标签归档 西安品茶资源

Kunming: Fireworks and firecrackers are on sale in the Spring Festival of 2024.

  On January 30th, fireworks and firecrackers started to be sold in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas of Kunming in the Spring Festival of 2024, and the retail outlets of fireworks and firecrackers in various urban areas opened their doors one after another.

  On January 31, the reporter went to the fireworks and firecrackers retail point at the intersection of Yuyang Road and Yupu Road in Dianchi Resort. The sales staff were wearing special protective clothing "pure cotton flame retardant clothing" and were busy placing and selling goods in the sales warehouse. Although it was morning, many citizens had come to inquire and buy. "Our retail store has an area of more than 20 square meters, and according to the relevant regulations, it can hold up to 140 fireworks and firecrackers," the salesperson said. "We have more than 200 kinds of fireworks and firecrackers, and only one third of them are placed today. Later, we will pick up the goods from the warehouse according to the sales situation."

  According to the requirements of Kunming Emergency Bureau, all 304 retail outlets in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas in Kunming use explosion-proof warehouses for sales, and all of them have installed video surveillance systems to implement 24-hour monitoring. There are signs on the stalls in all retail outlets that "it is forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers within 80 meters around the point of sale". The fireworks and firecrackers safety commitment letter and business license and other related documents are posted on the walls of the store, and fire extinguishers, buckets and other fire-fighting facilities are placed outside the store. Through layer-by-layer protection, the awareness of fireworks and firecrackers’ business safety and law-abiding and emergency handling ability are effectively enhanced, and fireworks and firecrackers are strictly "safely closed".

  According to the "Management Measures for Fireworks and Firecrackers in Kunming", the operation and discharge time of the Spring Festival in 2024 in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas in Kunming is from the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month to the fifteenth day of the first month, that is, from January 30 to February 24, for a total of 26 days.

  Yunnan net reporter Hu Yuya’s photo report

"Stability" is still the key word of the real estate market (Rui Caijing)

  On September 17th, the National Bureau of Statistics released the statistical data of the changes in the sales prices of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities in August this year. In August, the prices of new commercial housing in 55 cities rose month-on-month, 5 cities less than that in July. The picture shows a real estate for sale in Rugao, Nantong, Jiangsu. Photo by Wu Shujian (People’s Vision)

  On September 17, the National Bureau of Statistics released statistics on the changes in the sales prices of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities in August 2019. Overall, in the month of August, whether it was new commercial housing or second-hand housing, the cities with rising prices were 55 cities and 43 cities respectively, and the number dropped significantly compared with last month. Analysts pointed out that although the traditional sales season of "Golden September and Silver 10" is approaching, the overall stable situation of the local property market has continued, which on the one hand reflects the effect of regulatory policies, and on the other hand reflects that the positioning of "houses are used for living, not for speculation" is profoundly changing the development pattern of the real estate market.

  The overall situation continued to be stable.

  According to Peng Kong, chief statistician of the Urban Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, according to preliminary calculations, the sales prices of new commercial housing in four first-tier cities increased by 0.3% month-on-month, which was the same as last month, with Beijing rising by 0.5%, Shanghai rising by 0.3% and Guangzhou and Shenzhen both rising by 0.2%; It rose by 4.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 0.1 percentage point from last month. The sales price of second-hand houses was flat month-on-month, rising by 0.3% last month, of which Beijing fell by 0.4%, Shanghai and Guangzhou were flat, and Shenzhen rose by 0.2%; It fell by 0.2% year-on-year, which was the first decline since June last year. The sales prices of new commercial housing and second-hand housing in 31 second-tier cities increased by 0.5% and 0.2% respectively from the previous month, and the growth rate dropped by 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. It rose by 9.9% and 5.5% respectively year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 0.8 and 1.2 percentage points respectively from last month.

  At the same time, in August, the sales price of new commercial housing in 35 third-tier cities rose by 0.7% month-on-month, the same as last month; It rose by 9.0% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 1.2 percentage points from last month. The sales price of second-hand houses increased by 0.8% month-on-month, with an increase of 0.1 percentage point over the previous month; It rose by 5.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 1.3 percentage points from last month.

  According to Yan Yuejin, the research director of the think tank center of Yiju Research Institute, due to the recent cooling of the housing transaction market, the tightening of the real estate financing environment, and the tightening of the funds in place for housing enterprises, housing enterprises in various places have taken the initiative to reduce prices and promote sales, which has led to a narrowing of the growth rate of the housing price index in 70 cities across the country. At present, the property market is entering a cooling channel, especially in second-tier cities, which has a positive effect on stabilizing housing prices in second-tier cities and preventing real estate speculation by borrowing talents from all over the world.

  The policy supports "housing and not speculation"

  The real estate market continues to remain stable, which is inseparable from the strict control of policies. Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that from the central bank to China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the risk control of real estate finance has been intensively strengthened, and various financing channels from real estate mortgage to housing enterprises have been tightened to varying degrees.

  The central bank recently reformed and improved the formation mechanism of the loan market quotation rate (LPR) to further reduce the financing cost of the real economy. In this process, in order to resolutely implement the positioning of "houses are used for living, not for speculation" and the long-term management mechanism of the real estate market, ensure the effective implementation of the regional differentiated housing credit policy, and keep the interest rate of individual housing loans basically stable, the central bank has simultaneously adopted "the shortest repricing period is one year", "the interest rate of commercial housing purchase loans shall not be lower than the quoted market interest rate of the corresponding term loans plus 60 basis points" and "the interest rate of two sets of commercial individual housing loans shall not be lower than the quoted market interest rate of the corresponding term loans plus 60 basis points".

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that it will speed up the promotion of housing security legislation, clarify the top-level design and basic institutional framework of housing security at the national level, consolidate the responsibility of housing security at all levels of government, and provide a legal basis for regulating the access and use of affordable housing.

  "In recent years, the whole society has become more and more deeply aware of the return of real estate to residential properties, and the intensity and resilience of real estate regulation and control policies have become greater and greater. Recently, while releasing funds to reduce the financing cost of the real economy, the financial authorities have also made structural arrangements specifically to avoid capital flowing into the real estate market. It can be said that the persistence of real estate control policies and the establishment of a long-term mechanism are playing an increasingly obvious role. " Yi Cong, a professor at the School of Economics of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, said in an interview with this reporter.

  Take the initiative to get rid of "real estate dependence"

  At the recent press conference held by the State Council, Shen Xiaoming, Governor of Hainan Province, said that for a long time, Hainan’s real estate accounted for about 50% of investment and 50% of tax revenue, and its economy relied heavily on real estate. However, real estate needs land, which will increase the environmental load, while Hainan’s land resources are getting less and less, and the environmental load also has a "ceiling". Therefore, economic development cannot be sustained by real estate.

  “1— In August, under the background that the real estate sales area decreased by 52%, the real estate sales decreased by 50%, and the national tax reduction and fee reduction, the regional GDP of the whole province increased by 5.4%, and there was no economic ups and downs caused by real estate regulation. It is expected that by the end of the first quarter of next year, the downward pressure on the economy caused by the downward adjustment of old kinetic energy will be basically released, and the dividends generated by new kinetic energy will gradually accumulate. Therefore, we expect Hainan’s economy to enter a benign and rapid development track at the end of the first quarter of next year. " Shen Xiaoming said.

  Yi Cong said that adhering to the regulation policy of the real estate market and ensuring the healthy development of the real estate market is not to stop developing the real estate industry, but to make the real estate development and the development of the real economy complement each other and provide support for people to live and work in peace and contentment, entrepreneurship and innovation.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that the demand caused by the demolition of old houses, the influx of new population and the shrinking of families is normal, and the subsequent demand will be affected if more demand is released in the short term. Deng Yusong predicted that the situation of concentrated demand release and hot sales in small and medium-sized cities like in the past two years could not last for a long time.

In July, production and sales increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12th Title: Production and sales in July increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xinxin

  According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently, in July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 805,000 and 780,000 respectively, up by 30.6% and 31.6% respectively, and the market share reached 32.7%.

  Industry experts said that with the support of a series of policies such as excellent supply and consumption promotion, new energy vehicles continued to develop well and supporting facilities were constantly improved. The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles has increased, the technology has been continuously improved, the innovation vitality of enterprises has been further stimulated, and the high-quality development of the industry has been continuously promoted.

  Lantu Automobile recently released brand delivery data, and delivered a total of 3,412 new cars in July, up 90% year-on-year and 13% quarter-on-quarter. Stepping up to 3,000 steps for five consecutive months, "Lan Tu Speed" has the strength of brand’s continuous accumulation, as well as the expanding market scale and comprehensive industrial competitiveness of new energy vehicles. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu, told reporters that Lantu Automobile has entered a stage of steady growth in sales, and the newly upgraded new Lantu FREE will be listed soon. While constantly exploring the domestic market, the brand is also actively deploying "going out". In the third quarter of this year, it will be officially launched in the Nordic markets such as Finland.

  On July 11th, 2023, at Taicang Port International Container Terminal in Jiangsu Province, a batch of new energy vehicles will be exported by special frame transportation (panoramic photo of unmanned aerial vehicle). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Ji Haixin)

  Since the beginning of this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has galloped all the way. From January to July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles totaled 4.591 million and 4.526 million, up 40% and 41.7% respectively.

  Recently, policies to support automobile development have been launched intensively. China has made it clear that the vehicle purchase tax reduction policy for new energy vehicles will be extended to the end of 2027; The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments, formulated "Several Measures for Promoting Automobile Consumption"; The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has clearly stepped up the formulation and implementation of the work plan for the steady growth of key industries such as automobiles … …

  "Support measures from both ends of supply and demand further boost market confidence and stabilize industrial development." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, said that with the implementation of the new round of automobile consumption promotion policy, the consumption potential of automobiles, especially new energy vehicles, is expected to be further released, which will help the industry achieve the goal of steady growth throughout the year.

  Market expansion drives industrial chain innovation. At the end of June, Dongfeng Weifu distributed wheel drive passenger car started long-term test, adopting pure electric four-wheel drive, high integration technology of wheel motor and controller. Compared with the traditional drive configuration, the whole vehicle accelerated by 42% in 100 kilometers.

  You Zheng, deputy general manager of Dongfeng Company, told the reporter that Dongfeng has continued to promote electrification and intelligent technology across the board, and has achieved independent control in the three power systems and completed the industrial layout. Focusing on intelligence, we have independently created a new generation of centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture. Relying on technology brands Hydrogen Boat, we will continue to promote the development of hydrogen power. "We will make efforts to fill the shortcomings, seize the new track of intelligent network connection, and use new technologies and new products to build the competitive advantage of new energy intelligent network connection vehicles".

  "In the past, competition relied on special technology. Today, it depends more on ‘ Chain ’ 。” Xu Jun, senior vice president of Zero Run Automobile, said that consolidating and expanding the advantages of industrial chain by relying on integrated innovation is very important for new energy vehicles to achieve "leading" in the future. The industry is also stepping up its efforts, and collaborative innovation modes such as host manufacturers, component manufacturers, software companies and scientific research institutes have become the mainstream.

  The supporting system will be improved to lay a solid foundation for industrial development. According to the data released by China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, as of July 2023, the member units in the alliance reported a total of 2.211 million public charging piles.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Transport, by the end of June, 5931 expressway service areas had built charging facilities, accounting for 89.48% of the total number of expressway service areas in China. The next step will be to further optimize and improve the service charging infrastructure network along the highway in accordance with the principle of "moderate advance".

  Shandong introduced measures from the aspects of charging infrastructure construction and time-of-use electricity price of residential charging piles, and Shenzhen issued the Three-year Action Plan (2023-2025) for Shenzhen to accelerate the construction of a new generation of world-class automobile city … … All localities have launched pragmatic measures according to local conditions to "escort" the development of new energy vehicles.

  Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments have revised the current Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points, adjusted the calculation method of new energy vehicle points, and established a flexible trading mechanism of points to further help the industrial development.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of National Vehicle Networking Industry Standard System (Intelligent Networked Vehicles) (2023 Edition)" was recently issued to provide the vehicle networking industry with a more complete framework, more comprehensive content and clearer logic.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it will guide the industry to be electrified, intelligent and networked through standards, and further enhance the development momentum of the automobile industry. At the same time, it will support key large enterprises to take the lead, large, medium and small enterprises to participate, carry out cross-industry and cross-domain collaborative innovation, accelerate the research and development, popularization and application of new technologies and new products such as high-precision sensors and operating systems, support the development of high-security climate power batteries, heat pump air conditioning, vehicle thermal management and other technical research, and provide policy assistance for the high-quality development of new energy vehicles.

On the first day of golf swing in Hangzhou Asian Games, Zhuzhou Yazi Chen Guxin temporarily ranked fourth.

On the first day of the competition, Chen Guxin handed in a score of 63 under par 9. This article photography/Fu Huanyu
Red Net News September 28th(Reporter Fu Yuyu) On the morning of September 28th, the golf project of Hangzhou Asian Games was held at Hangzhou West Lake International Golf Course. Chen Guxin, a 20-year-old from Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, ranked fourth among all the athletes in the first round with a score of 63 under par 9. In addition, Chen Guxin also participated in the team competition with national team teammates Ding Wenyi and Wu Ashun.
Chen Guxin pushed the ball steadily to the hole.
After the game, in an interview with the Red Net sports reporter, Chen Guxin gave a satisfactory score for his performance on the first day. "When I first came up, I was still a little nervous and didn’t let go completely, so I made some mistakes. Fortunately, I played my state bit by bit and seized many good opportunities."
Chen Guxin (right) and Karin Hitsh Josh (left) communicate in the competition.
Although it is the first time to participate in the Asian Games, Chen Guxin is no stranger to Hangzhou West Lake International Golf Course. This year, Chen Guxin won the runner-up in the "Charming Hangzhou" West Lake International Golf Open. Zhang Yubin, a South Korean athlete, and Karin Hitsh Josh, an Indian athlete in the same group, are also old rivals that Chen Guxin has encountered many times in the Asian Tour, and they have a good relationship with each other. During the competition, the three people often joke in English to cheer each other up.
On the first day of the competition, Chen Guxin (middle) competed with South Korean athlete Zhang Yubin (right) and Indian athlete Karin Hitsh Josh (left).
The golf competition will last from September 28th to October 1st, and 18 holes will be played every day, and individual and team champions will be produced with the final result of four days. Chen Guxin said that he would relax, enjoy this rare trip to the Asian Games and strive for good results.
Chen Guxin swung vigorously to kick off.
"I also want to thank my hometown elders for their care and support, and my leaders, coaches and teammates in Hunan. I will fight for China and Hunan in the Asian Games." Chen Guxin said.
Red Net Sports supported by Xiangjiao Liquor Industry reported from the front.

TCL and NFL, the top sports league, surprised the world with a giant rugby helmet in the second year.

The historic moment has come. How can TCL, which represents the "scientific strength of China", lead China’s science and technology to the world?

On January 12th, CES2024, known as "Science and Technology Spring Festival Evening", came to an end. The exhibition brings together global technology giants, attracting more than 4,000 exhibitors and more than 1,200 startup companies.

Among them, TCL, as the world’s leading intelligent terminal enterprise, appeared at CES with a brand-new "dare to act" attitude. TCL’s overall exhibition area covers an area of nearly 1,700 square meters, making it the most famous brand in China, exhibiting more than 120 innovative products and top technologies, showing its C-style. During CES, TCL also invited NFL Hall of Fame star Charles Woodson to help out by airborne, and interacted with the audience at zero distance, which narrowed the distance between brands and consumers.

This is the second year for TCL to join hands with NFL, the world’s top sports league.

NFL is the highest-level sports league in American football, and its annual feast "Super Bowl" is known as "American Spring Bowl", which is the most popular sports event in the United States today. The 57th Super Bowl attracted about 113 million spectators around the world. As a professional sports league based on American native sports, after a hundred years of development, its influence has long been not limited to the American domestic market, but also has become the first echelon sports event with global attention, occupying the chief place of the world sports league, which coincides with the development of TCL.

Since 1999, TCL has set up 32 manufacturing bases in Vietnam, Mexico and other places through TCL Industry and TCL Technology, and 46 R&D centers in Poland, the United States and other places. TCL products have maintained a high market share in developed countries including Europe and America.

In addition to the leading scientific and technological strength and the influence of brand globalization, it is highly recognized by the NFL, and it may be that both sides dare to resonate with each other.

Driven by the spirit of courage, TCL and NFL have done a great thing.

In 2024, TCL joined hands with NFL to light up the new landmark of Las Vegas — — Sphere is the world’s largest giant ball, TCL’s highly recognizable brand LOGO and NFL’s iconic giant football helmet shine in the night sky in Las Vegas, showing the extraordinary elegance of China brand to the world with unparalleled visual feast, and further demonstrating TCL’s brand technology hard power of "dare to be extraordinary" to the world.

TCL has developed from a small company producing magnetic tapes into a globally competitive intelligent technology industry group. Through TCL Industry and TCL Technology, three core industries, namely intelligent terminal, semiconductor display and new energy photovoltaic, have been widely recognized internationally.

Pay tribute to the past and move forward for the future. As one of the earliest China enterprises to go international, TCL has always practiced the concept of "globalization is localization" and achieved remarkable commercial success in overseas markets. In addition to constantly improving its overseas localization management ability, it continues to provide users with the best products and solutions, and it also benefits from its continuous exploration and investment in global brand building.

On the road of globalization, TCL continues to lay out the world’s top IP, giving the brand a strong sports gene. Up to now, TCL has more than 40 global cooperation IPs, covering rugby, football, basketball, e-sports and other sports fields. In addition to the NFL of the United States, there are also top-level global sports IPs such as the Libertadores Cup, FIBA, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Germany and Arsenal Football Club. These cooperation has become a distinctive symbol of TCL’s layout of international sports venues.

In addition to official cooperation with the NFL, TCL has also reached a partnership with three super-popular NFL teams, namely Los Angeles Lightning, Seattle Seahawks and Atlanta Falcons. Not only that, TCL also invited Justin Herbert, the quarterback of the Los Angeles Lightning Team, as the brand ambassador of TCL North America. This move will continue to help TCL establish closer emotional ties with local fans, so that more consumers can feel the charm of TCL’s cutting-edge technology, and it will also promote TCL to lay a powerful battle in the development of global sports.

In February this year, the Super Bowl, the NFL’s most important competition, is about to open, when TCL will once again make a heavy appearance, leading the new era of China brand’s overseas rise, letting the world once again see the strength and influence of China technology, and continuing to write a new chapter of "Dare to be Extraordinary" in the global market.

[National Fitness Day] @ Skiers don’t fall into these misunderstandings!

With the approach of the Winter Olympics, the public’s interest in ice and snow sports is increasing day by day. Among them, as a popular sport of ice and snow, skiing has gained a lot of fans. "Many people want to come to the ski resort to experience it now, and the number of skiers suddenly shows an bursting state." Zhao Yue, head coach of Beijing Lianhuashan Ski Resort, told Guangming. com.

People’s high interest in skiing is certainly worthy of recognition, but there are still some cognitive misunderstandings. On the occasion of National Fitness Day, come and recognize these misunderstandings of skiing!

Children experience the pleasure of skiing. (Sun Kaifang/photo)

Myth 1: Skiing can only be carried out in northern winter.

Some people think that skiing has high requirements for time and place, and it needs to go to the northern cities in winter.

[Coach dispels doubts]

In this regard, Zhao Yue said that skiing has already broken the boundaries between time and space. Many southern cities have also built ice and snow venues, and people can enjoy skiing at home. Skiing is no longer just a winter sport. In hot summer, people can also choose to ski in indoor ski resorts, which is cool and healthy.

In addition, there are ski simulators in clubs in many big cities. "It’s similar to normal skiing, but the location has changed from snow to machine." Zhao Yue said that there is a 5× 10m field in the middle of the ski simulator, on which there is an upward rolling conveyor belt, and people can put on snowshoes and skis to slide on it. The special material on the conveyor belt can give participants a feeling of skiing, but the sliding speed will be slower, which is suitable for beginners.

Myth 2: Skiing threshold is high.

Many people think that skiing is a difficult sport and requires participants to have a high foundation. In addition, some people think that skiing is a "money-burning" sport, and whether it is skiing tickets or skiing equipment, it is not a small expense. Is the threshold for skiing really so high?

[Coach dispels doubts]

"In fact, this is not the case." Zhao Yue said that there are two main restrictions on skiers, one is their age and the other is their health. The ski resort stipulates that children under 4 years old are not allowed to ski, and older people should judge whether they are suitable for skiing according to their physical condition. Under normal circumstances, people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are not recommended to ski. If skiers have had ligament tears and fractures before, it depends on their recovery before judging whether they can ski.

Regarding the skiing cost, Zhao Yue took Beijing Lianhuashan Ski Resort as an example and calculated an account for the reporter. On weekdays, the price of a 4-hour ski ticket for one person is -108 yuan in 88 yuan, and the total cost will play a role in 150 yuan. It can be seen that skiing is not as expensive as you think. Zhao Yue suggested that the public can give priority to some small and medium-sized ski resorts when they experience skiing. "The prices of small and medium-sized ski resorts are usually lower. Beginners generally start to experience from the primary ski slopes. The slopes of the primary ski slopes of each ski resort are basically the same."

Myth 3: Short people are more suitable for learning skiing.

During skiing, it is very important for participants to control the center of gravity. There is a saying that the lower the center of gravity, the easier the skiing process is to control, so does it mean that short people are more suitable for learning skiing?

[Coach dispels doubts]

Zhao Yue said that this statement is not very accurate. To be precise, short people will learn to ski faster. Because short people have low center of gravity, it is easier to grasp the center of gravity in the process of learning skiing; Tall people, on the other hand, have a high center of gravity and are easy to swing back and forth, so they will be slower in mastering balance. "It can only be said that the level of the center of gravity has a certain impact on learning efficiency, but it does not mean that the learning effect is good or bad."

For this reason, Zhao Yue suggested that skiing should start with children. "Children are short, so it is easier to master skiing skills.".

Myth 4: People with poor balance should avoid learning skiing.

Many people who think they have a poor sense of balance are full of fear of skiing. So, can people with poor balance learn to ski?

[Coach dispels doubts]

Zhao Yue said that the sense of balance is not a factor that restricts people from learning to ski. "People with poor balance just learn to ski more slowly, but once they learn it, they won’t forget it." Zhao Yue said that skiing is a skill-based sport, just like riding a bicycle. It may be a little unfamiliar without contact for a long time, but with a little practice, you can get your feeling back.

Zhao Yue suggested that beginners with poor balance should give priority to snowboarding. "Getting started with two boards will be relatively simple, because the two feet are fixed on two boards respectively, and beginners will be more confident in maintaining balance."

Myth 5: When skiing, snow goggles is dispensable.

Many people don’t wear snow goggles when skiing, especially some friends who wear glasses. They think it’s more troublesome to wear a snow goggles outside their glasses. So, is snow goggles dispensable when skiing?

[Coach dispels doubts]

Zhao Yue said that the snow goggles is as necessary as the helmet in skiing. Snow goggles has two functions, one is to prevent the damage to the eyes caused by sunlight reflected from the snow surface, and the other is to prevent the stimulation of the eyes caused by the wind during sliding. "If it is cloudy, people can slide on the primary road without wearing snow goggles." Zhao Yue said.

In addition, Zhao Yue reminded that sunscreen is also very important for skiers who participate in outdoor skiing. It is suggested that skiers wear sunscreen every two hours to prevent ultraviolet rays from burning their skin.

(Guangming. com reporter zhangqian)

Source: Guangming Net

Sanjiang, Guangxi: Tea-growing Area Becomes Scenic Area, and Tea Mountain Becomes "Jinshan"

Tourists experience tea making in fairy mountain Tea Garden, Buyang Village, Bajiang Town, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County.
At the beginning of the new year, in Buyang Village, Bajiang Town, northwest of Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, Guangxi, the clumps of tea are green and dripping under the warm sun, and tourists and villagers walk through the mountains, setting off each other with Dong Village and Gallery Pavilion, which is beautiful.
Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, located at the junction of Guangxi, Hunan and Guizhou provinces, has a superior natural environment, and is internationally recognized as a "golden tea-producing area". Its latitude and unique climatic conditions have given birth to "the first tea in early spring in China"-Sanjiang early spring tea. In recent years, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County has adhered to the development strategy of "establishing the county by ecology and enriching the people through tourism", grasped the advantages of cultural resources and regarded the development of rural tourism as an important support to promote rural revitalization.
In the past, Buyang village was once a well-known poor village. "In the past, we used to have the saying that’ the mountains and waters are far away from Buyang Village, and there are women who don’t marry Buyang Lang’." Wu Ronghua, a villager in Buyang Village, told reporters that the village was relatively backward in the past, and now the tea industry in the village has developed. In addition to planting tea, tourism has become an important source of income for villagers.
It is understood that the tea garden in Buyang Village covers an area of more than 3,900 mu. In 2015, Buyang Village established a modern characteristic agriculture (core) demonstration zone in Guangxi, and the infrastructure in the village has been continuously improved, and the quality of tea has also been improved. At the same time, Buyang Village innovatively carried out the "three changes" reform of changing resources into assets, farmers into shareholders, and funds into shares, allowing villagers to invest in natural resources, land and cash, relying on more than 3,900 mu of ecological tea gardens in the village to successfully build a national 4A-level tourist attraction, and developing tea garden sightseeing, tea garden research, tea garden homestay and other special tourism projects, so as to turn tea gardens into parks, tea areas into scenic spots and tea hills into "golden mountains", and drive villagers out of it.
At present, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County has 490 tea processing entities (cooperatives, family farms and companies), 18 key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization at or above the municipal level, 5 key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization at the district level, and 3 core demonstration areas of tea agricultural industry at or above the three-star level in the autonomous region. There are 317 registered tea trademarks and 300,000 tea growers and tea makers. The tea industry has covered 162 villages in the county, and 98 poverty-stricken villages in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County have achieved full coverage of the tea industry, which not only provides solid industrial support for poverty alleviation, but also gives new momentum to rural revitalization. As a typical representative, Buyang Village, in order to further accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the tea industry and vigorously promote the scale, industrialization and brand development of the tea industry, has formed a whole industrial chain integrating seedling raising, planting, management, picking, processing and sales, and registered tea brands such as Buyang.
In 2018, Buyang Village successfully established a national 4A-level tourist scenic spot, Buyang fairy mountain Scenic Spot, relying on ecological tea gardens. There are many scenic spots in the scenic area, such as Four Seasons Red Maple Forest, fairy mountain Dong Village, Hongjun Road, Xianren Ancient Tea Garden, Tea Bathing Camping Area, etc. The Dong folk culture and tea tour cultural performances and tourism projects such as watching the sunrise in tea gardens, tea-picking experience, a hundred banquets, Dong songs, and Lusheng stepping on the hall are deeply favored by tourists, allowing tourists to enjoy the fun of tea picking, making and tasting, and at the same time deeply feel the rich connotation of Dong excellent traditional culture, forming an ecological, sightseeing and tourism collection.
"There are many tourists who have come to eat and stay here these days on New Year’s Day, and their income has doubled compared with the same period last year." On January 3rd, Xie Hui, the owner of Aichashi Hotel in Buyang Village, said that the bonus brought by the development of rural tourism in Buyang Village was hard to hide. "We also bring goods through live broadcast and sell tea online, which can earn more than 300,000 yuan a year."
Nowadays, Buyang Village has become a well-known punching point in online celebrity. Every holiday, tourists come to Buyang in an endless stream, and tea is very popular. "Now there are 15 homestays and 11 farmhouse restaurants in the village, and the facilities around the tea garden are perfect, which can basically meet the needs of tourists to eat, live and travel." Xie Xunting, secretary of the General Party Branch of Buyang Village and director of the village committee, told the reporter that from 2018 to 2022, the cumulative number of tourists in Buyang fairy mountain Scenic Area reached more than 2 million, and the total tourism revenue reached more than 70 million yuan. (Reporter of the newspaper in Guangxi Binyang correspondent Mo Qu)
Source: China Culture News.

Awesome! These five people will go to Lyon, France to compete in the World Skills Competition.

Recently, the State Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the List of Leaders of the Technical Guidance Expert Group of China in the 47th World Skills Competition and the Notice on the List of China Training Teams in the 47th World Skills Competition.

Among them, Zhao Changheng, a professor at the School of Life and Environment of Huangshan University, was selected as the leader of the China Technical Guidance Expert Group for the Horticulture Project of the 47th World Skills Competition, and Liu Yuanyuan, an associate professor at the Art College, was selected as the leader of the China Technical Guidance Expert Group for the Paint and Decoration Project of the 47th World Skills Competition.

Students from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences of Huangshan University, Yan Zhiguang and Gan Zhaoci, gold medalists in horticulture of the 2nd National Vocational Skills Competition, and Zhang Xiaofei, a student from Art College and gold medalist in painting and decoration of the 2nd National Vocational Skills Competition, were successfully selected into the China Training Team of the 47th World Skills Competition to prepare for the 47th World Skills Competition.

It is reported that 335 people were selected for the China Training Team of the 47th World Skills Competition according to the results of the selection events of the 2nd World Vocational Skills Competition in People’s Republic of China (PRC), the ranking of the first stage assessment (national trials of network security projects) of the 46th World Skills Competition and the age requirements of the world skills organizations for the contestants of the 47th World Skills Competition. The 47th World Skills Competition will be held in Lyon, France from September 10th to 15th, 2024. 1,400 contestants from 60 countries and regions will take part in the 47th World Skills Competition and decide the best young skilled talents in the world.

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The second batch of theme education is nearing the end and Fuyang has held a special "achievement exchange meeting"

Chao News Client Reporter Li Rui Sharing Alliance Fuyang ying chen Li Xiaopeng
The second batch of theme education is nearing the end. Recently, Fuyang, Hangzhou held an exchange meeting on the research results of the theme education of the district Committee.
Leading cadres in this area reported the exchange results with their own leading educational research topics, and discussed the positive cases and related negative cases of "accelerating the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters", and made practical strategies and measures for Fuyang industrial strong area from different perspectives by means of "dissecting sparrows".
Since the theme education was launched, it has insisted on asking for the needs of the people, asking questions for the people, and asking for the benefits for the people. Fuyang has iteratively upgraded the working mechanism of "investigating one thing", and gradually formed a closed loop of the whole chain of "visiting day and talking at night", "double-line linkage" and "responding to people’s needs", which effectively improved the accuracy, pertinence and targeting of the transformation and application of research results, and formed a number of practical achievements, theoretical achievements and systems.
At the same time, Fuyang requires each district leader to carry out in-depth "research on one thing", lead one or two research topics in combination with the work in charge, find problems through research, analyze problems, seek countermeasures, and finally solve problems and improve work.
Holding this special "achievement exchange meeting" at the end of the year is not only a "look back" on the achievements of theme education, but also a plan and prospect for the next stage of work.
Next year is the tenth anniversary of Fuyang’s withdrawal from the urban area, and it is also a crucial period for the establishment of modern industries in this area. At the exchange meeting, how to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters became the focus of discussion. The main person in charge of Fuyang District Committee made an exchange speech in combination with the research topic of "Thinking about the Path of Building" Zhejiang Optics Valley Fuchun Core City ".
In the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters, Fuyang’s "light" industry has a solid foundation and started early. In recent years, Fuyang has further promoted the project of "integrating Hangzhou into a corridor", actively participated in the industrial division of metropolis, gathered a large number of photoelectric enterprises, and is gradually forming a whole industrial chain system with coordinated development of the upper, middle and lower reaches.
"We must grasp the precious window period, speed up the climb and strive to seize the highland in the competition of industrial clusters." The person in charge said that Fuyang should clearly define its industrial orientation, identify the subdivision track, implement work measures, and accelerate the creation of "Zhejiang Optics Valley Fuchun Core City"; At the same time, it is necessary to improve the innovation ecology, focus on the industrial division of labor, adhere to the project as the king, promote the integration of production and city, and build a strategic emerging industrial cluster.
At the exchange meeting, everyone held a thick research report in their hands. Some focus on the opportunities of the Asian Games and put forward the goal of "revitalizing the city of sports and leisure"; Some set their sights on the incubation system of entrepreneurial innovation and put forward a series of valuable and operable policy suggestions …
Outside the exchange meeting, a large number of practical cases, which come from all over Fuyang, originated from investigation and research, and matured in theme education, have really brought to the people, such as speeding up the development of building economy, guarding empty nesters living alone, preventing poverty from returning to poverty due to illness, creating a distinctive commercial display, promoting the auto parts industry to "share resources", innovating "Fuchun Little Brother Code" to create a new service mode for new employment groups, and launching the "Longyang Auntie" domestic service brand.
"In the next step, Fuyang will transform and apply the research results with high standards and high quality, do in-depth research on the second half of the article, and drive’ solving a class of problems’ through’ dissecting a sparrow’ to continue to promote the theme education." The person in charge said.
"Reprint please indicate the source"

40 suggestions about life that may be useful.

October 10th is World Mental Health Day. In modern society, the pace of life is fast, the burden is heavy, and the pressure is high … If negative emotions are allowed to accumulate, they may become the "last straw" to crush you. Therefore, when the mental pressure is high, it must be promptly channeled and resolved.Life may not be that easy, but there are always some ways to make it better.
How to live
-40 suggestions that I find useful
Author/[UK] Matt Hagrid
Matt Hagrid, an English writer, suffered from depression at the age of 24, and later embarked on the road of self-salvation through writing. In the book "Reasons to Live", he shared 40 life suggestions that he found useful, and the excerpts are as follows. This dose of "good medicine for others" is given to everyone who is trying to live.
When happiness appears, enjoy it.
Take a sip and drink slowly, don’t wolf it down.
Be gentle with yourself.
You can’t change everything in the past.
This is the basic physical principle.
"Reading and writing are discovered by human beings so far.
The most nutritious form of meditation. "
This sentence is correct.
Listen more and talk less.
Don’t feel guilty when doing nothing.
But it can perfect your idleness,
Let it be aware.
Feel that you are breathing.
No matter where and at any time,
Everyone should try to discover beauty.
A face, a poem,
Clouds, graffiti, wind fields outside the window.
Beauty can purify the mind.
Hate is a meaningless emotion.
It’s like punishing a scorpion that stung you.
And eat it.
Go for a run and do some yoga.
Take a shower before noon.
Looking at the sky.
Remind yourself how vast the universe is.
Seize every opportunity to feel vast and distant,
This will make you see your own smallness.
Realize that ideas are just ideas.
If you feel the idea is unreasonable, argue with it.
Even if you can’t find the reason.
You are the observer of your mind, not the victim.
Don’t watch TV aimlessly.
Don’t go to social networking sites aimlessly.
Be conscious of what you are doing,
Why do it?
Unrestrained entertainment will distract you.
Sit down, lie down, don’t move and do nothing.
Observe and listen to the voice of your head.
Instead of judging what’s going on in your head, let it be,
Just like Snow White in Frozen.
Don’t worry too much.
Look at the trees, get close to them and plant them.
(Because trees are great)
Listen to the yoga instructor,
"Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet."
Life, love, let go.
The mathematics of wine is "power operation".
The more you drink, the more you want to drink.
If it’s hard for you to stop at one drink,
Then it is even more impossible to stop at three cups.
Addition is multiplication.
Be careful of that gap.
Where you are now.
And where you want to go.
Just think about it, and that gap will widen,
You might fall into it.
Read a book.
Don’t try to finish reading it, just read it.
Enjoy every word, sentence and paragraph.
Don’t expect it to end, or never end.
Be kind to others.
At the deepest level, there is no medicine in the universe.
It makes you feel better than being kind to others.
Listen to Hamlet-
The most famous depression patient in literary works—
Say that sentence:
"There is no distinction between good and evil in the world, but it is made by thought."
Allow others to love you.
And believe in this love.
You don’t need the world to understand you.
It’s okay.
Some people will never really understand
Things they haven’t experienced,
But some people will understand,
Be grateful to those who understand you.
Jules verne wrote "Infinite Life".
It is a world of love and affection as vast as the sea.
If we immerse ourselves in it, we will find infinity,
Find the space you need to survive.
Three o’clock in the morning is not the time to try to sort out life.
Remember: you are not weird at all.
You’re human,
Everything you do and feel is natural,
Because you are an animal in nature.
"Normal" is actually subjective,
There is no standard answer.
There are 7 billion people on this earth, and there are 7 billion kinds of normality.
Don’t believe in good or bad, win or lose,
Win or lose, high tide and low tide.
At your lowest and highest places,
Whether you are happy or desperate, calm or angry,
There is a core "you" that is always the same.
This "you" is the most important thing
Don’t worry about the time lost in despair.
After overcoming despair, the value of time will double.
Be transparent to yourself.
Build a glass room for your mind. Observe.
Read everything you want, just read it.
Books are possibilities, not escape routes.
When you have no choice, they give you a chance.
For the displaced mind,
Every book is a home.
On sunny days, if you can be outdoors, you should be outdoors.
Remember: the key to life on earth is change.
Cars rust, pages turn yellow,
Technology will be outdated, caterpillars will become butterflies,
Night will turn into day, and depression will dissipate.
When you feel too busy to have a rest,
It’s when you need to find time to rest most.
Negative emotions are things smaller than you.
It has always been smaller than you,
Even if it feels huge sometimes.
It runs inside you, and you don’t run inside it.
It may be a dark cloud floating in the sky,
And you are the whole sky.
There was a sky before the dark clouds appeared.
Dark clouds cannot exist without the sky,
And the sky is still the sky without dark clouds.
Be brave, be strong, breathe and live.
You will thank yourself today.
Text/excerpt from The Reason to Live Jiangxi People’s Publishing House
The content was slightly deleted.
In addition to suggestions,
Here’s another copy"list of good things"
Please check it,
Submit your answers.
Sunrise and sunset, the thousands of stars shining in the dark sky and the world they shine on.
Books. Cold beer. Fresh air. Dogs. Horses. Yellowing paperback book.
A long, affectionate and meaningful kiss; A short, shallow and polite kiss. (All kisses)
When the cinema lights dimmed, there was a bucket of warm popcorn on my leg.
The smell of pine and cypress in the warm evening in Italy. Drink water after a long run.
I thought I was sick, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
-Matt Hagrid
Sun-dried quilts, newly bought books, five dollars in jeans, and someone sent an umbrella when it rained.
Ice cream and coke, share a pack of spicy strips, a newly updated comic play, and the paws of a cat’s flesh.
Mom’s cooking, gay friends’s best friend’s talk, the boss’s praise, and a good morning every day.
—— @ 京京京京京
When I came out of the bathhouse after taking a shower, the cool wind blew on me.
See the sunshine in the Woods. (Tyndall effect)
Eat jelly.
The streets began to get busy in the morning.
Eat meat.
Power supply all night.
Go home to eat breakfast noodles, Dalian noodles, Regan Noodles, pickled beef noodles, pickled duck soup noodles, beef offal noodles, steak noodles and various breakfasts.
See a lovely girl.
Write calligraphy in the afternoon.
Received express delivery.
The smell in the box of the new digital product.
—— @ Wancheng Wenjie
When I returned to my distant home, the house was warm, the food was very hot, and my parents smiled sweetly.
Niece and nephew grab the phone. My niece said, Aunt, I miss you. My nephew has just turned 17 months old, so he can only keep screaming when he grabs the phone, aunt! Auntie! Auntie!
Run to the canteen after class, and have meat dishes.
In the dead of winter, put on thick down jackets, cotton trousers and cotton shoes.
On a snowy day, I came out of the bath, warm and shiny with snowflakes.
I want to tell you that there are still many beautiful things in this world:
The new sunshine in the morning, the corner of plain clothes blown by the breeze,
New soil in spring, warm bed in winter,
Deep alleys are covered with green tiles and plum blossoms, and the front of the court is covered with loquats.
A bonfire with stories, poems full of the moon,
The blushing of girls’ cheeks, the pear vortex of teenagers’ corners of their mouths,
And me.
—— @ 京京京京京京
After reading today’s push
If you think
The fatigue eased a little.
The pressure is reduced a little.
I feel a little happier.
That’s the meaning of these beautiful things.
In the cool October
May the world be beautiful.
Interlocking with you
Source/CCTV news finishing
Picture/worm creativity
Editor/All-China Women’s Federation Network Information Center Li Siqi
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