup, and announce that the car will go to Tianjie immediately. The king likes to have fun with the people, and he comes with shock on all sides. " It describes the grand occasion of the Lantern Festival in the capital city of Song Huizong, where the emperor enjoyed the fun with the people, the officials and petty officials swarmed around, and the people flocked to it. Everyone wore all kinds of flowers on his head, and all the way, it was colorful and dazzling, as if it were a sea of flowers.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Photo by Beijing Daily reporter Pan Zhiwang.

  Tang Bohu, a cynical and talented six-legged layman, also wrote a beautiful work "Yuanxiao". "A moon without lights is not entertaining, and a moon without lights is not spring. Towards everywhere spring comes as seen here with lady fair, Over bright moonlit night flashing lanterns set off the moon as pure silver. All over the street, Zhu Cui swims around the village girls, singing and competing with the social gods. If you don’t show your respect and smile, how can you get rid of this good time? " The Lantern Festival written by him is not only beautiful in artistic conception, but also lively and touching. The lights and the moon are shining, the songs are everywhere, and even the village girls wear red and green to travel. The scene is very spectacular and moving.

  The beauty of poetry lies in its rich flavor of the times and life. The romance of poetry lies in its engraving of human experience and customs changes. Therefore, it can cross the long river of time and let us regain the memory of culture. No matter how time and space change, Lantern Festival is still a spiritual symbol that we can’t give up, and people are still used to reunion in festivals.

  "At the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market lights were as bright as day. On the first night of this year, only the moon remains. " On this day, which should be a family reunion, too many people can’t do so because of the unexpected visitor "COVID-19 epidemic". This sudden epidemic has disrupted the rhythm of everyone’s reunion and disturbed our pace of going home. At this moment, on the Lantern Festival, let’s say a word to the "soldiers" who are fighting against the epidemic: take care and be safe! Say a word to all my family and compatriots: Happy holidays!

  The fight against the epidemic has entered the stage of Armageddon, and we look forward to the early dispersal of the epidemic and the family reunion as soon as possible! (Guangming. com reporter Yuan Qing)

This is a popular science post! Tangyuan was called …

Chinanews. com client Beijing, February 15 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today, the Lantern Festival. At this time, glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao is a seasonal food that many people like.
Previously, "Tangyuan is understood by eating" was also posted on a hot search, and many people shared the methods of eating Tangyuan online: Tangyuan Baba, crispy chocolate Tangyuan … there are quite a few patterns.
Data Map: Laojie Tangyuan. Photo by Zhang Hengwei
As many people know, glutinous rice balls are a traditional snack. Its origin is very early, with rich fillings, which can be sweet, salty and vegetarian, and now there are various creative shapes and eating methods.
A Brief History of Tangyuan
The appearance is round and the entrance is sweet, which is the first impression of many people on glutinous rice balls.
Wang Juan, a folklore expert, said that there were many names for glutinous rice balls in ancient times.Such as cocoons, round corners, round balls, dumplings, pink fruits, etc.. This kind of food existed in the pre-Qin period.
Zhou Bida, a poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem "Boiling a Floating Yuanzi on the Lantern Festival", which mentioned that "the stars are in the dark clouds and the pearls are floating in the turbid water". Some people think that the "bead" in the poem refers to glutinous rice balls.
Interestingly, in the Qing Dynasty, Chen Zuolin once said in the "Local Records of Jinling Products", "Tangtuan is called Yuanxiao, and it is also named after the festival."
Data map: Tangyuan is made into a mahjong style. Photo by Chen Chao
"Ancient glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao are generally round with stuffing in the middle. In the traditional concept of China, there is a meaning of yin and yang wrapping and containing everything. Therefore, it is a seasonal food, symbolizing the change of seasons, especially yin and yang, and also praying for reunion." Wang Juan said.
Can be fried or boiled, sweet or salty.
The difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is mainly reflected in the practice. Yuanxiao is made by shaking, and the dumplings are wrapped.
Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty recorded the practice of radish dumplings and gouache dumplings in Suiyuan Food List. Among them, the radish glutinous rice balls are salty, and the practice is "the radish is shredded and boiled … and then burned with sesame oil. The soup can also be rolled. "
Some articles mentioned that the ancients ate Yuanxiao, and many fillings were "sweet", which were generally sugar mixed with chopped flowers, walnuts, melon seeds, sesame seeds and so on. In Qing Dynasty, there was a master named Ma Siyuan who made Yuanxiao, and he also made Yuanxiao with sweet-scented osmanthus, sugar and walnuts as fillings.
Fu Zeng, a poet in the Qing Dynasty, wrote in "Poems on Bamboo Branches in Shangyuan", "Sweet-scented osmanthus is filled with walnuts, and the rice is like a pearl well. See that Ma’s family is good at dropping powder, and try to sell Yuanxiao in the wind. "
As far as the production method is concerned, there are many methods such as frying, steaming and frying. Sometimes, the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crisp and delicious.
Data Map: Cartoon dumplings made. Li yanran
Do you know that this idiom is related to glutinous rice balls?
In addition to eating methods and practices, there are many interesting little knowledge about dumplings.
For example, there is an idiom "hollow glutinous rice balls", that is, glutinous rice balls without stuffing, which is a metaphor for a false name without real benefits or unfulfilled promises.
Now, there are many creative shapes that make people feel more novel. For example, the "Mahjong Tangyuan" that appeared earlier, the cartoon-shaped Tangyuan and so on. In addition, there are various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls such as strawberries, flowers and chocolates.
However, on the other hand, people like to eat glutinous rice balls, because they symbolize reunion and perfection, and they have a good wish for their future life. Therefore, its "heat" will never decrease. (End)

Let outsiders see jokes, no! Making this big country’s heavy weapon is to fight for making it in China.

  CCTV News:There are representative major projects and major projects in each era, and those super projects have become the symbolic symbols of the times, which embodies the hard work and creativity of the people of China and also witness the road of China’s revival and rise.

  Shield machine is a necessary equipment for tunneling, and it is also a high-end equipment focused on "Made in China 2025". At one time, the technology and overseas market of super-large diameter shield machine have been monopolized by western countries for more than a century. In May this year, the super-large diameter shield machine independently developed by China will go abroad for the first time and become a new "national business card" for China.

  In May, this super-large diameter shield machine with a diameter of 12.12 meters and a weight of 2,200 tons is about to leave for Bangladesh. Although it is the weekend, the manufacturing team is still making the final confirmation of the export shipment plan.

  For Zhang Boyang, the person in charge of this shield machine, it is not the first time that there is no weekend. The shield machine exported this time is not the most difficult project he took over. At the same location, they once manufactured the first super-large diameter shield machine with independent intellectual property rights in China — — "Tianhe", with a diameter of 15.03 meters and a weight of 6,500 tons, was used to excavate the Yangtze River tunnel in Nanjing at that time.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "This was the most difficult geology in the world at that time. It was soft on the top and hard on the bottom. If it was all hard, it would be easy and even."

  Zhang Boyang is the commander of Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel Project. At that time, only one foreign company in the world had experience in manufacturing shield machines with similar conditions, and the construction party planned to order two shield machines from this company.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "700 million one, two 1.4 billion, no price reduction. You can’t rely on others to import all the time. Once they wean you from food, you will die, so we are determined to make it ourselves. "

  It’s better to throw off your arms and do it yourself than to cry your head off and beg for help. A big country’s heavy weapon must be in its own hands. As an engineer of this project, Zhou Jun was mainly responsible for research and development.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine Project: "The pressure is enormous. Everyone thinks it is incredible, and there are doubts outside."

  In the process of research and development, many technical problems appear for the first time, so we can only cross the river by feeling the stones. The research and development of core components has made everyone think hard.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine ProjectThe cylinder is the core component of the shield machine, and the shield machine moves forward by the thrust generated by the cylinder. Before that, they were all imported from abroad. Our super-large diameter shield cylinder is a luxury car, 500,000 yuan each. "

  Tianhe needs about 50 such cylinders. In order to realize the localization of core components, the R&D team made great efforts and made up their minds to gnaw this hard bone.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine ProjectWe employees are the earliest to get off work at 11 pm. I basically go to work after 7 o’clock in the morning and get off work around 1 o’clock, every day. Through four to five months of experiments, we have come up with a set of manufacturing inspection standards for large-diameter shield cylinders. "

  After nearly half a year of technical research, the domestic shield cylinder finally came out, and the cost of one cylinder was 300 thousand yuan cheaper than that of imported cylinders. A super-large diameter shield machine consists of tens of thousands of parts of different sizes. Behind every domestic part is hard work. The research and development of Tianhe has been designed, modified, tested and revised thousands of times. There are more than 7,000 drawings confirmed in the final design of the whole equipment, which are more than one person high when stacked together.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine Project: "Everyone thought the same thing as me at that time, that is, we built these two machines. At that time, China should be said to be the shield machine with the most advanced technology, the largest diameter and the highest difficulty. Everyone had this sense of accomplishment at that time, that is, this kind of glory for the country, this kind of courage, including this spirit, that is to say, since I have done this, I must do it well. "

  After 14 months of hard work, in July 2012, China’s first super-large diameter shield machine "Tianhe" was officially put into use, and the two shield machines saved nearly 800 million yuan for the country. However, can this shield stand the test of super engineering?

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "The most painful thing was in 2013, when the cutter head got stuck. Just a few days before the Spring Festival, I didn’t leave the construction site for half a step, and I stayed in the shield machine for observation and analysis every day. "

  The cutter head suddenly stopped turning during the excavation of the Yangtze River tunnel, and these 59 days were the most difficult days for everyone.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project"This is not only an enterprise, but also the pressure from China people. You let foreigners see Chinese jokes. This pressure is really huge, even if you cut my meat. "

  After a long period of hard thinking, Zhang Boyang made a bold suggestion.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "I retreated the cutter head and shield body of this integral shield machine, which is technical and has never been seen before. But I also evaluate and analyze what risks it has, how to retreat, and how much strength it needs. I use the telescopic mechanism and oil cylinder of the cutter head, and every time I retreat 10 mm, 10 mm, that’s all. "

  After two months of persistence, the cutter head finally turned again. In July, 2015, after three years, Tianhe came out of the hole at the bottom of the river and saw the light again. Many people present cried with joy.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "Without responsibility, there is no innovative spirit. You dare not take responsibility, do you dare to innovate? We are not willing to do this. How can China’s manufacturing industry develop? "

  Tianhe has achieved 50% localization rate, and the localization rate of shield machines to be exported to Bangladesh has increased to 95%. It will be used in China’s largest overseas shield road tunnel project, and help the country’s "Belt and Road Initiative".

How do senior three students prepare for the exam when the countdown to the college entrance examination is less than 100 days?

  This year, the number of college entrance examination candidates in China is expected to exceed 10 million. Weng Tiehui, Vice Minister of Education, said at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism in the State Council on February 28th that the Ministry of Education will carefully study the implementation plan of this year’s college entrance examination, and relevant work arrangements will be announced to the public in time. The reporter found out that since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination has never been rescheduled for any reason. Even during the SARS period, the original plan was still implemented, one month ahead of the previous year, and it was carried out normally. According to the usual arrangement, the 2020 college entrance examination will officially enter the 100-day countdown on February 28th. How to stay in the sprint stage and get rid of the adverse effects caused by the epidemic has also become a challenge that this year’s senior three students must go all out to face.

  Recording and broadcasting lectures, live answering questions, opening the "online teaching" mode in the third grade of senior high school.

  Wang Yi, director of the third grade of Wuchang Experimental Middle School in Hubei Province, told the reporter that the "online preparation" model carried out by the school has been going on for more than a month due to the epidemic.

  Wang Yi said: "We started our holiday on January 20th. We originally planned to start classes on February 1st, the eighth day of the first month, and the winter vacation lasted for 10 days. Due to the sudden outbreak, online teaching has become a routine mode. Before that, to be honest, most of our teachers, including myself, taught online ‘ Zero foundation ’ . I thought at that time, I would take advantage of the winter vacation to explore. I had a holiday on January 21st, and I started to broadcast live on the Internet on the 22nd … …”

  With the development of the epidemic situation, in late January, the Ministry of Education announced that schools all over the country should "close classes without stopping studying", integrate online learning resources according to their own reality, enrich learning content, and provide suitable home learning methods for candidates.

  Wang Yi led the team to take action formally. He introduced: "On the fifth and sixth day of junior high school, I suggested to the school to hold a video conference through QQ group to let the teachers get familiar with the operation. After four or five meetings, everyone gradually became proficient, brainstorming and communicating with each other, and this kind of teaching channel was gradually established. "

Interactive screenshot of online teaching feedback in Class 5, Grade 3, Wuchang Experimental Middle School, Hubei Province

  Designated e-mail to send and receive grading homework, mobile phone applet to conduct quizzes, and online simulation exam to test learning results … … After two weeks of exploration, the online teaching feedback mode in this special period has been continuously enriched and improved.

  Li Huisuo, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Hengshui School, introduced in an interview with CCTV News 1+1 that Hengshui School has taken three measures to help senior three students prepare for the exam: 1. All the students participate in student management: a teacher subcontracts several students for video home visits and individual counseling to keep abreast of their situation; 2. Expand the content of education in an all-round way: the cultural class adopts the way of combining recording and broadcasting teaching with live answering questions; Physical education class arranged gymnastics suitable for family exercise; Carry out labor education classes and let students do some housework. 3. Highlight inspirational education in the whole process: record inspirational theme class meetings and inspirational micro-videos to keep students energetic.

  Parents of online exams and home exams turned into "invigilators"

  From January 30 to February 11, the teaching and research staff of senior three in Wuhan began to develop and revise the February research examination questions in Wuhan online, and completed the online and offline versions of 9 sets of papers. On February 26th, relying on the Wuhan Education Cloud Platform, the city’s senior high schools were organized to carry out the online quality testing of senior three English subjects, and the feasibility of online quality testing of senior three English subjects was studied and analyzed, which also provided a practical basis for the online quality testing of senior three English subjects in Wuhan in the future.

  Su Min, the educational director of Wuhan No.11 Middle School, said: "We have designed an online exam, which is called the heart-taking exam, to make students transition from the loose state of holidays to the tense state of study as soon as possible. There is a weekly test once a week to test the learning state of the week. There is a monthly exam once a month to understand the learning status of the whole month. Teachers can fully understand students’ learning situation through testing and adjust their own teaching. Students can also check for gaps and make timely adjustments, and at the same time, they can also conduct sufficient exercises to hone their skills, speed and mentality. "

The cloud system invigilation of Guangqumen Middle School in Beijing

  On March 3rd, the first adaptive test of Beijing New College Entrance Examination was held. Affected by the epidemic, more than 50,000 candidates took the "home exam" for four consecutive days.

  According to the different conditions of each school, the test papers reach the candidates by flash mail, on-site collection by parents, and self-printing by mailbox extraction. Because this test needs candidates to be conducted at home, parents become "invigilators". In order to ensure the effectiveness of the test, schools let parents receive "cloud" training before invigilation through online counseling and "A Letter to Parents" before the test. 15 minutes before each exam, parents remind students to empty their desks, prepare school supplies, mute electronic products such as mobile phones, prepare test papers, answer sheets and barcodes for the subject, and issue instructions such as "The exam is about to begin, please confirm that electronic products such as mobile phones are mute". After the exam is completed, submit the answer sheet by mail or sending pictures according to the requirements of middle school.

  Psychological micro-courses and expert lectures relieve stress and boost morale.

  In the past, the "countdown to the college entrance examination" hanging above the blackboard in the classroom can only "move into" the class groups of online platforms such as QQ and WeChat. Without the teacher around, the pressure and anxiety of many students have increased.

  Xi Huisuo, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Hengshui School, said that the college entrance examination is a big competition of comprehensive strength, which not only tests knowledge and ability, but also tests students’ psychological quality, will quality, behavior habits and physical health. In a special period, children are prone to anxiety at home, and even have some problems with their parents. At this time, psychological counseling becomes very important. To this end, Hengshui has arranged a special psychological teacher to record psychological micro-courses, and students can watch them on demand according to their own wishes.




The first place in Jiangsu liberal arts missed Qingbei. Do you understand the admission rules of the new college entrance examination?

  [Editor’s note] The candidates with the highest score in Jiangsu liberal arts are not allowed to go to Qingbei Nanda because their history subject level is B+. Many people said that they could not understand the current college entrance examination. In fact, in Jiangsu’s current "3+2" recruitment model, Tsinghua of Peking University has been asking for double A or above for many years. But this will be the last year for Jiangsu to use the old model. Jiangsu will implement the new college entrance examination plan next year. 澎湃 Mathematics course took Zhejiang, the first batch of reforms, as an example last year, sorting out the long examination course and 35 subject choices of the new college entrance examination. In a blink of an eye, Zhejiang sent out four new college entrance examination students. With minor adjustments and small patches, local reforms were rolled out one after another, and the reform ideas disassembled in this paper were basically continued.

  In our second and third year of high school, we may have experienced many exams and model exams, but the college entrance examination is only in June of the third year of high school, so it is also called "one exam will set you for life". However, in today’s high schools in Zhejiang, students of Grade Two begin to prepare for the academic proficiency test early, which may become the first record that affects college admission.

  The second year of high school started the college entrance examination, and it took two years to pass the "test"

  Du Yiming, 19, is a senior three student in a first-class key middle school in Zhejiang Province. In addition to the number of words, Du Yiming chose physics, chemistry and biology as college entrance examination subjects. His college entrance examination began in November of the last semester of Senior Two.There are more key exams, and "every time matters, you can’t relax every time".

  Du Yiming took part in the "first college entrance examination" of four subjects: biochemistry and foreign languages in November last year. On the first weekend of April this year, he will take part in the "second college entrance examination" for selected subjects. The results of the materialized students in these two exams will be included in the total score of the college entrance examination according to the grade assignment. By the time of the national college entrance examination in June, Du Yiming will face an exam beyond the number of languages. There is only one chance to get Chinese and math scores, and the foreign language scores will be included in the total score according to the actual test scores, based on the foreign language test results in November last year.

  When the national candidates finished the college entrance examination in early June, Du Yiming was greeted by the "Trinity" exam of Zhejiang University. For Zhejiang candidates, if they want to sprint to some top universities in China, such as Peking University and Tsinghua, it is best to take the "Trinity" exam which is put forward by these universities in mid-June. In the end, the results of this exam will be combined with the scores of six subjects in the college entrance examination and the scores of earlier academic level exams to form the admission transcripts in proportion. Such a "trinity" admission quota may account for more than 80% of the admission channels of these colleges and universities; If candidates intend to enter the above-mentioned colleges and universities solely by the results of the college entrance examination, it is not impossible, but it also means giving up many opportunities automatically.

  Du Yiming’s tense preparation schedule is not an isolated case. Compared with the traditional college entrance examination mode of "one exam determines life", the new college entrance examination reform in Zhejiang has undergone tremendous changes.

  To sum up, there are probably three new features:

  1. Cancel the division of arts and sciences, and use the new rule of "three subjects must be tested except the number of languages, and the other subjects should be selected from 7";

  2. Foreign languages and elective subjects are provided with 2 examination opportunities, and the highest score is included in the total score of the college entrance examination, and the elective subjects are graded according to the ranking;

  3. Not limited to the unified entrance examination, the "Trinity" enrollment scale of universities directly under the Ministry of Education in and outside the province has expanded.

  The road to the new college entrance examination is full of choices besides hard work.

  Option 1: Customize your own exam schedule.

  Every candidate has a dense examination schedule in his hand. Different from the traditional "one exam for life" model, each exam in the above table may affect the final admission.

  Do you want to participate in the "Trinity" enrollment? How many times do you need to take the exam? How many courses do you take each time? For these questions, candidates need to customize their own examination schedule according to their own situations and goals.

  If we take the recruitment path of the general college entrance examination, it will affect the admission of two rounds of elective examinations and the college entrance examination of three subjects other than languages. As for the academic examination, as long as we "pass the exam", it will do.

  If you take the "trinity" recruitment path, all the above exams will affect the admission: you need to get as many As possible A’s (accounting into the "trinity" total score) in the academic exam, take two rounds of elective exams and the college entrance examination outside the language number, as well as the "trinity" in-school test of your favorite university.

  At present, there are 57 colleges and universities participating in the "Trinity" enrollment in Zhejiang, including 49 colleges and universities in the province and 8 colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education. Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University and China University of Science and Technology all participate in the "Trinity" enrollment.

  According to the information released by Zhejiang Education Examinations Institute, there are 8,690 "Trinity" enrollment plans for colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province this year, and the "Trinity" enrollment brochures for colleges and universities outside the province and directly under the Ministry of Education have not yet been released, with 1,664 students last year. Since the enrollment plan for the general college entrance examination in 2019 has not been announced, if we refer to the 231,000 college entrance examination enrollment in 2018, the ratio of the two enrollment numbers is about 1:23, and the proportion of the "Trinity" in all enrollment can not be underestimated; It is even more important to occupy more than 80% of the enrollment in some colleges and universities.

  Option 2: 35 combinations of courses, which three subjects to take?

  After the reform of Zhejiang College Entrance Examination, seven subjects were arranged and combined, and 35 different ways of selecting subjects were derived.

  The Paper (www.thepaper.cn) found a general administrative class of "Chemistry+Biology" graduated from a first-class key middle school in Zhejiang Province in June 2018, and recorded the decision of 57 students in this class to choose subjects.

  By comparing the ranking of each student in six large-scale exams in high school for three years, we find that it is very reasonable.Students should first consider the dominant subjects when choosing subjects.. Hao Chenfei, a teacher of the school, said: "Even if there is more room for some subjects in the future, students still choose subjects with their own advantages."

  In this class, we found that eight students chose three subjects with the best grades in Grade One.

  Such new rules may help some candidates to "overtake in corners".

  We find out two all-round academic tyrants and two partial scientific tyrants in our class for comparison. The results of all-round academic tyrants in every subject in Grade One of Senior High School are in the top 20% of the year, and the total scores of seven subjects rank the highest. The scores of the subjects selected by the partial science tyrants are all in the first 20% of the year, but the other subjects are relatively backward.

  Let’s look back at the distribution of the scores of the all-round academic tyrants and the partial scientific tyrants in the first year of high school. The scores of these four students in the selected subjects are relatively close, but judging from the total scores of seven subjects, the all-round academic tyrants are completely ahead of the partial scientific tyrants:

  By choosing subjects, the partial science master got rid of the inferior subjects, narrowed the distance with the all-round learning master, and even surpassed the all-round learning master in the final ranking. According to the grading method, we convert the ranking percentage of the above four students in the six large-scale exams from Grade One to Grade Three into grading, and illustrate the performance curves of these students. If you only look at the two exams in senior three, you can’t even judge who is the all-round academic tyrant and who is the partial scientific tyrant.

  In this class, there are also students who do not choose the dominant subjects completely according to their personal rankings.

  The reason for this phenomenon may be that candidates consider choosing a major in the future. Li Zirui, a senior three student in this school, became interested in computer programming in his freshman year. In order to further his studies in computer science in the future, he "chose physics almost without hesitation when choosing a subject".

  Option 3: How to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses under the customized rules of colleges and universities?

  The new college entrance examination rules also provide colleges and universities withMore recruitment autonomy.

  On the one hand, unlike in the past when there were only two types of students in arts and sciences, there are more targeted requirements for students to choose examination subjects when enrolling students in various majors in colleges and universities. For example, Peking University’s astronomy and psychology majors require candidates to choose subjects that contain physics; The majors of finance and finance in Renmin University of China require candidates to choose subjects containing history or physics; Zhejiang University’s humanities experimental class is not limited to elective subjects.

  According to Zhejiang Education Examinations Institute, in 2019, 6.8% of the subjects required for the examination were one, 8.8% were two, 23.3% were three and 61.1% were unlimited. Compared with 2017, in 2019, some colleges and universities put forward more explicit requirements for the selected subjects for majors with clear training requirements and high correlation with the subjects studied in middle schools, while those with broader basic literacy requirements appropriately relaxed the scope of the selected subjects.

  On the other hand, the "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment channel has been widened. Colleges and universities can organize on-campus tests more independently, screen students and select the best candidates through written tests, interviews and physical tests.

  Take eight universities outside Zhejiang Province and universities directly under the Ministry of Education in 2018 as an example. The total number of students enrolled by these top universities in Zhejiang through the college entrance examination is 1,696 (including 1,618 from Zhejiang University), while the number of students enrolled through the "Trinity" is 1,664, which is close to 1:1 in overall scale.

  If Zhejiang University is stripped off, the number of people recruited by other top universities in China through the "trinity" comprehensive evaluation has far exceeded the enrollment of the college entrance examination. In other words, if you are a fresh graduate and want to be admitted to the above seven top universities, the safest plan is to participate in the "trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment of these schools; Otherwise, when the college entrance examination is filed, even if there is a very good college entrance examination result, the enrollment places of these top college entrance examinations are few and far between. Take last year’s enrollment plan as an example.Tsinghua University enrolled 8 students in Zhejiang through the college entrance examination and 105 students in Zhejiang through the Trinity. Peking University enrolled 23 students in Zhejiang through the college entrance examination and 85 students in Zhejiang through the Trinity.

  In addition to broadening the enrollment channels, colleges and universities also have greater initiative in the on-campus testing stage, and can screen candidates in multiple dimensions such as written test, interview and physical fitness test.

  Taking the written test as an example, in the "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation test of top universities in China, physics, as a "sharp weapon" for screening candidates, has become a compulsory subject for most candidates. Even if the candidate’s college entrance examination subject is not physics, he may be examined in the written test on campus. According to Tsinghua University’s "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation Admissions Guide for Zhejiang Province in 2018, in the on-campus test, 77.1% of the candidates were examined in physics during the written test.

  Peking University’s "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation is similar. Regarding the written test content of college tests, Peking University’s 2018 Zhejiang "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment brochure stipulates that there are five written test subjects, of which three subjects are required to be tested, and two are selected from the four subjects of "physics, history, chemistry and politics", requiring "physics".

  In 2014, Du Yubo, then Vice Minister of Education, used four "most" words to describe the reform of the new college entrance examination: "This examination enrollment system reform is the most comprehensive and systematic reform since the resumption of the college entrance examination, and it is the most important and complicated reform in the comprehensive education reform".

  In a blink of an eye, Zhejiang New College Entrance Examination has sent out two students. In 2019, senior high school students are about to sprint the college entrance examination in June and become the third graduates of the new college entrance examination. In the process of implementation, minor adjustments are still taking place in Zhejiang.

  No matter the front-line teachers and students or the education reform experts, there is no agreement on how to deal with this zero-sum game. In a broader sense, it remains to be seen where the college entrance examination reform in China will go.

  At the request of the interviewee, the teachers and students in this article are all pseudonyms.

"Stability" is still the key word of the real estate market (Rui Caijing)

  On September 17th, the National Bureau of Statistics released the statistical data of the changes in the sales prices of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities in August this year. In August, the prices of new commercial housing in 55 cities rose month-on-month, 5 cities less than that in July. The picture shows a real estate for sale in Rugao, Nantong, Jiangsu. Photo by Wu Shujian (People’s Vision)

  On September 17, the National Bureau of Statistics released statistics on the changes in the sales prices of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities in August 2019. Overall, in the month of August, whether it was new commercial housing or second-hand housing, the cities with rising prices were 55 cities and 43 cities respectively, and the number dropped significantly compared with last month. Analysts pointed out that although the traditional sales season of "Golden September and Silver 10" is approaching, the overall stable situation of the local property market has continued, which on the one hand reflects the effect of regulatory policies, and on the other hand reflects that the positioning of "houses are used for living, not for speculation" is profoundly changing the development pattern of the real estate market.

  The overall situation continued to be stable.

  According to Peng Kong, chief statistician of the Urban Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, according to preliminary calculations, the sales prices of new commercial housing in four first-tier cities increased by 0.3% month-on-month, which was the same as last month, with Beijing rising by 0.5%, Shanghai rising by 0.3% and Guangzhou and Shenzhen both rising by 0.2%; It rose by 4.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 0.1 percentage point from last month. The sales price of second-hand houses was flat month-on-month, rising by 0.3% last month, of which Beijing fell by 0.4%, Shanghai and Guangzhou were flat, and Shenzhen rose by 0.2%; It fell by 0.2% year-on-year, which was the first decline since June last year. The sales prices of new commercial housing and second-hand housing in 31 second-tier cities increased by 0.5% and 0.2% respectively from the previous month, and the growth rate dropped by 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. It rose by 9.9% and 5.5% respectively year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 0.8 and 1.2 percentage points respectively from last month.

  At the same time, in August, the sales price of new commercial housing in 35 third-tier cities rose by 0.7% month-on-month, the same as last month; It rose by 9.0% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 1.2 percentage points from last month. The sales price of second-hand houses increased by 0.8% month-on-month, with an increase of 0.1 percentage point over the previous month; It rose by 5.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 1.3 percentage points from last month.

  According to Yan Yuejin, the research director of the think tank center of Yiju Research Institute, due to the recent cooling of the housing transaction market, the tightening of the real estate financing environment, and the tightening of the funds in place for housing enterprises, housing enterprises in various places have taken the initiative to reduce prices and promote sales, which has led to a narrowing of the growth rate of the housing price index in 70 cities across the country. At present, the property market is entering a cooling channel, especially in second-tier cities, which has a positive effect on stabilizing housing prices in second-tier cities and preventing real estate speculation by borrowing talents from all over the world.

  The policy supports "housing and not speculation"

  The real estate market continues to remain stable, which is inseparable from the strict control of policies. Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that from the central bank to China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the risk control of real estate finance has been intensively strengthened, and various financing channels from real estate mortgage to housing enterprises have been tightened to varying degrees.

  The central bank recently reformed and improved the formation mechanism of the loan market quotation rate (LPR) to further reduce the financing cost of the real economy. In this process, in order to resolutely implement the positioning of "houses are used for living, not for speculation" and the long-term management mechanism of the real estate market, ensure the effective implementation of the regional differentiated housing credit policy, and keep the interest rate of individual housing loans basically stable, the central bank has simultaneously adopted "the shortest repricing period is one year", "the interest rate of commercial housing purchase loans shall not be lower than the quoted market interest rate of the corresponding term loans plus 60 basis points" and "the interest rate of two sets of commercial individual housing loans shall not be lower than the quoted market interest rate of the corresponding term loans plus 60 basis points".

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that it will speed up the promotion of housing security legislation, clarify the top-level design and basic institutional framework of housing security at the national level, consolidate the responsibility of housing security at all levels of government, and provide a legal basis for regulating the access and use of affordable housing.

  "In recent years, the whole society has become more and more deeply aware of the return of real estate to residential properties, and the intensity and resilience of real estate regulation and control policies have become greater and greater. Recently, while releasing funds to reduce the financing cost of the real economy, the financial authorities have also made structural arrangements specifically to avoid capital flowing into the real estate market. It can be said that the persistence of real estate control policies and the establishment of a long-term mechanism are playing an increasingly obvious role. " Yi Cong, a professor at the School of Economics of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, said in an interview with this reporter.

  Take the initiative to get rid of "real estate dependence"

  At the recent press conference held by the State Council, Shen Xiaoming, Governor of Hainan Province, said that for a long time, Hainan’s real estate accounted for about 50% of investment and 50% of tax revenue, and its economy relied heavily on real estate. However, real estate needs land, which will increase the environmental load, while Hainan’s land resources are getting less and less, and the environmental load also has a "ceiling". Therefore, economic development cannot be sustained by real estate.

  “1— In August, under the background that the real estate sales area decreased by 52%, the real estate sales decreased by 50%, and the national tax reduction and fee reduction, the regional GDP of the whole province increased by 5.4%, and there was no economic ups and downs caused by real estate regulation. It is expected that by the end of the first quarter of next year, the downward pressure on the economy caused by the downward adjustment of old kinetic energy will be basically released, and the dividends generated by new kinetic energy will gradually accumulate. Therefore, we expect Hainan’s economy to enter a benign and rapid development track at the end of the first quarter of next year. " Shen Xiaoming said.

  Yi Cong said that adhering to the regulation policy of the real estate market and ensuring the healthy development of the real estate market is not to stop developing the real estate industry, but to make the real estate development and the development of the real economy complement each other and provide support for people to live and work in peace and contentment, entrepreneurship and innovation.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that the demand caused by the demolition of old houses, the influx of new population and the shrinking of families is normal, and the subsequent demand will be affected if more demand is released in the short term. Deng Yusong predicted that the situation of concentrated demand release and hot sales in small and medium-sized cities like in the past two years could not last for a long time.

In order to heat up the winter, the people in the south have made every effort.

  When I was a child, I watched TV and felt that northerners were really particular about it. When I got home in winter, I had to take off my down jacket, coat and scarf and hang them on the shelf, and then change into a household suit before I started to do things.

  Later, I realized that it’s not that they are particular, but that we can’t be as particular as they are, because it’s as cold inside as outside in winter. If we take off our down jacket before we do anything, it will be as cold as chaff in two minutes. Therefore, no matter how exquisite, it is just to replace the down jacket worn when going out with the old down jacket that can be ruined casually.

  Really, Sichuan, including the winter along the Yangtze River valley, is really cold and unforgettable. Therefore, in order to heat up the winter, people are desperately trying to find a way. This year, all kinds of new heating artifacts have mushroomed, and even some "local specialties" have gone to the whole country.

  electric heating table

  We sat around the table, chatting and warming tea, which was very hot.

  Before the Spring Festival the year before last, I went to a friend’s house in Guizhou to play. As we all know, it’s very cold in winter in Guizhou, but those people in their family are poised around a table after dinner. I don’t see them warming themselves, but they are calm and don’t feel cold at all. Later, I came to the table by accident, and suddenly I felt that the table seemed to be heating up, but because it was covered with a piece of cloth, I couldn’t see it at all. Later, they told me that the table was just heating up. I was surprised at that time, because I had never seen this kind of table in Sichuan, and I didn’t expect it. They told me to put my knee in and put my foot on the board under the table, only to find that the legs of the table were all very gentle and warm, but not too hot. And the whole family is sitting there, which is very pleasant when we were young and surrounded by a cage of firewood. They said that this kind of table is everywhere in Guizhou, and they baked it very early.

  After I came back from Guizhou, I always wanted to buy this kind of table, but I didn’t see it anywhere in Sichuan, so I had no choice but to search online. When I searched online, I didn’t know what name to search for. In the end, I only thought of a "table for warming the fire" in general, and then I jumped out of an electric heating table. I saw that it was just that kind, and it was more advanced than my friend’s, and there was an electric ceramic stove embedded in the middle of the table.

  Since I bought this electric heating table last year, I have entertained countless friends at home in winter. We sat around the table and warmed a pot of tea on the electric ceramic stove in the middle, chatting and drinking tea, which was very hot. Later, I even transferred reading, eating, and watching drama directly to this table. The study, dining table, and sofa all became furnishings. This warm table became the center of my home in winter.

  Because this table was so comfortable, many of my friends later asked for a link from me and bought it willingly, including my mother, who has always been "stingy". After experiencing it once, they all bought one generously. (david lee)

  Electric fire bucket

  It’s so warm that I want to doze off when I do my homework.

  Actually, although I just bought this thing this year, I saw it two years ago.

  When I go back to my hometown every Spring Festival, I see my dad dragging this thing out of the corner as soon as he eats dinner, then taking off his shoes, stepping on the "wooden swing", and finally putting a special blanket on his knee, enclosing this square thing tightly, and starting to watch his TV series with rapt attention.

  I was dumbfounded at the time — — How smelly it is to take off your shoes and put on your socks to warm yourself! Moreover, it is too low and too timid to "ride" the roast in such a poor and evil way! Don’t we people in eastern Sichuan always bake natural gas stoves? Take a tube from the kitchen and drag it to the living room for a long time. Everyone gathers together and can bake it in all four directions. The firepower is amazing. After baking for a long time or too close, my knees often hurt, and I feel that my pants are going to be baked. Isn’t this enough for his old man’s house to bake?

  But my dad simply ignored my "disdain" and kept promoting its goodness to me: this is much better than a natural gas stove. First, it is electric and safe; Secondly, it has three gears, large, medium and small. Unlike natural gas stoves, it has no gears, and it is often blushed and swollen, but its feet are not baked. This is even the minimum gear, because it is surrounded by blankets, and the heat will not be lost. From the baseboard up, the whole lower body is hot. As the saying goes, "cold starts from the foot". When the foot is hot, the whole body is hot and comfortable. Now, most of the elderly in their hometown and county use this, which costs tens of dollars each. It is cheap and easy to use, and which one uses a natural gas stove. With a curl of his mouth, he looked very disgusted. He also encouraged me: "Go and buy one for Duo Er (my daughter, his granddaughter) to take back, lest her feet get cold when she does her homework."

  I looked at my dad like that and rationally refused — — She baked this, so will she be doing her homework or steaming?

  So, despite my dad’s mouth watering, I still insisted on not letting this treasure into my door. But this year’s double eleven, I don’t know which rib was wrong. When I chose one by one among the vast commodities, this thing suddenly jumped into my eyes. Because I am very dissatisfied with the little sun I bought before — — Really, the little sun is so angry that the leg near it is baked with fire spots, but the other side is not even warm, which is seriously uneven. Originally, I wanted to buy a heater that can shine on all sides in the mahjong hall, but I felt that the atmosphere was wrong, for fear that the children would think of playing mahjong as soon as they saw it — — It’s a small matter of heating, but it’s a big matter of delaying study. Forget it. At this time, I suddenly remembered what my father said, and thought that I would try it. Anyway, it’s only about sixty or seventy dollars.

  In those days when I was waiting for the express delivery, I was filled with a feeling of anxiety and expectation every day. Finally, the goods arrived. I took off my shoes that day and tried it. Damn it, why isn’t it hot? I had to put a towel on my leg like my dad. This is terrible, the smallest file, I have read fifty pages on it, because it is too hot, I have to spend my feet to dry several times in the middle.

  Give it to your daughter for her homework as soon as possible. I didn’t expect my daughter to use it for two days and said, "No baking, no baking, it’s so warm that I want to doze off when I do my homework."

  Later, I learned that this electric fire bucket is a household name in Hunan. I didn’t expect to go out of Hunan and go to the whole country in recent years. A friend of mine told me: We went to my husband’s brother’s house for the Spring Festival last year, and his niece baked this, and the barrel well was a little deep. She sat alone in the barrel and made a dragon gate array with us. I was not used to it at that time, and I always felt like a baby taking a bath in a barrel!

  Others said that their family bought the large-sized one. At night, the family of three took off their shoes to build a towel quilt and sat neatly on the sofa to catch up with the drama. I feel the happy picture twenty years ago, because this tacky electric fire bucket is back! (Tintin Sugar)

  electric heat

  Knee blanket

  I tried it on my husband, and he immediately asked for a piece.

  After living for almost half a century, people have come to Chengdu from Yunnan for more than 30 years, but they are still afraid of the winter in Chengdu. The cold frozen into the bone marrow is far away except the bed, and it is sad to think about it.

  When I was a teenager, I was poor. I only had a small charcoal-burning drying cage to warm my hands. I was so cold when I did my homework that I never sat on a small bench. Mom had no choice but to take a big bath basin, fill a big glass bottle brought back from the unit infirmary with boiling water, put it in a small quilt, cover my feet and put them in the basin, but my hands and feet are still cold and frostbite every year.

  Later, with the electric blanket, it was much better. In the future, with the small sun and oil, air conditioning is a must for every family. But for Chengdu people, air conditioning seems to be only in summer, and there is little difference between turning on air conditioning in winter and not turning it on, and the air is drier. So I discussed with my husband and said that our house should be replaced by electric heaters, just like your north.

  Strangely enough, my husband is an authentic northerner, and he is extremely happy to come to Chengdu, where the winter is completely white. It is said that northerners are most afraid of winter in the south. Chengdu is so cold. He actually said to me, this is called cool! This is a joke to me from Yunnan, where the seasons are like spring.

  Therefore, I am bent on making Chengdu’s home spring all the year round. Floor heating was not popular when the house was renovated many years ago. Now, if you want to install radiators, you can only install them openly, which involves knocking on the wall and making holes. This northerner from science and engineering began to tell me the truth from the principle of radiator, and the last meaning was that you can’t install it, and you can’t destroy the wall at home. Of course, I guess it is more likely to be reluctant to pay the electricity bill.

  Well, I have to find another way and search on the Internet, as long as I can watch TV and read and write without stamping my feet. Finally, I finally found a heating artifact. This artifact is a charged blanket, but it is not an electric blanket for bed. It can be folded, cleaned and put on at will.

  I bought it back. It’s a big blanket with plug-in and nine gears. It can be used as a shawl, waist protector and knee protector — — The lower half is two pieces, each with hidden buttons, which can wrap all the legs.

  When my husband came home, he was surprised to see that I was not dressed as a bear as usual, but covered with a blanket and collapsed on the couch with a book in my arms, and the air conditioner was not turned on. I proudly showed it to him and let it try again. Now, he couldn’t get it back, and he strongly demanded that it be wrapped in a blanket. (Xiaoyun)

  Skirting heater

  Air conditioning+"baseboard", friends say when they enter the door, Oh, is your home decoration warm?

  The house I live in was renovated in early 2013. At that time, the floor heating was a bit expensive. In addition, the previous house faced west and was bathed in the sun in the afternoon, and the area was not large, and the air conditioning was also effective. Therefore, when decorating this house, the heating problem was not considered too much.

  I didn’t know that when I moved in, I found that the house was big, and the direction was just north. In winter, there was no sunshine at all, and people were not so young. When the temperature dropped sharply in winter, I wanted to fly to tropical islands to swim every day.

  I didn’t know whether I was young or I used my mobile phone and computer less. I didn’t feel so dry when I turned on the air conditioner. In the present house, the air conditioner in the living room is facing the sofa. As soon as the air conditioner is turned on, the wind blows at people. In summer, it is fine and cool, but in winter, it is annoyed. It is like a fire in winter, which makes people almost dehydrated. Even if the direction of the air outlet is adjusted, the effect is not great. I always stay in a dry circle and sit on the sofa and watch TV. In less than half an hour, my eyes are as dry as Sahara desert. So sometimes I’d rather wear thick clothes than turn on the air conditioner, and put a blanket on my legs like the grandparents in the cartoon. I usually like to invite friends to dinner at home, but I dare not invite my friends in winter, because they all say that my air conditioner is too weak, just blowing the sofa and sitting in the dining room to eat, which is chilly.

  It’s not that I haven’t thought of a way. I bought an oil tin, and the effect is different. Anyway, I am a little overwhelmed. The electricity consumption made me suspect that someone had stolen electricity.

  Last year, a friend recommended a skirting heater, saying it was very good (of course, this thing must be bought to save electricity and energy, otherwise the electricity consumption will be as good as that of oil). After the heater was delivered, it was found to be very suitable for my home. It was placed on the wall out of the bathroom (there are still some that are very thin and can be hung on the wall, which takes up no space), just to make up for the heating in the area where the air conditioner can’t blow, and the warm current of the whole house finally flows. Another advantage of this thing is that it heats up quickly, and the whole room will feel hot and warm in about ten minutes. Moreover, it also has the function of preset startup time, but I think it heats up very quickly, and this function is basically useless. Sitting on the sofa watching TV, I’d rather move the heater in front of the TV cabinet than blow the air conditioner now. Moreover, since I bought this skirting heater, I have invited several friends to have dinner at home, air conditioning+heater, and my friends said when they entered the door, Oh, it’s so warm. Is your home decoration floor warm? (Josh.w)

  Electric heating mat

  Not only children like it, but also cats and dogs.

  To tell the truth, n years ago, when I was as cold as an ice sculpture and climbed into the bed where the electric blanket was opened, I thought from the bottom of my heart: Since the electric blanket is so cheap and easy to use, why not actively explore the territory and develop it on sofas, tables and the ground … … In this way, we Sichuanese, who are in the south and north, can’t be cold-blooded in winter? However, because my imagination failed to come true, I later actively denied myself: well, maybe heating equipment like electric blanket must be "soaked" on the blanket to generate heat, just like when I was a child, I had to wrap a layer of cotton wool or straw on the jar filled with fermented glutinous rice. I am terrible at physics, and I don’t understand the scientific principles. I can only comfort everything in front of me with the common sense of life visible to the naked eye.

  However, this year, when I saw this electric mat on Taobao, I was so excited that someone finally helped me realize my wish for many years! Of course, why did it come true again? I still don’t know the principle. I only know that with this, we "poor people" also have the joy of installing the original floor heating — — Hahaha, I can finally put on my socks and walk around the living room.

  Yes, this electric mat, just like a carpet, has different sizes. You can buy it according to your own needs, then lay it on the ground and plug it in. After twenty minutes, it will start to heat up. This is really useful for children at home, especially those who can just crawl — — You can save the climbing mat, and you don’t have to worry about getting cold on your hands, feet and small ass when you crawl around on it. If the size is big enough, you don’t have to stare at the baby all the time. Adults can sit up on a blanket with confidence. In name, it is companionship, but in fact, reading and playing mobile phones are so comfortable.

  This electric mat not only benefits children, but also pets. My sister has a cat. My sister used to buy it a nest with cotton pads every winter, but the cat is still too cold and drills into my sister every day. Not now, people squat on this electric mat every day, and they are too lazy to move. (Ye Zhiyan)

The "double points" policy of new energy vehicles will be adjusted again. Can car companies cope with it easily?

  Focused double integral

  The new energy automobile industry in 2019 is doomed to be unsettled. In the post-subsidy era, the double-point policy related to the development of new energy vehicle market will be adjusted again. In early September, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other relevant departments announced the Decision on Amending the Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points (Draft for Comment). All-media reporters combed the new "double points" draft for comments and found that this time it mainly involved a number of content adjustments, including changes in the calculation method of points, redefining traditional energy passenger cars, and clarifying the definition of low-fuel passenger cars, which brought new changes to new energy vehicles.

  Text, photo: Guangzhou Daily all-media reporter Deng Li

  Break the rules!

  Pure electric vehicles no longer share the integral pressure of high-displacement vehicles.

  The adjustment of pure electric vehicles in the new "double integral" draft for comments has attracted much attention. For example, Article 10 is added: "The actual value of average fuel consumption of traditional energy passenger cars in enterprises refers to the actual value of average fuel consumption of enterprises in which new energy vehicles do not participate in accounting." This new regulation means that the new energy and traditional energy passenger cars of car companies will be accounted for independently in the future. It is widely believed in the industry that this will break the rules that pure electric vehicles share the fuel consumption points of large-displacement fuel vehicles.

  Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Information Association, said that before, some traditional fuel car companies actively laid out new energy fields in response to the "double-integral" policy, so as to achieve the effect that high-displacement vehicles rely on pure electric vehicles to share the pressure of double-integral, and this method will not be feasible in the future. The new "double-integral" draft for comments allows new energy vehicles not to participate in the average fuel consumption accounting of traditional energy passenger cars, which will help new energy vehicles to further accelerate their development.

  Hybrid benefits!

  Encourage the development of low fuel consumption vehicles.

  In the new "double integral" draft for comments, there is also a regulation that is regarded as affecting the development trend of new energy vehicles. That is, Article 16 is added: "When calculating the integral standard value of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises, the production or import of low-fuel passenger cars shall be calculated according to 0.5 times of its quantity." According to the current understanding, all vehicles whose fuel consumption meets the standard under comprehensive working conditions can be considered as low-fuel passenger vehicles, such as hybrid vehicles with obvious fuel-saving effect. Therefore, industry experts generally believe that this is to strongly encourage the development of low fuel consumption models.

  All-media reporters noticed that on July 9 this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology had publicly solicited opinions from the public on the amendment (draft for comments) to the Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points, and proposed for the first time to give preferential treatment to non-plug-in hybrid vehicles. This has benefited the hybrid models of Japanese companies such as Toyota and Honda. For the new adjustment, the relevant car companies said they were waiting to see. For example, Honda China said that it is studying and studying the revised opinion draft, and has not made any product adjustments for the opinion draft.

  The weight of cruising range decreases.

  The energy consumption requirements of pure electric vehicles are improved.

  The new "double points" exposure draft adjusts the calculation method of new energy passenger car models, and reduces the impact of cruising range on new energy vehicle points. In terms of the lower limit of pure electric passenger cars, the revised draft stipulates for the first time that all passenger cars with cruising range below 150km will be accumulated according to 1 point; At the same time, the upper limit of fuel cell vehicle points is increased by 1 point compared with the current regulations. At the same time, based on the current pure electric vehicle with a cruising range of 350km on the market, according to the previous "double points" policy, the maximum accumulated points can be 5, and if calculated according to the adjusted double points policy amendment, only 2.5 points can be obtained.

  Insiders said that on the one hand, through the adjustment of the integral calculation formula, it will link up with the existing policies in terms of vehicle technical indicators and guide the technological progress of the industry; On the other hand, optimize the index system and strengthen the requirements for energy consumption and other indicators that reflect the advanced nature of the whole vehicle.

  Modify points trading rules

  Increase by 2% every year.

  The second paragraph of Article 22 in the new "Double Points" exposure draft is amended as: "The positive points of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises can be freely traded according to these Measures. The positive points of new energy vehicles generated in 2019 and beyond will be carried forward in accordance with the following rules, and the validity period of the carry-forward will not exceed three years.

  All-media reporters noticed that the new "double points" exposure draft gave clear carry-over rules for the new energy points, and additionally stipulated that it could be carried over in 2019. Previously, the "double points" policy stipulated that the positive points of new energy vehicles should not be carried forward, and the adjustment plan not only encouraged traditional energy passenger car enterprises to actively reduce fuel consumption, but also encouraged enterprises that only produced new energy vehicles, which could bring more new energy points to the points trading market.

  In addition, the second paragraph of Article 17 in the new "Double Integral" exposure draft is amended as: "In 2021, 2022 and 2023, the integral proportion of new energy vehicles is required to be 14%, 16% and 18% respectively. The requirements for the proportion of new energy vehicle points in 2024 and beyond will be announced separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. " Compared with the current "double points" policy, the proportion of new energy points in 2019 and 2020 is 10% and 12% respectively, and the "double points" of new energy will increase at an equal rate of 2% every year from 2019 to 2023. The industry believes that most car companies can easily cope with the "double points" policy.

  Methanol and other fuel vehicles

  Incorporate into traditional passenger cars

  It is worth noting that the new "double-integral" draft revised the third paragraph of Article 4 as follows: "The traditional energy passenger cars mentioned in these Measures refer to passenger cars (including non-plug-in hybrid passenger cars) that can burn gasoline, diesel, gas fuel or alcohol ether fuel, etc., except new energy passenger cars." Alcohol ether fuel refers to methanol, dimethyl ether and other clean fuels for replacing gasoline and diesel. If it is included in the category of traditional passenger cars, it can realize the maximum clean and reasonable utilization of coal resources. In other words, diversification of vehicle fuels and ensuring energy security are being put on the agenda.

  [market observation]

  Conducive to the healthy development of the industry

  According to the previously published Evaluation Method and Index of Passenger Car Fuel Consumption, by 2025, the average fuel consumption index of Chinese automobile enterprises will be 4L per 100 kilometers. To achieve this target, we need a balanced development of the market. Cui Dongshu said: The new version of the "double integral" amendment provides a more relaxed environment for the development of new energy automobile industry, and on the other hand, it also takes into account the development needs of energy-saving vehicles, which will play a good guiding role in the development of the industry. The new adjustment of the "double integral" policy has attracted the industry’s most attention to the integral calculation method proposed for low-fuel consumption vehicles, which means that the requirements for new energy integral are also reduced, which can be expected to promote the popularization of energy-saving technologies and hybrid technologies for fuel vehicles, such as 48V micro-mixing, idle start-stop and other energy-saving technologies will be better promoted.

  At the same time, Japanese companies with obvious advantages in hybrid technology of oil and electricity are also welcoming vitality. In this way, it can also reduce the "virtual fire" caused by the development of pure electric vehicles in the market, and traditional car companies do not have to rush to abandon the internal combustion engine technology and concentrate on the new energy field. This is conducive to the balanced development of the automobile market, so as to achieve the goal of 4L with high quality.

  For joint ventures and foreign brands, it is also very beneficial to include hybrid models in the assessment; Especially for the major domestic automobile groups that rely on joint venture brands to contribute profits, slowing down the market in the automobile market can be described as a timely help.

  All-media reporters noticed that although the new "double points" policy is still being solicited, joint venture car companies have accelerated in the field of new energy vehicles, especially hybrid models. For example, BMW, Dongben, Lincoln, Jeep, etc. have launched new hybrid models. Generally speaking, the constantly adjusted "double integral" policy is also exploring the most suitable development route, but the general direction of energy saving will never change.

On the first day of golf swing in Hangzhou Asian Games, Zhuzhou Yazi Chen Guxin temporarily ranked fourth.

On the first day of the competition, Chen Guxin handed in a score of 63 under par 9. This article photography/Fu Huanyu
Red Net News September 28th(Reporter Fu Yuyu) On the morning of September 28th, the golf project of Hangzhou Asian Games was held at Hangzhou West Lake International Golf Course. Chen Guxin, a 20-year-old from Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, ranked fourth among all the athletes in the first round with a score of 63 under par 9. In addition, Chen Guxin also participated in the team competition with national team teammates Ding Wenyi and Wu Ashun.
Chen Guxin pushed the ball steadily to the hole.
After the game, in an interview with the Red Net sports reporter, Chen Guxin gave a satisfactory score for his performance on the first day. "When I first came up, I was still a little nervous and didn’t let go completely, so I made some mistakes. Fortunately, I played my state bit by bit and seized many good opportunities."
Chen Guxin (right) and Karin Hitsh Josh (left) communicate in the competition.
Although it is the first time to participate in the Asian Games, Chen Guxin is no stranger to Hangzhou West Lake International Golf Course. This year, Chen Guxin won the runner-up in the "Charming Hangzhou" West Lake International Golf Open. Zhang Yubin, a South Korean athlete, and Karin Hitsh Josh, an Indian athlete in the same group, are also old rivals that Chen Guxin has encountered many times in the Asian Tour, and they have a good relationship with each other. During the competition, the three people often joke in English to cheer each other up.
On the first day of the competition, Chen Guxin (middle) competed with South Korean athlete Zhang Yubin (right) and Indian athlete Karin Hitsh Josh (left).
The golf competition will last from September 28th to October 1st, and 18 holes will be played every day, and individual and team champions will be produced with the final result of four days. Chen Guxin said that he would relax, enjoy this rare trip to the Asian Games and strive for good results.
Chen Guxin swung vigorously to kick off.
"I also want to thank my hometown elders for their care and support, and my leaders, coaches and teammates in Hunan. I will fight for China and Hunan in the Asian Games." Chen Guxin said.
Red Net Sports supported by Xiangjiao Liquor Industry reported from the front.