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This special fund was distributed before New Year’s Day, benefiting many enterprises.

Wu Han, a journalist with extreme eyes

Correspondent Wang Wei

The statistician of Hubei Shilixiang Liquor Co., Ltd. was very happy to receive the statistical subsidy before New Year’s Day. She thanked the relevant person in charge of Xujiapeng Street in Wuchang District, Wuhan. "We must cooperate with the street economic work well and realize the two-way trip together."

Before New Year’s Day, Xujiapeng Street distributed statistical subsidies to the "four-up" enterprises within its jurisdiction, and the Commissioner was responsible for distributing them to the personal accounts of enterprise statisticians.

Since the beginning of this year, Xujiapeng Street has built a high-quality and professional statistical team with proficient business, served enterprises with sincerity, and strived to optimize the business environment. Each community has identified a full-time and part-time statistician, who also serves as a community census instructor or enumerator when conducting various census work. Each enterprise has appointed a person in charge of statistics and equipped a full-time (part-time) statistician to fill in relevant statistical reports in time.

Street joint relevant units, community, enterprise statistical business training, strengthen the guidance of grassroots statisticians report, improve the accuracy of statistical data reporting, to ensure the authenticity of the source data. At the same time, publicize and support the policies and measures to help enterprises, understand the production and operation difficulties and statistical problems of enterprises, and make overall plans to do a good job in enterprise service.

(Source: Jimu News)

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Many foreign media paid attention to "Ukraine celebrated Christmas for the first time on December 25th", and Zelenski delivered a Christmas speech.

[Global Network Report] "Ukraine celebrated Christmas for the first time on December 25th." Many foreign media, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Qatar Al Jazeera, are concerned about Ukraine’s latest move on "de-russification".
According to the report, many Ukrainian Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate Christmas on December 25th instead of January 7th, the traditional Orthodox Church. Al Jazeera commented that this is the first time Ukraine has done this in a century, which means "breaking the Russian tradition".
Caption: On the 24th local time, Zelenski delivered a video screenshot of Christmas speech on social media. Source: Social Media X.
According to BBC, Ukrainian President Zelenski said in his Christmas speech on 24th that all Ukrainians are now united. "We celebrate Christmas together. On the same day, as a big family, as a nation, as a United country. " Zelenski said.
Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine has taken a series of measures to speed up "de-Russification". Buildings and monuments related to the Soviet Union and Russia were demolished in many places in Ukraine, and city streets were renamed after Ukrainian historical figures, artists, poets and soldiers. According to previous reports, in July this year, the website of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine said that Zelenski signed a law to adjust the official Christmas date of Ukraine from January 7th to December 25th.
With regard to a series of "de-Russification" moves in Ukraine, the website of Russian newspaper Izvestia reported that belik, a member of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, once said that various measures taken by the Ukrainian authorities were aimed at creating chaos and division among the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the people. The Wudang Bureau did not hesitate to abandon values and traditions in order to follow the West, which showed that it could betray people’s beliefs and interests for the support of the West. The Russian "news.ru" news network commented that the Ukrainian authorities have shown increasingly fierce provocation against Russia. In response to the rescheduling of Christmas, the branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) announced that it would not follow the bill signed by Zelenski. Climent, spokesman of UOC, said, "What can be guaranteed is that the vast majority of Ukrainians, regardless of their religion, will celebrate Christmas as before."

The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival

The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival, co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television General Station and Hainan Provincial People’s Government, will be held in Sanya, Hainan Province from December 16th to 22nd, 2023.
Hainan Island International Film Festival (in English: HainanIsland International Film Festival, abbreviated as HIIFF) aims at "year-round screening, island-wide screening, movie viewing by the whole people, and the whole industrial chain", helping Hainan Free Trade Port to improve its cultural soft power and efficiency. By gathering and allocating resources through film festivals, we will promote world film exchanges and cooperation and create a professional, market-oriented and international film festival.
Organizer: Hainan Provincial People’s Government, Central Radio and Television General Station.
People’s Daily (19th edition, December 14th, 2023)


On November 1st, in the final round of the second stage (Group B) of the Asian Women’s Football Qualifier for the Paris Olympic Games, China drew 1-1 with South Korea, and failed to advance to the Paris Olympic Games.

On November 1st, China coach Shui Qingxia (former) led the players to greet the audience after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong photo

On November 1st, China team player Wang Shanshan (right) struggled in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

On November 1st, China team player Zhang Linyan (second from left) broke through with the ball in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong photo

On November 1st, China team player Yang Lina cried after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

Source: Xinhua News Agency

From "Fashion Week" to "Fashion Week", how does Xiamen write the fashion industry in South China in ten years?

Fashion show was founded by Charles Worth at the end of the 19th century, which injected the concept of seasons into the fashion industry at that time and gradually evolved into the grand event of the four major fashion weeks in the world.

Under this historical background, China’s Shanghai and Xiamen began to rise as emerging forces in the fashion industry.

Fashion evolution: the integration of history and modernity

Fashion show has played an important role in the historical journey of fashion evolution.

From the concept of season in Charles Worth era to the grand occasion of the four major fashion weeks in the world today, the development of fashion week has witnessed the vigorous development of fashion industry.

The rise of China’s Shanghai and Xiamen in this historical process shows the new vitality and innovation of China’s fashion industry.

Xiamen Fashion Week: Sports and Technological Innovation

Xiamen has expanded the concept of fashion into a broader "fashion week" through International Fashion Week, and emphasized the upgrading and development of sports fashion industry.

This transformation not only shows the rise of fashion industry in southern China, but also highlights the characteristics and position of sports fashion in the market.

In particular, Xiamen Fashion Week is guided by scientific and technological innovation, which promotes the integration of sports fashion and new technology and leads the industrial development.

China Luxury Market: Global Leader

China’s fashion industry has become one of the largest luxury goods markets in the world.

Under this market background, the rise of Xiamen Fashion Week highlights the importance of China market to the fashion industry.

Its sports fashion industry driven by scientific and technological innovation shows the unique characteristics and potential of China market.

Industrial upgrading and integrated development

The upgrading and development of fashion industry needs constant innovation and integration.

The integration of scientific and technological innovation and sports fashion emphasized by Xiamen Fashion Week is an important direction.

This integration not only embodies the innovative consciousness of the industry, but also pays more attention to the demand of consumers for the combination of technology and fashion.

Future prospect and thinking

The development of fashion industry is inseparable from innovation and integration, and the future development direction will pay more attention to technology and consumer demand.

As an important member of the global fashion industry, China not only leads the global trend in the luxury goods market, but also continuously explores the technology and industrial upgrading.

The mode of integration of scientific and technological innovation and sports fashion embodied in Xiamen Fashion Week will become an important direction of future industrial development.

Summary view

The rise of China’s fashion industry has attracted worldwide attention.

The characteristics of Xiamen Fashion Week and the industrial development direction displayed by scientific and technological innovation provide new ideas and enlightenment for the whole industry.

In the future, the fashion industry needs to innovate constantly, pay attention to the integration of science and technology, and be closer to the needs of consumers in order to maintain the sustainable development and competitiveness of the industry.

Exercise can really lower blood pressure, and the research has been hammered! 3 kinds of exercise, especially suitable for patients with hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the most common metabolic diseases, and most patients suffer from it. On the one hand, it means taking medicine for a long time or even for life. On the other hand, in life, they need to regulate their own lives and adjust their daily behavior, and then they are subject to many restrictions.

However, in order to control blood pressure and stabilize the disease, these things have to be done, and they must be adhered to in order to get healthy. As for the methods of lowering blood pressure in daily life, most people will think of exercise, but few people know whether exercise can lower blood pressure and how to lower it.

Can exercise lower blood pressure? Look at the answers given by scientific research.

Here’s one for everyone first."reassuring":

Getting into the habit of exercise does have a stable antihypertensive effect.

according toAberdeen Thai university of dundee, UKThe comparative experiment conducted by the research group shows that conveningMore than 6000 elderly people with hypertension were treated.People, after a series of moderate and high-intensity exercises such as pedaling bicycles and jogging,Blood pressure dropped by about 9% on average..

According to the researchers’ further discovery, the tension of the autonomic nervous system is reduced due to the acceleration of metabolism during the exercise of the elderly.catecholamineThe amount of release is reduced, soBlood vessels will also expand reasonably.With the increase of vascular capacity, blood pressure naturally decreases.

Not only that, exercise can also make the bodyMuscle fibers thicken, which in turn makes blood vessels more elastic., can withstand the negative effects of hypertension and reduce the risk of complications.

It can be seen that exercise does have the effect of lowering blood pressure, but although exercise is good, it is not appropriate to take the wrong method, such asExcessive exercise, the choice is not suitable for their own physical fitness.Sports events, etc., on the contrary, it is easy for your bones and muscles to be consumed and worn, increasing injuries and hidden dangers of diseases.

Therefore, for friends who want to rely on exercise to lower their blood pressure, it is very important to choose their own exercise methods. Here are three kinds of exercises recommended, which are especially in line with the physiology and condition of patients with hypertension.

Want to lower blood pressure through exercise? Try these three kinds of exercise.

The first kind: running or jogging.

Running should be the simplest and most obvious exercise mode, as the mostClassic aerobic exerciseExercise intensity is moderate, and it can effectively enhance the body’s blood oxygen content, further improve blood quality, and play a better role in lowering blood pressure.

Of course, running also needs to pay attention to "degree". Generally speaking, patients with hypertensionRun about 1 km to 3 km every day.That is, greed is easy to burden knees and muscles.

The second type: light and moderate resistance exercise.

What is resistance movement? Simply put, it is a way of exercise that will impose a certain burden or oppression on the body, such asDumbbells, sandbags, push-ups, etc, all belong to the typical resistance movement mode.

However, some studies have found that proper resistance exercise canReduce the activity of vagus nerve in patients with hypertension,Down-regulating the sensitivity of peripheral sympathetic nerveTo reduce vascular resistance.Therefore, proper circulatory resistance training has also been written into the guidelines of the European Heart Association in 2020.

The third kind: cycling

Simply put, cycling is one of the typical endurance sports methods.Adjust the leg shape, strengthen the muscles and body shape., has a very good effect.

At the same time, cycling can also play a good role in lowering blood pressure. While riding a bicycle,Because of breathing and wind pressure,The frequency of oxygen we breathe will increase,Increased blood oxygen content. Therefore, the blood circulation in the heart will also be accelerated, which will strengthen the heart and maintain blood pressure.

Not only that, according to research, riding a bike often, justPrevent nerve aging and osteoporosisIt can also help.

To sum up, for patients with hypertension, it is absolutely right to exercise regularly. Choosing the exercise method that suits them best, arranging life plans scientifically and reasonably, controlling blood pressure and stabilizing their condition are actually things that are easy to grasp.


[1] Li Jian ‘an. Exercise and rehabilitation of senile essential hypertension [J]. practical geriatrics, 2001, 15(5):3.

[2] Fang Li, Wang Yejing, Fu Chaowei, et al. Qualitative research on influencing factors of long-term effect of hypertension exercise intervention [J]. China General Medicine, 2006, 9(15):3.

AFC publicly apologized and compensated China: Maintain the dignity of football!

Foreword of football world from a new perspective: Enthusiasm and order interweave. Welcome everyone to enter the football world. Here, we will discuss fairness, order and various stories behind football. I hope you can share this wonderful journey with me.

1. Controversial moment: What’s the meaning behind passion? In an Asian Games, a fierce confrontation between the China men’s soccer team and the Qatari team aroused widespread concern. In that game, the conflict between the two players not only increased the tension of the game, but also became the focus of media attention. In the end, although China successfully advanced, it also paid the price of players’ suspension and injury, and even suffered defeat in the follow-up matches. The AFC imposed a fine on this, and the issue of fine also caused many discussions outside.

2. Reflection on Asian football: Exploration of fairness and order Conflicts and disputes will not only affect the team’s performance, but also affect the fans’ enthusiasm for football. In order to ensure the fairness and order of the game, the Asian football community needs to reflect deeply and take corresponding measures. At the same time, the players should also show a more professional and disciplined attitude on the court to bring more exciting games to the fans.

3. Redefining Fairness: The Choice and Challenge of AFC Recently, AFC cancelled the qualification of direct promotion to the World Cup qualifiers, which caused widespread controversy. Some people think that this decision is more conducive to strong teams, while ignoring those teams affected by various reasons such as the epidemic. Fairness is not only a reflection of achievements, but also various factors behind it need to be fully considered.

4. The charm of football: not only competitive football is not only a competition, but also the intersection of emotions, enthusiasm and dreams. On this pitch, every player is fighting for honor and dreams. As fans, we should understand and support them. Conclusion: enthusiasm in order, order in enthusiasm In the world of football, enthusiasm and order are not contradictory. Every game is an exploration of fairness, discipline and enthusiasm. Let’s look forward to more exciting football.

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

On October 31st, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University team beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

↑ The starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game.

↑ Beijing Normal University team players celebrate the championship.

Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal.

Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game.

Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competes with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University.

Photography: Lai Jincai

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Microsoft executives revealed that GPT-4 will be launched next week as a multimodal model with video.

According to The Paper, on March 9th, local time, AndreasBraun, chief technology officer of Microsoft German Company, revealed, "We will launch GPT-4 next week, which will be a multi-modal model and provide completely different possibilities-such as video." According to the German science and technology media heise Online, Braun called LLM(LargeLanguageModel) a "game changer". They taught machines to understand natural languages, and then the machines statistically understood what was previously only read and understood by humans. At the same time, this technology has developed to be basically "applicable to all languages", which means "you can ask questions in German and get answers in Italian. With multimodal, Microsoft (and OpenAI) will make the model comprehensive. " Earlier, IT was reported that Microsoft AzureOpenAI service launched ChatGPT preview IT House on March 10th. At the Build2022 conference, Microsoft launched AzureOpenAI preview service, which provided customers with a way to use some of the most advanced AI language models in various use cases. Earlier this year, Microsoft officially launched AzureOpenAI service, and will access OpenAI model in several product lines. With AzureOpenAI service, Azure Global Enterprise customers can directly call OpenAI model.Including GPT-3, Codex and DALL.E models, and enjoy the trusted enterprise-level services of Azure and the infrastructure optimized for artificial intelligence. And promised that ChatGPT for enterprise users will soon be launched in the global version of Azure. Now, Microsoft has fulfilled its promise and launched the ChatGPT preview service in AzureOpenAI service, enabling developers to take advantage of various AI-driven scenarios. Through AzureChatGPT, we can now enhance the existing chat bot experience to get more efficient customer support and better claim processing automation. In addition, Azure cognitive services can be combined with AzureOpenAI services in a powerful way, such as knowledge-based retrieval of the company’s own data, and more "credible" responses to build and improve interaction patterns. Microsoft focuses on various customers who will use chat bots in AzureOpenAI service, including OfficeDepot, Singapore Smart National Digital Government Office and Icertis. CarlBrisco, vice president of office products and technology of Odie, commented on the company’s interest in using ChatGPT in this way, and pointed out: "OfficeDepot(ODP)Corporation is very happy to take advantage of the powerful ChatGPTAI technology in AzureOpenAI service, which is possible through our cooperation with Microsoft.This technology will help [OfficeDepotCorporation] to promote the continuous transformation of business more effectively, explore new possibilities, and design innovative solutions to provide greater value for our customers, partners and colleagues. […] By using ChatGPT’s natural language processing and machine learning functions, [OfficeDepotCorporation] aims to simplify its internal operations and promote business success. Microsoft AzureOpenAI service customers can start using ChatGPT today, but the billing will start on March 13th, and the price will be 0.002 USD/1 kTokens (Note of IT House: it is equivalent to 2.7 USD per output of 1 million words, Note of IT House: it is about RMB in 19 yuan at present). Interested users can click here for more information and gain access to AzureOpenAI service here.

Cloud giant Salesforce is introducing ChatGPT function.

KlipC reports: With the global explosion of ChatGPT, American cloud service giant Salesforce has also set foot on the last bus of this storm. It is reported that Salesforce, the world’s largest CRM software service provider, launched a $250 million (about 1.74 billion yuan) venture capital investment fund on Tuesday local time, aiming at generative artificial intelligence start-ups.

According to Salesforce, the company will integrate artificial intelligence technology into the new version of software products to help enterprise personnel complete their jobs efficiently. The target customers are startups that are developing technologies similar to ChatGPT, which can be used with their commercial software applications.

According to informed sources, Salesforce began to cooperate with OpenAI’s language model team more than a year ago, but the recent popularity of this technology in the industry has prompted the company to advance its timetable and let customers enjoy some black technology as soon as possible.

Andi Duan, a partner of KlipC, said: "Since the advent of ChatGPT, there has been a storm in the technology industry. Many top technology companies have used people’s interest in generative artificial intelligence technology to launch new products. This trace once again shows that AI assistants will become ubiquitous in daily life."

However, the text generated by OpenAI’s generative artificial intelligence technology may contain wrong information. For solving such problems, Salesforce has taken several measures to avoid misleading users. For example, users still need to edit and modify answers, and Salesforce also limits the range of inventory information used to generate answers.

Wall Street analysts said in an interview with KlipC: "ChatGPT’s AI competition has recently been launched all over the world, including many top technology companies such as Microsoft, Google and Meta. With the upsurge of people’s interest in generative AI technology, the issue of moral safety has also caused controversy, and the current chat bots and language models are not mature, which has also made many related manufacturers and enterprises adopt a more cautious attitude."