标签归档 西安桑拿

The "Youth League Year" is on fire. What is it? People outside this province are shocked!

Coordinate Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, there is a League Year, which is a ceremony for the whole village, old and young, to worship their ancestors collectively in the ancestral temple. Strictly speaking, it should be the moment when the ugly time meets at midnight on the 30 th, and the year ends and the new year opens. Last year ended, so it is also called "the end of the year". However, the word "finished" is taboo in customs (meaning finished), and Tujili is more called "the year of reunion" (a year of complete reunion). In the development of time, slowly, some still insist on holding this ceremony in the middle of the night, some change it to the evening, and some change it to the early morning (it has reached the first day). My village is more interesting. This ceremony is held in the morning of the 30th instead of the evening.


  CCTV.com News (news broadcast): "New Year’s Eve, including jiaozi". Today, when every household is preparing for the New Year’s Eve, local governments and the masses have "arranged" a special "reunion dinner" for the needy people with care and love, so that the true feelings and warmth can accompany them to have a happy New Year.

  At noon today, more than 8,000 widowed elderly people in Hongkou District of Shanghai put on new clothes bought for them by the community and got together to have a "reunion dinner". Young volunteers from Hefei, Anhui Province came to the apartment for the elderly today, sending deep affection to more than 150 elderly people.

  Gao Caixia, an Anhui old man: I have lived to be over 90 years old, and I feel that now is the best time.

  Young volunteers in Hebei, Guangxi, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other places have formed a "family pair" with the widowed and low-income elderly to take them home for the New Year. Charity federations in Guizhou, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jilin, Henan and other places also held "charity reunion dinner" to let the needy people share the festive feast of love.

  In the SOS Children’s Village in Putian, Fujian, children are eating steaming reunion dinner with their mothers in the village. Orphans from Fushun Welfare Institute in Liaoning Province came to Leifeng class today and wrapped up jiaozi with their uncles in the military camp. The orphans and disabled children in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, and the police "dads" will celebrate the New Year soon.

  Guan Nan, sos Children’s Village in Qiqihar, China: Because today’s New Year’s Eve dinner is very special, they are like relatives to us.

  Today, 100 academicians and professors from Central South University invited more than 200 poor students to their homes to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

  Academician Huang Boyun, President of Central South University: Just let them feel that the school is their home.

  Reporter Wu Xueshan: This is the construction site of Wuhan section of Wuhe Railway, a national key construction project. Now, hundreds of migrant workers who insisted on construction during the Spring Festival gathered together to have a delicious reunion dinner and celebrate the New Year.

  Not only the reunion dinner was sent, but more than 500 migrant workers also received accident insurance of 200,000 yuan per person purchased by the construction unit.

  Lu Kunhao, a migrant worker in Hubei: It’s a double happiness.

  In Sichuan, more than 2,000 migrant workers gathered together and had a lively "Dam Banquet for the Year of the Communist Youth League". In Guangzhou, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held a group year dumpling feast for more than 10,000 migrant workers who didn’t go home. At the dumpling banquet, a videophone was specially set up.

  Shen Jian, a migrant worker from Shaanxi: (talking to his mother) I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best. Mom, I’m fine in Guangzhou.

  Red dumplings, colorful buns, hot jiaozi, delicious dishes, and a series of delicious dishes are accompanied by blessings. From yesterday to today, in the community and on the train, all kinds of "reunion dinners" and "thousands of family banquets" have made people in need and people who are away from home feel deep affection and festive joy.

Editor: Zhao Wei

A survey of the concept of financial knowledge

Source: supply chain finance
Financial concept daquan
1. Financial market in a broad sense: generally refers to all financial transactions conducted by both the capital supply and demand sides through various financial instruments, including all monetary financial activities between financial institutions and customers, between financial institutions and between capital supply and demand sides, such as deposits, loans, trusts, leasing, insurance, mortgage and discount of bills, trading of stocks and bonds, gold foreign exchange trading, etc.
2. Narrow financial market: generally limited to financing activities with bills and securities as financial instruments, interbank borrowing between financial institutions and gold foreign exchange transactions.
3. Financial market: the general term for monetary fund transactions, gold foreign exchange trading and interbank lending between financial institutions with bills and securities as financial instruments.
4. Primary market: also known as the issuance market or the primary market, it is a trading market formed when the fund demanders sell financial assets to the public for the first time.
5. Secondary market: the trading market where the issued old securities are transferred and circulated among different investors.
6. Financial instrument: also known as credit instrument, it is a legal document to prove the relationship between creditor’s rights and debts and to conduct monetary and capital transactions accordingly.
7. Stock: a kind of securities, which is a certificate issued by a joint stock limited company to prove the identity and rights of investors as shareholders and to obtain dividends and bonuses accordingly.
8. Common stock: a basic stock issued by a joint-stock company, which is the most standard stock.
9. Priority stocks: stocks issued by joint-stock companies that have priority over ordinary shareholders in terms of company income and distribution of remaining assets.
10. Bond: A written certificate issued by the debtor to the creditor to undertake the obligation of repaying the principal and interest at the agreed time.
11. Treasury bonds: short-term debt certificates issued by the government to make up for the temporary shortage of treasury funds.
12. Mortgaged corporate bonds: bonds issued by companies with real estate or movable property as collateral.
13. Credit corporate bonds: bonds issued by companies that do not use any assets as collateral or guarantee, but rely entirely on the company’s credit.
14. Converting corporate bonds: This kind of bonds stipulates that bondholders can convert into company shares in a certain proportion and under certain conditions within a certain period of time.
15. Corporate bonds with subscription rights for new shares: This bond gives the bondholder the right to buy new shares of the company.
16. Restructured corporate bonds: A bond with lower interest rate issued by a restructured company to reduce the debt burden.
17. Debt-sinking fund corporate bonds: This kind of bonds requires the issuing company to regularly withdraw a certain percentage of profits according to the total issued amount as repayment funds before the maturity of the bonds, and hand them over to the entrusted trust companies or financial institutions for safekeeping, and gradually accumulate them to ensure that the bonds will be repaid in one lump sum.
18. Financial bond: A bond issued to the public by banks and non-bank financial institutions in order to raise funds in accordance with the relevant securities laws and securities issuance procedures of the state, using their own reputation.
19. Fund securities: also known as investment fund securities, are securities issued to the public by the sponsors of investment funds, which prove that the holders enjoy the ownership of assets, the right to return assets and the right to distribute the remaining property according to their shares. It is the product of certain equity combinations of stocks, bonds and other financial products.
20. Bill: negotiable securities that the drawer promises or entrusts the drawee to unconditionally pay a certain amount on the specified date or at sight.
21. Free foreign exchange: It can be bought and sold freely in the foreign exchange market without the approval of the issuing country, and can be freely converted into currencies of other countries. They are widely used as means of payment and circulation in international economic exchanges.
22. Bookkeeping foreign exchange: Without the approval of the relevant foreign exchange administration departments, it cannot be converted into other countries’ currencies, and usually it can only be used between the countries of the agreement according to relevant agreements.
23. Derivative financial instruments: also known as financial derivatives, refer to a kind of financial products whose value depends on original financial instruments.
24. Money market: a short-term financial market with financial assets with a maturity of less than one year as the transaction object.
25. Interbank lending market: a market formed by short-term capital lending activities among various financial institutions.
26. Central bank bills: short-term bonds issued by the People’s Bank of China, with maturities ranging from 3 months to 1 year.
27. Pre-issuance market: In reality, there is a kind of treasury bond trading that is not conducted after the issuance is completed, but immediately after the announcement of the issuance. This trading market is also called the pre-issuance market. Such as WI-Fi transactions in the United States.
28. Transferable large deposit certificate: a certificate of deposit issued by a commercial bank and transferable in the market.
29. Repurchase agreement: When the securities holder sells the securities, it is agreed with the buyer that the seller will buy back an equal amount of the same kind of securities from the buyer at the agreed price on a certain date in the future.
30. Capital increase: An established joint-stock company issues new shares, which is called capital increase.
31. Credit transaction: also known as advance transaction or margin transaction, it is a transaction method in which the customer pays a certain amount of cash or stock to the broker as a margin, and the difference is advanced by the broker.
32. Option trading: Also known as option trading, it means that both parties reach a contract on whether to buy or sell a certain stock at an agreed price and within an agreed time.
33. Stock index futures trading: Futures trading with the stock price index as the object aims to reduce the risk of stock investment and increase the attractiveness of stock investment.
34. Stock index option trading: buying and selling option contracts based on stock price index.
35. Stock exchange: a place organized according to certain methods and rules to conduct centralized securities trading, also known as the floor trading market.
36. Membership system: A stock exchange in the form of membership organization is a legal entity that is formed voluntarily by intermediaries engaged in securities business and is not for profit.
37. Company system: The stock exchange in the form of company system is organized according to the company law. The exchange collects the issuer’s "listing fee" and extracts the "handling fee" and other service fees for securities transactions.
38. Commission broker: a broker who accepts the entrustment of clients, buys and sells on behalf of clients in the exchange and receives a fixed commission.
39. Two-yuan broker: Also known as expert broker, it is specially entrusted by the commission broker, and buys and sells on his behalf, charging a certain commission.
40. Special broker: Also known as professional broker, it is a broker who has a special status in the exchange and is engaged in special securities trading.
41. Securities dealers: also known as trading hall dealers, they only handle self-operated business and do not handle entrusted business.
42. Zero-share dealers: securities firms specializing in stock trading with less than one trading unit.
Brief discussion
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct financing and indirect financing?
Advantages of direct financing
(1) The close relationship between the supply and demand of funds is conducive to the rapid and rational allocation of funds and the improvement of efficiency in use.
(2) The cost of financing is low and the investment income is high.
Disadvantages of direct financing
(1) There are many restrictions on the amount, term and interest rate of direct financing.
(2) The liquidity of financial instruments used in direct financing is weaker than that of indirect financing, and their cashing ability is lower.
(3) Direct financing is risky.
Advantages of indirect financing
(1) Flexible and convenient.
(2) High security.
(3) The scale economy of finance has been improved.
Disadvantages of indirect financing
(1) The direct connection between the supply and demand sides of funds is cut off, which will reduce the concern of investors on enterprise production and the pressure and binding force of fund raisers on the use of funds to a certain extent.
(2) intermediary agencies charge a certain fee for providing services, which increases the cost of financing.
2, the relationship between the four elements of financial market.
Financial market participants, financial market trading objects, financial market intermediaries and financial market prices are the four major elements that constitute the financial market. They are closely related, mutually promoting and influencing each other. Among them, financial market participants and financial market trading objects are the most basic elements. As long as these two elements exist, financial markets will be formed, while financial market intermediaries and financial market prices are naturally generated or inevitably accompanied. Perfect intermediary institutions and price mechanisms are important conditions for the development of financial markets.
3. Particularity of financial market.
(1) There are mainly loan relationships and principal-agent relationships among market participants, which are temporary separation or conditional transfer of the right to use and ownership of funds based on credit.
(2) The transaction object is monetary funds or their derivatives.
(3) The transaction mode is special.
(4) The price determination in the market is complicated, with many influencing factors and great fluctuations.
(5) Trading places are invisible in most cases, and the ways of trading through telecommunications and computer networks are becoming more and more common.
4. The main differences between capital market and money market.
(1) Different maturities: all financial instruments traded in the capital market are more than one year, while those traded in the money market are within one year.
(2) Different roles: most of the funds in the capital market are used for the creation, renewal and expansion of equipment and storage materials of enterprises, or the establishment of public utilities and the maintenance of financial balance. Most of the money in the money market is used for short-term working capital of industrial and commercial enterprises.
(3) The degree of risk is different: the risk of credit instruments in the capital market is higher, and the risk of credit instruments in the money market is smaller.
5. Functions and functions of financial markets
(1) Facilitate investment and fund-raising.
(2) Reasonably guide the flow of funds, promote capital concentration and transfer to high-efficiency units.
(3) Facilitate the flexible conversion of funds.
(4) realize risk diversification and reduce transaction costs.
(5) It is conducive to enhancing the flexibility of macro-control.
(6) It is conducive to strengthening economic ties between departments, regions and countries.
6, the difference between financial instruments and financial assets
Financial instruments are sometimes called financial assets, but strictly speaking, these two concepts are different. Although all financial instruments are financial assets to the holders, they cannot be called financial assets if we look at them in isolation. For example, money issued by the central bank and stocks and bonds issued by enterprises cannot be said to be financial assets, because for issuers, money, stocks and bonds are their liabilities. Therefore, money, stocks and bonds should not be simply called financial assets, but should be called financial instruments. Financial instruments are financial assets to the holders.
7. Characteristics of stocks
(1) Stock is a kind of ownership certificate, which represents the certificate of invested share capital.
(2) Stocks are permanent securities with no repayment period.
(3) The return of stock has great uncertainty.
8. Main differences between common stock and preferred stock
(1) Ordinary shareholders enjoy the right to participate in the operation of the company, while preferred shareholders generally do not enjoy the right to participate in the operation of the company.
(2) The income of common shareholders depends on the profitability of the company, while the income of preferred shares is fixed.
(3) Ordinary shareholders cannot withdraw their shares, but can only be realized in the secondary market, while preferred shareholders can request the company to redeem their shares in accordance with the redemption clause attached to the preferred shares.
(4) Priority stock is the most important kind of special stock, which enjoys priority in the company’s profit and the distribution of surplus property.
9, the difference between bonds and stocks
(1) The relationship indicated is different: bonds indicate the relationship between creditor’s rights and debts, and stocks indicate the ownership relationship.
(2) The rights and obligations of investors are different: bond investors have the right to obtain principal and interest, but have no right to ask about business management activities. Stock investors can get the right to operate, but they can’t withdraw their shares to recover their principal.
(3) The determination of income is different: the income of bonds is determined by their interest rates, and the income of stocks depends on the operating conditions of the issuing company.
10, the main reason for the government to issue treasury bonds.
(1) To make up for the temporary and seasonal balance of government finance and meet the temporary capital turnover needs.
(2) When unexpected events occur in the process of budget implementation, resulting in an increase in expenditure and it is difficult to keep up with the income, it is necessary to cope with temporary emergencies.
(3) When the interest rate in the financial market is too high, the interest burden of the government issuing long-term bonds is too heavy, so the short-term treasury bonds are issued first, and then the low-interest long-term bonds are issued after the market interest rate changes in the future.
11, fund securities, stocks and bonds in common.
(1) The investments in fund securities, stocks and bonds are all securities investments.
(2) The forms of fund securities are similar to those of stocks and bonds.
(3) Stocks and bonds are the investment objects of fund securities.
12. The difference between fund securities, stocks and bonds
(1) Different investment status: Shareholders are shareholders of the company and have the right to express their opinions on major decisions of the company. The bondholders are creditors and have the right to recover the principal and interest at maturity. The holder of fund securities is the beneficiary of the fund and has the right to distribute the investment income.
(2) The degree of risk is different: the risk of stocks is the greatest, the risk of fund securities is the second, and the risk of bonds is the smallest.
(3) The returns are different: stocks have the highest returns, followed by fund securities, and bonds have the lowest returns.
(4) Different ways of investment: unlike investors in stocks and bonds, fund securities are an indirect way of securities investment.
(5) Different ways of investment recovery: bond investment has a certain term, and the principal is recovered after the expiration, while stock investment is indefinite. If it is to be recovered, it can only be realized at the market price in the securities exchange market. Fund securities are different depending on the form of funds held.
13. Similarities and differences between negotiable certificates of deposit and general certificates of deposit.
(1) What they have in common is that they are all time certificates of deposit issued by banks, and banks pay interest.
(2) The difference is that it cannot be withdrawn in advance, but it can be transferred at any time. It has a specific amount and term, and the term is short, usually 14 days to one year. The interest is paid in coupon rate every six months or on the maturity date, and the denomination is large. Most large deposit certificates in the United States are $100,000.
14. What are the benefits of negotiable certificates of deposit for banks and investors?
Certificate of deposit is a good financial tool for investors and banks;
(1) certificates of deposit enable commercial banks to take the initiative to issue certificates of deposit in the market to raise funds, so that commercial banks can manage their liabilities and assets more actively.
(2) certificates of deposit enable investors to buy or sell certificates of deposit at any time according to the situation of capital week and adjust their asset portfolio.
(3) certificates of deposit improve the stability of commercial banks’ sources of funds.
15. Purpose of stock issuance
(1) To issue shares for the establishment of a joint-stock company.
(2) shares issued by an established joint-stock company to improve its operation or meet a specific need.
16. Purpose of capital increase
(1) Increase the proportion of self-owned capital and improve the capital structure. (2) maintain or expand business. (3) Meet the listing standards of the stock exchange. (4) promoting cooperation or maintaining the right to operate. (5) Divide benefits among shareholders. (6) Others, such as company restructuring or merger.
17, the characteristics of futures trading
(1) The transaction and delivery are not synchronized. (2) It can be offset at the time of delivery, that is, the liquidation parties only need to pay the difference. (3) There are both ordinary investors and speculators in the transaction.
18, the characteristics of OTC:
(1) A wide range of trading objects. (2) Both parties agree on the transaction price. (3) The trading mode is more flexible. (4) The trading places are scattered.
Transfer from: those things in the investment circle

This special fund was distributed before New Year’s Day, benefiting many enterprises.

Wu Han, a journalist with extreme eyes

Correspondent Wang Wei

The statistician of Hubei Shilixiang Liquor Co., Ltd. was very happy to receive the statistical subsidy before New Year’s Day. She thanked the relevant person in charge of Xujiapeng Street in Wuchang District, Wuhan. "We must cooperate with the street economic work well and realize the two-way trip together."

Before New Year’s Day, Xujiapeng Street distributed statistical subsidies to the "four-up" enterprises within its jurisdiction, and the Commissioner was responsible for distributing them to the personal accounts of enterprise statisticians.

Since the beginning of this year, Xujiapeng Street has built a high-quality and professional statistical team with proficient business, served enterprises with sincerity, and strived to optimize the business environment. Each community has identified a full-time and part-time statistician, who also serves as a community census instructor or enumerator when conducting various census work. Each enterprise has appointed a person in charge of statistics and equipped a full-time (part-time) statistician to fill in relevant statistical reports in time.

Street joint relevant units, community, enterprise statistical business training, strengthen the guidance of grassroots statisticians report, improve the accuracy of statistical data reporting, to ensure the authenticity of the source data. At the same time, publicize and support the policies and measures to help enterprises, understand the production and operation difficulties and statistical problems of enterprises, and make overall plans to do a good job in enterprise service.

(Source: Jimu News)

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Awesome! These five people will go to Lyon, France to compete in the World Skills Competition.

Recently, the State Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the List of Leaders of the Technical Guidance Expert Group of China in the 47th World Skills Competition and the Notice on the List of China Training Teams in the 47th World Skills Competition.

Among them, Zhao Changheng, a professor at the School of Life and Environment of Huangshan University, was selected as the leader of the China Technical Guidance Expert Group for the Horticulture Project of the 47th World Skills Competition, and Liu Yuanyuan, an associate professor at the Art College, was selected as the leader of the China Technical Guidance Expert Group for the Paint and Decoration Project of the 47th World Skills Competition.

Students from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences of Huangshan University, Yan Zhiguang and Gan Zhaoci, gold medalists in horticulture of the 2nd National Vocational Skills Competition, and Zhang Xiaofei, a student from Art College and gold medalist in painting and decoration of the 2nd National Vocational Skills Competition, were successfully selected into the China Training Team of the 47th World Skills Competition to prepare for the 47th World Skills Competition.

It is reported that 335 people were selected for the China Training Team of the 47th World Skills Competition according to the results of the selection events of the 2nd World Vocational Skills Competition in People’s Republic of China (PRC), the ranking of the first stage assessment (national trials of network security projects) of the 46th World Skills Competition and the age requirements of the world skills organizations for the contestants of the 47th World Skills Competition. The 47th World Skills Competition will be held in Lyon, France from September 10th to 15th, 2024. 1,400 contestants from 60 countries and regions will take part in the 47th World Skills Competition and decide the best young skilled talents in the world.

Original title: "Awesome! These five people will go to Lyon, France to compete in the World Skills Competition.

Read the original text

[Learning and Realizing the Nineteenth National Congress] Social science experts take you to understand the Nineteenth National Congress | What did China contribute to the development of world civiliz

  abstract:The development of China has provided the whole world with a brand-new concept.

  Guest speaker:Jiang Yihua (Senior distinguished professor of Fudan University, Member of Social Science Committee of Ministry of Education)

  The 19th National Congress proposed that we have entered a new era. The real meaning of the new era, we can think from a broader perspective of the development of human civilization.

  When we build a well-off society in an all-round way, it actually means that China has stepped out of the era of agricultural civilization that lasted for thousands of years, entered the era of industrial civilization, and is advancing towards the era of new information civilization. Not only for China, the 19th National Congress has such an epoch-making significance, but also for the whole world, especially for the vast number of countries in the world that are still in the era of agricultural civilization or have just entered the era of industrial civilization.

  At least, these countries can refer to how a country can truly proceed from its own national conditions and realize the development and leap to modern civilization: find its own path and find a system that adapts to its own national conditions, especially to give full play to its own cultural potential and use such cultural resources to develop itself. I think in this respect, China’s own experience and China’s development path may have some enlightening effects on the civilized development of many countries.

  The fundamental reason why China can achieve such a great leap-forward development in such a short time is that we have our own theory, our own road, our own system and our own culture. What is the greatest feature of China’s theory? We applied Marxism (including its world outlook and the most basic way) in China, and formed the real theory of China, that is, Marxism in China. When we talk about the modernization and popularization of Marxism in China, in fact, the most important point is to constantly carry out reforms and change our present situation under the guidance of Marxist theory. We are not dreaming of changing the status quo, but proceeding from reality and existing conditions, step by step.

  China’s system has a deep cultural foundation and a civilized foundation. In the process of development, China has not lost its own culture, but used the outstanding parts of the world’s various material and spiritual cultures and combined them with our own culture, thus giving full play to the potential of our own culture. Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years, so let it play out with such a huge potential.




The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival

The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival, co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television General Station and Hainan Provincial People’s Government, will be held in Sanya, Hainan Province from December 16th to 22nd, 2023.
Hainan Island International Film Festival (in English: HainanIsland International Film Festival, abbreviated as HIIFF) aims at "year-round screening, island-wide screening, movie viewing by the whole people, and the whole industrial chain", helping Hainan Free Trade Port to improve its cultural soft power and efficiency. By gathering and allocating resources through film festivals, we will promote world film exchanges and cooperation and create a professional, market-oriented and international film festival.
Organizer: Hainan Provincial People’s Government, Central Radio and Television General Station.
People’s Daily (19th edition, December 14th, 2023)

40 suggestions about life that may be useful.

October 10th is World Mental Health Day. In modern society, the pace of life is fast, the burden is heavy, and the pressure is high … If negative emotions are allowed to accumulate, they may become the "last straw" to crush you. Therefore, when the mental pressure is high, it must be promptly channeled and resolved.Life may not be that easy, but there are always some ways to make it better.
How to live
-40 suggestions that I find useful
Author/[UK] Matt Hagrid
Matt Hagrid, an English writer, suffered from depression at the age of 24, and later embarked on the road of self-salvation through writing. In the book "Reasons to Live", he shared 40 life suggestions that he found useful, and the excerpts are as follows. This dose of "good medicine for others" is given to everyone who is trying to live.
When happiness appears, enjoy it.
Take a sip and drink slowly, don’t wolf it down.
Be gentle with yourself.
You can’t change everything in the past.
This is the basic physical principle.
"Reading and writing are discovered by human beings so far.
The most nutritious form of meditation. "
This sentence is correct.
Listen more and talk less.
Don’t feel guilty when doing nothing.
But it can perfect your idleness,
Let it be aware.
Feel that you are breathing.
No matter where and at any time,
Everyone should try to discover beauty.
A face, a poem,
Clouds, graffiti, wind fields outside the window.
Beauty can purify the mind.
Hate is a meaningless emotion.
It’s like punishing a scorpion that stung you.
And eat it.
Go for a run and do some yoga.
Take a shower before noon.
Looking at the sky.
Remind yourself how vast the universe is.
Seize every opportunity to feel vast and distant,
This will make you see your own smallness.
Realize that ideas are just ideas.
If you feel the idea is unreasonable, argue with it.
Even if you can’t find the reason.
You are the observer of your mind, not the victim.
Don’t watch TV aimlessly.
Don’t go to social networking sites aimlessly.
Be conscious of what you are doing,
Why do it?
Unrestrained entertainment will distract you.
Sit down, lie down, don’t move and do nothing.
Observe and listen to the voice of your head.
Instead of judging what’s going on in your head, let it be,
Just like Snow White in Frozen.
Don’t worry too much.
Look at the trees, get close to them and plant them.
(Because trees are great)
Listen to the yoga instructor,
"Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet."
Life, love, let go.
The mathematics of wine is "power operation".
The more you drink, the more you want to drink.
If it’s hard for you to stop at one drink,
Then it is even more impossible to stop at three cups.
Addition is multiplication.
Be careful of that gap.
Where you are now.
And where you want to go.
Just think about it, and that gap will widen,
You might fall into it.
Read a book.
Don’t try to finish reading it, just read it.
Enjoy every word, sentence and paragraph.
Don’t expect it to end, or never end.
Be kind to others.
At the deepest level, there is no medicine in the universe.
It makes you feel better than being kind to others.
Listen to Hamlet-
The most famous depression patient in literary works—
Say that sentence:
"There is no distinction between good and evil in the world, but it is made by thought."
Allow others to love you.
And believe in this love.
You don’t need the world to understand you.
It’s okay.
Some people will never really understand
Things they haven’t experienced,
But some people will understand,
Be grateful to those who understand you.
Jules verne wrote "Infinite Life".
It is a world of love and affection as vast as the sea.
If we immerse ourselves in it, we will find infinity,
Find the space you need to survive.
Three o’clock in the morning is not the time to try to sort out life.
Remember: you are not weird at all.
You’re human,
Everything you do and feel is natural,
Because you are an animal in nature.
"Normal" is actually subjective,
There is no standard answer.
There are 7 billion people on this earth, and there are 7 billion kinds of normality.
Don’t believe in good or bad, win or lose,
Win or lose, high tide and low tide.
At your lowest and highest places,
Whether you are happy or desperate, calm or angry,
There is a core "you" that is always the same.
This "you" is the most important thing
Don’t worry about the time lost in despair.
After overcoming despair, the value of time will double.
Be transparent to yourself.
Build a glass room for your mind. Observe.
Read everything you want, just read it.
Books are possibilities, not escape routes.
When you have no choice, they give you a chance.
For the displaced mind,
Every book is a home.
On sunny days, if you can be outdoors, you should be outdoors.
Remember: the key to life on earth is change.
Cars rust, pages turn yellow,
Technology will be outdated, caterpillars will become butterflies,
Night will turn into day, and depression will dissipate.
When you feel too busy to have a rest,
It’s when you need to find time to rest most.
Negative emotions are things smaller than you.
It has always been smaller than you,
Even if it feels huge sometimes.
It runs inside you, and you don’t run inside it.
It may be a dark cloud floating in the sky,
And you are the whole sky.
There was a sky before the dark clouds appeared.
Dark clouds cannot exist without the sky,
And the sky is still the sky without dark clouds.
Be brave, be strong, breathe and live.
You will thank yourself today.
Text/excerpt from The Reason to Live Jiangxi People’s Publishing House
The content was slightly deleted.
In addition to suggestions,
Here’s another copy"list of good things"
Please check it,
Submit your answers.
Sunrise and sunset, the thousands of stars shining in the dark sky and the world they shine on.
Books. Cold beer. Fresh air. Dogs. Horses. Yellowing paperback book.
A long, affectionate and meaningful kiss; A short, shallow and polite kiss. (All kisses)
When the cinema lights dimmed, there was a bucket of warm popcorn on my leg.
The smell of pine and cypress in the warm evening in Italy. Drink water after a long run.
I thought I was sick, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
-Matt Hagrid
Sun-dried quilts, newly bought books, five dollars in jeans, and someone sent an umbrella when it rained.
Ice cream and coke, share a pack of spicy strips, a newly updated comic play, and the paws of a cat’s flesh.
Mom’s cooking, gay friends’s best friend’s talk, the boss’s praise, and a good morning every day.
—— @ 京京京京京
When I came out of the bathhouse after taking a shower, the cool wind blew on me.
See the sunshine in the Woods. (Tyndall effect)
Eat jelly.
The streets began to get busy in the morning.
Eat meat.
Power supply all night.
Go home to eat breakfast noodles, Dalian noodles, Regan Noodles, pickled beef noodles, pickled duck soup noodles, beef offal noodles, steak noodles and various breakfasts.
See a lovely girl.
Write calligraphy in the afternoon.
Received express delivery.
The smell in the box of the new digital product.
—— @ Wancheng Wenjie
When I returned to my distant home, the house was warm, the food was very hot, and my parents smiled sweetly.
Niece and nephew grab the phone. My niece said, Aunt, I miss you. My nephew has just turned 17 months old, so he can only keep screaming when he grabs the phone, aunt! Auntie! Auntie!
Run to the canteen after class, and have meat dishes.
In the dead of winter, put on thick down jackets, cotton trousers and cotton shoes.
On a snowy day, I came out of the bath, warm and shiny with snowflakes.
I want to tell you that there are still many beautiful things in this world:
The new sunshine in the morning, the corner of plain clothes blown by the breeze,
New soil in spring, warm bed in winter,
Deep alleys are covered with green tiles and plum blossoms, and the front of the court is covered with loquats.
A bonfire with stories, poems full of the moon,
The blushing of girls’ cheeks, the pear vortex of teenagers’ corners of their mouths,
And me.
—— @ 京京京京京京
After reading today’s push
If you think
The fatigue eased a little.
The pressure is reduced a little.
I feel a little happier.
That’s the meaning of these beautiful things.
In the cool October
May the world be beautiful.
Interlocking with you
Source/CCTV news finishing
Picture/worm creativity
Editor/All-China Women’s Federation Network Information Center Li Siqi
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Why do women "change their temperament" in menopause?

This is due to the secondary neuroendocrine changes caused by the decline of ovarian function. Women’s gonad organ "ovary" has two important functions, one is to secrete eggs, so that women have reproductive function; The other is the secretion of female hormone-estrogen. Just as human aging is inevitable, so is ovarian aging. Most women’s ovaries began to age after the age of 40, and the secretion of estrogen began to decline, especially before and after menopause, when the fluctuation of estrogen decreased most obviously.

During this period, it is the most common time for women to have emotional problems, that is to say, the age between 40 and 55 is the age group with high incidence of emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety. Symptoms such as depression and anxiety in menopause may have various reasons, most of which are the changes of hormone levels, especially the obvious decrease of estrogen levels.

In addition, during this period, women are faced with changes in their relative roles, such as children leaving home, children going to school for employment, changes in husband-wife relationship, job adjustment, changes in economic situation, major changes in parents’ health, and changes in their own health. These psychological and social factors may cause emotional obstacles for women. (Peking University Third Hospital)

Source: Beijing 12320 is listening

In the eyes of the ancients, the most beautiful scenery

Where is the most beautiful scenery? Is it the mountains in spring, the water in autumn, the poetry in the distance, or the fireworks nearby? In the poems of the ancients, there is no lack of beauty in the world, and there is no shortage of love and hope. Good scenery is also a good mood, and with a good mood, wherever you go, you feel picturesque.

There are many silk in the sky above the main avenue, it is like the butter – like fine and moist, the overlook grass is vaguely connected, but it appears to be sparse in close range.

This is the most beautiful season of the year, far more than the late spring of green willows.

-Tang Han Yu, "Early Spring is a Member of the Ministry of Water Affairs Zhang Shiba"

Chang’ an street is falling with fine light rain, which is as moist as milk, and the light green grass is connected into one piece. From a distance, if there is anything, there is nothing. The poet’s favorite scenery is this early spring season. Everything has just recovered in the silent drizzle, which is far better than the summer when the city is full of smoke and willow. Indeed, the light rain in early spring nourishes everything and gives people endless hope in a hazy way.

There is also a poet Du Fu who loves spring rain. His praise for spring rain is extremely vivid and delicate.

Good rain knows the season, and when spring happens.

Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.

The wild path is dark, and the river boat is bright.

Look at the red and wet place, and the flowers are heavy in Jinguan City.

-Don Du Fu’s Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night

Good rain knows the season and comes with spring. With the gentle east wind, it sneaked into the night and moistened everything quietly. The path in the field is covered with thick dark clouds, and it is dark everywhere, while the lights on the fishing boats along the river are particularly eye-catching. When I get up in the morning, I see that the spring flowers are wet after the rain. Jinguan City is full of colorful flowers, but it is full of clear feelings. The poet loves this scenery that has been baptized by the spring rain.

Jiangnan is Bai Juyi’s second hometown, and the scenery of Jiangnan has become a unique beauty in his heart. He is immersed in the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan and is full of love and nostalgia.

The scenery of the south of the Yangtze river is beautiful, picturesque scenery has long been familiar.

When spring comes, the sun rises from the surface of the river, and the flowers on the river are brighter than red, the green river green more than blue grass.

How can we call people not miss the south of the Yangtze river?

-Tang Bai Juyi, "Recalling Jiangnan"

Jiangnan is good, and poets have long been familiar with its scenery and have never forgotten it. As soon as the sun comes out, the river flowers on both sides of the strait are bright red and dazzling. When spring comes, the spring water in the south of the Yangtze River reflects the long blue sky, blue and clear. This vibrant and colorful Jiangnan spring has naturally become a beautiful memory that Bai Juyi can’t give up.

Li Bai loves nature very much. He has traveled through countless places and seen countless landscapes, but there is always a special place that makes people peaceful and leisurely.

I asked Yu what he meant to live in the blue mountains, and laughed without answering my heart.

Peach blossoms are flowing away, and there is another world.

-Tang Li Bai’s question and answer in the mountains

My friend asked me why I like living in Bishan. I just smiled and didn’t answer, but my heart was very leisurely. Peach blossoms fall on the water, and slowly flow away with the blue waves. There is a different world here, which is really not like being on earth. This is my Xanadu, where the scenery is beautiful and the mood is smooth. Where else can it be better than here?

There are so many mountains and green waters, and the beautiful scenery written by the poet is also so desirable.

Xisai Mountain before the white egrets fly freely, the river, plump mandarin fish swimming happily, floating in the water in the peach is so bright and full.

An old man in the bank, wearing a green bamboo hat raincoat, wearing a green raincoat, braved the wind and rain, leisurely and leisurely fishing, he was fascinated by the beautiful spring scenery, even the rain did not go home.

-Don Zhang Zhihe’s "Fisherman’s Song"

There are flocks of egrets flying in front of Mount Cisse, and mandarin fish are at their best in the Bijiang River where peach blossoms are floating. The fisherman is wearing a blue bamboo hat and a green hemp fiber. Although the oblique wind is blowing the drizzle, it doesn’t matter. On the contrary, it adds a different kind of beauty to the scenery. Why rush back? It’s drizzling in the oblique wind, peach blossoms floating on the blue waves, and people who sit firmly in the mountains and rivers are so carefree!

In this world, some people like famous mountains and rivers, but others love the unknown countryside. The scenery is unforgettable, sometimes not just because of the scenery itself.

It was nearly a year before the east hill, and return just caught up with Springfield.

The grass is green in the rain, and the peach blossoms on the water are burning.

You Lou Biqiu studied Confucian classics, and he was a wise man in the village.

Daoxi came out and met me, and laughed heartily before chai men.

-Don Wang Wei’s "Wangchuan Bieye"

I haven’t been to Dongshan for nearly a year, and I came back just in time for spring ploughing. The grass in the rain is green and can be dyed, and the peach blossoms on the water are red and bright, as if to burn. The eminent monks and wise men in the village, who are all good friends of the poet, came to meet each other with joy when they heard that the poet had returned, and they hurried to put on their clothes and even forgot to put on their shoes. Everyone is talking and laughing in front of the firewood. Happiness is so simple, but it is full of sincerity. No wonder the poet is obsessed with Dongshan. The scenery is beautiful, and the world is more affectionate.

I see how charming Qingshan is, and I expect Qingshan to see me as such. This is the most beautiful scenery, the scenery is ruthless, but people are interested.

The birds fly away without a trace, leaving the solitary cloud at ease and ease.

You look at me, I look at you, between each other two, only me and the eyes of jingting mountain mountain.

-Tang Li Bai’s Sitting Alone in Jingting Mountain

All the birds have flown away, and a cloud has drifted away leisurely. Jingting Mountain and I are the only people who never tire of looking at each other. In the arms of Jingting Mountain, I feel clean, kind, peaceful and happy, but I won’t feel lonely.

The most beautiful scenery is actually in a dull life.

I planted beans under the south hill, and the weeds in the fields were full of pea.

Early in the morning get up early to eradicate the weeds, the night falls on the moonlight carry hoe to return.

The narrow path covered with vegetation, and the night dew moistened my clothes.

It is not a pity to wet my clothes, but I hope not to go against my will.

-Wei and Jin Dynasties, Tao Yuanming, "Returning to the Garden, the Third"

Planting beans at the foot of Nanshan Mountain is characterized by lush weeds and sparse bean seedlings. Get up in the morning, clean up the wasteland, and come back with a hoe in the moonlight at night. The road is narrow and lush, and the cool dew in the evening wets my clothes. It doesn’t matter if the clothes are wet, as long as it doesn’t go against the original will, everything is worth it.

Spring flowers and autumn moon, nature and seasons always make us meet with all kinds of beautiful scenery, which is shocking and intoxicating.

The lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind mirror on the pool surface.

Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate.

-Don Liu Yuxi’s "Looking at the Dongting"

Lake light and moonlight blend with each other and complement each other. Without a trace of wind, the pool is smooth and seamless, just like an unpolished mirror. Looking at the landscape of Dongting from a distance, the water is bright and clear, and the trees on Dongting Mountain are lush, just like a green snail in a white silver plate, quietly for people to enjoy and ponder. How can we live up to such a beautiful scenery?

When the poet meets the landscape, it completes both the poet and the landscape.

As far away as Hanshan Mountain, the stone path is oblique, and there are people in Bai Yunsheng.

Stop and sit in the maple grove late, and the frost leaves are red in February flowers.

-Tang Du Mu’s "Mountain Walk"

Along the winding path up the mountain, where the white clouds are born, there are several families. I stopped because I like the late scenery of the maple forest. After the wind and frost, the maple leaves are red and dazzling, which is even more beautiful than the spring flowers in February. The poet fell in love with the red maple in autumn and was reluctant to leave for a long time. Thousands of years later, the maple leaf burning like fire in front of his eyes will still arouse people’s yearning and enthusiasm. The red leaf has never faded after thousands of years, and his mood at that time made people feel the same.

The most beautiful scenery in people’s eyes is often because of their love and even their preference.

The flowers withered, the unique plum blossom against the wind swept out, the beautiful scenery of the small park scenery.

"Dappled shadows hang aslant over the clear shallow water, in the evening of moonlight their fragrances peacefully expand."

When the cold bird wants to fly, it first peek at the plum blossom; Butterflies, if you know the beauty of plum blossom, will be enchanting.

Fortunately, there are micro-songs that can be compared, and there is no need for a total of gold bottles.

-Song Lin Bu’s "One of Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden"

Flowers wither, only the poet’s favorite plum blossom blooms alone, occupying all the scenery in the small garden. Sparse plum shadows are slanting in the shallow water. At dusk, the moon rises and the faint fragrance floats in the air. Plain birds want to come down, first take a sneak look. If butterflies in spring know the beauty of plum blossoms, they will be heartbroken and lose their souls. The poet sighed with emotion, fortunately, I can also sing poems to praise the plum blossom, and I don’t need to clap the sandalwood to sing songs, and I don’t need to hold a glass of wine to express my love for the plum blossom. The small garden with faint plum fragrance in winter is the most beautiful scenery in the poet’s eyes, and even the spiritual sustenance.

Some people always think that the most beautiful scenery in the world is far away, but people floating in other places deeply understand that when they look back, their hearts are already full of thoughts, and every grass and tree in their hometown is the most beautiful.

You have just come from our hometown, we must know the ways of the world.

When you came to my home carved decorative pattern of the window, the plant of the plum flowers bloom?

-Tang Wang Wei’s "Three Miscellaneous Poems No.2"

The poet asked: You come from your hometown, so you should know something about your hometown, right? Is that plum tree blooming outside my carved window? The plum tree outside the window once accompanied the poet through countless dull but warm times. During the journey, he looked back more than once and all plants and trees were affectionate. Where there are no plum blossoms, but those in my hometown must have taken root and blossomed in my heart.

As time goes by, winter goes and spring comes, how many endless scenery there are?

Only know the search for the beautiful scenery and forget the cold, I am in the spring breeze in the sunset.

I like that Dongshan sunny after the snow, the light of the red in the light of the mountains of Yinshan.

-Song Yang Wanli, "Four mountains are green after the snow clears, but Dongshan’s all-white fu loves Dongshan’s two quatrains after the snow clears."

Poets only know how to chase beautiful scenery, but forget the cold, standing in the sunset and spring breeze. My favorite is Dongshan Mountain, which clears up after the snow. In the soft red light, there is a surge of silver mountains, pure and dazzling! The poet was shocked by the beautiful scenery after the snow!

Welcome the new in time, miss the old in emotion, and what you can’t give up is the feelings of the past.

Without washing and dyeing the dust tassels, I returned to Fangcaoping.

A vine path is green, and there are ten thousand snow peaks and sunny spots.

-Tang Li Bai’s Winter Returning to the Old Mountain

Before the poet could clean the dust from his hat, he came back with grass. A path covered with green vines is green and welcoming, but it clears up after the snow, and the ten thousand peaks are particularly clear in the sun. Returning to the old mountain in winter, the poet was very happy and his eyes were full of beautiful scenery.

The beauty in the eyes of the ancients tells us where they have been and what they have loved. It is a journey of life, a meeting, a fate, and perhaps helplessness in reality. The beautiful scenery they love is still loved by us today, and ordinary people like us will meet many scenery on the way, just like them in the long river of history. What is the most beautiful? Perhaps it is still two words, love. Whether for people or scenery.


He Yu, a woman who likes poetry, is looking for beautiful details in the four seasons, hoping that time will leave warm memories.