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Spicy Interview | Hong Ying, the original author of Lanxin Grand Theatre: Lou Ye was born for movies

Text | AnnaKarina

Edit | AnnaKarina

On September 4, 2019, The Lanxin Grand Theatre premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, which was the first time that Hong Ying, the author of the original novel Death in Shanghai, saw the film twice a day.

Writer Hong Ying commented that "Lanxin Grand Theatre" filmed the original content of the novel, and also photographed something that sank at the bottom of the text. It is a film."Pure art film with spy war shell", at the same time, is a."Pure feminist film".

Feminism, which is what Lou Ye is most interested in "Death in Shanghai". From the original work to the film, feminism is a personal choice finally made by Yu Yan under the influence of the times, and it is the sharp knife that Baiyun Shang stabbed Mo Zhiyin’s lower body.

However, Hong Ying’s fascination with Shanghai and her concern for women make her attach great importance to the restoration of time. Even in Lust, Caution by Ang Lee, she is not satisfied with the background and characterization. But Lou Ye didn’t slack off, so there was the "island" Shanghai in "Lanxin Grand Theatre". In the eyes of Hong Ying, "Lou Ye was born for movies, and it is important to regard movies as the first thing in life.He is not sociable and saves more time to study movies. “

Going to the cinema in Lou Ye always makes people nervous, and the shift of "Lanxin Grand Theatre" seems to be expected. After nearly three years, it finally meets the audience. butLou Ye and Hong Ying, who have known each other for many years, began to cooperate in the 1990s, and it was not until the Lanxin Grand Theatre nearly 30 years later that the interweaving of words and images was completed..


Shanghai, Shanghai

The death of Shanghai, pun intended.First, the opening part reveals the tragic ending of the heroine Yu Yan jumping from the top floor of the international hotel, leaving no room; The second refers to the city of Shanghai, which has fallen into"Double Death"In the middle.

"In the deafening sound of guns, Shanghai was swallowed up piece by piece. Sad cries come out of underground water holes and linger in the air. "In Hong Ying’s description, Shanghai was" dead "in the process of building a strong ship and sharpening its guns; However, "the mountains and rivers are broken, and the citizens are more addicted to pleasure … even if the land in Shenzhou is sinking … people on the isolated island are more drunk than before … Shanghai has become a freak in the war … China may survive, but this Shanghai is hard to survive", which is its second death.

In Lan Xin Grand Theatre, Tan Na, the director played by Mark Chao, directed a play and invited Yu Yan, played by Gong Li, to return to Shanghai from Hong Kong to play the heroine. The play is called.Saturday novel. This play is adapted from the novel Shanghai by Japanese writer Yokomitsu Liyi. The work describes the May 30th Movement in 1925, and Lou Ye changed the story of "romantic affairs" in the original work into a tragic tragedy. The English title of "Lanxin Grand Theatre" directly uses "Saturday Fiction", which is very obvious.

One is Shanghai in the war years. The protagonists in the film are all intellectuals and artists. They go in and out of hotels and theaters and live a decent and prosperous life for the middle class. In the play, it is a more real story of the left-wing bloody struggle. Lou Ye admits that this is a class supplement to the main story; In addition, Lou Ye has also set up two important scenes, one is a prostitute warming herself outside the hotel, and the other is a laundry and ironing lady in the hotel, so that we can get a glimpse of a more three-dimensional Shanghai.

The second is to show the cowardice and powerlessness of the left-wing director Tan Na. He hopes to be a revolutionary like Yu Yan, but as an artist, his body retreats in the face of violence, and he can’t reach the front line, so he can only support the workers’ movement through drama. He was forced to get involved, as he himself said, he was a pawn, butIn this life-and-death war, who is not a pawn that has been used and sacrificed?

Lou Ye played the role of the play to the extreme, and his deeper intention was to criticize the "Saturday School". "Saturday School" is a literary school in the early years of the Republic of China. It is the aftermath of "Yuanyang Butterfly School", a replica of Crescent School, and an interesting literature that promotes games and recreation.

At that time, Tan Na’s left-wing troupe was in opposition to Saturday School, but Lou Ye used a left-wing director to direct a drama called Saturday Novel to tell an anti-imperialist strike of workers, in which the irony was concrete and brilliant.In the current context, isn’t this an accusation against frivolous mainstream entertainment and the supremacy of pleasing?

Although "Lanxin Grand Theatre" is a black-and-white film, it is a color film in Lou Ye’s view, because he thinks that the workers’ strike situation explained in "Saturday Novel" is "Chromatogram of Shanghai in 1941",remove the surface color, the gray level between black and white needs more rigorous treatment.

In the black-and-white presentation, Lou Ye used the consistent hand-held lens to "shake" the uneasy environment and the confusing fate of the characters, and extended the inner world of the characters to history and politics to complete the real expression. Therefore, Lou Ye expressed his sympathy for this "isolated island" in his way, even though he didn’t spend too much time on the urban landscape of Shanghai.


Yu Yan, Qiu Lan

"At sea, the lighthouse does not exist in the darkness for a person. Butterflies fly freely, which is actually the same fate as being a specimen. But in the process of flying, no god can dominate this fate. "

Hong Ying, a writer, regarded this passage in the original work as a key to open this story. She privately thought that the lighthouse was the spark of revolution, while the butterfly was a woman in troubled times like Yu Yan. This passage implied their unknown fate, and at the same time, they could make rational judgments independently and their free will was not bound.

In Shanghai in December, the dark clouds were overwhelming and the rain was complicated. This rain has been falling from the original book to the film, which is a painful note behind this seemingly glamorous city. In the film, Yu Yan returned to Shanghai in the heavy rain. The "panic" lens swept through the cold and damp, capturing her tightly wrapped face. The flash of the reporter’s camera was like a lightning bolt that cut through the darkness, indicating that her return was doomed.

From then on, she had two names, one was Yu Yan, who was well known, and the other was Qiu Lan, who led the workers’ strike in the drama.At the same time, she has multiple identities, such as star, spy, ex-wife, lover, daughter and woman, which makes her have to be watertight in front of others and treading on thin ice behind.

Hong Ying mentioned that "spy plays are mostly literary plays, and knives are used at most", while spy missions are the front lines in the battlefield behind enemy lines. In this wrestling field where multiple forces are mixed, everyone’s face is vague, but everyone with tasks is as agile as an eagle.The charm of Lou Ye’s "shaking" lens is that everyone who is deeply involved in it can’t see the overall situation, and the audience doesn’t have God’s perspective, but you can always feel the weight of a sharp eye in those flashes of focus.

But Yu Yan is not a cold-faced killer, nor does she rely on selling her beauty for information. In the film, from seeing Ni Zeren, the detained ex-husband, to hugging Tan Na after being forcibly photographed by the Japanese army, to hypnotizing Japanese intelligence officer Tanya Saburo, and the decisive battle on Saturday night, Yu Yan cried four times, without crying, all silently, letting tears flow on her face.

The next morning after she hypnotized Bai Yunshang, Bai Yunshang knelt beside her and leaned her head on her chest. After Tan Na stopped the Japanese from taking a photo, he buried himself in her shoulder. Compared with lust, the author sees more powerful and affectionate motherhood, which may benefit from Gong Li’s own charm, because Yu Yan in the original book is only 27 years old and does not have this weathered beauty.

The image of rain is like violet’s wet face, and the tears gush out again before they are dry.In the torrential rain on the night of the decisive battle, the literary drama set the stage, and the martial arts drama ended. Yu Yan pulled out her gun and walked alone in the Lanxin Grand Theatre. She knew that she was going to be a butterfly that was made into a specimen, so she shed tears and shot at the same time, and reason was not dominated by compassion.

On the other hand, in order to force the United States, which is on the sidelines, to show its position, her free will finally made her choose to "betray" her faith (adoptive father) for greater justice, and at the same time, she chose to go to more specific love when she could get away with it (Tan Na).This is a sacrifice, but also a double suicide.. This is the complete embodiment of modernity in pansy.


Lou Ye, the movie.

In the face of Lou Ye’s films, what is certain now is that he is not afraid of no audience.

At first, Lou Ye seems to have had doubts about his market appeal.

In 1993, the first film "Weekend Lover", which took more than 40 days to shoot, was finally released on a small scale at midnight on weekends after two years of review. Shanghai first appeared in Lou Ye’s lens through "Weekend Lovers".

Censorship, underground, is the shadow attached to Lou Ye’s films from the beginning.

Frustrated, Lou Ye couldn’t escape the confusion of the dislocation between art and business: "It is becoming more and more difficult to decide whether antonioni’s film or Jackie Chan’s" The Red Fan District "is closer to the essence of the film."

A film that can’t meet the audience, part of its meaning will be dissolved. Perhaps it is to realize this, or it is the pressure of reality. Lou Ye turned to the system and filmed a thriller suspense movie "Girl in Danger", soLou Ye has never rejected commercialization, but he always "smuggled goods" under the framework of genre. Even today, if the concepts of stream of consciousness, vanguard and artistry are put into commercial genre films, not many viewers will buy it.

After several searches, Lou Ye came to Suzhou Creek, focusing on Shanghai again. On the oldest black and smelly water body in China, the love story of Motor and Peony was born from Lou Ye’s Super 8 camera.

Then came the 30-million-yuan production of Purple Butterfly, and on the eve of the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Shanghai merged into the faces of Zhang Ziyi and Liu Ye; Then came Yu Hong, the Summer Palace became synonymous with prohibition, and Lou Ye began to become a "fighter" in everyone’s mouth.

"Confusion and trial and error of intellectuals in social transformation" is the state of the characters in the film and a portrayal of Lou Ye himself, but is he really that confused? Not necessarily. In 2014, the poster of "Massage" was impressively printed.The slogan "Individual travelers should do it" is the insistence of the characters in the film, and it is also the reference of Lou Ye’s loyalty to himself in reality.

From the beginning to the present, he has never given up his pursuit of image style and personal expression. In terms of commercialization and artistic presentation, he has long been able to make a clear distinction: "Cooperate as much as possible on the bottom line and resolutely quit under the bottom line. I try to be happy. "

In front of Lou Ye, there are only movies, and in his eyes, movies are not just about telling a story.

The city is always Louyedian.Shadow business card,Magic Shanghai, lost Beijing, shaky Wuhan, turbulent Guangzhou, Lou Ye’s lens carved a landmark full of emotions. He once said: "The city is the skin of the film, and it is best to be combined with the story and have uniqueness."And it is always people who are placed in the foreground of this huge background board.It’s motor and peony, Yu Hong, Yu Yan, and what surrounds them is the torrent of the times and the historical process.

At the same time, Lou Ye is still exploring the audio-visual and structure.

Lou Ye has publicly expressed his disappointment with Rome directed by Alfonso Cuarón. He thinks that the black-and-white image of Rome is too exquisite and beautiful. "Then a film about the proletariat uses a completely bourgeois image.". When he came to Lanxin Grand Theatre, Lou Ye broke the exquisiteness of the picture with rough images that he was always good at. At the same time, he dispelled the bourgeois tendency of the film by supplementing the class and satirizing the "Saturday School".

Structurally, Lanxin Grand Theatre makes the play in the play to the extreme, allowing the audience to "magically" shuttle between reality and illusion, but if you are careful enough, you will find that Tan Na’s glasses are the password to unlock this magic. Structural addition to linear narrative and "blank space" in narrative through a large number of skipping clips greatly increase the richness of the story.

Looking back, this is just a story from Monday to Sunday, from the day of return to the night of decisive battle.Subtitles constantly remind the audience of the urgency of time like flipping through a calendar, but the "effective information" of the spy war action is not directly fed to the audience, and the audience needs to disentangle themselves from the struggles, passions and secret fragments of the characters.

So, this is just Lou Ye once again. "In the name of typology, do the opposite of typology."that’s all,This is the threshold of Lou Ye’s films. When you no longer regard the text as the first essence of the film, and regard the form and content as a narrative whole, audio-visual language is no longer an auxiliary expression, and at the same time capture the ideographic meaning outside the narrative, you will truly become his audience.Lou Ye once said: "You can believe it, because it happened in my lens;" You can also not believe it, because there are other things happening outside the camera lens. "

Lou Ye is not a fighter, he is just a film writer."Lanxin Grand Theatre" In the end, when the Japanese army broke into the stage with guns, the protagonist was in crisis, and the drama and reality were highly coincident in an instant. This is the art of violence intervention. We didn’t know the danger was coming until the stray bullet hit the audience.

Lou Ye said:All narratives of history are narratives of today.This is the modernity of Lanxin Grand Theatre.


Using mobile APP to spread obscene articles for profit was solved. The suspect taught himself to develop mobile phone applications.

  CCTV News:Not long ago, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province and the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Cultural Bureau cracked a case of spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile APP, which was listed as a case supervised by the National Leading Group Office for Combating Pornography, and arrested Li, the producer of the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting, Yu, Shi and Ren, and found more than 7 million obscene video files in the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting.

  In July this year, Liu Haibo, a grass-roots grid member of Zhoushan New Town Management Committee, found in his daily visit that many people were watching obscene videos using a mobile APP called "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", which aroused his vigilance.

  After mastering and fixing the relevant evidence, the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Municipal Bureau of Culture immediately launched the joint disposal mechanism for eliminating pornography, provided relevant clues to the Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, and cooperated with the Netan Detachment to investigate related cases.

  Access to overseas obscene websites is hidden.

  After receiving the relevant clues, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau immediately filed an investigation. During the investigation, it was found that the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" APP was extremely confusing and concealed in the process of spreading obscene pornographic videos.

  The police investigation found that the main page of the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App is no different from the normal film and television App. Users can watch a large number of legal film and television works as long as they install it, but when they click on the sub-pages such as classification and search on the page, obscene pornographic video pages will pop up on the mobile phone. By purchasing the registration code and registering as a member, you can browse and watch these obscene video contents.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "The criminal suspect made this mobile APP, and its communication route is mainly through his QQ group, WeChat circle of friends, or website. To watch obscene videos, you must first get an invitation code on your mobile phone and send a part of the invitation code to the card issuing website. "

  After careful investigation, the police found that most of the registered users of this mobile APP purchased the "registration code" from a place in Huanggang, Hubei Province, and there are more than 1,500 registered members from all over the country, and the actual owner and maintainer of this mobile App is Li, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Li made the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App, rented the Internet data cloud to set up a server, and finally accessed more than a dozen overseas obscene websites and more than 7 million obscene video resources.

  Through further investigation, the police also found that 16 other people, such as Shimou from Yuyao, Ningbo and Renmou from Deqing, Huzhou, also bought apps from Li or purchased obscene video resources to access their own apps, and then spread them for profit. After mastering sufficient evidence, Zhoushan Public Security Bureau police rushed to Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Huanggang, Hubei, Yuyao, Zhejiang, Huzhou and other places, and successfully arrested suspects such as Li, Shi and Ren with the cooperation of local police.

  Self-taught mobile phone application development is involved in pornography and is in jail.

  Different from the previously uncovered cases of spreading obscene articles on the Internet, the case of "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile App has the characteristics of fast spread, wide spread and large audience. The four people involved in "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" arrested by the public security organs are all very young, and three of them are post-90 s. What is even more surprising is that Li, the developer of the mobile APP "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", has only a first-year junior high school education.

  Gu Zhoutao, deputy detachment leader of the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, said that it is difficult to block obscene videos spread by the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" mobile APP.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "This software is very concealed. The cases encountered in the past spread through the cloud disk and are easily blocked by the public security organs. Connected through the mobile APP, it is very concealed and difficult to block, so these obscene video data quickly spread to the whole country. "

  The registration code used by registered members of this APP is also very cheap online. The registration code is divided into day card, month card, half-year card, year card, permanent card, etc. The online price of permanent card is 98 yuan, and the cheapest day card only needs 2 yuan. From March this year, the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" went online for only six months until the incident, tens of thousands of people across the country have registered as members, and the relevant personnel have illegally made more than 100,000 yuan.

  Because of his poor family, Li began to work after dropping out of school in the first grade of junior high school, and later taught himself the mobile APP method online. In the face of police interrogation, Li realized that his mistakes were irreparable. At present, four suspects have been transferred for prosecution.

"Tracing back to the Double Ditch" and the launch of the town reading club

  Shuanggou Town, Suining County, Xuzhou City, recently held the "Tracing to the Source Shuanggou" and the launching ceremony of the town reading club at the local Zhaoyi Academy, aiming to build the town reading club into an important platform for local residents to learn and communicate, and to stimulate residents’ love for culture and art.

  At the event site, Zhao Xu, vice president of Suining Reading Association, as the keynote speaker, told the history and culture of Shuanggou Town, shared the importance of reading, and introduced in detail the goal, activity form and daily operation mode of the town reading club.

  It is reported that the reading club will last until the end of March, and various literary lectures, sentiment exchange meetings, reading sharing meetings and other activities will be held regularly to meet the needs of residents of different ages and hobbies. (Shi Wenqiang)

LinkedIn develops built-in game functions, and it is reported that employees’ scores will affect the company’s ranking.

IT House reported on March 18th that LinkedIn, a social platform for the workplace, was developing a built-in game function. Nima Owji, an application researcher, posted a series of screenshots on X, showing some games being developed by LinkedIn, and said that employees’ scores would affect their company’s ranking in the game.

LinkedIn has confirmed this plan to foreign media TechCrunch. The official said: "We are adding puzzle-based games to the LinkedIn experience to release some fun, deepen relationships and hopefully stimulate opportunities for dialogue."

The report also said that the games currently being developed by LinkedIn include Queens, Inference and Crossclimb. It is not clear when the game function will go online and whether it will be available to free users.

LinkedIn revealed that its advanced subscription plan in 2023 generated revenue of $1.7 billion (Note of IT House: currently about RMB 12.24 billion). These plans start at $39.99 per month (currently about RMB 288).

Champions League-Cristiano Ronaldo helped the Red Devils win 5 consecutive victories, Manchester United 2-1 Sporting Lisbon.


  Sohu Sports News On November 28th, Beijing time, Group F of the Champions League ended the fifth round of competition. Manchester United beat Sporting Lisbon 2-1 in stoppage time at home at Old Trafford, while Rome beat Dynamo Kiev 4-1 away to secure promotion to the top 16 in advance. Sporting Lisbon won the third place in the group and can continue to participate in the UEFA Cup. ——

  Manchester United 2-1 Sporting Lisbon

  As the only team in the top 32 that scored 12 points in the first four rounds, Manchester United can ensure the first place in the group as long as it wins, and Sporting Lisbon can’t afford to lose this game if it wants to retain its promotion hope.

  However, judging from the past records, Sporting Lisbon’s trip to England was run out of luck. Manchester United’s previous 8 home games against Portugal were unbeaten with 7 wins and 1 draw, and nearly 32 home games in the Champions League were only lost to AC Milan. On the other hand, Sporting Lisbon, nearly 11 Champions League away games have only a poor record of winning.

  In this game, Ferguson was not affected by the unexpected loss to Bolton last weekend, and continued to rotate the starting lineup. O ‘Shea, Fletcher and Kuszczak were all allowed to start, Vidic recovered from his back injury and returned to the starting line instead of Pique, while C- Ronaldo and Nani played against their old club in the frontcourt respectively. Sporting Lisbon, Ledesson injured his right thigh at the weekend, but the injury was not serious. Patricio, 19, still started in the Champions League for the first time instead of stojkovic, who suffered a hip injury.

  At the beginning of the first half, although Sporting Lisbon had a slight advantage in controlling the ball, it was slightly stronger than Manchester United in terms of offensive sharpness. In the second minute, Anderson obliquely passed C- Ronaldo, and the Portuguese international scored after running 50 meters with the ball. Unfortunately, Saha was a little slow. Subsequently, Nani got two chances in the left rib, but they failed to form a real threat. In the 12th minute, Motinho turned to his right rib 24 meters away, and his right foot slanted the low ball and it would miss. Two minutes later, C- Ronaldo received Carrick’s oblique cross from the right side of the frontcourt and then shot low, which also missed the long post.

  In the 19th minute, O ‘Shea made a cross on the right, C- Ronaldo made a heel pass, and Saha inserted an oblique shot and still missed the target.In the 21st minute, Veloso distributed the ball to the right. Abel caught the ball and suddenly volleyed his right foot near the sideline. Kuszchak, who was unresponsive, made a save, but the ball flew into the net.In the 26th minute, Ledesson once again sent the ball to Manchester United’s net, but the Brazilian striker’s offside goal was invalidated. Three minutes later, Bohr increased the front of the restricted area and turned around to shoot, and the angle was slightly confiscated by Kuszchak. Since then, although the scene is lively, neither side has created a really threatening shooting opportunity. In the first half of the game, Manchester United fell 0-1 behind Sporting Lisbon and entered the halftime break.

  At the beginning of the second half, Ferguson sent Ryan Giggs and Carlos Tevez out. Only 25 seconds after the opening, Tevez successfully broke the ball on the right side of the frontcourt, and Hade had no choice but to put down the shovel and sweep down the Argentine beast and was given a yellow card warning. In the 50th minute, C- Ronaldo took a free kick from Giggs, grabbed a header, and was deflected. Seven minutes later, C- Ronaldo pushed horizontally, and Saha adjusted when he could kick. As a result, the ball was destroyed before kicking.

  In the 59th minute, Ryan Giggs kicked off the right corner, and Nemanja Vidic jumped high and tossed his head to attack the top of the goal.In the 61st minute, O ‘Shea’s cross on the right side was slightly stronger, but Evras quickly inserted the ball and successfully intercepted it. After the cross ball was blocked, it bounced in front of C- Ronaldo, and the Portuguese international hit the door with his right foot. After the ball hit Harder, it touched Tevez’s foot 6 meters in front of the door and changed lines to enter the goal.In the 64th minute, Veloso’s shot on the edge of the restricted area was slightly higher than the lintel. Four minutes later, after receiving Tevez’s cross, C- Ronaldo’s low shot was blocked by Patricio with his foot, and Anderson shot wide 35 meters away. In the 74th minute, Tevez made a long pass from the right, and C- Ronaldo leaned forward and headed the ball from a small angle.

  In the 76th minute, C- Ronaldo hit the door with his left foot and slid from the front door to the bottom line. Three minutes later, Anderson picked the ball, and Hargreaves, who had just come off the bench for less than one minute, plugged in and shot it and was blocked by Patricio with his foot. In the 80th minute, C- Ronaldo failed to get a yellow card because he was fouled. Two minutes later, Evras was also given a yellow card warning for diving in the restricted area.In the 92nd minute, Anderson was violated by Ledesson to create a free kick. C- Ronaldo took a free kick 26 meters away from the left rib and shot his right foot directly to the right side of the goal to complete the reversal, which made C- Ronaldo score 11 goals in his personal season and continue to sit side by side with Ibrahimovic at the top of the Champions League scorer list with 5 goals.In the end, Manchester United defeated Sporting Lisbon 2-1 at home, continued to maintain the record of winning the Champions League this season, and expanded the winning streak at home to 9 games, thus locking the top spot in the group one round ahead of schedule. -This year’s Golden Globe Award will be announced on December 2nd. Do you think C- Ronaldo is a suitable candidate for the Golden Globe Award?

  Manchester United (4-3-3): 29-Kuszczak /3- Evras, 5- Ferdinand, 15- Vidic, 22- O ‘Shea /16- Carrick, 24- Fletcher (46’11- Giggs), 8- Anderson /17- Nani (46’).

  Sporting Lisbon (4-4-2); 1- Patricio /3- Harder, 4- Polga, 13- tonel, 78- Abel /7- ismailov (81’25- Pereirinha), 24- Veloso, 28- Motinho, 30- Romanori (67′ 10- Vukcevic) /9- Purovic (81

  Dynamo Kiev 1-4 Rome

  In the 4th minute, panucci made an oblique pass near the right touchline. Vucinic’s shot at the front point of 7 meters didn’t kick the ball, but shook Rybka, and the ball flew directly into the far corner of the goal. In the 32nd minute, Giuly scored the ball and went straight into the penalty area. Facing Rybka, Giuly calmly pushed the ball to the right and passed the 20-year-old Ukrainian young goalkeeper to expand the lead, which was also the 20th goal scored by the French in Europe.

  In the 36th minute, the Roma midfielder launched a quick counterattack after breaking the ball. The ball was distributed to the left from Jiuli Middle Road, and Vucinic stopped the ball in a proper position. After going straight into the restricted area, he pushed the arc ball 14 meters from the left and hit it in the far corner. In the 63rd minute, Shatzkikh, who came off the bench, made a cross on the outside instep of his right foot at the front of the left rib restricted area, and I- bangura pulled back a point from the right corner of the goal with a 16-meter push from the middle road. In the 78th minute, after Vucinic cooperated with Tonetto on the left, he scored twice with his right foot at 17 meters to seal the victory. In the end, Rome beat Dynamo Kiev 4-1 away and advanced to the top 16 in advance; Kiev, on the other hand, has not won in nearly 12 Champions League matches, with 2 draws and 10 losses. (sandwich)

  Rome (4- 5-1): 32-Doni /2- panucci, 4-Juan, 21- Ferrari, 22- Tonetto /16- Derossi (61’29- Barruso), 7- Pizarro, 11- Taddei (46’18- esposito), 14-.

Editor: Lu Fangfei

Today, beginning of autumn, this autumn, I wish you all the best.

The wind blows a leaf.
Everything has surprised autumn.
The breeze gently brushed the treetops.
The solar terms in beginning of autumn came quietly.
Data Map: The park is full of green shadows and flowers. Photo by Wang Jiaoni
"Make autumn ten days in advance"
The arrival of this solar term in beginning of autumn
Doesn’t mean the heat is over.
Often have to wait until the "summer" comes.
Is the basic farewell to summer
Beginning of autumn is the first solar term in autumn.
"Li" means "start"
A beautiful and moving autumn picture
Spread out slowly on the earth
Data Map: The picture shows the sky in Daxing ‘anling, Inner Mongolia in autumn. Photo by Li Ming
The summer heat slowly dissipated.
It’s a little cooler in the autumn wind
Crystal clear dew
Dotted with green leaves
Welcome the morning sunshine
Milk crow scattered jade screen empty.
A pillow is cool and a fan is cool.
Beginning of autumn will "chew the autumn" after that.
Some places are also called "biting autumn"
Eat a delicious watermelon.
Welcome the arrival of autumn.
Data map: The picture shows the "autumn" placed by the staff with watermelons. Photo by Chen Chao
It is easy to have a bad appetite in summer
Remember to "paste autumn fat"
Braised pork, hotpot …
Have a good meal.
Reward yourself for your diligence.
The weather is getting cooler after beginning of autumn.
A balanced diet is needed.
Eat less spicy and greasy food.
Eat more lotus seeds, tremella, etc.
Data Map: The picture shows the hot pot in Chongqing. Photo by Liu Xian
"Autumn begins with yin, so everything is harvested."
The prelude to the large-scale autumn harvest opened.
People are filled with joy.
Dry the harvested crops.
Autumn is a poetic season.
When the rice is ripe, the fruits are fragrant.
Once hard work and sweat.
Will be richly rewarded.
Data map: Colorful harvest results such as peppers and corn are placed on the drying rack under aerial photography. Liu Zhankun photo
Autumn is peaceful and quiet.
Clouds and clouds are clear and clear.
Just like life.
After experiencing all kinds of things in the world
Love life more maturely.
He Xiang Xiao wan Xia
Chrysanthemum gas enters the new autumn
Say goodbye to summer
Welcome the picturesque autumn
Data Map: The picture shows the beautiful scenery composed of snow-capped mountains, red leaves, meadows and pines. Photo by Wang Jiang
Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!
(Reporter Shangguan Yun)
Everyone is searching.
May you harvest in autumn. Autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn. May you harvest your dream. Autumn is cool. Harvest is just the first sentence of harvesting in autumn.


Xi le nian Hua 3KA

You also reap all the good things! !





Brother Lao Du, Kunming, Yunnan






Yunbai Xiahou 7I

May all our good things come as scheduled!





Mizhenxuan 94

Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!





Yi yi1236669Y

Illustrated with pictures and texts, they complement each other and are beautiful





Xingxinchang 078

May everything be beautiful in autumn!





Invincible old darling

A touch of autumn dispels fatigue and troubles, a touch of autumn embellishes life, and a little happiness resides in the heart. Beginning of autumn, I wish each of us feel comfortable and happy!





Flower and berry water giant nearly 00

In the harvest season, may the beautiful dream come true.





Ancient poetry fragrance

How time flies! It’s beginning of autumn in a flash!
In the distant mountains, autumn clouds rise at first, and Ping Ye gradually turns yellow. The melon in the yard is ripe and the tea at hand is slightly cold.

Willing to work hard for you

Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!






Return of overseas wanderers





There is no more.

Why run?

This work was recommended to me by my good friend. At that time, I signed up for a relay race together, and he mentioned it to me. However, after watching three episodes, I didn’t have much interest. It seemed to be just an ordinary straightforward account, so I shelved it.

Later, before the relay race, he mentioned this work to me again. At the end of the relay race, I once again recalled and thought about my relay race (I won the fifth place in the team, barely ranked, and the top six had certificates)

So, I started from episode 4 and kept watching; At the same time, I started running, aiming at 5 km PB.

Watch the fan and run, simultaneously.

I thought that running was just an ordinary sport. After these dozens of days, I have experienced a lot of thinking, and I have improved a lot in psychology, physique and all aspects. Of course, any sport is not simple, and it is extremely worthy of respect. Let’s talk about several animation scenes that I feel deeply:

Running is a wonderful thing to imagine. Even so, we have to face all kinds of affairs in life, even some annoying and frustrating things. These will affect our mood and our willingness to run.

Naked king

What Grey Er said made me think for a long time. I have always liked running, and I am not slow. However, in the first 11 months of 2021, I only ran 92.86km. This is really too little, the daily average is only 0.28km, too little. Maybe I will blame the study task, etc. Many things are meaningless. I just want to ask myself, why not go running? Most of these running distances are also about people to run. Why don’t I run myself?

On the other hand, my running amount in the last 30 days is 90.05km, which is 11 times of the previous one. And I consciously control the amount of running, and I have run once every 1~2 days. I don’t know that this period of time is full of final exams, and it is unheard of to practice running in the final week.

To sum up, everyone’s situation is different, but for me:It’s good to run with reality.

This training form, I am very concerned about:

Training table

Perhaps, of course, everyone should have everyone’s personal tailor training, but it is not possible for ordinary players. In the animation, the track and field teams and high school teams of other universities, every ordinary person can only practice with the big troops. In my experience in junior high school and senior high school, there has never been a scene of special guidance.

From this, it can be seen more.Grey’s good intentionsIt is reasonable for everyone to improve their grades. (I have to mention that everyone’s meals are also handled by the gray two! )

Many people will be confused. Why do they like running?

In fact, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, but it’s hard to give an exact reason for liking it. You may say "running is good for your health" and "running is very comfortable", but this is not very convincing and does not touch the essence. So in this regard, I can only give the reason of "simply liking", although it seems to be unknown so. In the animation, the prodigy said this:

The words of a prodigy

So, during this time, so have I. What is like? Or, what is love?

Like is serious.

When I carefully run every step, warm-up and stretching, related equipment, water supply, energy supply, pace frequency, stride length, breathing, posture, pay attention to every detail, be serious and unfocused, so as to enjoy it more and like it more.

Going to the kitchen is ecstatic!
Grey said to Ah Zou

This reminds me of the sentence "Go slowly and enjoy!"

Although running is running, it is not just running.

JOJO terrier

Is the prince a success? Not necessarily, depending on the specific definition of "success" here.
Is the prince a hard worker? There is no doubt that it is.


What is the prince trying to tell us? His achievements are unremarkable, but we see the significance of hard work from him. Without hard work, he can’t stand on the track in Hakone, and he can’t experience twists and turns, so beautiful as he wants.

KING’s monologue, in my opinion, is the most perfect monologue in this work, which perfectly interprets the spirit of this work.

KING’s monologue

This is the meaning of Hakone’s biography in this work. Why are 12 players allowed, but Grey II only found 10 players? Grey II tells us what the close relationship between individuals and groups should be.

Are you ready to press the answer key?

Successful people, without exception, are working hard. -the prince
It is arrogant to think that you can do everything by hard work. -Grey II


Hard work is not a guarantee of good grades. The real experiences of Hirosuke and Fujioka tell us this.

There is no need to answer.

Why did the author of the original novel "The Beginnings" fall on the "satyr" and cyber violence?

A 15-episode lightweight online drama "The Beginning" exploded at the beginning of the year, boosting confidence in the Chinese drama market in 2022. During the Spring Festival holiday, the popularity has risen instead of falling, and topics such as "Aunt Pot", taking the bus and ringing tones of Cannon’s mobile phone have become the "hard currency" for gathering and socializing with high mention rate. Recently, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter interviewed the author of the original novel "The Beginning" and the screenwriter of the TV series Prayer Jun, looking for answers to the topics that the audience is still discussing.

  Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Beiqing Daily: Please tell us about the creation process of Beginnings, such as "infinite flow"? Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Prayer Jun: Over the years, I have seen many videos about "bus accidents" on the Internet, which have had a great impact on me. When I first saw this, I thought, why can’t anyone stand up and stop these tragedies like those heroes in film and television works? Later, I began to imagine what I could do if I were on these buses. In these associations, I began to think again, are my ideas reasonable? Who will be on the bus together? Can these people help me? In the process of this series of thinking, verification and rethinking, my inspiration sparked and I drew up the outline of the beginning.

  The biggest difficulty is how to balance the dramatic and logical contradictions in the novel at the same time, and how to set the whole progressive process from the first cycle to the end of the cycle. For example, this bus explosion, at first, no one knew it was an explosion. It was only after the protagonist group got more information through the circulation that it changed from a "traffic accident" to a "criminal case", from "investigating the real murderer" to "locking the real murderer" and then to "finding the hidden plot". These are all the logical and logical turns in advance. So in order to "break the game", I began to add the element of "time cycle" to the beginning. In the written stage, "infinite flow" has become the most conspicuous label of "Beginning".

  Beiqing Daily: After watching several episodes, the most attractive content of Beginnings no longer relies on "surrealism", but returns to down-to-earth reality. Please tell us about the creations of ordinary passengers such as Lao Jiao and Lu Di, and what intentions have you placed on them?

  Prayer Jun: At first, I modeled passengers according to two possibilities: quantitative and indefinite. I will definitely take action when I encounter danger, that is, quantitative. For example, the character "Lao Jiao" is in the quagmire of life, but he will still be "courageous" again and again. As for the role of "Lu Di", he is a young man who loves cats with social phobia. As long as he is aroused to identify with his own group, he will change from "variable" to "quantitative". Any passenger in the car can change from "variable" to "quantitative" as long as they can gain their "trust". "Trust" is the cornerstone of success. After that, I began to think, what is the difference between people? I began to try to answer this question through the way of "control group". For example, the old coke "Jiao Xiangrong" and the driver "Wang Xingde" are actually some kind of echo and contrast. In the car, the driving force behind Wang Xingde’s "crime" is his daughter; Drive Lao Jiao "The driving force behind "being brave" is also for my daughter. These two are both fathers and daughters, but they have made different choices, and these two different choices represent different human nature. Another example is "Lu Di", a secondary group that "speaks at once", and the police who "don’t believe" no matter how many times you say it, are also a control group. At the beginning of shaping, these passengers not only have the common ground of being ordinary people, but also represent the thinking mode and life experience of some groups in society. Everyone can play his role at a specific time. No matter how ordinary a person is, once he makes an extraordinary right choice, he is a "hero". This is what I want to express most when I shape them.

  What are the differences in characterization?

  Beiqing Daily: "Aunt Guo" went out of the circle and became a new topic. What experience can you summarize in your resumption?

  Prayer Jun: Apart from Tao Yinghong’s complete portrayal, the actor’s understanding and reinterpretation of this role is the real reason for his success. No matter in the original work or at the beginning of the script creation, the image of Tao Yinghong is "numb" and "crazy", and she is a "broken person" after the collapse. Now the "Aunt Pot" on the screen is a process of remoulding according to her own understanding after thinking by the actor Liu Dan. Her persistence makes Tao Yinghong not only the "injurer" of the "broken", but also allows every audience to see the dignity, preciseness and love for her daughter that Tao Yinghong had before the "broken", which makes her identity as both "injurer" and "victim" more convincing.

  Beiqing Daily: It is reported that the names of young CP Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun coincide with Liu Yuxi’s Autumn Poems. What do these two characters imply?

  Prayer Jun: Yes, the names of Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun are taken from "Autumn Ci". This is a poem I like very much, because its artistic conception is broad and lofty, which is in line with the minds of two young people I originally wanted to shape. "Poetry" is romantic. Li’s poetry is not in contact with too much society. Her romance can make her tolerant, kind and empathetic. "Crane Cloud" is high-spirited, eager to soar, and has the potential of "blockbuster". In addition, "A crane in a clear sky rows clouds, which leads poetry to Bixiao" is also a cycle from beginning to end, and a crane cloud named Xiao (Xiao) is embedded.

  Interpretation and speculation of hidden plots are endless.

  Beiqing Daily: The final case "bottom" fell on the bus "pervert" and cyber violence. How did these two ideas come into being?

  Prayer Jun: As a woman and a mother, I have been thinking about how to teach my daughter to "protect" herself and learn how to "ask for help" when she meets something wrong in this complicated world. The purpose of designing the plot of "pervert" is to make readers and audiences understand that different people have different degrees of tolerance by comparing the different reactions of two girls with different personalities, Wang Mengmeng and Li Shiqing. Maybe what seems like a big deal to you will have completely different results for people with different degrees of tolerance.

  The element of "cyber violence" is more about my thinking and reflection on my own experience over the years. Do people who cause "cyber violence" have to "harm" something in the first place? After thinking about these problems, I stayed away from the internet and warned myself that writers should speak with their works. It is these feelings and reflections that made me shape the plot of "cyber violence" in "The Beginning" and the "beginning" that made Tao Yinghong’s family "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop".

  Beiqing Daily: This drama has caused netizens to chase the drama, and various interpretations and speculations about the cycle, details and hidden plots have emerged one after another. Which ones can you come forward for official certification?

  Prayer Jun: Many details have been guessed by readers, and I am very touched. For example, Tao Yinghong was going to die on the day of her daughter’s death, but because Tao Yinghong was testing detonators in the garage and caused a fire, the fire department paid attention to it, so the fire department began to check the garage. This fire caused the old coke to be retired, and Wang Xingde, who was working normally, was caught off guard by Tao Yinghong’s temporary boarding. In the original plan of the husband and wife, there should be no one in the car that day, just taking the bomb to the designated place to die.

  I also saw the speculation about officer Zhang. Officer Zhang did not enter the cycle. To enter the cycle, he must meet several requirements. First, he had to fall asleep in the car (there was a path to enter the cycle), second, he had to die in the car (once existed normally in the cycle), and then he had to survive in the cycle (left the cycle). Lao Zhang and others in the car did not meet these conditions. He will let it go lightly, just based on his own experience and the normal reaction of a police officer without evidence. Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun’s "catching the pervert out of the car" is the beginning of Xiao Heyun’s cycle, and it is also the only possibility to turn Tao Yinghong’s "variable" into "quantitative". In Tao Yinghong’s subconscious, she hoped that her daughter would be as strong as the poetry she resisted in the car, and she could resist and even subdue the pervert.

  Beiqing Daily: What impact will the success of the film and television of Beginnings have on your future creation?

  Prayer Jun: First of all, it has strengthened my confidence in continuing to create "stories of ordinary people". Before I wrote the Kai series, my famous works, Mulan Without Eldest Brother and Everyone Loves Ma Wencai, were either emperors or princes, or geniuses and heroes. When I wrote the Kai series, I was in my thirties, and it was a transition period when I was thinking about what I could leave for the world. The Beginnings, the Lottery and the Opening of the Kai series were actually stories about how ordinary people broke the shackles and completed their self-growth. In fact, this theme is not the mainstream of online novels, and it lacks a sense of coolness. I have never known whether my "transformation" is valuable, and now I have at least taken a reassurance. Good works, in fact, the theme is not important, the most important thing is to tell a good story.

  Text/reporter Yang Wenjie

This is a popular science post! Tangyuan was called …

Chinanews. com client Beijing, February 15 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today, the Lantern Festival. At this time, glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao is a seasonal food that many people like.
Previously, "Tangyuan is understood by eating" was also posted on a hot search, and many people shared the methods of eating Tangyuan online: Tangyuan Baba, crispy chocolate Tangyuan … there are quite a few patterns.
Data Map: Laojie Tangyuan. Photo by Zhang Hengwei
As many people know, glutinous rice balls are a traditional snack. Its origin is very early, with rich fillings, which can be sweet, salty and vegetarian, and now there are various creative shapes and eating methods.
A Brief History of Tangyuan
The appearance is round and the entrance is sweet, which is the first impression of many people on glutinous rice balls.
Wang Juan, a folklore expert, said that there were many names for glutinous rice balls in ancient times.Such as cocoons, round corners, round balls, dumplings, pink fruits, etc.. This kind of food existed in the pre-Qin period.
Zhou Bida, a poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem "Boiling a Floating Yuanzi on the Lantern Festival", which mentioned that "the stars are in the dark clouds and the pearls are floating in the turbid water". Some people think that the "bead" in the poem refers to glutinous rice balls.
Interestingly, in the Qing Dynasty, Chen Zuolin once said in the "Local Records of Jinling Products", "Tangtuan is called Yuanxiao, and it is also named after the festival."
Data map: Tangyuan is made into a mahjong style. Photo by Chen Chao
"Ancient glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao are generally round with stuffing in the middle. In the traditional concept of China, there is a meaning of yin and yang wrapping and containing everything. Therefore, it is a seasonal food, symbolizing the change of seasons, especially yin and yang, and also praying for reunion." Wang Juan said.
Can be fried or boiled, sweet or salty.
The difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is mainly reflected in the practice. Yuanxiao is made by shaking, and the dumplings are wrapped.
Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty recorded the practice of radish dumplings and gouache dumplings in Suiyuan Food List. Among them, the radish glutinous rice balls are salty, and the practice is "the radish is shredded and boiled … and then burned with sesame oil. The soup can also be rolled. "
Some articles mentioned that the ancients ate Yuanxiao, and many fillings were "sweet", which were generally sugar mixed with chopped flowers, walnuts, melon seeds, sesame seeds and so on. In Qing Dynasty, there was a master named Ma Siyuan who made Yuanxiao, and he also made Yuanxiao with sweet-scented osmanthus, sugar and walnuts as fillings.
Fu Zeng, a poet in the Qing Dynasty, wrote in "Poems on Bamboo Branches in Shangyuan", "Sweet-scented osmanthus is filled with walnuts, and the rice is like a pearl well. See that Ma’s family is good at dropping powder, and try to sell Yuanxiao in the wind. "
As far as the production method is concerned, there are many methods such as frying, steaming and frying. Sometimes, the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crisp and delicious.
Data Map: Cartoon dumplings made. Li yanran
Do you know that this idiom is related to glutinous rice balls?
In addition to eating methods and practices, there are many interesting little knowledge about dumplings.
For example, there is an idiom "hollow glutinous rice balls", that is, glutinous rice balls without stuffing, which is a metaphor for a false name without real benefits or unfulfilled promises.
Now, there are many creative shapes that make people feel more novel. For example, the "Mahjong Tangyuan" that appeared earlier, the cartoon-shaped Tangyuan and so on. In addition, there are various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls such as strawberries, flowers and chocolates.
However, on the other hand, people like to eat glutinous rice balls, because they symbolize reunion and perfection, and they have a good wish for their future life. Therefore, its "heat" will never decrease. (End)

There’s a reason for playing billiards too badly. The exclusive cheats teach you how to clear the table with one shot.

"Source: Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences"
Whether table tennis is good or not depends on fate, and some people believe in "making great efforts to make miracles".
Some people think that through constant practice, they can naturally master those wonderful hitting angles and achieve perfection.
Do you know how hard I work?
But in fact, the way of hitting the ball and the trajectory of the table tennis game contain rich knowledge of mathematics and physics. This knowledge controls the trend of table tennis, and you can also become a master of table tennis by mastering these theoretical knowledge.
Essential knowledge 1: sine theorem
If we regard point A as a white ball, point B as a target ball and point C as a hole, how can we achieve the goal?
At this time, understanding the sine theorem can help you find the best goal plan. The formula of sine theorem is as follows:
In this formula, r is the radius of the circumscribed circle of the plane triangle ABC.
Essential knowledge 2: cosine theorem
Similarly, in any triangle in the above picture, the rational use of cosine theorem formula can also help you find the best scheme to hit the ball B into the hole C with the white ball A.
The cosine theorem is as follows:
Essential knowledge 3: reflection theorem
As shown in the above figure, red is the initial motion line of the ball, blue is the reflection line of the ball, the gray rectangle can be regarded as the edge library of the table, and the purple midline is the normal vector in the middle of the interface, so the following hypothetical figure can be obtained:
Through this reflection pattern hypothesis, we can better imagine the trajectory of the ball after hitting the library.
Essential knowledge 4: collision principle
① Frontal collision (completely elastic)
After the collision of two objects, the kinetic energy and momentum of the system are conserved, and there is no additional energy conversion.
The conclusion is:When the two balls have the same mass, the speed of the two balls will be exchanged after a completely elastic ideal frontal collision.
② frontal collision (totally inelastic)
Inelastic collision means that a part of the kinetic energy of objects is converted into internal energy before and after collision, while completely inelastic refers to converting kinetic energy into internal energy as much as possible, that is, two objects move at the same speed together.
③ Actual collision
The actual collision is a mixture of completely elastic and completely inelastic collision. If the velocity of the two balls is defined as V1,1, V2, 1 after a complete elastic collision; Before the collision, the speed of the two balls was V1,0, V2,0, and the recovery coefficient of the resin material used in billiards was k (the recovery coefficient of good materials was k≈1), so there were:
When k=0, it is completely inelastic collision, and when k=1, it is completely elastic collision. For an actual collision problem, the transformation of velocity and internal energy after two balls collide can be expressed by k, which is specifically expressed as:
In addition, it includes image vector decomposition; General situation and special situation of two-dimensional collision; Rigid body dynamics; Rotational inertia and rotational energy: rotational inertia of homogeneous sphere, law of rotation; Friction: a series of necessary knowledge points such as static friction, sliding friction and rolling friction …
Aiming technique
After a long and boring basic theoretical knowledge, you must be a patient and persevering table tennis enthusiast, and you also have the theoretical basis for learning more skills. Then if you want to master the secret of how to hit the ball in actual combat, aiming technology is the main content to be learned next.
I believe everyone understands a truth. When we observe an object, the closer it is to us, the bigger it will look. If it is farther away from us, it will look smaller. In fact, the actual size of the object has not changed. This is the so-called visual effect.
The visual effect will affect our judgment on the size of the cue ball, thus affecting our aiming angle.
So when we aim at close range, we will subjectively think that the ball looks big, while it looks small at a distance.
Then there are two problems that need to be discussed: first, the influence of the cue ball getting bigger on the thickness of the shot; Secondly, how much will the distance between the center of the cue ball and the goal point and the center of the target ball make the cue ball look bigger?
First of all, we will explain the impact of hitting thickness after the cue ball becomes bigger as shown in the above figure, which shows the maximum overlapping thickness of the two balls, the big gray circle is the size of the cue ball after it becomes bigger, the radius is, the small circle is the original size of the cue ball, the red ball is the size of the target ball, the radius is, and the maximum overlapping radius of the small gray circle and the red circle is, so there are:
The second question has the following explanation about the distance between the cue ball and each ball center. As shown in the above figure, D represents the distance between the cue ball and the goal point, and the distance D0 between the cue ball center and the target ball center, and the angles α and β, then the relationship between the variables can be obtained as follows:
Walking technique
Finally, let’s talk about the topic that everyone is most interested in, which is also the advanced skill of table tennis game-walking technique. Walking technology is to control the motion track of the cue ball by hitting different positions of the cue ball.
0:Center pole/fixed pole, ideally, the cue ball will only slide without any rotation.
1:High/heel/topspin, cue ball rotates forward, which has following effect after collision.
2:Low shot/shrinking shot/backspin ball, cue ball rotates backward and travels backward after collision.
3&4:Side plugs, 3 and 4 represent the left and right respectively, and the cue ball rotates to the right and left respectively after the shot, which can change the rebound angle of the cue ball after hitting the library.
5:Left plug, the effect is the superposition of high pole and left plug.
6:Upper right plug, the effect is the superposition of high pole and right plug.
7:Left lower plug, the effect is the superposition of low rod and left plug.
8:Lower right plug, the effect is the superposition of low rod and right plug.
A:Stearns followed, and the distance followed after the cue ball hit the target was shorter than that followed by the high pole.
C:Stern retreats, and the distance that the cue ball retreats after hitting the target is shorter than that of the low pole.
B&D:Stensey, the cue ball changes direction after hitting the target.
By hitting the above position of the cue ball, the corresponding cue ball movement effect can be achieved.
After learning so many high-end knowledge and formulas, let’s get rid of the old concept of "making great efforts to make miracles". Many people always keep the same strength to hit the ball, which is not desirable. The strength of hitting the ball should be changed at any time with different situations. This requires long-term practice to accurately grasp the strength of the shot that should be adopted at different angles.
The above is the explanation of the formula and technology related to this table tennis game. Dear table tennis lovers, remember the formula and practice hard. "Clear the table with one shot" is not a dream!
Audit: Zhu Guangsi, member of Beijing Popular Science Writers Association.
Reprinted content only represents the author’s point of view
Does not represent the position of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Source:Tadpole staff
Editor: Garrett