标签归档 西安桑拿

Aborigines in the era of artificial intelligence: at the age of 3, they do spelling and learning programming at the age of 5.

  Six-year-old Bai Haoming (left) and Fu Hongzhou (right) participated in the "Intelligent Sorting Engineering Challenge" project of the Youth Robot Design Competition of the 2018 World Robotics Congress. Jess Zhang/photo

  The 2018 World Robotics Congress held not long ago attracted many young people to visit and participate in the competition, and the exhibits related to children’s services naturally became the focus of everyone’s attention. In this field, many exhibitors set the function of "programming" as the key word to attract consumers, "All children in the future must be able to program".

  Nowadays, "programming" is considered as one of the entry points for children to adapt to the era of artificial intelligence. Several parents interviewed randomly by reporters at the scene also said in unison: "Even if children don’t work in artificial intelligence in the future, they need to know something about robots and programming."

  "Artificial intelligence starts with dolls"

  In the youth robot design competition held during the conference, two small figures in the "Intelligent Sorting Engineering Challenge" area were particularly eye-catching.

  The fleshy hands are as long as the mouse, and the hem of the T-shirts distributed uniformly dangles at the knees. Six-year-old Bai Haoming and Fu Hongzhou are the youngest players in this project, from Shenzhen. They have entered the threshold of programming.

  "Let them do it, and don’t expect to get any rankings." Bai Haoming’s mother clung to the baffle in the field and leaned into half of her body to look at the child’s operation. She thought this was the simplest event in this competition.

  In fact, this is not the case. Bai Hao-ming and Fu Hongzhou need to suck up 10 building blocks of different colors through the mechanical arm within the specified time and carry them to the area corresponding to the color. In this process, the two will cooperate with the debugging of the mechanical arm and programming to complete a series of links such as moving the mechanical arm to a designated position, accurately identifying the color, absorbing the wood blocks, and transporting the wood blocks to other designated areas.

  As expected, their first attempt failed, and the green block was put in the red area. "No, no! Write the data again! " Bai Haoming’s mother is more anxious than her children.

  Six-year-old Fu Hongzhou sat in front of the computer, but he was very calm. His little hand rested slowly on the mouse, and Bai Hao-ming also gathered in front of the screen. They discussed dragging the program module to reprogram, and it was soon finished. After restarting, the green building blocks were successfully transported to the corresponding green area.

  In fact, when Bai Haoming was five years old, he could command the airplane model to start the propeller through computer programming. His mother was convinced that "artificial intelligence starts with dolls". Designated robot platform for this competition — — A certain type of mechanical arm is worth "20,000 to 30,000 yuan", and Bai Haoming’s mother thinks this kind of investment is very worthwhile.

  Fu Hongzhou’s father also thinks that "the future must be the era of artificial intelligence". He asks his children to practice programming once or twice a week for no more than two hours at a time.

  Encouraging children to learn programming is not only the choice of the above two parents. Yi Hui, a robot training coach at the scene of the Youth Robot Design Competition, told reporters that a training institution where he works has become more and more popular in the past three years: some 3-year-old children come to cultivate their structure and sense of space through spelling exercises; Learn simple programming at the age of 5 to 6, and master simple physics knowledge after preschool; After the age of 8, you can usually start to contact relatively complicated modular programming.

  This time, Tian Tian, the little player he brought, began to contact the mosaic robot at the age of 3, and at the age of 5, he was able to design simple games through modular programming. Tian Tian’s father believes that the simplified programming that he is exposed to now will be helpful for children to write code programming in the future. "Although the input forms are different, the logic is the same."

  However, he believes that for Xiao Tiantian, how much knowledge is acquired is second, and what is more important is the shaping of soft power. Tian Tian’s father thinks that the child’s patience has been "greatly improved" and "he can analyze the reasons himself in the face of failure".

  What kind of education scheme is suitable for you?

  In fact, not only in the competition, but also in the Expo and product exhibition area of the World Robotics Congress, "programming" is also the key word in the hearts of parents and children who come to visit.

  Mr. Liu from Beijing and his 6-year-old son Yangyang stopped in front of a programming robot for just over ten minutes, and Yangyang learned how to make the robot parrot dance by using action memory programming.

  Mr. Liu introduced that Yangyang was able to put together hundreds of models at the age of four, so this time he bought a programming robot worth 1299 yuan for his son without hesitation. I believe programming is not difficult for his son.

  "Artificial intelligence will be very popular in the future, and he should be exposed to the development trend of society." Mr. Liu said.

  Judging from the popularity of on-site programming robots, Mr. Liu seems to have spoken the voice of most parents. Exhibitors don’t need to elaborate on the significance of programming to children’s development. As long as they put out their own products, they will be quickly surrounded by a wave of teenagers and parents.

  The reporter noted that in order to meet the needs of children, parents, schools and training institutions, many related enterprises are actively developing educational programs for "cultivating aborigines in the era of artificial intelligence", and the concepts and characteristics of each supplier are different.

  Taking a certain type of programming robot selected by Yangyang children as an example, simple programming learning can be carried out after the robot components and motors are inserted. The programming methods include "action memory programming" and "graphical programming".

  According to reports, teaching material packages including such programming robots have landed in several children’s palaces and primary schools around the country. Guo Zuyun, an information technology teacher at the experimental primary school in Kunming Economic and Technological Development Zone, is one of the users. He introduced that in order to be in line with the era of artificial intelligence, the school built a new function room and introduced a number of engineering intelligence teaching materials. "There are more than 900 people in the school, and more than 200 people have chosen my class. However, due to limited conditions, we only recruited 35 people. "

  In the mobile game My World: Education Edition, which is popular among teenagers, children can cultivate computational thinking through visual programming. It is understood that teachers in more than 100 countries around the world are promoting classroom innovation and collaboration through this game.

  People are exploring various possibilities of artificial intelligence education. Material packages, laboratories, interdisciplinary educational research and practice platforms, mobile games or public welfare activities, and various educational programs are dazzling. At present, what remains unchanged is that "programming" has become the intersection of various schemes.

  "The traditional concept is that learning programming is to be a code farmer in the future, but it is not. The future world will be a digital world, and writing code may be as natural and necessary as writing articles and learning languages today. " An industry insider in the field of artificial intelligence education told reporters. (China Youth Daily Zhongqing Online Reporter Jess Zhang)

Shipments increased by more than 100% year-on-year, and the price reduction of folding screen mobile phones led to "new war"

"With the continuous increase in R&D investment by Android manufacturers and upstream supply chains, the hardware technology has improved and matured, the application of software systems has been optimized, and the consumer experience has been continuously improved. The further decline in prices has also made more consumers willing to use folding screen mobile phones early. "

On February 20th, the latest quarterly tracking report of mobile phones released by International Data Corporation (IDC) showed that in the fourth quarter of 2023, the market shipment of folding screen mobile phones in China was about 2.771 million units, up 149.6% year-on-year. A number of new products from Huawei, OPPO and Glory promoted the rapid growth of the folding screen market in this quarter.

In 2023, the China folding screen mobile phone market shipped about 7.007 million units, up 114.5% year-on-year. Since the launch of the first product in 2019, the folding screen mobile phone market in China has grown by over 100% year-on-year for four consecutive years.

However, folding screen mobile phones still often appear "the screen is not resistant to falling, the maintenance price is expensive, and the screen itself is prone to problems". Guo Tianxiang, senior analyst of IDC China, told the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter that with the continuous progress and maturity of technology, especially the increasing participation of domestic supply chains, some problems related to folding screens will continue to improve. "But it still takes more time to completely solve it."

The price of folding screen dropped to 400-600 dollars.

The market share of transverse folding products increased to 68% again.

The price of folding screen mobile phone continues to drop. According to IDC data, in 2023, the share of mobile phones with folding screens above $1,000 has dropped from 81.0% a year ago to 66.5%, down 14. 5 percentage points year-on-year. In addition to the overall cost reduction, the products in vertical folding form are relatively cheaper, which also makes the price of folding screen drop to the price range of 400-600 dollars in 2023.

In terms of product form, horizontal folding products are more popular with consumers in China. Although the price of vertical folding products is relatively lower, horizontal folding products have been favored by more consumers in China because they can better reflect the big screen experience of folding screen mobile phones. In 2023, the market share of transverse folding products increased to 68.1%, up by 10.4 percentage points year-on-year.

At present, the vertical folding products are not only easy to carry, but also consumers still lack the necessary use scenarios. At the same price, there is also a clear gap between the use experience and the straight board machine, and there is still room for improvement in product quality.

IDC pointed out that the importance of horizontal folding products in the mobile office scene of high-end business people is increasing. At the same time, the high-end people pay less attention to the price, and are more willing to choose the horizontal folding products with full product configuration.

Recently, it has been reported that individual mobile phone manufacturers have stopped planning to release new small folding models this year. In this regard, Guo Tianxiang said to the Shell Finance reporter that it is mainly a demand issue. "There is no rigid requirement for vertical folding usage scenarios. The sales volume is not up, the price is not high, and the product quality problems lead to great after-sales pressure, and the final cost is high, and most manufacturers are losing money. Individual manufacturers are not saying that they will not do it at all, but they will be suspended. When the supply chain technology is more mature and the cost and quality are better, they may come back. "

Huawei occupies the first place in the domestic folding screen market in 2023.

Folding screen is still the key product of various manufacturers in 2024.

In terms of the market performance of folding screen mobile phone manufacturers, the above report pointed out that Huawei Mate X5 series has been in a state of price increase since its listing, and the supply is in short supply, helping Huawei firmly occupy the first position in the domestic folding screen market in 2023, with a market share of 37.4%.

OPPO gained 18.3% market share and ranked second in the overall folding screen market; Among them, the market share of vertical folding products ranks first with 36.3%; The horizontal fold Find N3 series has been widely praised around the world.

Glory made great efforts in the folding screen mobile phone market in the second half of 2023, and won the third place in the folding screen mobile phone market for the whole year with the hot sales of Magic V2 and other new folding products, with a share of 17.7%, and the shipment volume increased by 467.0% year-on-year, with the fastest growth rate.

Samsung occupies more than half of the global folding screen mobile phone market, but ranks fourth in the highly competitive China market with 11% market share. Vivo ranks fifth, and its first 5G horizontal folding product X Fold 2 released in 2023 is about to be replaced.

Guo Tianxiang concluded that "thinness" has become the primary factor affecting consumers’ choice of folding screen mobile phones. However, if the pursuit of "thinness" blindly leads to the decline of reliability, it will directly affect consumers’ long-term choices in the future. However, the use scenario of vertical folding products has not been fully discovered, and products that position potential users as "fashionable young women" will form direct competition with Apple.

"Folding screen mobile phones are still the key products of various manufacturers in 2024. The participation of more manufacturers and the launch of more products will continue to promote the rapid development of the folding screen mobile phone market. " Guo Tianxiang said.

In addition to the flexible size of the screen itself, will there be some new innovation highlights compared with the straight board machine? In this regard, Guo Tianxiang responded to reporters that vertical folding products are more convenient to carry after folding. Horizontal folding products are mainly the advantages of large screen, but more need to be reflected by the adaptation of software system applications.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Sun Wenxuan

Editor Yue Caizhou

Proofread Liu Baoqing

Search in a circle without jumping into Samsung Galaxy S24 series, opening up a new way of mobile phone search.

People’s demand for accurate and fast access to information is growing day by day. Whether it’s proper nouns in the field of work or new bags they see during the drama, they need to know more details quickly. With the continuous development of AI technology, mobile phone applications are also constantly innovating to provide users with more convenient and intelligent services. Samsung Galaxy S24 series pioneered the function of "search by circle", which combines AI technology with search experience, and brings users a brand-new search method with intuitive interaction, which can obtain valuable information more efficiently and quickly.

In the past, when I saw unknown things on my mobile phone and wanted to explore them in depth, the first thing I had to do was to leave what I was browsing, open a browser or a specific APP, type in keywords, and even take screenshots and upload pictures to complete the search. The function of "circle and search" greatly simplifies this process, which is deeply integrated into the system. Therefore, users do not need to leave the screen they are browsing, just press the Home button for a long time, and then circle the content of interest on the screen with their fingers or S Pen. Samsung Galaxy S24 series will intelligently analyze the circled content with the help of high-precision image segmentation, OCR recognition and large model understanding, and quickly return the search results in the current window. You don’t need to take photos or take screenshots, and you don’t have to rack your brains to think about what keywords to use to search. You can immediately understand the unknown world through simple gestures.

Thanks to the unimaginable convenience experience, the instant search function of Samsung Galaxy S24 series allows you to obtain useful information at any time. If you are planning a trip and want to know the attractions, food and local customs of the destination, you can directly circle other people’s travel notes, pictures or videos when browsing travel blogs or social media by using the instant search function of Samsung Galaxy S24 series. AI will analyze the content of the circle selection, provide detailed information that can be used for travel strategy, and help to understand the destination in depth and plan the itinerary.

Shopping is an indispensable part of people’s daily life. Browse the street photos of the new season on the Internet, or you are interested in the clothes of the people in the drama when you are chasing the drama. At this time, the function of "circle search" can also provide convenience. No matter whether you are browsing pictures or videos, as long as you press the Home button and circle the items you are interested in, the system will identify and search related products through AI to help make more informed shopping decisions.

News report is one of the important ways for people to get current affairs information. When reading news articles or watching news videos, sometimes you will encounter interesting topics or want to know more about them. At this time, the function of "circle search" can help to get more relevant information quickly. Just press the Home button for a long time and circle the key content, that is, circle and search, which can help to understand the event more comprehensively.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series pioneered the function of circle-to-circle search, which combined artificial intelligence technology with search engine, realized intelligent identification and rapid acquisition of information, and provided users with a brand-new search experience. In daily life, whether planning a trip, shopping for goods or reading news, the function of circle-to-circle search can give full play to its advantages, provide users with search services more conveniently and accurately, and greatly improve the efficiency and experience of information acquisition.

Whether you see flowers you have never seen before when traveling in a foreign country, or encounter unfamiliar terms when delving into scientific research topics, the instant search function of Samsung Galaxy S24 series can quickly find the information you need without interrupting the browsing experience. In addition, the Samsung Galaxy S24 series is also equipped with rich AI applications such as real-time call translation, note taking assistant, transcription assistant, and generative editing. The vast world empowered by Galaxy AI is waiting for you to explore.

Disclaimer: The market is risky, so you should be careful when choosing! This article is for reference only, not as a basis for trading.

Banks raise the threshold of free SMS notification. To save money, you have to use mobile banking.

  The picture shows a Nanjing citizen showing her bank cards of different banks. (Profile photo) Photo by China News Service reporter Li Bo

  BEIJING, Beijing, August 13 (Zhong Qing) Did not receive the SMS reminder from the bank by swiping a credit card to buy a box mask? Is there something wrong with the banking system? Or didn’t the deduction succeed at all? According to a survey conducted by a reporter from Zhongxin. com, in order to develop the mobile financial business, the bank once again raised the threshold of free SMS notification, and switched to the client and WeChat WeChat official account to provide a series of free services to guide users to use mobile banking.

  Investigation — —

  After debit card, banks raise the threshold of free SMS notification for credit cards.

  "Recently, I always didn’t receive SMS prompts when I swiped my card. At first, I thought that the system was slow and delayed, and then it appeared several times." Xiao Wang, who is usually very restrained in spending, will check text messages and calculate accounts from time to time.

  Later, Xiao Wang called the bank for consultation and learned that it was the bank that increased the credit card SMS reminder quota, and no longer sent SMS messages after spending 300 yuan.

  The reporter found that many banks are gradually raising the threshold for free SMS reminders of credit cards. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China since August 1st,Stop sending credit card RMB transaction amount below (including) 300 yuan balance change reminder SMS., instead of sending information through the e-linked mobile phone client.

  “Including the use of credit cards at ATMs, as long as it does not exceed 300 yuan, it will not send free SMS reminders."ICBC customer service staff said that the initiative has been launched nationwide.

  China Merchants Bank also set up the 300 yuan threshold. The customer service staff told the reporter: "Since February 2014, China Merchants Bank has cancelled the SMS reminder for credit card consumption within 300 yuan, butEach consumption detail can be sent to users through WeChat WeChat official account, and WeChat official account also has the functions of checking the amount and repayment in installments."

  The SMS prompt of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank’s credit card triggers a higher amount. Starting from July 20th, the trigger amount of short message notification for online credit card transaction under personal name of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank was adjusted to 500 yuan.If cardholders want to know the whole story of each transaction through SMS, they need to buy this service at the price of 4 yuan every month.

  The SMS reminder service for debit cards remains basically unchanged. After adjustment in recent years, at present, most domestic banks charge a monthly SMS reminder fee ranging from 2-4 yuan for ordinary debit card accounts with this function.

  Tracing the cause — —

  Respond to the impact of third-party payment and make efforts in the field of mobile finance

  "On the one hand, banks adjust the SMS reminder method to reduce the cost of sending SMS through mobile operators; On the other hand, sending information in a closed loop in the banking system can improve security, "Guo Jing, an analyst at Analysys Financial, explained to the reporter of Zhongxin.com..

  Take ICBC’s e-link mobile phone client as an example. If users want to receive free balance change reminders, they need to bind the bank card with the client and turn on the automatic push function of the software.

  Some insiders believe that with the rapid development of the mobile Internet,The banking industry has suffered from the impact of new financial models such as third-party payment platforms. The ultimate goal is for banks to cancel the free SMS reminder service for small changes and guide consumers to form the habit of using electronic channels such as online banking and mobile banking..

  Guo Jing said that compared with the traditional short message service and counter service, WeChat WeChat official account and mobile client make financial services more flexible and convenient. "Mobile finance has the advantages of network-wide interconnection, high-speed data exchange and self-service completion, and it also has the mobility and portability of anytime and anywhere interconnection, making it easier for customers to accept and master."

  In his view, the development of mobile finance is an extension of bank outlets and an expansion of service channels; It can not only give full play to its convenience advantages, but also create personalized services according to customer needs.

  Depth — —

  Mobile banking transfer and remittance step into the era of "free"

  On December 25, 2015, the People’s Bank of China officially issued the Notice on Improving Personal Bank Account Services and Strengthening Account Management, proposing that "commercial banks are encouraged to exempt depositors from handling fees for transfer and remittance services below a certain amount through online banking and mobile banking".

  The introduction of the policy ended the "individual combat" of banks, laid the foundation for online banking and mobile banking transfer fees to enter a comprehensive free stage, and banks began to "group" to promote the new regulations.

  On February 25th, ICBC, Agricultural Bank, China Bank, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications.The "five major banks" rarely joined hands and announced that they would waive the handling fee for individual customers’ transfer and remittance services through mobile banking.; Transfer and remittance services of less than 5,000 yuan handled through online banking are free of handling fees.

  On July 28th, China CITIC Bank and China Merchants Bank.Twelve joint-stock banks set up the "Commercial Bank Network Finance Alliance", announcing that all users of the alliance banks can handle inter-bank transfer business through electronic channels (mobile banking and personal online banking) free of charge..

  Recently, the reporter learned from the announcement of "Five Major Banks" in official website and the customer service staff that the "Five Major Banks" have implemented the fee concessions for individual customers to transfer money through mobile banking and online banking.

  Extension — —

  Middle-aged and elderly customers are embarrassed to open exclusive services or the general trend.

  "Now banks are encouraging online operations. In the future, the cost of going to outlets to do business will definitely be higher and higher. Even many high-yield wealth management products are exclusive to mobile phones, which is a bit embarrassing for middle-aged and elderly people."

  Ms. Wu, who just retired from a public institution at the beginning of the year, said that it is no problem to read news and send messages with smart phones, but online shopping only chooses cash on delivery. "The behavior involving money is still not used to being done on mobile phones."

  "It is the general trend to open exclusive mobile financial services for the elderly." Guo Jing pointed out that China has entered an aging society. According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, as ofBy the end of 2015, there were 222 million elderly people aged 60 and over in China, accounting for 16.1%. "It is a pretty big blue ocean for banks, and there is no reason to give up."

  Guo Jing suggested developing a dedicated online bank or client for the elderly, and introducing corresponding security functions, such as setting a hard limit for online banking and mobile banking transfer and remittance; At the same time, provide regular financial knowledge training and cognitive assessment for the elderly to raise their awareness of safety protection. (End)

Time and Space Technology: Yang Yaohua plans to reduce his holdings by no more than 2.98 million shares.

The chairman of Time and Space Technology is Gong Gonghai, male, 50 years old, with a bachelor’s degree background; The general manager is Jiang Huapeng, male, 47 years old, with a junior college education background.

As of press time, the market value of Time and Space Technology is 1.7 billion yuan.

1. In the past 30 days, no organization has conducted research on space-time technology;
2. Time and Space Technology last announced its reduction on July 15, 2023, and fell by 0.48% on the second trading day. Time and Space Technology issued two reduction announcements in the past year.

(Reporter Cai Ding)

Sweep Meizhou away with one foot in the Super League? The last round of Nantong Zhiyun still needs to go all out

Special correspondent Jiang Hai reports On October 29th, the penultimate round of the Super League in 2023 started at the same time. Nantong Zhiyun, who ranked second in the standings, challenged Meizhou Hakka away. In the end, the team scored 3 points with a score of 4-0. With the last round left in the league, the points rose to the penultimate third, beating Dalian people, and the final round of the game would be successful in relegation.

After losing to Shanghai Shenhua 0-1 at home in the last round of league tournament, the relegation situation of Nantong Zhiyun was once in jeopardy. In the last two rounds, they will play against Meizhou Hakka and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger away from home. Even if they all win, they also need to look at the face of their relegation opponent Dalian. Moreover, in terms of mutual record with Dalian people, Nantong Zhiyun is the main loser and does not have an advantage. Therefore, as long as Dalian people all win in the last two games, Nantong Zhiyun will get whatever results in the last two rounds.

Therefore, the game against Meizhou Hakka is a "can’t afford to lose" final for Nantong Zhiyun, and the team has suffered five consecutive defeats before, and it is urgent to get points to improve the morale of the team. Fortunately, Nantong Zhiyun started very well, and Jiang Zilei broke the deadlock in the 12th minute of the game. In the following game, Nantong Zhiyun played smoothly: in the 64th minute, Castillo made meritorious deeds, 2-0, expanding the lead; In the 89th minute, Morelato scored a goal, 3-0; In the second minute of stoppage time, Zheng Haogan scored a single goal after breaking the ball and sealed the victory 4-0.

While winning this game, Nantong Zhiyun also gave Meizhou Hakka the first defeat in the last five rounds. At the same time, Nantong Zhiyun also took the fate of relegation into his own hands. Generally speaking, the performance of Nantong Zhiyun team in the Super League this season is not ideal. They need to reflect on their own problems and find a solution to them.

Before the current round against Meizhou Hakka, Nantong Zhiyun scored 19 points with Dalian People’s Team, but due to the disadvantage of winning and losing, Nantong Zhiyun was in the relegation zone. At the same time of this game against Meizhou Hakka, Dalian people challenged Qingdao Manatee away. Compared with Nantong Zhiyun’s away victory, Dalian people scored two goals in a row when they were 0-2 behind, but they failed to beat their opponents in the away game and only got 1 point. However, Dalian people’s fighting capacity in this game was admirable. However, they lost their relegation advantage to Nantong Zhiyun without getting 3 points from Manatee. After the end of this round of competition, the championship suspense of the Super League has been revealed, leaving only one suspense of relegation. In addition to the relegated Shenzhen team, another relegation team will be created between Nantong Zhiyun and Dalian people. The away win of this game also allows Nantong Zhiyun to temporarily occupy the relegation advantage.

In the final round, Nantong Zhiyun played against Tianjin Jinmen Tiger at home, while Dalian people played against Shanghai Harbour, which has won the championship at home. Holding a 2-point lead, for Nantong Zhiyun, the last game must be won. If you can get 3 points, you don’t have to look at other people’s faces, and you can successfully avoid relegation at home. However, if you draw or lose, you need to look at the result of the game between Dalian people and Shanghai Harbour. At present, it can only be said that Nantong Zhiyun has left one foot in the Super League next year, but the team still cannot relax its vigilance until the end of the league.

After the game, David, coach of Nantong Zhiyun team, said: "As we expected, today is a difficult game. The opponents will not let you win the game easily. They played with the strongest lineup. We also carried out the counter-attack tactics arranged before the game well, and it is also very important that we didn’t concede a goal today. The opponent is a very strong team, so these three points are also very valuable to us. Our players have been fighting like warriors. In the last game, we need to fulfill our promises to our fans, win the game, and achieve the goal of relegation. For fans, it is too little to say thank you, and they are supporting us both at home and away. "

As far as Dalian people are concerned, the team has been pushed to the edge of the cliff. Even if the team beats Shanghai Harbour at home in the last round, it may not be able to avoid relegation. While Nantong Zhiyun has the initiative, he still has to go all out in the face of Tianjin Jinmen Tiger, who has nothing to ask for. As the "only seedling" of Jiangsu football in the Super League, Nantong Zhiyun’s game this season has gone through a rough time. Now it can regain its relegation advantage. The team should go all out to draw a satisfactory end to this season with a home victory, and at the same time let Jiangsu football remain in the top leagues in China.

Kobe Bryant’s former full-time pilot: the helicopter crashed in good condition or because of the weather

  The picture shows the crash site.

  Overseas Network January 27th Local time January 26th, NBA star Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash in California, USA, at the age of 41. Kurt Deetz, a former full-time pilot of Kobe Bryant, said that the crashed helicopter was like a "luxury car" with a good safety record, and the crash was more likely caused by bad weather.

  According to the Los Angeles Times, Deeds is a former pilot of "IEX Express Helicopters" and worked as a full-time pilot for Kobe Bryant from 2014 to 2016. He introduced that Kobe will take Sikorsky S-76B helicopter nine times out of ten trips. When Kobe retired in 2016, he arrived in downtown Los Angeles by the same helicopter.

  Dietz said that Kobe prefers Sikorsky S-76B and compares this helicopter to a "limousine". Dietz recalled: "Every time I flew with Kobe, he was always quiet, and he would say hello and say ‘ Hi ’ And then give a thumbs up, or say nothing, he is very professional. "

  According to the published flight records, this Sikorsky S-76B helicopter was built in 1991. Dietz flew on this plane for more than 1,000 hours, and called it "excellent". Sikorsky S-76B helicopter is also loved by celebrities because of its comfort and safety.

  The crashed helicopter belongs to "IEX Helicopter Company", and Dietz said that the company strictly abides by the "complete maintenance plan" for helicopter maintenance. Dietz guessed that the crash was more likely caused by bad weather than by engine or mechanical problems.

  Dietz said: "The helicopter seems to hit the ground at a very fast speed, with a speed of about 160 miles per hour (about 257 kilometers per hour). After flying for 40 minutes, there are about 800 pounds of fuel on the helicopter, which is enough to cause a fire."

  At about 10 am local time on January 26th, a helicopter crash occurred in California, USA. Kobe Bryant, a famous NBA star, died in this plane crash at the age of 41.

  At the time of the accident, Kobe was taking a helicopter to Mamba College for basketball training, accompanied by his 13-year-old daughter Jaina Maria. When the plane was flying over Calabaca, it suddenly crashed on a hillside 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles and caught fire for "unknown reasons". The Los Angeles County Police Department told reporters that when the helicopter crashed, there were 9 people on board, including 8 passengers and 1 pilot, all of whom were killed.

  Kobe Bryant was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on August 23rd, 1978. He was selected by Charlotte Hornets in the NBA draft in 1996, and then traded to Los Angeles Lakers as a shooting guard and a small forward. As an adult, Kobe spent most of his life in the coastal area of Orange County in southern Los Angeles. Due to the poor traffic conditions in Southern California, he often takes part in training and competitions by helicopter to save time.

  During his 20-year career, he led the Lakers to win the NBA championship five times and was selected to the NBA All-Star Team 18 times, becoming the third leading scorer in NBA history. On April 14th, 2016, Kobe Bryant announced his retirement after completing the last regular-season game of his career. (Overseas network Zhu Huiyue)

Millions of greedy people openly shouted: I didn’t make a mistake! The prosecutor used this trick to silence him.

  CCTV News:Recently, the Intermediate People’s Court of Zibo City, Shandong Province publicly pronounced the case of Lu Zaimo, former member of the Standing Committee of Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and former chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Ethnic Affairs, accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The defendant Lu Zaimo was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined 600,000 yuan.

  At the age of 18, he served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of Rushan County in Yantai, the head of Fushan District in Yantai at the age of 36, the mayor of Jining at the age of 48, and the first director of the Department of Commerce in the history of Shandong Province at the age of 55. Lu Zaimo’s career can be said to be smooth.

  At work, Lu Zaimo was highly effective and conscientious, and was praised as a "good cadre". However, it is this glamorous "star" official who used his position to illegally accept property of more than 4.28 million yuan; It also reimbursed many times the monthly expenses, transportation expenses, meals and other expenses that should be paid by individuals and families for more than 170,000 yuan; Even the public funds of 9 million yuan from Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce were used to buy houses, decorate houses and buy vehicles in Yantai for their personal use.

  At this point, in the face of censorship, Lu Zaimo refused to explain the problem, and even yelled at the case handlers: "I didn’t make any mistakes, you are so unfair to me! I want to report you! "

  However, no matter how tough his attitude is, he can’t change the outcome that he will be caught if he reaches out.

  Restore massive evidence and sit on the "iron case"

  According to Zhang Jingya, the procurator of the Third Public Prosecution Office of Shandong Provincial People’s Procuratorate, in case Lu Zaimo did not plead guilty, the case handlers worked around the clock almost every day, made a pre-judgment of every possible situation, and went back and forth to Jinan and Zibo several times to look for evidence. Finally, I found a key witness, Qi Moumou, who gave Lu Zaimo 1.5 million yuan in cash four times since 2003.

  In August 2016, Lu Zaimo was suspected of accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The key witness, Zhai Moumou, testified in court, but Lu Zaimo did not look at him. He even insisted that "I don’t know him at all, and I have no impression at all. The bribe of 1.5 million yuan is unnecessary."

  Lu Zaimo (data map)

  Lu Zaimo’s reaction, investigators have long expected.

  In order to confirm the testimony of the witness, the case-handling personnel went to the scene in advance to extract the paper bag used by the witness company to bribe Lu Zaimo. After the test, it was found that it could indeed hold the cash and gifts mentioned by the witness. Bribery money can be found from the company’s finances; Witnesses can clearly explain the purpose of the loan in detail … …

  In this way, more evidence of bribery by Lu Zaimo was restored one by one.

  The investigators also adopted synchronous recording and video recording technology when Lv Zaimo was first arraigned, and kept all the guilty confessions he made before the trial.

  In the face of overwhelming evidence, Lu Zaimo was finally speechless.

  Diet Coke, jiaozi and Longevity Noodles Break the Suspect’s Psychological Defense Line.

  In the face of censorship, some people are arrogant, while others play dumb.

  Qi Guangsen, a discipline inspector at the tenth discipline inspection and supervision office of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, has encountered such a situation.

  When conducting a disciplinary review of Yu of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yu pretended to be deaf and dumb and said nothing. Qi Guangsen found that Yu did not speak because he worked in the judicial department for a long time and was very aware of the consequences of his violation of discipline and law.

  After careful observation, Yu was most concerned about his elderly mother, so he adjusted his work ideas and conversation strategies in time, focused on family influence and policy, insisted on talking with Yu every day, had dinner together, and carefully prepared a sugar-free coke that Yu loved to drink.

  In the first 20 days, Yu was still expressionless and stubborn, but Qi Guangsen didn’t give up, and finally influenced Yu to truthfully confess his disciplinary behavior.

  In fact, "moving people with emotion" has long been a common method for case handlers to break through the psychological defense of the censor.

  According to previous media reports, at the beginning of 2014, a cadre of a unit in Xicheng District of Beijing seriously violated the law and was taken "double regulations" measures. Just before the Spring Festival, in order to stabilize the mood of the investigated cadres, the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Xicheng District of Beijing ensured that he ate jiaozi on the New Year’s Eve, and let him watch the Spring Festival Gala if conditions permitted.

  Similarly, when investigating a case a few years ago, the day when the Xicheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection took the subject to the "double regulations" happened to be his birthday. The staff first gave him a bowl of longevity noodles during the meal. Seeing the noodles, the cadre burst into tears. The follow-up investigation of this case was very smooth.

  Judge the facts of a crime in English

  In order to avoid the organization’s inquiry, what’s more, they came up with a "crooked trick" to communicate and talk with the case handlers in English.

  In the interrogation room of the Dazu District Procuratorate in Chongqing, there was such a scene: the prosecutor Lu Duandong conducted an exchange trial of the suspect in English.


  Lu Duandong (right) discusses the case with colleagues.

  It was a corruption case that Lu Duandong’s case-handling team took over. After the case arrived, the suspect Liu refused to cooperate. During the trial, Liu even insisted that the interrogators communicate with him in English.

  Lu Duandong found that Liu had the habit of persisting in learning English because of his master’s degree and his daughter’s studying in Canada, and his oral English level was also high.

  Grasping this point, Lu Duandong asked during the trial: "If we interrogate in English, you will honestly explain the facts of the crime?"

  Liu didn’t expect the prosecutor on the other side to ask this question, and smiled silently.

  Therefore, after work, Lu Duandong began to suddenly train his listening and speaking skills, preparing for the next contest with Liu.

  The second interrogation of Liu, Lu Duandong calmly and fluently talked with him about English, Liu’s psychological defense line was broken a little bit, and more and more criminal facts were confessed.

  During the trial break, Liu asked, "What do you think of using ‘ Fight back ’ Is it appropriate to describe my current situation? "

  "No, I think ‘ The trapped beast still fights ’ This word is more suitable for you. " Lu Duandong said.

  After listening to the word "trapped beast still fights", Liu was silent for a long time and confessed all the criminal facts.

  Facts have proved that no matter how cunning a fox is, it can’t compete with a resourceful and good hunter. Any act of resisting censorship and inquiry will ultimately be nothing more than shooting yourself in the foot. Corruption and violation of discipline are like stepping into a swamp, sinking deeper and deeper, and breaking free with brute force can only accelerate the fall. (Text/Chen Xin)

Why did the author of the original novel "The Beginnings" fall on the "satyr" and cyber violence?

A 15-episode lightweight online drama "The Beginning" exploded at the beginning of the year, boosting confidence in the Chinese drama market in 2022. During the Spring Festival holiday, the popularity has risen instead of falling, and topics such as "Aunt Pot", taking the bus and ringing tones of Cannon’s mobile phone have become the "hard currency" for gathering and socializing with high mention rate. Recently, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter interviewed the author of the original novel "The Beginning" and the screenwriter of the TV series Prayer Jun, looking for answers to the topics that the audience is still discussing.

  Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Beiqing Daily: Please tell us about the creation process of Beginnings, such as "infinite flow"? Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Prayer Jun: Over the years, I have seen many videos about "bus accidents" on the Internet, which have had a great impact on me. When I first saw this, I thought, why can’t anyone stand up and stop these tragedies like those heroes in film and television works? Later, I began to imagine what I could do if I were on these buses. In these associations, I began to think again, are my ideas reasonable? Who will be on the bus together? Can these people help me? In the process of this series of thinking, verification and rethinking, my inspiration sparked and I drew up the outline of the beginning.

  The biggest difficulty is how to balance the dramatic and logical contradictions in the novel at the same time, and how to set the whole progressive process from the first cycle to the end of the cycle. For example, this bus explosion, at first, no one knew it was an explosion. It was only after the protagonist group got more information through the circulation that it changed from a "traffic accident" to a "criminal case", from "investigating the real murderer" to "locking the real murderer" and then to "finding the hidden plot". These are all the logical and logical turns in advance. So in order to "break the game", I began to add the element of "time cycle" to the beginning. In the written stage, "infinite flow" has become the most conspicuous label of "Beginning".

  Beiqing Daily: After watching several episodes, the most attractive content of Beginnings no longer relies on "surrealism", but returns to down-to-earth reality. Please tell us about the creations of ordinary passengers such as Lao Jiao and Lu Di, and what intentions have you placed on them?

  Prayer Jun: At first, I modeled passengers according to two possibilities: quantitative and indefinite. I will definitely take action when I encounter danger, that is, quantitative. For example, the character "Lao Jiao" is in the quagmire of life, but he will still be "courageous" again and again. As for the role of "Lu Di", he is a young man who loves cats with social phobia. As long as he is aroused to identify with his own group, he will change from "variable" to "quantitative". Any passenger in the car can change from "variable" to "quantitative" as long as they can gain their "trust". "Trust" is the cornerstone of success. After that, I began to think, what is the difference between people? I began to try to answer this question through the way of "control group". For example, the old coke "Jiao Xiangrong" and the driver "Wang Xingde" are actually some kind of echo and contrast. In the car, the driving force behind Wang Xingde’s "crime" is his daughter; Drive Lao Jiao "The driving force behind "being brave" is also for my daughter. These two are both fathers and daughters, but they have made different choices, and these two different choices represent different human nature. Another example is "Lu Di", a secondary group that "speaks at once", and the police who "don’t believe" no matter how many times you say it, are also a control group. At the beginning of shaping, these passengers not only have the common ground of being ordinary people, but also represent the thinking mode and life experience of some groups in society. Everyone can play his role at a specific time. No matter how ordinary a person is, once he makes an extraordinary right choice, he is a "hero". This is what I want to express most when I shape them.

  What are the differences in characterization?

  Beiqing Daily: "Aunt Guo" went out of the circle and became a new topic. What experience can you summarize in your resumption?

  Prayer Jun: Apart from Tao Yinghong’s complete portrayal, the actor’s understanding and reinterpretation of this role is the real reason for his success. No matter in the original work or at the beginning of the script creation, the image of Tao Yinghong is "numb" and "crazy", and she is a "broken person" after the collapse. Now the "Aunt Pot" on the screen is a process of remoulding according to her own understanding after thinking by the actor Liu Dan. Her persistence makes Tao Yinghong not only the "injurer" of the "broken", but also allows every audience to see the dignity, preciseness and love for her daughter that Tao Yinghong had before the "broken", which makes her identity as both "injurer" and "victim" more convincing.

  Beiqing Daily: It is reported that the names of young CP Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun coincide with Liu Yuxi’s Autumn Poems. What do these two characters imply?

  Prayer Jun: Yes, the names of Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun are taken from "Autumn Ci". This is a poem I like very much, because its artistic conception is broad and lofty, which is in line with the minds of two young people I originally wanted to shape. "Poetry" is romantic. Li’s poetry is not in contact with too much society. Her romance can make her tolerant, kind and empathetic. "Crane Cloud" is high-spirited, eager to soar, and has the potential of "blockbuster". In addition, "A crane in a clear sky rows clouds, which leads poetry to Bixiao" is also a cycle from beginning to end, and a crane cloud named Xiao (Xiao) is embedded.

  Interpretation and speculation of hidden plots are endless.

  Beiqing Daily: The final case "bottom" fell on the bus "pervert" and cyber violence. How did these two ideas come into being?

  Prayer Jun: As a woman and a mother, I have been thinking about how to teach my daughter to "protect" herself and learn how to "ask for help" when she meets something wrong in this complicated world. The purpose of designing the plot of "pervert" is to make readers and audiences understand that different people have different degrees of tolerance by comparing the different reactions of two girls with different personalities, Wang Mengmeng and Li Shiqing. Maybe what seems like a big deal to you will have completely different results for people with different degrees of tolerance.

  The element of "cyber violence" is more about my thinking and reflection on my own experience over the years. Do people who cause "cyber violence" have to "harm" something in the first place? After thinking about these problems, I stayed away from the internet and warned myself that writers should speak with their works. It is these feelings and reflections that made me shape the plot of "cyber violence" in "The Beginning" and the "beginning" that made Tao Yinghong’s family "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop".

  Beiqing Daily: This drama has caused netizens to chase the drama, and various interpretations and speculations about the cycle, details and hidden plots have emerged one after another. Which ones can you come forward for official certification?

  Prayer Jun: Many details have been guessed by readers, and I am very touched. For example, Tao Yinghong was going to die on the day of her daughter’s death, but because Tao Yinghong was testing detonators in the garage and caused a fire, the fire department paid attention to it, so the fire department began to check the garage. This fire caused the old coke to be retired, and Wang Xingde, who was working normally, was caught off guard by Tao Yinghong’s temporary boarding. In the original plan of the husband and wife, there should be no one in the car that day, just taking the bomb to the designated place to die.

  I also saw the speculation about officer Zhang. Officer Zhang did not enter the cycle. To enter the cycle, he must meet several requirements. First, he had to fall asleep in the car (there was a path to enter the cycle), second, he had to die in the car (once existed normally in the cycle), and then he had to survive in the cycle (left the cycle). Lao Zhang and others in the car did not meet these conditions. He will let it go lightly, just based on his own experience and the normal reaction of a police officer without evidence. Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun’s "catching the pervert out of the car" is the beginning of Xiao Heyun’s cycle, and it is also the only possibility to turn Tao Yinghong’s "variable" into "quantitative". In Tao Yinghong’s subconscious, she hoped that her daughter would be as strong as the poetry she resisted in the car, and she could resist and even subdue the pervert.

  Beiqing Daily: What impact will the success of the film and television of Beginnings have on your future creation?

  Prayer Jun: First of all, it has strengthened my confidence in continuing to create "stories of ordinary people". Before I wrote the Kai series, my famous works, Mulan Without Eldest Brother and Everyone Loves Ma Wencai, were either emperors or princes, or geniuses and heroes. When I wrote the Kai series, I was in my thirties, and it was a transition period when I was thinking about what I could leave for the world. The Beginnings, the Lottery and the Opening of the Kai series were actually stories about how ordinary people broke the shackles and completed their self-growth. In fact, this theme is not the mainstream of online novels, and it lacks a sense of coolness. I have never known whether my "transformation" is valuable, and now I have at least taken a reassurance. Good works, in fact, the theme is not important, the most important thing is to tell a good story.

  Text/reporter Yang Wenjie

There’s a reason for playing billiards too badly. The exclusive cheats teach you how to clear the table with one shot.

"Source: Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences"
Whether table tennis is good or not depends on fate, and some people believe in "making great efforts to make miracles".
Some people think that through constant practice, they can naturally master those wonderful hitting angles and achieve perfection.
Do you know how hard I work?
But in fact, the way of hitting the ball and the trajectory of the table tennis game contain rich knowledge of mathematics and physics. This knowledge controls the trend of table tennis, and you can also become a master of table tennis by mastering these theoretical knowledge.
Essential knowledge 1: sine theorem
If we regard point A as a white ball, point B as a target ball and point C as a hole, how can we achieve the goal?
At this time, understanding the sine theorem can help you find the best goal plan. The formula of sine theorem is as follows:
In this formula, r is the radius of the circumscribed circle of the plane triangle ABC.
Essential knowledge 2: cosine theorem
Similarly, in any triangle in the above picture, the rational use of cosine theorem formula can also help you find the best scheme to hit the ball B into the hole C with the white ball A.
The cosine theorem is as follows:
Essential knowledge 3: reflection theorem
As shown in the above figure, red is the initial motion line of the ball, blue is the reflection line of the ball, the gray rectangle can be regarded as the edge library of the table, and the purple midline is the normal vector in the middle of the interface, so the following hypothetical figure can be obtained:
Through this reflection pattern hypothesis, we can better imagine the trajectory of the ball after hitting the library.
Essential knowledge 4: collision principle
① Frontal collision (completely elastic)
After the collision of two objects, the kinetic energy and momentum of the system are conserved, and there is no additional energy conversion.
The conclusion is:When the two balls have the same mass, the speed of the two balls will be exchanged after a completely elastic ideal frontal collision.
② frontal collision (totally inelastic)
Inelastic collision means that a part of the kinetic energy of objects is converted into internal energy before and after collision, while completely inelastic refers to converting kinetic energy into internal energy as much as possible, that is, two objects move at the same speed together.
③ Actual collision
The actual collision is a mixture of completely elastic and completely inelastic collision. If the velocity of the two balls is defined as V1,1, V2, 1 after a complete elastic collision; Before the collision, the speed of the two balls was V1,0, V2,0, and the recovery coefficient of the resin material used in billiards was k (the recovery coefficient of good materials was k≈1), so there were:
When k=0, it is completely inelastic collision, and when k=1, it is completely elastic collision. For an actual collision problem, the transformation of velocity and internal energy after two balls collide can be expressed by k, which is specifically expressed as:
In addition, it includes image vector decomposition; General situation and special situation of two-dimensional collision; Rigid body dynamics; Rotational inertia and rotational energy: rotational inertia of homogeneous sphere, law of rotation; Friction: a series of necessary knowledge points such as static friction, sliding friction and rolling friction …
Aiming technique
After a long and boring basic theoretical knowledge, you must be a patient and persevering table tennis enthusiast, and you also have the theoretical basis for learning more skills. Then if you want to master the secret of how to hit the ball in actual combat, aiming technology is the main content to be learned next.
I believe everyone understands a truth. When we observe an object, the closer it is to us, the bigger it will look. If it is farther away from us, it will look smaller. In fact, the actual size of the object has not changed. This is the so-called visual effect.
The visual effect will affect our judgment on the size of the cue ball, thus affecting our aiming angle.
So when we aim at close range, we will subjectively think that the ball looks big, while it looks small at a distance.
Then there are two problems that need to be discussed: first, the influence of the cue ball getting bigger on the thickness of the shot; Secondly, how much will the distance between the center of the cue ball and the goal point and the center of the target ball make the cue ball look bigger?
First of all, we will explain the impact of hitting thickness after the cue ball becomes bigger as shown in the above figure, which shows the maximum overlapping thickness of the two balls, the big gray circle is the size of the cue ball after it becomes bigger, the radius is, the small circle is the original size of the cue ball, the red ball is the size of the target ball, the radius is, and the maximum overlapping radius of the small gray circle and the red circle is, so there are:
The second question has the following explanation about the distance between the cue ball and each ball center. As shown in the above figure, D represents the distance between the cue ball and the goal point, and the distance D0 between the cue ball center and the target ball center, and the angles α and β, then the relationship between the variables can be obtained as follows:
Walking technique
Finally, let’s talk about the topic that everyone is most interested in, which is also the advanced skill of table tennis game-walking technique. Walking technology is to control the motion track of the cue ball by hitting different positions of the cue ball.
0:Center pole/fixed pole, ideally, the cue ball will only slide without any rotation.
1:High/heel/topspin, cue ball rotates forward, which has following effect after collision.
2:Low shot/shrinking shot/backspin ball, cue ball rotates backward and travels backward after collision.
3&4:Side plugs, 3 and 4 represent the left and right respectively, and the cue ball rotates to the right and left respectively after the shot, which can change the rebound angle of the cue ball after hitting the library.
5:Left plug, the effect is the superposition of high pole and left plug.
6:Upper right plug, the effect is the superposition of high pole and right plug.
7:Left lower plug, the effect is the superposition of low rod and left plug.
8:Lower right plug, the effect is the superposition of low rod and right plug.
A:Stearns followed, and the distance followed after the cue ball hit the target was shorter than that followed by the high pole.
C:Stern retreats, and the distance that the cue ball retreats after hitting the target is shorter than that of the low pole.
B&D:Stensey, the cue ball changes direction after hitting the target.
By hitting the above position of the cue ball, the corresponding cue ball movement effect can be achieved.
After learning so many high-end knowledge and formulas, let’s get rid of the old concept of "making great efforts to make miracles". Many people always keep the same strength to hit the ball, which is not desirable. The strength of hitting the ball should be changed at any time with different situations. This requires long-term practice to accurately grasp the strength of the shot that should be adopted at different angles.
The above is the explanation of the formula and technology related to this table tennis game. Dear table tennis lovers, remember the formula and practice hard. "Clear the table with one shot" is not a dream!
Audit: Zhu Guangsi, member of Beijing Popular Science Writers Association.
Reprinted content only represents the author’s point of view
Does not represent the position of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Source:Tadpole staff
Editor: Garrett