标签归档 西安桑拿会所

Today, beginning of autumn, this autumn, I wish you all the best.

The wind blows a leaf.
Everything has surprised autumn.
The breeze gently brushed the treetops.
The solar terms in beginning of autumn came quietly.
Data Map: The park is full of green shadows and flowers. Photo by Wang Jiaoni
"Make autumn ten days in advance"
The arrival of this solar term in beginning of autumn
Doesn’t mean the heat is over.
Often have to wait until the "summer" comes.
Is the basic farewell to summer
Beginning of autumn is the first solar term in autumn.
"Li" means "start"
A beautiful and moving autumn picture
Spread out slowly on the earth
Data Map: The picture shows the sky in Daxing ‘anling, Inner Mongolia in autumn. Photo by Li Ming
The summer heat slowly dissipated.
It’s a little cooler in the autumn wind
Crystal clear dew
Dotted with green leaves
Welcome the morning sunshine
Milk crow scattered jade screen empty.
A pillow is cool and a fan is cool.
Beginning of autumn will "chew the autumn" after that.
Some places are also called "biting autumn"
Eat a delicious watermelon.
Welcome the arrival of autumn.
Data map: The picture shows the "autumn" placed by the staff with watermelons. Photo by Chen Chao
It is easy to have a bad appetite in summer
Remember to "paste autumn fat"
Braised pork, hotpot …
Have a good meal.
Reward yourself for your diligence.
The weather is getting cooler after beginning of autumn.
A balanced diet is needed.
Eat less spicy and greasy food.
Eat more lotus seeds, tremella, etc.
Data Map: The picture shows the hot pot in Chongqing. Photo by Liu Xian
"Autumn begins with yin, so everything is harvested."
The prelude to the large-scale autumn harvest opened.
People are filled with joy.
Dry the harvested crops.
Autumn is a poetic season.
When the rice is ripe, the fruits are fragrant.
Once hard work and sweat.
Will be richly rewarded.
Data map: Colorful harvest results such as peppers and corn are placed on the drying rack under aerial photography. Liu Zhankun photo
Autumn is peaceful and quiet.
Clouds and clouds are clear and clear.
Just like life.
After experiencing all kinds of things in the world
Love life more maturely.
He Xiang Xiao wan Xia
Chrysanthemum gas enters the new autumn
Say goodbye to summer
Welcome the picturesque autumn
Data Map: The picture shows the beautiful scenery composed of snow-capped mountains, red leaves, meadows and pines. Photo by Wang Jiang
Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!
(Reporter Shangguan Yun)
Everyone is searching.
May you harvest in autumn. Autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn. May you harvest your dream. Autumn is cool. Harvest is just the first sentence of harvesting in autumn.


Xi le nian Hua 3KA

You also reap all the good things! !





Brother Lao Du, Kunming, Yunnan






Yunbai Xiahou 7I

May all our good things come as scheduled!





Mizhenxuan 94

Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!





Yi yi1236669Y

Illustrated with pictures and texts, they complement each other and are beautiful





Xingxinchang 078

May everything be beautiful in autumn!





Invincible old darling

A touch of autumn dispels fatigue and troubles, a touch of autumn embellishes life, and a little happiness resides in the heart. Beginning of autumn, I wish each of us feel comfortable and happy!





Flower and berry water giant nearly 00

In the harvest season, may the beautiful dream come true.





Ancient poetry fragrance

How time flies! It’s beginning of autumn in a flash!
In the distant mountains, autumn clouds rise at first, and Ping Ye gradually turns yellow. The melon in the yard is ripe and the tea at hand is slightly cold.

Willing to work hard for you

Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!






Return of overseas wanderers





There is no more.

Why run?

This work was recommended to me by my good friend. At that time, I signed up for a relay race together, and he mentioned it to me. However, after watching three episodes, I didn’t have much interest. It seemed to be just an ordinary straightforward account, so I shelved it.

Later, before the relay race, he mentioned this work to me again. At the end of the relay race, I once again recalled and thought about my relay race (I won the fifth place in the team, barely ranked, and the top six had certificates)

So, I started from episode 4 and kept watching; At the same time, I started running, aiming at 5 km PB.

Watch the fan and run, simultaneously.

I thought that running was just an ordinary sport. After these dozens of days, I have experienced a lot of thinking, and I have improved a lot in psychology, physique and all aspects. Of course, any sport is not simple, and it is extremely worthy of respect. Let’s talk about several animation scenes that I feel deeply:

Running is a wonderful thing to imagine. Even so, we have to face all kinds of affairs in life, even some annoying and frustrating things. These will affect our mood and our willingness to run.

Naked king

What Grey Er said made me think for a long time. I have always liked running, and I am not slow. However, in the first 11 months of 2021, I only ran 92.86km. This is really too little, the daily average is only 0.28km, too little. Maybe I will blame the study task, etc. Many things are meaningless. I just want to ask myself, why not go running? Most of these running distances are also about people to run. Why don’t I run myself?

On the other hand, my running amount in the last 30 days is 90.05km, which is 11 times of the previous one. And I consciously control the amount of running, and I have run once every 1~2 days. I don’t know that this period of time is full of final exams, and it is unheard of to practice running in the final week.

To sum up, everyone’s situation is different, but for me:It’s good to run with reality.

This training form, I am very concerned about:

Training table

Perhaps, of course, everyone should have everyone’s personal tailor training, but it is not possible for ordinary players. In the animation, the track and field teams and high school teams of other universities, every ordinary person can only practice with the big troops. In my experience in junior high school and senior high school, there has never been a scene of special guidance.

From this, it can be seen more.Grey’s good intentionsIt is reasonable for everyone to improve their grades. (I have to mention that everyone’s meals are also handled by the gray two! )

Many people will be confused. Why do they like running?

In fact, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, but it’s hard to give an exact reason for liking it. You may say "running is good for your health" and "running is very comfortable", but this is not very convincing and does not touch the essence. So in this regard, I can only give the reason of "simply liking", although it seems to be unknown so. In the animation, the prodigy said this:

The words of a prodigy

So, during this time, so have I. What is like? Or, what is love?

Like is serious.

When I carefully run every step, warm-up and stretching, related equipment, water supply, energy supply, pace frequency, stride length, breathing, posture, pay attention to every detail, be serious and unfocused, so as to enjoy it more and like it more.

Going to the kitchen is ecstatic!
Grey said to Ah Zou

This reminds me of the sentence "Go slowly and enjoy!"

Although running is running, it is not just running.

JOJO terrier

Is the prince a success? Not necessarily, depending on the specific definition of "success" here.
Is the prince a hard worker? There is no doubt that it is.


What is the prince trying to tell us? His achievements are unremarkable, but we see the significance of hard work from him. Without hard work, he can’t stand on the track in Hakone, and he can’t experience twists and turns, so beautiful as he wants.

KING’s monologue, in my opinion, is the most perfect monologue in this work, which perfectly interprets the spirit of this work.

KING’s monologue

This is the meaning of Hakone’s biography in this work. Why are 12 players allowed, but Grey II only found 10 players? Grey II tells us what the close relationship between individuals and groups should be.

Are you ready to press the answer key?

Successful people, without exception, are working hard. -the prince
It is arrogant to think that you can do everything by hard work. -Grey II


Hard work is not a guarantee of good grades. The real experiences of Hirosuke and Fujioka tell us this.

There is no need to answer.

Why did the author of the original novel "The Beginnings" fall on the "satyr" and cyber violence?

A 15-episode lightweight online drama "The Beginning" exploded at the beginning of the year, boosting confidence in the Chinese drama market in 2022. During the Spring Festival holiday, the popularity has risen instead of falling, and topics such as "Aunt Pot", taking the bus and ringing tones of Cannon’s mobile phone have become the "hard currency" for gathering and socializing with high mention rate. Recently, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter interviewed the author of the original novel "The Beginning" and the screenwriter of the TV series Prayer Jun, looking for answers to the topics that the audience is still discussing.

  Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Beiqing Daily: Please tell us about the creation process of Beginnings, such as "infinite flow"? Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Prayer Jun: Over the years, I have seen many videos about "bus accidents" on the Internet, which have had a great impact on me. When I first saw this, I thought, why can’t anyone stand up and stop these tragedies like those heroes in film and television works? Later, I began to imagine what I could do if I were on these buses. In these associations, I began to think again, are my ideas reasonable? Who will be on the bus together? Can these people help me? In the process of this series of thinking, verification and rethinking, my inspiration sparked and I drew up the outline of the beginning.

  The biggest difficulty is how to balance the dramatic and logical contradictions in the novel at the same time, and how to set the whole progressive process from the first cycle to the end of the cycle. For example, this bus explosion, at first, no one knew it was an explosion. It was only after the protagonist group got more information through the circulation that it changed from a "traffic accident" to a "criminal case", from "investigating the real murderer" to "locking the real murderer" and then to "finding the hidden plot". These are all the logical and logical turns in advance. So in order to "break the game", I began to add the element of "time cycle" to the beginning. In the written stage, "infinite flow" has become the most conspicuous label of "Beginning".

  Beiqing Daily: After watching several episodes, the most attractive content of Beginnings no longer relies on "surrealism", but returns to down-to-earth reality. Please tell us about the creations of ordinary passengers such as Lao Jiao and Lu Di, and what intentions have you placed on them?

  Prayer Jun: At first, I modeled passengers according to two possibilities: quantitative and indefinite. I will definitely take action when I encounter danger, that is, quantitative. For example, the character "Lao Jiao" is in the quagmire of life, but he will still be "courageous" again and again. As for the role of "Lu Di", he is a young man who loves cats with social phobia. As long as he is aroused to identify with his own group, he will change from "variable" to "quantitative". Any passenger in the car can change from "variable" to "quantitative" as long as they can gain their "trust". "Trust" is the cornerstone of success. After that, I began to think, what is the difference between people? I began to try to answer this question through the way of "control group". For example, the old coke "Jiao Xiangrong" and the driver "Wang Xingde" are actually some kind of echo and contrast. In the car, the driving force behind Wang Xingde’s "crime" is his daughter; Drive Lao Jiao "The driving force behind "being brave" is also for my daughter. These two are both fathers and daughters, but they have made different choices, and these two different choices represent different human nature. Another example is "Lu Di", a secondary group that "speaks at once", and the police who "don’t believe" no matter how many times you say it, are also a control group. At the beginning of shaping, these passengers not only have the common ground of being ordinary people, but also represent the thinking mode and life experience of some groups in society. Everyone can play his role at a specific time. No matter how ordinary a person is, once he makes an extraordinary right choice, he is a "hero". This is what I want to express most when I shape them.

  What are the differences in characterization?

  Beiqing Daily: "Aunt Guo" went out of the circle and became a new topic. What experience can you summarize in your resumption?

  Prayer Jun: Apart from Tao Yinghong’s complete portrayal, the actor’s understanding and reinterpretation of this role is the real reason for his success. No matter in the original work or at the beginning of the script creation, the image of Tao Yinghong is "numb" and "crazy", and she is a "broken person" after the collapse. Now the "Aunt Pot" on the screen is a process of remoulding according to her own understanding after thinking by the actor Liu Dan. Her persistence makes Tao Yinghong not only the "injurer" of the "broken", but also allows every audience to see the dignity, preciseness and love for her daughter that Tao Yinghong had before the "broken", which makes her identity as both "injurer" and "victim" more convincing.

  Beiqing Daily: It is reported that the names of young CP Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun coincide with Liu Yuxi’s Autumn Poems. What do these two characters imply?

  Prayer Jun: Yes, the names of Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun are taken from "Autumn Ci". This is a poem I like very much, because its artistic conception is broad and lofty, which is in line with the minds of two young people I originally wanted to shape. "Poetry" is romantic. Li’s poetry is not in contact with too much society. Her romance can make her tolerant, kind and empathetic. "Crane Cloud" is high-spirited, eager to soar, and has the potential of "blockbuster". In addition, "A crane in a clear sky rows clouds, which leads poetry to Bixiao" is also a cycle from beginning to end, and a crane cloud named Xiao (Xiao) is embedded.

  Interpretation and speculation of hidden plots are endless.

  Beiqing Daily: The final case "bottom" fell on the bus "pervert" and cyber violence. How did these two ideas come into being?

  Prayer Jun: As a woman and a mother, I have been thinking about how to teach my daughter to "protect" herself and learn how to "ask for help" when she meets something wrong in this complicated world. The purpose of designing the plot of "pervert" is to make readers and audiences understand that different people have different degrees of tolerance by comparing the different reactions of two girls with different personalities, Wang Mengmeng and Li Shiqing. Maybe what seems like a big deal to you will have completely different results for people with different degrees of tolerance.

  The element of "cyber violence" is more about my thinking and reflection on my own experience over the years. Do people who cause "cyber violence" have to "harm" something in the first place? After thinking about these problems, I stayed away from the internet and warned myself that writers should speak with their works. It is these feelings and reflections that made me shape the plot of "cyber violence" in "The Beginning" and the "beginning" that made Tao Yinghong’s family "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop".

  Beiqing Daily: This drama has caused netizens to chase the drama, and various interpretations and speculations about the cycle, details and hidden plots have emerged one after another. Which ones can you come forward for official certification?

  Prayer Jun: Many details have been guessed by readers, and I am very touched. For example, Tao Yinghong was going to die on the day of her daughter’s death, but because Tao Yinghong was testing detonators in the garage and caused a fire, the fire department paid attention to it, so the fire department began to check the garage. This fire caused the old coke to be retired, and Wang Xingde, who was working normally, was caught off guard by Tao Yinghong’s temporary boarding. In the original plan of the husband and wife, there should be no one in the car that day, just taking the bomb to the designated place to die.

  I also saw the speculation about officer Zhang. Officer Zhang did not enter the cycle. To enter the cycle, he must meet several requirements. First, he had to fall asleep in the car (there was a path to enter the cycle), second, he had to die in the car (once existed normally in the cycle), and then he had to survive in the cycle (left the cycle). Lao Zhang and others in the car did not meet these conditions. He will let it go lightly, just based on his own experience and the normal reaction of a police officer without evidence. Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun’s "catching the pervert out of the car" is the beginning of Xiao Heyun’s cycle, and it is also the only possibility to turn Tao Yinghong’s "variable" into "quantitative". In Tao Yinghong’s subconscious, she hoped that her daughter would be as strong as the poetry she resisted in the car, and she could resist and even subdue the pervert.

  Beiqing Daily: What impact will the success of the film and television of Beginnings have on your future creation?

  Prayer Jun: First of all, it has strengthened my confidence in continuing to create "stories of ordinary people". Before I wrote the Kai series, my famous works, Mulan Without Eldest Brother and Everyone Loves Ma Wencai, were either emperors or princes, or geniuses and heroes. When I wrote the Kai series, I was in my thirties, and it was a transition period when I was thinking about what I could leave for the world. The Beginnings, the Lottery and the Opening of the Kai series were actually stories about how ordinary people broke the shackles and completed their self-growth. In fact, this theme is not the mainstream of online novels, and it lacks a sense of coolness. I have never known whether my "transformation" is valuable, and now I have at least taken a reassurance. Good works, in fact, the theme is not important, the most important thing is to tell a good story.

  Text/reporter Yang Wenjie

This is a popular science post! Tangyuan was called …

Chinanews. com client Beijing, February 15 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today, the Lantern Festival. At this time, glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao is a seasonal food that many people like.
Previously, "Tangyuan is understood by eating" was also posted on a hot search, and many people shared the methods of eating Tangyuan online: Tangyuan Baba, crispy chocolate Tangyuan … there are quite a few patterns.
Data Map: Laojie Tangyuan. Photo by Zhang Hengwei
As many people know, glutinous rice balls are a traditional snack. Its origin is very early, with rich fillings, which can be sweet, salty and vegetarian, and now there are various creative shapes and eating methods.
A Brief History of Tangyuan
The appearance is round and the entrance is sweet, which is the first impression of many people on glutinous rice balls.
Wang Juan, a folklore expert, said that there were many names for glutinous rice balls in ancient times.Such as cocoons, round corners, round balls, dumplings, pink fruits, etc.. This kind of food existed in the pre-Qin period.
Zhou Bida, a poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem "Boiling a Floating Yuanzi on the Lantern Festival", which mentioned that "the stars are in the dark clouds and the pearls are floating in the turbid water". Some people think that the "bead" in the poem refers to glutinous rice balls.
Interestingly, in the Qing Dynasty, Chen Zuolin once said in the "Local Records of Jinling Products", "Tangtuan is called Yuanxiao, and it is also named after the festival."
Data map: Tangyuan is made into a mahjong style. Photo by Chen Chao
"Ancient glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao are generally round with stuffing in the middle. In the traditional concept of China, there is a meaning of yin and yang wrapping and containing everything. Therefore, it is a seasonal food, symbolizing the change of seasons, especially yin and yang, and also praying for reunion." Wang Juan said.
Can be fried or boiled, sweet or salty.
The difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is mainly reflected in the practice. Yuanxiao is made by shaking, and the dumplings are wrapped.
Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty recorded the practice of radish dumplings and gouache dumplings in Suiyuan Food List. Among them, the radish glutinous rice balls are salty, and the practice is "the radish is shredded and boiled … and then burned with sesame oil. The soup can also be rolled. "
Some articles mentioned that the ancients ate Yuanxiao, and many fillings were "sweet", which were generally sugar mixed with chopped flowers, walnuts, melon seeds, sesame seeds and so on. In Qing Dynasty, there was a master named Ma Siyuan who made Yuanxiao, and he also made Yuanxiao with sweet-scented osmanthus, sugar and walnuts as fillings.
Fu Zeng, a poet in the Qing Dynasty, wrote in "Poems on Bamboo Branches in Shangyuan", "Sweet-scented osmanthus is filled with walnuts, and the rice is like a pearl well. See that Ma’s family is good at dropping powder, and try to sell Yuanxiao in the wind. "
As far as the production method is concerned, there are many methods such as frying, steaming and frying. Sometimes, the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crisp and delicious.
Data Map: Cartoon dumplings made. Li yanran
Do you know that this idiom is related to glutinous rice balls?
In addition to eating methods and practices, there are many interesting little knowledge about dumplings.
For example, there is an idiom "hollow glutinous rice balls", that is, glutinous rice balls without stuffing, which is a metaphor for a false name without real benefits or unfulfilled promises.
Now, there are many creative shapes that make people feel more novel. For example, the "Mahjong Tangyuan" that appeared earlier, the cartoon-shaped Tangyuan and so on. In addition, there are various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls such as strawberries, flowers and chocolates.
However, on the other hand, people like to eat glutinous rice balls, because they symbolize reunion and perfection, and they have a good wish for their future life. Therefore, its "heat" will never decrease. (End)

There’s a reason for playing billiards too badly. The exclusive cheats teach you how to clear the table with one shot.

"Source: Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences"
Whether table tennis is good or not depends on fate, and some people believe in "making great efforts to make miracles".
Some people think that through constant practice, they can naturally master those wonderful hitting angles and achieve perfection.
Do you know how hard I work?
But in fact, the way of hitting the ball and the trajectory of the table tennis game contain rich knowledge of mathematics and physics. This knowledge controls the trend of table tennis, and you can also become a master of table tennis by mastering these theoretical knowledge.
Essential knowledge 1: sine theorem
If we regard point A as a white ball, point B as a target ball and point C as a hole, how can we achieve the goal?
At this time, understanding the sine theorem can help you find the best goal plan. The formula of sine theorem is as follows:
In this formula, r is the radius of the circumscribed circle of the plane triangle ABC.
Essential knowledge 2: cosine theorem
Similarly, in any triangle in the above picture, the rational use of cosine theorem formula can also help you find the best scheme to hit the ball B into the hole C with the white ball A.
The cosine theorem is as follows:
Essential knowledge 3: reflection theorem
As shown in the above figure, red is the initial motion line of the ball, blue is the reflection line of the ball, the gray rectangle can be regarded as the edge library of the table, and the purple midline is the normal vector in the middle of the interface, so the following hypothetical figure can be obtained:
Through this reflection pattern hypothesis, we can better imagine the trajectory of the ball after hitting the library.
Essential knowledge 4: collision principle
① Frontal collision (completely elastic)
After the collision of two objects, the kinetic energy and momentum of the system are conserved, and there is no additional energy conversion.
The conclusion is:When the two balls have the same mass, the speed of the two balls will be exchanged after a completely elastic ideal frontal collision.
② frontal collision (totally inelastic)
Inelastic collision means that a part of the kinetic energy of objects is converted into internal energy before and after collision, while completely inelastic refers to converting kinetic energy into internal energy as much as possible, that is, two objects move at the same speed together.
③ Actual collision
The actual collision is a mixture of completely elastic and completely inelastic collision. If the velocity of the two balls is defined as V1,1, V2, 1 after a complete elastic collision; Before the collision, the speed of the two balls was V1,0, V2,0, and the recovery coefficient of the resin material used in billiards was k (the recovery coefficient of good materials was k≈1), so there were:
When k=0, it is completely inelastic collision, and when k=1, it is completely elastic collision. For an actual collision problem, the transformation of velocity and internal energy after two balls collide can be expressed by k, which is specifically expressed as:
In addition, it includes image vector decomposition; General situation and special situation of two-dimensional collision; Rigid body dynamics; Rotational inertia and rotational energy: rotational inertia of homogeneous sphere, law of rotation; Friction: a series of necessary knowledge points such as static friction, sliding friction and rolling friction …
Aiming technique
After a long and boring basic theoretical knowledge, you must be a patient and persevering table tennis enthusiast, and you also have the theoretical basis for learning more skills. Then if you want to master the secret of how to hit the ball in actual combat, aiming technology is the main content to be learned next.
I believe everyone understands a truth. When we observe an object, the closer it is to us, the bigger it will look. If it is farther away from us, it will look smaller. In fact, the actual size of the object has not changed. This is the so-called visual effect.
The visual effect will affect our judgment on the size of the cue ball, thus affecting our aiming angle.
So when we aim at close range, we will subjectively think that the ball looks big, while it looks small at a distance.
Then there are two problems that need to be discussed: first, the influence of the cue ball getting bigger on the thickness of the shot; Secondly, how much will the distance between the center of the cue ball and the goal point and the center of the target ball make the cue ball look bigger?
First of all, we will explain the impact of hitting thickness after the cue ball becomes bigger as shown in the above figure, which shows the maximum overlapping thickness of the two balls, the big gray circle is the size of the cue ball after it becomes bigger, the radius is, the small circle is the original size of the cue ball, the red ball is the size of the target ball, the radius is, and the maximum overlapping radius of the small gray circle and the red circle is, so there are:
The second question has the following explanation about the distance between the cue ball and each ball center. As shown in the above figure, D represents the distance between the cue ball and the goal point, and the distance D0 between the cue ball center and the target ball center, and the angles α and β, then the relationship between the variables can be obtained as follows:
Walking technique
Finally, let’s talk about the topic that everyone is most interested in, which is also the advanced skill of table tennis game-walking technique. Walking technology is to control the motion track of the cue ball by hitting different positions of the cue ball.
0:Center pole/fixed pole, ideally, the cue ball will only slide without any rotation.
1:High/heel/topspin, cue ball rotates forward, which has following effect after collision.
2:Low shot/shrinking shot/backspin ball, cue ball rotates backward and travels backward after collision.
3&4:Side plugs, 3 and 4 represent the left and right respectively, and the cue ball rotates to the right and left respectively after the shot, which can change the rebound angle of the cue ball after hitting the library.
5:Left plug, the effect is the superposition of high pole and left plug.
6:Upper right plug, the effect is the superposition of high pole and right plug.
7:Left lower plug, the effect is the superposition of low rod and left plug.
8:Lower right plug, the effect is the superposition of low rod and right plug.
A:Stearns followed, and the distance followed after the cue ball hit the target was shorter than that followed by the high pole.
C:Stern retreats, and the distance that the cue ball retreats after hitting the target is shorter than that of the low pole.
B&D:Stensey, the cue ball changes direction after hitting the target.
By hitting the above position of the cue ball, the corresponding cue ball movement effect can be achieved.
After learning so many high-end knowledge and formulas, let’s get rid of the old concept of "making great efforts to make miracles". Many people always keep the same strength to hit the ball, which is not desirable. The strength of hitting the ball should be changed at any time with different situations. This requires long-term practice to accurately grasp the strength of the shot that should be adopted at different angles.
The above is the explanation of the formula and technology related to this table tennis game. Dear table tennis lovers, remember the formula and practice hard. "Clear the table with one shot" is not a dream!
Audit: Zhu Guangsi, member of Beijing Popular Science Writers Association.
Reprinted content only represents the author’s point of view
Does not represent the position of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Source:Tadpole staff
Editor: Garrett

Yinhu welcomes blessings, saying that New Year’s Eve is a happy family.

New Year’s Eve is the last day at the end of the year, also known as New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is a time to get rid of the old and get new, reunite with the family and offer sacrifices to ancestors. Tomb-Sweeping Day, July 30 and Double Ninth Festival are traditional festivals to offer sacrifices to ancestors in China. It is connected with the beginning and end of the new year, which is called "the end of the poor month and the end of the new year". It is the eve of the new year and an important time junction to get rid of the old and welcome the new year. Because New Year’s Eve often falls on the 29th or 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is also called New Year’s Eve. "One night is even two years old, and five hours is divided into two years." On New Year’s Eve, the old year ends here, and the next year will be replaced by a new year. Sticking Spring Festival couplets, observing the New Year’s Eve, and lucky money … all these customs can’t be less!








Spring Festival couplets are also called door-to-door couplets, spring stickers, couplets, couplets, etc. They depict the background of the times and express good wishes with neat, dual, concise and exquisite words, which is a unique literary form in China. Sticking Spring Festival couplets comes from ancient peach symbols. Every spring festival, every household should select a pair of red Spring Festival couplets and stick them on the door to add festive atmosphere to the festival.








The lanterns in China, also known as lanterns, originated in the Western Han Dynasty more than 1,800 years ago. Every year before and after the New Year’s Eve, people hang red lanterns symbolizing reunion to create a festive atmosphere. On New Year’s Eve, red lanterns are hung at the door, the hall is burning with flaming fire, candles or oil lamps are lit, and the family talks around the table.








On New Year’s Eve, eating New Year’s Eve is the most lively and enjoyable time for every household in the Spring Festival. The sumptuous New Year’s dishes are filled with a table, and the family is reunited, sitting around the table and having a reunion dinner. There are big dishes, cold pots, stir-fry and snacks on the table, and the hot pot is boiling and steaming, which indicates that the coming year is booming; "Fish" and "Yu" are homophonic, which not only symbolizes "auspicious and festive", but also implies "annual surplus"; Radish, commonly known as vegetable head, wishes a good head; Frying food wishes the family a prosperous life, such as "cooking oil with fire". Northerners are used to eating jiaozi on New Year’s Eve, which means "making friends at a younger age". And because the white-flour jiaozi is shaped like a silver ingot, a pot of pots on the table symbolizes the meaning of "making a fortune in the New Year, and the ingot rolls in".








Lucky money is given by the elders to the younger generation. After eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, everyone is not allowed to leave at the table. When everyone has finished eating, the elders will give it to the younger generation and encourage their children and grandchildren to learn and improve in the new year. Because "old" and "precious" are homophonic, the elders hope that the lucky money can exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters, and bless the healthy growth of children. "Lucky money" first appeared in the Han Dynasty, and it is a wearable coin-shaped ornament. During the Republic of China, the lucky money became the "welfare money" given by the elders to the younger generation.


a kind of bamboo






There is a saying among the Han people in China that when the new year comes, the first thing for every household to open the door is to set off firecrackers, so as to get rid of the old and welcome the new with the sound of firecrackers. Firecrackers are a specialty of China, also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers" and "firecrackers", which have a long history of more than 2,000 years. Setting off firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere, which is a kind of entertainment in festivals and can bring happiness and good luck to people. Today, the concept of "Green Spring Festival" is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and traditional firecrackers have also been replaced by colored lights, lanterns, electronic firecrackers and other products. As the Spring Festival approaches, the flavor of the year is stronger and fresher.








Shounian, commonly known as "staying up late", waits for the arrival of the new year. "Year" was commonly used with "year" in ancient China. Year is year, and year is year. The custom of observing the age has a long history. In the old twelfth lunar month, on the thirtieth night, after eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, people did their jobs according to their own division of labor. Parents should preside over the worship of gods, buddhas and ancestors to welcome the "lower world of god". Children go outdoors to set off firecrackers and fireworks, while women are busy preparing noodles and stuffing for jiaozi. Busy, the whole family, old and young, sat around the stove, eating dry goods, melons and fruits, talking about the past and the present, playing cards and playing chess, and staying up all night, which is called "guarding the old age." It is said that the custom of observing the age was very popular in the Jin Dynasty.

The customs of the year have been changing.

But what remains unchanged is people’s good wishes.

On New Year’s Eve, the year-old ends that night.

This is the most China day and night.

It is a magical intersection between the old year and the new year.

A year of sorrow and joy will pass tonight.

A unified beginning and a new tomorrow.

At the end of this year

A glass of wine to send the old year.

wake up after a sound sleep

It’s a new day.

It’s another prosperous and auspicious New Year.

Say "Happy New Year" to each other.

Cartography: Anna

Original title: "Yinhu welcomes happiness, saying New Year’s Eve, family fun"

Depth | The beauty market is crowded, how does Prada become a new dark horse?

深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

There are still only a handful of luxury brands that really broke into the beauty market and shook the original pattern.

Author | Chen Huiyan, Drizzie


Prada broke the traditional thinking of luxury beauty with three levers.


In August last year, after the launch of "I am unpredictable" perfume, Prada beauty cosmetics officially launched the makeup and skin care series for the first time, and the matte lipstick with a price of 395 yuan became an annual explosion once it went on the market.


Only one month later, the cumulative sales of this Prada lipstick with platinum tube and square ring brand imprint logo in Tmall flagship store has exceeded 10,000 pieces, and as many as 10 lipsticks out of stock, including B03 ugly red brown, B101 plain nude brown, B103 light wine brown, etc., and ranked first in Tmall lipstick new product list for many days.


The latest sales page shows that the monthly sales of Prada lipstick has exceeded 12,000 pieces, and the monthly sales of two-piece suits have also exceeded 3,000 pieces. In Little Red Book, a popular beauty sharing platform, there are more than 10,000 notes about keywords such as "Prada Lipstick" and "Prada Lipstick", and the related topics of the latter have been viewed more than 20 million times, and the interaction of many notes is close to 5,000.


Although the lipstick effect still works, it is really hard for the industry to imagine that a lipstick, which has been officially published for less than half a year, can successfully tear a hole in the China beauty market where luxury brands and domestic cheap brands are in fierce melee, catch the eyes of consumers who are already tired of lipstick marketing and stand out in this attention battle.


Unique color matching is regarded as the primary reason for the popularity of Prada lipstick.


As a brand labeled as an intellectual, earthy tones, which is emphasized in Prada lipstick, reflects a cool sense of high intelligence and becomes the basic color that is trusted by social traditions as well as uniforms. Lynsey Alexander, a global creative makeup artist of Prada Beauty, said in an interview with LADYMAX of WeChat WeChat official account that the brown color in Prada lipstick corresponds to the meaning of uniforms to Prada, that is, everyday and classic.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

Prada beauty cosmetics global creative makeup artist Lynsey Alexander


According to the makeup report released by Xiaohongshu in November last year, the popularity of lipstick with lower-key colors such as brown, brown and nude is soaring. In the macro environment of increasing uncertainty, the trend of abandoning publicity and embracing more classic styles exists not only in the fashion field, but also in the beauty market. From this point of view, Prada lipstick with neutral tones such as nude brown undoubtedly caters to the market demand.


The report also pointed out that with consumers’ more and more mature understanding of lip makeup, the functional requirements for lipstick are becoming more and more refined. Above the color, the moisturizing texture that does not show lip lines and does not dry is increasingly welcomed by consumers, especially considering that compared with the younger consumer groups of lip glaze, the target consumers of lipstick have higher purchasing power and higher demand for products.


In fact, lip dryness caused by lipstick, especially matte lipstick, has always been a difficult point for beauty brands to overcome. Lynsey Alexander admits that as a lover of retro red lips, she used to have to endure chapped lips almost all the time, but Prada lipstick brought the opposite experience. 


Although it is called matte lipstick, Prada lipstick has a unique soft and fuzzy matte lipstick texture due to the addition of Bifidobacterium extract and Jojoba oil, supplemented by high-tech technology to create a frosting texture. While nourishing the lips, it reflects a faint luster similar to Prada’s iconic recycled nylon.


From color matching logic to texture research and development, the product strength of Prada lipstick can be seen from this. In the seemingly colorful makeup market, only the core products can impress the increasingly rational consumers in China.


Prada Beauty, which successfully opened the market through lipstick, launched a brand-new Prada lipstick deconstruction nude series at the end of December, starting from nude brown, introducing four variable colors: plain soft powder, contrast reddish, deep rose purple and flexible earth color, thus forming a very layered color aesthetics. It is worth noting that the B107 naked brown in the new color has been shown out of stock in Tmall flagship store.


At the same time, Prada Beauty also announced actress Andy as the spokesperson of Prada makeup and perfume, and released lipstick blockbusters and series of short films performed by her. With the help of the star effect, Prada Beauty is continuously expanding its share in the China market.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

Prada Beauty announced actor Andy as the spokesperson of Prada makeup and perfume.


It is reported that Prada Beauty Cosmetics held "Prada Speculative Aesthetics — — Special creative meeting ",Lynsey Alexander, the global creative makeup artist of PRADA Beauty, as a special guest of this creative meeting, started an aesthetic dialogue with professionals. Dr Xavier MARAT, skin regeneration laboratory of L ‘Oré al R&D and Innovation Center (French headquarters), also introduced the cutting-edge technology of brand skin care at the creative meeting. This is an important and complete appearance of Prada Beauty in China market after the perfume was released last year.


With the growth of the overall luxury market slowing down, it has become an industry consensus to build a diversified income structure. Thanks to its status as a cash cow, beauty cosmetics have once again become the focus of high-level brand attention.


In recent years, it is not uncommon for luxury goods group giants to set up beauty departments, or luxury brands to enter the beauty industry. However, it is rare for brands to break into this category in a real sense and shake the original pattern. Prada is one of them.


The success of Prada has revealed three new ideas for the operation of luxury beauty brands, namely, creativity first, technology empowerment and sustainable development.


First of all, in terms of creativity, the integrity of the aesthetic system has been raised to an unprecedented height, which is different from the narrative of luxury brands and authorized perfume beauty brands in the past.


For most luxury brands that authorize the beauty business to the professional beauty group, it is necessary to keep the beauty business matching with the brand image at all times, get inspiration from the fashion business, and strengthen the connection between products and core brand assets to solve the problem that the beauty business is out of touch with the brand story.


The practice of Prada beauty cosmetics provides a reference answer to this question to some extent. From simple packaging, the extensive use of the brand’s iconic triangle elements to the product concept that emphasizes speculation and innovation, Prada beauty products are highly consistent with the brand’s ready-to-wear line.


It is reported that Prada’s beauty products all use its brand-name fragrances, such as mustard flower, vanilla and iris flower, and the fragrance type is created by Daniela Andrier, the perfumer of Prada Watermark private perfume series.


The design of Prada lipstick is undoubtedly a benchmark example that closely follows the brand gene and continues its aesthetic system. In addition to the metal shell that echoes the avant-garde style of the brand, the triangular cut at the top of the paste, the Saffiano cross pattern engraved on the paste and the texture of the Re-Nylon recycled nylon fabric all come from Prada’s past iconic design.


When talking about the color creation of Prada Beauty, Lynsey Alexander said that the team reviewed as many as 27,000 kinds of pattern prints in the brand archives, and got the inspiration of TINT, and even directly extracted a series as a prototype to form a palette. This also explains why brown, a symbol of everyday classics, becomes the background color of Prada lipstick.


However, under the seemingly harmonious and conservative main color, there are imperceptible conflicts and rebellions. In the article "How to Understand Prada" written by WeChat official account LADYMAX, the author Tang Shuang once wrote that Pradism is rich and complex, with multiple levels, and even often fights with the accustomed aesthetics, constantly overlapping levels outside the solid base, reflecting vivid and interesting different personalities.


In Lynsey Alexander’s view, the unexpected purple, orange or green in the eye shadow tray is the embodiment of this complexity. They not only add interest to the classic elements, but also release free space for improvisation, encouraging consumers to go out of the comfort zone and explore new possibilities, even if they are contrary to daily aesthetics.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

Prada Beauty held "Prada Speculative Aesthetics — — Special creative meeting "


"I think this is Prada’s philosophy, and there is no specific restriction on something." Lynsey Alexander’s understanding of Prada is largely due to her frequent meetings with Miuccia Prada, the current creative director of Prada. High-intensity communication ensures the relevance of beauty categories and brand themes, as well as the consistency of information conveyed by products.


However, moderate exploration does not mean complete change. Unlike many top makeup artists, Lynsey Alexander is not keen on changing a person’s own style. Accidents can be used as embellishments, but they cannot be the "main course". For her, people’s own sense of existence must be greater than makeup, and their own style cannot be erased by cosmetics.


This people-oriented concept has also been injected into the design of Prada beauty by Lynsey Alexander, emphasizing the preservation of personal characteristics, breaking through the traditional beauty thinking and becoming a reflection of the "speculative aesthetics" system.


Taking the foundation as an example, she believes that different from other liquid foundations that completely cover the skin, the foundation products of Prada beauty cosmetics should reveal the true beauty and take the amplification of natural beauty as the core concept.


In fact, this is in line with the global beauty trend. After the pursuit of tanning in the western market and the mainstream aesthetics of whitening in the east, the makeup trend with natural skin color as the core has risen. On social media in China, the popularity of keywords such as "plain water makeup" and "nude makeup" also confirmed this trend.


In addition to reshaping the thinking of beauty through creativity, the second important lever for Prada to pry open beauty is technology.


Lynsey Alexander admits that the competitiveness of beauty brands ultimately comes from technological innovation, and research and development often needs to rely on beauty giants with absolute advantages in resources such as laboratories and researchers. In 2019, Prada signed a long-term license agreement with L ‘Oré al Group, which came into effect in 2021. The latter was licensed to create, develop and sell high-end beauty products for Prada.


"The support of the big group provides a strong backing for the research and development of Prada beauty." For example, Lynsey Alexander said that the laboratory has tried many times to modulate a color between yellow and green, so as to ensure the accurate transmission of the emotional narrative that the overall color matching wants to express, and any lack of expressiveness will not be compromised.


Not only that, Prada’s reflection on the boundary between makeup and skin care is also obvious. Lynsey Alexander believes that the era when makeup has become a burden on the skin has passed, and makeup will gradually approach skin care. By injecting skin care ingredients into make-up, Prada Beauty has introduced products such as lipstick and eye shadow containing moisturizing factors, and promoted the blurring of the boundary between them with innovative technology.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

The support of large groups has provided a strong backing for the research and development of Prada beauty cosmetics.


The active cream, which marks Prada’s ambition in the field of high-end beauty, also reflects the brand’s strong strength in product research and development by introducing a new skin care concept called "active".


According to reports, the day and night two-in-one cream formula contains the cutting-edge technology of "muscle comes from fitness" which has been developed for more than three years, accurately compounding three major components: 18% boson, 2% vitamin CG and 0.175% ceramide NP, so as to promote the progressive regeneration of collagen layer by layer and rejuvenate the skin in time.


In addition to creativity and technology, Prada Beauty also promotes sustainable development to a rare height in the industry as an important part of the triple operation idea. If creativity and technology are used as leverage to help Prada beauty break through the tight encirclement and determine its top line, then a responsible attitude is to create a solid bottom line for the series.


This is also the embodiment of the overall strategy of Prada Group, which has taken the concept of sustainable development as an important starting point in fashion, jewelry and corporate governance in recent years.


Reflected in the beauty series, not only in the design and packaging process, strict control of packaging materials, use of recyclable plastics, promotion of sustainable replacement packaging, but also traced back to the product formula. Take Prada Active Cream as an example. This iconic product follows a sustainable formulation process from raw material procurement to ingredient extraction, and does not contain raw materials from petrochemical industry. The replaceable supplementary design can save 86% of material consumption compared with repurchasing formal products.


But more importantly, as a brand that leads the market, the sustainable development of brands in all fields now not only depends on the improvement of their own technical practice, but also needs to guide consumers to adopt a longer-term thinking mode through product concepts with the help of brand appeal, and promote changes from both ends of the consumption chain at the same time.


In fact, many inspiring ideas implied in Prada’s first beauty collection can indirectly benefit sustainable development.


Dr Xavier MARAT, skin regeneration laboratory of L ‘Oré al R&D and Innovation Center, said at the creation meeting that "initiative" has a corresponding concept in the context of China, that is, "preemption" to prolong the healthy state of skin. It is often more efficient to intervene in layout in advance than to react passively to aging signals, especially in the field of skin care.


For example, before mixing the color of liquid foundation, Prada Beauty scanned 3,000 faces and their skin colors from different regions and races around the world. On the one hand, it can cover and understand the largest range of consumers, but on the other hand, it can be sorted and extracted into limited color numbers with the help of AI technology through dynamic filtering and other scientific and technological means, without causing excessive product quantity and inventory waste.


From fashion to fine jewelry to beauty cosmetics, the launch of beauty cosmetics series continues to complete Prada’s story, and also continues Prada’s ability to reconcile seemingly contradictory concepts such as art and commerce, elegance and popularity, idealism and consumer society and reality at any time. For brands that accurately balance the proportions, beauty is undoubtedly the freest palette and playground.


Release creativity, make good use of technology, and a responsible attitude, which are nested in a ring and become the golden triangle of Prada beauty.


There are still dark horses in the most crowded beauty market.

morePrada   Information of

The session will not fall! Changan automobile won the double honor [self-reliance through science and technology < 44 >]

On the evening of January 28th.

Central radio and television main station

The 4th China Automobile Fengyun Festival Awards Ceremony

Held at Beijing National Gymnasium.

At this grand ceremony

Changan Automobile Global Design Team, Aouita 12

They were awarded "Pioneer Design Team of the Year"

"Best Intelligent Driving"

Won two honors

Fully demonstrated Changan Automobile.

Hard core strength in the field of design and products

It is understood that

"China Automobile Fengyun Festival" is sponsored by the Central Radio and Television General Station and specially planned by the Financial Program Center of the General Station, aiming at the China automobile market, to select the annual outstanding models with strong products, market guidance and future development trends for consumers, and is known as the "wind vane of the automobile industry".

As the most authoritative event in the domestic automobile industry, it has been held for four consecutive years, and Changan Automobile has never failed.

In 2020 China Automobile Fengyun Festival, Changan Automobile CS75PLUS won the "Best Intelligent Networked Car of the Year".

In 2021 China Automobile Fengyun Festival, Changan Ford EVOS won the "Best Smart Car" and a new generation of Lincoln navigator NAUTILUS won the "Best Power Car".

At the 3rd China Automobile Fengyun Festival, Changan Automobile Force Electric won the "Special Award of Jury" and Deep Blue SL03 won the "Grand Prize of Jury".

Original title: "The session does not fall! Changan automobile won the double honor [self-reliance through science and technology < 44 >].

Read the original text

TCL and NFL, the top sports league, surprised the world with a giant rugby helmet in the second year.

The historic moment has come. How can TCL, which represents the "scientific strength of China", lead China’s science and technology to the world?

On January 12th, CES2024, known as "Science and Technology Spring Festival Evening", came to an end. The exhibition brings together global technology giants, attracting more than 4,000 exhibitors and more than 1,200 startup companies.

Among them, TCL, as the world’s leading intelligent terminal enterprise, appeared at CES with a brand-new "dare to act" attitude. TCL’s overall exhibition area covers an area of nearly 1,700 square meters, making it the most famous brand in China, exhibiting more than 120 innovative products and top technologies, showing its C-style. During CES, TCL also invited NFL Hall of Fame star Charles Woodson to help out by airborne, and interacted with the audience at zero distance, which narrowed the distance between brands and consumers.

This is the second year for TCL to join hands with NFL, the world’s top sports league.

NFL is the highest-level sports league in American football, and its annual feast "Super Bowl" is known as "American Spring Bowl", which is the most popular sports event in the United States today. The 57th Super Bowl attracted about 113 million spectators around the world. As a professional sports league based on American native sports, after a hundred years of development, its influence has long been not limited to the American domestic market, but also has become the first echelon sports event with global attention, occupying the chief place of the world sports league, which coincides with the development of TCL.

Since 1999, TCL has set up 32 manufacturing bases in Vietnam, Mexico and other places through TCL Industry and TCL Technology, and 46 R&D centers in Poland, the United States and other places. TCL products have maintained a high market share in developed countries including Europe and America.

In addition to the leading scientific and technological strength and the influence of brand globalization, it is highly recognized by the NFL, and it may be that both sides dare to resonate with each other.

Driven by the spirit of courage, TCL and NFL have done a great thing.

In 2024, TCL joined hands with NFL to light up the new landmark of Las Vegas &mdash; &mdash; Sphere is the world’s largest giant ball, TCL’s highly recognizable brand LOGO and NFL’s iconic giant football helmet shine in the night sky in Las Vegas, showing the extraordinary elegance of China brand to the world with unparalleled visual feast, and further demonstrating TCL’s brand technology hard power of "dare to be extraordinary" to the world.

TCL has developed from a small company producing magnetic tapes into a globally competitive intelligent technology industry group. Through TCL Industry and TCL Technology, three core industries, namely intelligent terminal, semiconductor display and new energy photovoltaic, have been widely recognized internationally.

Pay tribute to the past and move forward for the future. As one of the earliest China enterprises to go international, TCL has always practiced the concept of "globalization is localization" and achieved remarkable commercial success in overseas markets. In addition to constantly improving its overseas localization management ability, it continues to provide users with the best products and solutions, and it also benefits from its continuous exploration and investment in global brand building.

On the road of globalization, TCL continues to lay out the world’s top IP, giving the brand a strong sports gene. Up to now, TCL has more than 40 global cooperation IPs, covering rugby, football, basketball, e-sports and other sports fields. In addition to the NFL of the United States, there are also top-level global sports IPs such as the Libertadores Cup, FIBA, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Germany and Arsenal Football Club. These cooperation has become a distinctive symbol of TCL’s layout of international sports venues.

In addition to official cooperation with the NFL, TCL has also reached a partnership with three super-popular NFL teams, namely Los Angeles Lightning, Seattle Seahawks and Atlanta Falcons. Not only that, TCL also invited Justin Herbert, the quarterback of the Los Angeles Lightning Team, as the brand ambassador of TCL North America. This move will continue to help TCL establish closer emotional ties with local fans, so that more consumers can feel the charm of TCL’s cutting-edge technology, and it will also promote TCL to lay a powerful battle in the development of global sports.

In February this year, the Super Bowl, the NFL’s most important competition, is about to open, when TCL will once again make a heavy appearance, leading the new era of China brand’s overseas rise, letting the world once again see the strength and influence of China technology, and continuing to write a new chapter of "Dare to be Extraordinary" in the global market.


  CCTV.com News (news broadcast): "New Year’s Eve, including jiaozi". Today, when every household is preparing for the New Year’s Eve, local governments and the masses have "arranged" a special "reunion dinner" for the needy people with care and love, so that the true feelings and warmth can accompany them to have a happy New Year.

  At noon today, more than 8,000 widowed elderly people in Hongkou District of Shanghai put on new clothes bought for them by the community and got together to have a "reunion dinner". Young volunteers from Hefei, Anhui Province came to the apartment for the elderly today, sending deep affection to more than 150 elderly people.

  Gao Caixia, an Anhui old man: I have lived to be over 90 years old, and I feel that now is the best time.

  Young volunteers in Hebei, Guangxi, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other places have formed a "family pair" with the widowed and low-income elderly to take them home for the New Year. Charity federations in Guizhou, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jilin, Henan and other places also held "charity reunion dinner" to let the needy people share the festive feast of love.

  In the SOS Children’s Village in Putian, Fujian, children are eating steaming reunion dinner with their mothers in the village. Orphans from Fushun Welfare Institute in Liaoning Province came to Leifeng class today and wrapped up jiaozi with their uncles in the military camp. The orphans and disabled children in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang, and the police "dads" will celebrate the New Year soon.

  Guan Nan, sos Children’s Village in Qiqihar, China: Because today’s New Year’s Eve dinner is very special, they are like relatives to us.

  Today, 100 academicians and professors from Central South University invited more than 200 poor students to their homes to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

  Academician Huang Boyun, President of Central South University: Just let them feel that the school is their home.

  Reporter Wu Xueshan: This is the construction site of Wuhan section of Wuhe Railway, a national key construction project. Now, hundreds of migrant workers who insisted on construction during the Spring Festival gathered together to have a delicious reunion dinner and celebrate the New Year.

  Not only the reunion dinner was sent, but more than 500 migrant workers also received accident insurance of 200,000 yuan per person purchased by the construction unit.

  Lu Kunhao, a migrant worker in Hubei: It’s a double happiness.

  In Sichuan, more than 2,000 migrant workers gathered together and had a lively "Dam Banquet for the Year of the Communist Youth League". In Guangzhou, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held a group year dumpling feast for more than 10,000 migrant workers who didn’t go home. At the dumpling banquet, a videophone was specially set up.

  Shen Jian, a migrant worker from Shaanxi: (talking to his mother) I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best. Mom, I’m fine in Guangzhou.

  Red dumplings, colorful buns, hot jiaozi, delicious dishes, and a series of delicious dishes are accompanied by blessings. From yesterday to today, in the community and on the train, all kinds of "reunion dinners" and "thousands of family banquets" have made people in need and people who are away from home feel deep affection and festive joy.

Editor: Zhao Wei