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Quantum computer has just entered its "electron tube era"

  Although I have heard the name of quantum computer countless times, like all concepts with the word "quantum", most people don’t know it.

  The concept of quantum computer was put forward in 1980s, and it has been put into research and development for 20 years. So far, none of them has really gone out of the laboratory. But it is said that it will be very powerful. Google, IBM, Alibaba and many start-ups are competing to be the first to achieve "quantum hegemony", that is, to make quantum computers faster than traditional computers in a computing task.

  After a superficial understanding of the principle of quantum computer, you will find that it is not much different from the computer we are familiar with.

  Quantum computer: a quantum version of the computer

  "Don’t think of the quantum computer as a brand-new system, it is an extended version of the classic computer, imitating the classic computer everywhere." Professor Han Zhengfu, chief scientist of Anhui Wentian Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. and key laboratory of quantum information of Chinese Academy of Sciences of China University of Science and Technology, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter.

  Han Zhengfu said that the classic computer represents the number 1 or 0 by the voltage level, which is a bit.

  The quantum computer corresponds to a quantum bit (Q-bit), which may be an electron whose spin arrow is up or down, or a light wave that vibrates vertically or horizontally … …

  Traditional computing circuits are composed of various "logic gates", which correspond to various "quantum logic gates" of quantum computers. According to certain rules, the 0 and 1 of storage bits are changed.

  Han Zhengfu said: "The traditional computer is played like this: a row of memory bits is written with an initial value (such as 10011001). Next, several steps are performed, and at each step, the numbers in the memory are transformed into another set of numbers. Stop after the program and read the numbers inside, such as 00101010, which is the calculation result. " The same is true of quantum computers.

  The difference between quantum computers is that Q-bit is particularly flexible and not as rigid as Bit. It is both 0 and 1. For example, it is 60% 0 and 40% 1. This gives it super powers. You have to learn a little quantum mechanics to understand the mystery of Q-bit.

  Fuzzy and accurate Q-bit

  What do you mean, "it’s 60% 0 and 40% 1"?

  Take a refresher course in senior high school physics: Experiments at the beginning of the 20th century found that substances are too small to be measured accurately. Because measurement means interference, even if you only look at it. When the object is so small as quantum level, its state will be completely destroyed by observation. By the way, the "touch-and-break" effect is used in quantum communication. Using quantum to carry the password can make it possible for someone to eavesdrop on this password signal and will certainly be found out. ) This is called "uncertainty principle". The smaller things are, the more blurred they are. You go to measure the position of an electron, this time in Beijing and next time in Tianjin. We can only say that a quantum "has a high probability of being in Beijing", "has a high probability of spinning arrows rushing up" and "has a high probability of lying flat and vibrating" … …

  These probabilities can be determined by multiple measurements, although the reading of a single measurement is not necessarily.

  Therefore, quantum bits are fuzzy and accurate: when the same number is read, 0 is read, and sometimes 1 is read; But after reading it many times, the probability of 0 will tend to a constant value, such as 60%.

  Why is quantum computing faster?

  "In a traditional computer, a high voltage is superimposed on another high voltage, which is still a high voltage; The superposition of qubits is different. " Han Zhengfu said.

  Quantum bits store a vector, just like a clock, which corresponds to the probability.

  The hour hand can point to zero (the qubit reading is 100% 0) or to three (the reading is 100% 1). Or point to 1: 30 (50% is 0 and 50% is 1), or point to any angle.

  Traditional computers store "10011001".

  Quantum computers store "bells, bells, bells, bells". Please imagine a row of clocks hanging in the lobby of the hotel.

  In traditional calculation, 1 and 0 are superimposed to 1, and then a 1 is superimposed to get 0.

  In quantum computing, the superposition of "three points" and "zero point" is "1: 30", and then the superposition of "three points" results in "2: 15".

  Q-bit is more expressive than bit. A Q-bit can contain infinitely complex numbers. In this sense, "one is more than one". A Q-bit input transformation is equal to the transformation of multiple digits together, which is called "parallel calculation".

  When the potential of parallel computing reaches its limit, the computing power of quantum computer is 2 n ∶ 1 compared with traditional computer.

  But it should be emphasized that the results of quantum computers come from probability statistics. Quantum computer is different from tradition, it has to repeat the program again and again, and read it again and again (the result is different every time). Repeatedly, enough times (the reliability of probability exceeds 99.99999%), the ratio of each qubit to 1 and 0 is counted, and that is the required number. So when it comes to less complicated computing tasks, quantum computing may be slower than classical computers.

  Rainbow and zebra

  Before the advent of quantum computers, mathematicians were imagining to use the "rich connotation" of quantum bits to greatly reduce the calculation time. But so far mathematicians have only proved that quantum computing is much faster than traditional computers in two scenarios.

  The first is to crack RSA algorithm. RSA is the most commonly used encryption method at present, and its mechanism is the difficulty of factorization — — Multiplying two large prime numbers is very simple, but splitting the product into two prime numbers may take tens of thousands of years for the computer.

  Therefore, banks can send a number of thousands of digits publicly and master its two prime factors without worrying about someone working out these two prime factors — — Used to make private digital keys.

  But more than 20 years ago, Peter Shor proved that an algorithm based on quantum computer can easily decompose factors, which also greatly increased the interest of academic circles in developing quantum computers.

  Another possible application is "searching large unordered databases", or "looking for a needle in a haystack". Traditional computers can only compare targets one by one, while quantum computers can calculate in parallel. If the traditional computer time is t, the quantum computer time is "root t" The former takes 1 million hours, while the latter can be solved in 1,000 hours.

  In addition to the above two kinds of calculations, quantum computers are also expected to make great achievements in chemistry, pharmacy and other fields in the future. The reason is: unlike traditional computers, quantum computers are real analog computers, which can reproduce the real nature (physicist Feynman first pointed this out).

  The 0 and 1 of traditional bits are equivalent to black and white, and the "hour hand that can point at any angle" of quantum bits is equivalent to a full-color spectrum, which can display any color.

  If the traditional memory is zebra, the quantum memory is rainbow. The world is colorful, and it is certainly more direct and convenient to describe the world with rainbows.

  Just getting started

  Quantum is very fragile and will collapse easily.

  "To encode information in a very tiny thing, such as an electron or a nucleus, we must first isolate it and let it not work with the surrounding area. This subtle control is very difficult. " Han Zhengfu said.

  All kinds of quantum carriers are accompanied by unique difficulties, for example, photons are always advancing, and electromagnetic fields can’t control them, which is very troublesome to control. At present, researchers are probably experimenting with dozens of carriers: electrons, photons and ions in traps … …

  Han Zhengfu said: "The Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which belongs to the Chinese University of Science and Technology, now has more than 50 associate professors, 150 doctoral students and nearly 30 postdoctoral students. There are many different groups in a team. Although the things studied are understandable to each other, there are specialties in the field, such as ‘ Make silicon ’ Some people will study the processes that the semiconductor industry cares about, such as exposure and cleaning; ‘ Do light ’ Research laser generators, oscillators, optical fibers and the like. "

  "Domestic research on quantum optics began in the early 1980s. There are many more people now, but they are still unpopular. Professionals are scarce. " Han Zhengfu said, "In fact, there are not enough talents in the world. So Google spent hundreds of millions of dollars to dig a team from the University of California, Santa Barbara, mainly studying superconducting quantum computers. "

  At present, major companies and research institutions are still improving the quantum bit quantity — — Strive for dozens of quanta to be stable at the same time, and don’t collapse too quickly. Superconducting machines cost millions of dollars to make the environment close to absolute zero. The engineering experimental machine is improving, but it is not known when it will be practical.

  Looking back at the first computer ENIAC in 1946, 18,000 electron tubes were used, which were glass tubes in which electrons were evacuated and flew. ENIAC weighs 30 tons and only calculates 5000 times per second. Without the semiconductor revolution more than ten years later, there would be no computers and mobile phones today.

  It should be said that the quantum computer has just entered its "electron tube era". (Science and Technology Daily reporter Gao Bo)

Education informatization speeds up in an all-round way, and Acer builds a wireless digital campus.

  In the process of promoting educational informatization in China, primary and secondary schools have accumulated a good foundation and practice in the construction and application of digital campus after years of exploration. In the new development period, faced with the revolutionary impact of the rapid development of information technology on education and teaching reform, it is a new task for schools to use information facilities and equipment, fully integrate information technology into their daily teaching, truly share high-quality resources, improve the quality of education and realize the transformation of education and teaching methods.
  The Outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) clearly puts forward that it is necessary to speed up the construction of educational information infrastructure, and emphasizes "accelerating the popularization of terminal facilities, promoting the construction of digital campus, and realizing various ways to access the Internet". In order to implement the opinions of the Ministry of Education on "Digital Campus", and in view of the limitations of the current digital learning environment, Acer Group, with the help of foreign successful experience, organized its efforts to build a new generation of "Acer Mobile Wireless Network Classroom", so that computers are no longer simply the objects to be studied, but truly become the tools for assisting learning. As an advanced model of "Banbantong", mobile network classrooms will surely become the mainstream of the future "Digital Campus" construction.

  Computer classroom with wheels
  In the practical teaching application, teachers will encounter various practical problems, such as how to broadcast all kinds of multimedia content and teachers’ operation demonstrations to students in real time? How can teachers broadcast the contents of their laptops directly to students? How to fully develop effective interaction in online teaching classroom? How to effectively manage students and prevent them from doing things unrelated to the classroom? How to quickly organize online quizzes and exams and automatically complete marking analysis? How to quickly upgrade ordinary classrooms to network classrooms? How to broadcast multimedia content smoothly and without delay in wireless network environment? How to record online classroom teaching activities in real time? How to help parents fully and truly understand the teaching situation, assist students in learning and so on. Through Acer’s mobile network classroom solution, these problems can be solved easily. The mobile network classroom can be used not only in class, but also before and after class, which can basically cover all aspects of teaching activities.
  As the world’s leading computer brand, Acer has been committed to providing solutions for industry users to help them develop better. This set of mobile wireless network classroom solution specially tailored for the education industry puts forward improvement methods for the disadvantages of traditional desktop computer classrooms (wires and network cables), such as complexity, high cost and narrow classroom utilization, and has the characteristics of mobility, quick construction, high security and low maintenance cost.
  In this scheme, the traditional computer classroom is miniaturized into a mobile cabinet through a mobile laptop, which becomes a "classroom with wheels", and the functions of wireless communication, random movement, centralized charging and safe storage of dozens of laptops are realized. With the help of functional software such as wireless multimedia teaching system and teaching service support system, teachers and students can interact freely, and students can study freely in classrooms, campuses and families at any time and anywhere, making learning truly a way of life.
  In the teaching process, smooth screen broadcasting and online cinema can be realized in the wireless network environment. In addition, the scheme supports a variety of screen broadcasting methods: full screen, area and designated program, and can be easily selected through the floating menu, and the number of multi-window monitoring can be dynamically selected. Meet the multi-channel, multi-teacher and multi-class simultaneous teaching application. Through the technology of disconnecting the network and locking the screen, students can automatically lock the student screen by unplugging the network cable. Make full use of roll call, screen silence, voice teaching, grouping management and quizzes in electronic classroom control software to manage students’ learning state, realize efficient and interactive communication between teachers and students in the whole learning process, and improve classroom teaching efficiency.
  In the pre-class and after-class sessions, a professional, personalized and localized teaching application platform integrating teaching, lesson preparation, office work, teaching research, evaluation and resource collection has been created for teachers, which realizes the communication between teachers and students, teachers and parents at any time and place, and enables teachers to complete the preparation and management of teaching more conveniently and quickly.
  Acer’s mobile wireless network classroom solution greatly facilitates the information-based teaching task, which not only builds a wireless digital classroom environment, but also strengthens the real-time interaction in the classroom, and achieves the teaching goal of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude in 1:1.


  High-specification configuration meets the demand of information PC in education industry
  Acer’s mobile wireless network classroom solution is equipped with Acer’s new TRAVELMATE P643 notebook. TRAVELMATE P6 series is a star product in Acer’s notebook family with Acer’s wireless signal enhancement technology (SignalUp™ ): Adopt a high-efficiency wireless antenna and optimize the antenna position at the top of the panel. Compared with the traditional antenna, ACER TravelMate antenna has stronger ability to receive wireless signals, faster wireless Internet access speed, stronger efficiency to receive wireless signals, no signal attenuation and no dead angle.
    P643 body has HDMI™ High-definition interface and VGA interface. The docking station has display interfaces such as DP and DVI, which can support multi-screen display output and make screen sharing more convenient.
  P643 is equipped with Acer intelligent fan dust removal technology. This technology uses the high-speed reverse rotation of the fan when the machine is turned on to discharge the dust inside the machine outside the machine body, which can prevent the dust from gathering, and keep the smooth cooling airflow, thus achieving the purpose of prolonging the service life of the equipment.
  In terms of endurance, based on Acer’s unique long-lasting battery technology, TRAVELMATE P643 has the long endurance of short-term explosion and the ability of repeated charging. Acer long-lasting battery adopts intelligent charging management technology, which can reduce battery attenuation, charge it 1000 times, which is three times that of ordinary battery, and can still ensure strong endurance after 2-3 years of use.
  In addition, Acer TRAVELMATE P643 specially upgraded Acer’s unique DASP hard disk protection to the third generation in order to better protect the hard disk. The third generation technology uses special shock-absorbing material to wrap 360 degrees to realize all-round protection of hard disk. At the same time, there are flexible cord connections, which can reduce friction and aging; The vibration sensor can sensitively respond to external changes and make adjustments automatically at any time to ensure the high-speed and stable operation of the machine.

  As the main sponsor of the 2012 London Olympic Games, Acer has realized the integration of PC and industry environment from the perspective of industry users, thus helping users to develop better and faster. With the rapid development of information technology, the gradual popularization of notebook computers, and the wireless network is becoming a public resource, Acer wireless mobile network classroom will become a new choice for the construction of network multimedia classroom in "digital campus" because of its low construction cost, convenient maintenance and mobility. Acer’s wireless mobile network classroom solution will meet the needs of educational informatization construction with ultra-high specifications, provide a strong guarantee for educational informatization construction through excellent technology, and help accelerate educational informatization in an all-round way.

The special ball for the Olympic football match appeared on the "Star of the Great Wall" and was branded with Chinese seal.

The special ball "Star of the Great Wall" for the 2008 Olympic Games football match was released. Photo source: State Council Office.

  China news agency, Beijing, January 26th (Reporter Shen Chen) Adidas, a partner of Beijing Olympic Games, officially launched the "Star of the Great Wall", a game ball designed for the Beijing Olympic football match, here on the 26th, and Adidas’ 2008 Olympic football tour started.

  The "Star of the Great Wall" was specially designed by Adidas for the Beijing Olympic Games, highlighting the elements of China. The world is dominated by red and gold with strong China characteristics, with the Great Wall pattern on the hook edge, and the word "China" inscribed by Nian Weisi, a leading soccer player in China, is printed on the sphere.

Nian Weisi, a veteran of China football, introduced the feeling of writing the word "China" on the "Star of the Great Wall" football.

  Nian Weisi said that he has witnessed the development of China football, and it is a golden opportunity to hold the Olympic Games in Beijing. He expects China football to make a breakthrough at home. "I hope that the international players can eat well, practice well and get ready during the preparation period. By August 8, they will go into battle lightly, play the style and play the level, and win glory for the country under the influence of China."

  China Olympic athletes Zhao Xuri, Jiang Ning, Shen Longyuan and China women’s football players Li Jie, Han Duan and Bi Yan felt the "Star of the Great Wall" at the first time. Zhao Xuri said that the surface of the "Great Wall Star" is not very smooth, and the ball speed will be faster and easier to control during the game. "I hope to score more goals when I get to the Beijing Olympic Games."

The special ball "Star of the Great Wall" for the 2008 Olympic Games football match

  It is reported that the "Star of the Great Wall" uses the most advanced 14 pieces of skin splicing and the latest molecular material technology on the surface of the sphere to help football achieve greater strength, stronger rotation and better control.

  China international Zheng Zhi, who traveled far away in England, showed his expectations for the Olympic Games through video. In 1999, Zheng Zhi was 19 years old, and his impact on the Olympic Games with the then Olympic team failed. In 2008, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, and he looks forward to flying high with other Olympic teenagers. (End)

Editor: Xu Guimei

Zhiji has released a roadmap for the landing of smart driving products, and will "technology go to sea" in 2024.

Guo Hui said, "The NOA public beta of the city to be opened in October means that Zhiji Automobile has completed the accumulation of other industries for many years in two years, and has continuously set a new record for the fastest mass production of intelligent driving products in the industry."

Guo Hui revealed that IM AD is preparing for the technology to go to sea, and has completed the European localization adaptability training, and the planning algorithm has adapted to the local environment and driving habits. In 2024, with the launch of the first global strategic model LS6 of Zhiji Automobile, Zhiji Automobile will share China’s intelligent driving technology with the world and rapidly expand its overseas influence.

In September, open the public beta of "NOA to high-precision map"; In October, open the "Urban NOA" public beta; In 2024, the "commuting mode" covers 100+ cities across the country; In 2025, IM AD will enter the era of Door to Door (full scene commuting) …

Guo Hui, deputy CTO of Zhiji Automobile and chief scientist of Intelligent Driving, announced the "Landing Roadmap of Intelligent Driving Products of Zhiji Automobile in the Next 3-5 Years" at the "iAd Day Intelligent Driving Conference in Tsinghua" held yesterday (August 16th).

Photo by Guo Hui Wang Yueyue, deputy CTO of Zhiji Automobile and chief scientist of intelligent driving

"The NOA public beta of the city that will be opened in October means that Zhiji Automobile has completed the accumulation of head players in other industries for many years in two years (the Zhiji brand was released in 2021), and constantly refreshed the landing record of’ the fastest mass production of intelligent driving products’ in the industry." Guo Hui said, "iAd, the intelligent driver assistance system of Zhiji Automobile, not only surpasses most human drivers in safety, traffic efficiency and road game ability, but also provides users with an experience that is obviously superior to the industry standard."

According to reports, at present, Zhiji Automobile has achieved intelligent driving 3.2 times the safety of human driving. The statistical results of actual driving data show that at present, the number of collision accidents per million kilometers of IM AD is 0.6, which is far lower than the number of collision accidents per million kilometers driven by human beings, which provides a solid security guarantee for the user experience of man-machine driving. IM AD’s safety class false braking frequency is less than once per million kilometers, which is 5 times better than the industry head standard.

In terms of performance experience, IM AD’s delivery standards are equally strict, whether it is "driving performance" such as lane-changing efficiency, driving center performance, driving fluency and driving comfort, or "parking performance" such as parking space recognition ability, parking success rate and parking fluency, all of which exceed the level of the industry’s top players; The success rate of IM AD lane change is as high as 98%, the uncomfortable deceleration is only 1.3 times per thousand kilometers, and the success rate of parking is 97%. It can be called a typical "hexagonal warrior".

In Guo Hui’s view, as a new brand, behind the distance between Zhiji Automobile and its head players in two years is the underlying technical advantage of joint development and two-way empowerment with Momenta-the core competence composed of more efficient architecture, rapidly evolving algorithms and higher utilization of generative data, which will continue to drive the accelerated running of iAd’s intelligent driving evolution.

Momenta CEO Cao Xudong Wang Yueyue photo

According to Cao Xudong, CEO of Momenta, iAd is the only dual-intelligent computing platform compatible with Xavier and Orin, with more efficient architecture adaptability, 90% reduction in computing power requirements and 500% improvement in model operation efficiency. Based on this, limited computing power can also achieve global visual integration; Only the scheme of "single lidar+single Orin chip" can also cover all urban scenes and meet the needs of NOA for high-precision maps.

At the same time, IM AD algorithm has faster technical evolution ability. In 2021, OneModel, BEV and Transformer technologies have been implemented, and in 2022, the first car was equipped to achieve mass production, laying the industry-leading technology base. In April 2023, Zhiji Automobile and Momenta released the industry’s first D.L.P artificial intelligence model, which solved the bottleneck problem of cognitive intelligence. The "NOA-to-high-precision map" public beta, which will be launched in September this year, will gradually realize the switching of map technology schemes and realize the uninterrupted assisted driving experience without relying on high-precision maps. On this basis, in 2024, IM AD is expected to enter the application stage of Occupancy occupying the network and realize automatic driving in most scenarios.

Guo Hui revealed that as the pinnacle of intelligent Zhiji automobile, the third model Zhiji LS6, which will be unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show, is equipped with NOA ability to go to high-precision maps. The delivery is equipped with the industry’s first "one-button scene driving" function, which solves the high-frequency pain points in certain scenes of users’ urban travel based on iAd intelligent driving technology.

At present, IM AD is preparing for the technology to go to sea, and has completed the European localization adaptability training, and the planning algorithm has adapted to the local environment and driving habits. In 2024, with the launch of the first global strategic model LS6 of Zhiji Automobile, Zhiji Automobile will share China’s intelligent driving technology with the world and rapidly expand its overseas influence. (China Economic Net reporter Wang Yueyue)

Interpretation of listed car companies’ financial reports in the first half of the year; Car companies at home and abroad face profit challenges together.

  In the first half of 2019, car companies at home and abroad had a hard time. According to the semi-annual/second-quarter financial reports published by listed car companies, many car companies have experienced performance decline and even losses due to multiple factors such as declining sales and high R&D investment. In order to stop loss in time, some car companies also try to control costs by laying off employees, closing factories or reducing R&D investment to reverse the situation.

  ■ Reduce the annual sales target with a view to stable development.

  In the first half of the year, the word "decline" in the domestic auto market was the first, which was reflected in the financial reports of listed auto companies, that is, everyone’s life was generally difficult.

  Geely Automobile, which has made great strides in the past two years, is quite ambitious to be an "independent brother". However, since the end of 2018, Geely has also fallen into the dilemma of declining sales growth. According to public data, from January to July 2019, the cumulative total sales volume of Geely Automobile was 743,000 units, down 16% year-on-year. Earlier, Geely Automobile also announced that its annual sales target for 2019 will be lowered by 10% from 1.51 million units to 1.36 million units.

  According to the group profit warning issued by Geely Automobile recently, as of June 30, 2019, Geely Automobile’s net profit in the first half of the year decreased by about 40% year-on-year, far lower than the net profit of 6.67 billion yuan in the same period last year. For the decline in profit, Geely believes that this is mainly due to the fact that the overall sales volume of the group’s automobiles fell beyond expectations and actively reduced dealer inventory.

  Changan Automobile, which is also affected by the decline in sales, still cannot escape the "fate" of performance loss this quarter. According to official data, in the first half of 2019, the net profit loss of Changan Automobile was 1.9 billion to 2.6 billion yuan, which was as high as 218.04%-261.53% compared with the same period of last year. In the first half of the year, Changan’s joint venture and independent sectors all performed poorly, and the cumulative sales volume decreased by 31.65% year-on-year to 825,000 units.

  Compared with Geely and Changan, whose sales declined, Great Wall Motor, which achieved a contrarian growth in sales in the first half of the year, also faced a profit problem.

  In the first half of 2019, Great Wall Motor sold a total of 493,500 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 4.7%. Despite this, Great Wall Motor still experienced a double decline in operating income and net profit in the first half of the year. According to the 2019 interim results forecast of Great Wall Motor, in the first half of this year, Great Wall Motor achieved operating income of about 41.38 billion yuan, down about 15% year-on-year; The net profit was about RMB 1.57 billion, down about 58% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was about RMB 1.24 billion, down about 65% year-on-year.

  In this regard, Great Wall Motor said: "During the reporting period, the company increased the product preferential quota to benefit consumers, and continued to increase brand promotion and R&D investment, resulting in a year-on-year decline in net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies." Based on the market environment in the first half of the year, Great Wall Motor also lowered its sales target for 2019 from 1.2 million to 1.07 million to keep the overall sales healthy, stable and sustainable.

  In the first half of this year, Haima Automobile, jiangling motors and FAW Car also suffered a sharp year-on-year decline in net profit.

  ■ The profitability of overseas car companies has been greatly tightened.

  The downturn in China’s auto market has also greatly tightened the global revenue of many multinational auto companies.

  Daimler, which is famous for making money, has suffered a "long-lost" profit loss. According to public reports, in the first half of this year, Daimler’s revenue increased by 2% year-on-year to 82.35 billion euros, but its net profit fell by 78% year-on-year to 907 million euros. The report shows that Daimler’s expenditure on special projects increased significantly in the first half of this year, mainly for further disposal of diesel vehicle exhaust emissions and recall of Mercedes-Benz cars equipped with defective airbags produced by Takada Company of Japan. In the second quarter of this year, Daimler’s special project expenditure reached 4.2 billion euros, which directly affected the company’s performance — — In the second quarter, earnings before interest and tax lost 1.6 billion euros, which was the first quarterly performance loss of Daimler in nine years.

  The decline in sales has further affected Daimler’s profitability. In the second quarter of this year, the overall sales volume of Daimler’s passenger car sector decreased by 3% to 575,000 units. To this end, Daimler has repeatedly issued profit warnings; He also said that in order to improve the profitability, the research and development costs of Mercedes-Benz cars will be greatly reduced by 2025, and the alliance with competitors will be strengthened.

  Under the tide of the new four modernizations of automobiles, large automobile groups don’t want to fall behind in the above fields. This directly brings about the overweight of R&D investment.

  Thanks to the steady performance of the China market, in the second quarter of this year, BMW achieved a cumulative sales increase of 1.5% to 647,000 vehicles, and its revenue also increased by 3% to 25.715 billion euros. Despite this, the company’s earnings before interest and tax fell by 28.4%, from 2.866 billion euros to 2.053 billion euros.

  In this regard, BMW Group said that the company has been expanding its investment in pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles, and continues to optimize internal combustion engines. The reason for the decline in profits is that the increase in expenditure on electric vehicles has lowered the profit margin.

  Also suffering from the decline in performance is Ford Motor Company. The nearly "Waterloo" sales performance in the China market has made this century-old automobile brand a little less spirited. According to the public financial report of Ford Motor Company, in the second quarter of this year, Ford’s total revenue was $38.85 billion, down from $38.92 billion in the same period last year. Net income fell to $148 million, down 86% year on year. Among them, Ford’s loss in China market reached $155 million. In addition, Ford Motor Company also said that its net income plummeted in the second quarter and was also affected by its business restructuring in Europe and South America.

  ■ Controlling cost and improving bicycle profit are the keys.

  Several families are happy and worried. In a downward trend, there are always many strong players who are growing against the trend.

  In the first fiscal quarter of fiscal year 2020 (April-June), Toyota Motor’s net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders was 682.974 billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 3.91%; Operating income was 7.65 trillion yen, a year-on-year increase of 3.85%. 

  The increase in profit is mainly due to Toyota’s good sales performance at home and abroad in the first half of the year. In the first half of this year, Toyota’s sales in Japan increased by 3.6% year-on-year to 1.212 million units, and overseas sales increased by 1.5% year-on-year to 4.1 million units.

  At the same time, cost control and high bicycle profit have also become effective ways for car companies to achieve profitability.

  In the first half of this year, the cumulative global sales volume of Volkswagen Group was 5,365,300 vehicles, down 2.8% year-on-year. Despite the decline in overall car sales, Volkswagen Group still achieved a substantial increase in profit value, driven by the SUV with higher profit margin of Volkswagen brand and the increase in sales of Porsche brand. The report shows that the sales revenue of the Volkswagen Group in the first half of the year reached 125.2 billion euros, a year-on-year increase of 4.9%; Operating profit was 9 billion euros, a year-on-year increase of 10.3%.

  GM, on the other hand, relied on cost control to achieve a steady performance in the second quarter. With the strong performance of the North American market and effective cost control, GM achieved steady performance in the second quarter: the company’s net income reached $36.1 billion during the reporting period; Among them, the net profit reached 2.4 billion US dollars, up 1.6% year-on-year; Diluted earnings per share was $1.66. In addition, GM said that the measures to improve cost efficiency through transformation have been effective and have achieved cost savings of $1.1 billion.

  In fact, domestic car companies also try to control costs to achieve light travel. According to a recent report by Reuters, Shenlong Automobile is planning to sell its first and second factories in Wuhan, and gradually start to lay off employees, so as to put more funds into marketing. (Hong Hanqi)

Guangdong’s "Football Aid Xinjiang" ignites Kashgar’s youth football dream.

  Tianshan Net News (Reporter Fan Guobin reports) Recently, in the final of the second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" Youth Men’s Football Championship (junior high school group) in Shufu County, Kashgar, the middle school football team in Langan Town of the county won the championship and took the stage to receive the award. At that moment, the little players hugged each other tightly with their coaches and teachers and cried with joy.

  The "Pomegranate Seed Cup" youth football match is one of the "works" of Guangdong football aid to Xinjiang. The name of the competition is "Pomegranate Seed", which means that children of all ethnic groups hold each other tightly through football. Over the past two years, this competition has attracted more than 800 students and teachers from more than 20 schools.

  Guangdong’s aid to Xinjiang innovation puts forward "football aid to Xinjiang"

  Football aid to Xinjiang is a sports concept first put forward in 19 provinces and cities in Guangdong Province. Since its launch in February 2017, Shufu County, which is supported by Guangzhou counterparts, has taken the lead in setting up 10 middle schools and 12 primary schools as outlets for youth football, building football venues, providing basic equipment and equipment, and carrying out campus football training, so that more and more teenagers in Kashgar like football.

  In Kupuse Village Primary School in Saybagh Township, Shufu County, every day after school, a group of students will play football in the artificial grass football field, sweating like rain. "There are 346 students in our school. A year ago, all the children played football in the clay court. Now they are playing football in the artificial grass football field. They are happy." Yong Kaiyuan, the principal of Kupuse Village Primary School, said that children can use the advanced football field thanks to the football aid policy of Guangdong Province.

  At present, No.3 Middle School, Mingde Primary School and Saybag Township Central Primary School in Shufu County have become the teaching practice bases of the Football College of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education. Ten middle schools and 12 primary schools in Shufu County have been included in the football training system, and more than 500 young people of all ethnic groups have received professional football training all the year round.

  The second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" Youth Men’s Football Championship in Shufu County. (Image courtesy of the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau)

  In 2018, the Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau issued the "Guangdong Football Aid Xinjiang Work Plan" to integrate strength resources and increase investment in football aid Xinjiang. In that year, the Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau invested 2 million yuan in aid to Xinjiang, which was used for the reconstruction of the basic football field and the construction of facilities in the aided areas.

  "Our goal is to strive to build four to six artificial grass football fields for sevens and related supporting projects in Kashgar within three years." Wang Weidong, deputy inspector of Guangdong Sports Bureau, said.

  Not only that, Guangdong Football Aid to Xinjiang also helps Xinjiang to build a football training structure, competition structure and transportation system. Through campus football training, youth men’s football championships, campus leagues covering Shufu County, Jiashi County and the Third Division of the Corps, and sending talents to football schools in Xinjiang and Guangdong, the youth football cause in Kashgar has been gradually promoted in depth.

  The second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" Youth Men’s Football Championship in Shufu County. (Image courtesy of the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau)

  Plant a seed of hope

  In February 2017, Wang Liang of the Football Center of Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau came to Kashgar as a professional football technician to participate in the aid work in Xinjiang.

  Since coming to Kashgar, Wang Liang has spent half his time teaching football in rural primary schools. "Every time I go to school, the children are waiting for me at the school gate. Everyone is vying to help me with my football equipment. I can really feel the children’s love for football."

  Sepura Nurmaiti, a 10-year-old fourth-grade student of Mingde Primary School in Shufu County, loved playing football since childhood. Recently, he got a brand-new football donated by Guangdong Sports Lottery Management Center, and then received football shoes from Wang Liang. He was very excited.

  Sepura’s parents are not around, and she is one of the few boarding children in Mingde Primary School. She is usually taciturn. After Wang Liang went to Mingde Primary School to carry out football training, he teamed up to play football. Sepra’s "Football Dream" was activated. He was originally shy and introverted, and now he plays football on the court with his classmates every day, learning the national common language and learning cultural knowledge together.

  "With football, he is like a completely different person, positive, sunny, cheerful and lovely. The purpose of football aid to Xinjiang is to plant a seed of hope in the hearts of children and bring about positive energy changes. " Seeing that his efforts won the harvest, Wang Liang showed a gratified smile. 

  In July 2018, the Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau and the Guangdong Frontier Command organized a 24-member Kashgar youth football team to go to Guangdong Province for a 17-day competition exchange. 

  In order to participate in the competition, the little players braved the heat to practice their skills, while studying hard the classroom knowledge and learning the national common language.

  In the end, each of the 24 children got the opportunity to go to Guangdong to participate in the competition and exchange. When the little player boarded the flight to Guangzhou, everyone was very excited, and a happy smile permeated everyone’s face.

  The poverty alleviation research group of Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau donated campus football activities to Tuoyun Ranch School. (Image courtesy of the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau)

  There are successors in the development of football in Xinjiang

  In addition to Wang Liang, in the past two years, Guangdong Province has continuously sent football coaches to Xinjiang for team formation, coaching and referee training to help cultivate local football talents.

  Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and Guangzhou Fuli Football Club have set up three football teaching bases and youth training cooperation institutions in Mingde Primary School, No.3 Middle School and Saybag Township Central Primary School in Shufu County. Three experts from Guangdong Provincial Department of Education and Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education went to Kashgar to hold a training course for coaches and referees, with 70 trainees. Among them, Imran Tursun of Mingde Primary School stood out from the selection of Fuli Chelsea Football School and entered the school in September 2018. Evergrande Real Madrid Football School has 97 Xinjiang children, most of whom are from Kashgar.

  Seeing that my younger brother, Imran Tursun, has been admitted to R&F Football School, my older brother, Imran Mohammad Aili, who is now in the sixth grade of Mingde Yu Primary School, said with envy: "I want to study hard and play football like my younger brother to realize my ‘ Football dream ’ 。”

  Backer Batur, the captain who led Langan Town Middle School to win the second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" youth football team championship, has a greater ideal. "I want to redouble my efforts, learn the national common language well, learn cultural lessons well, become an excellent athlete when I grow up, compete in domestic and international competitions, and win glory for my country."

How does the market guarantee supply? How to promote holiday consumption? -Multi-sectoral interpretation of measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 6th Question: How does the market guarantee supply? How to promote holiday consumption? -Multi-sectoral interpretation of measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Hongyi

The Spring Festival is the traditional peak season for consumption. At the press conference of the State Council Office held on the 6th, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Sports General Administration and other departments introduced relevant information and answered reporters’ questions on ensuring the supply of the Spring Festival market and promoting holiday consumption.

The national consumer market was stable and orderly before the holiday.

Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of Commerce, said that on the occasion of the Spring Festival in year of the loong, commercial departments at all levels continued to improve various measures to strengthen the production, marketing and supply of people’s livelihood commodities during the festival. Generally speaking, the operation of the pre-holiday consumer market presents the following three characteristics:

Sufficient supply. Large-scale wholesale markets of agricultural and sideline products around the country have sufficient stocks of daily necessities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables, and the stocking of daily necessities in key wholesale markets and supermarkets is 10% to 30% higher than usual. Major e-commerce platforms continue to provide distribution services during the Spring Festival.

The price is stable. Relevant statistics on February 5th show that the average wholesale prices of grain, edible oil, beef and mutton in 100 large-scale agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets in China have remained stable since the beginning of February, and vegetable prices have shown a seasonal increase.

Sales are booming. With the growing flavor of the year, major shopping malls, supermarkets and online platforms have ushered in sales peaks. In late January, the sales of retail enterprises monitored by the Ministry of Commerce increased by 19.9% month-on-month. In January, sales of key monitoring e-commerce platforms increased by 20% year-on-year.

Ensuring that the supply in the holiday market is not out of stock and uninterrupted is the key point of ensuring the supply and price stability in the market. In terms of strengthening the construction of the system of ensuring the supply of daily necessities, Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the Ministry of Commerce will constantly improve the three networks of "monitoring, dispatching and storage" to keep abreast of the basic situation of the production, circulation and consumption of key varieties of daily necessities, improve the emergency response capability, increase the commercial inventory according to the times and circumstances, and ensure that the reserved commodities are "adequately stored, transferred and used".

Multi-departmental measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

With the change of people’s lifestyle, China’s consumer market presents many new features. Xu Xingfeng said that these characteristics mainly include four aspects: more pursuit of green health, more prominent personality diversity, more prominent cultural characteristics, and more favor for scientific and technological intelligence.

Based on these characteristics, many departments have launched targeted measures to promote consumption-

The Ministry of Commerce promotes the linkage between urban and rural markets, online and offline, and jointly organizes online Chinese New Year Festival, "Happy Shopping in Rural Areas" and other activities, and organizes a series of activities such as sales promotion, rural tourism, skill display and cultural communication, and carries out a series of thematic activities around new consumption such as digital, green and health.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism organizes cultural and tourism activities on the theme of "Happy New Year". Miao Muyang, Director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that related activities include launching a special program of "Literary China" in the Spring Festival, launching a series of "Village Evening" exhibition projects in conjunction with various localities, and launching a series of special courses, boutique routes and theme activities for study tours to make the festival more festive and cheerful.

Wang Xiaopeng, head of the Sports Economics Department of the State Sports General Administration, said that the State Sports General Administration will focus on the consumption characteristics of "green health" and do a good job in deepening the integration of business travel, culture and sports through a series of events of the "outdoor sports vitality landscape" action plan.

Continue to meet the consumer demand of the people

Sheng Qiuping said that the Ministry of Commerce has designated 2024 as the "Year of Consumption Promotion". The Ministry of Commerce will adhere to the "policy and activity" two-wheel drive, run a series of consumption promotion activities well, and introduce more policy measures to promote consumption from post-epidemic recovery to continuous expansion.

Sheng Qiuping introduced that the Ministry of Commerce will achieve "there are themes in the season, there are activities in the month, and there are scenes in the week". Four major theme activities will be held throughout the year, and 12 key activities will be carried out, including a series of activities such as the National Consumption Promotion Month and the International Consumption Season. Optimize consumption supply and innovate consumption scenarios to fully meet the diversified consumption needs of ordinary people.

In addition, around the goal of actively cultivating the consumption growth point of domestic products, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on time-honored brands and organize a series of activities to promote the consumption of domestic products. At the same time, taking the pedestrian street as the carrier, we will guide the pedestrian streets, business districts, and quarter-hour convenient living circles around the country to combine the peak consumption season and strengthen the promotion of domestic "trendy products" according to local conditions.

Wang Xiaopeng said that in order to promote the quality and efficiency of the ice and snow industry and meet the diversified consumption needs of the people, the State Sports General Administration will hold high-level competitions and accelerate the improvement of ice and snow services to provide more and better quality services for the people to participate in ice and snow sports.

In view of the phenomenon that culture and tourism consumption have continued to be hot since New Year’s Day in 2024, Miao Muyang concluded that it is necessary to persist in exerting efforts at both ends of supply and demand, promote overall planning, strengthen the construction of a service-oriented government, and adhere to the concept of sharing between host and guest. It is necessary to expand the supply of high-quality products to meet the consumer demand of the masses, innovate products and services in line with the consumer demand of the masses, consolidate the guarantee system of cultural and tourism policies and systems, standardize and rectify the order of cultural and tourism markets, and improve the supply quality and service level of cultural tourism.

Aborigines in the era of artificial intelligence: at the age of 3, they do spelling and learning programming at the age of 5.

  Six-year-old Bai Haoming (left) and Fu Hongzhou (right) participated in the "Intelligent Sorting Engineering Challenge" project of the Youth Robot Design Competition of the 2018 World Robotics Congress. Jess Zhang/photo

  The 2018 World Robotics Congress held not long ago attracted many young people to visit and participate in the competition, and the exhibits related to children’s services naturally became the focus of everyone’s attention. In this field, many exhibitors set the function of "programming" as the key word to attract consumers, "All children in the future must be able to program".

  Nowadays, "programming" is considered as one of the entry points for children to adapt to the era of artificial intelligence. Several parents interviewed randomly by reporters at the scene also said in unison: "Even if children don’t work in artificial intelligence in the future, they need to know something about robots and programming."

  "Artificial intelligence starts with dolls"

  In the youth robot design competition held during the conference, two small figures in the "Intelligent Sorting Engineering Challenge" area were particularly eye-catching.

  The fleshy hands are as long as the mouse, and the hem of the T-shirts distributed uniformly dangles at the knees. Six-year-old Bai Haoming and Fu Hongzhou are the youngest players in this project, from Shenzhen. They have entered the threshold of programming.

  "Let them do it, and don’t expect to get any rankings." Bai Haoming’s mother clung to the baffle in the field and leaned into half of her body to look at the child’s operation. She thought this was the simplest event in this competition.

  In fact, this is not the case. Bai Hao-ming and Fu Hongzhou need to suck up 10 building blocks of different colors through the mechanical arm within the specified time and carry them to the area corresponding to the color. In this process, the two will cooperate with the debugging of the mechanical arm and programming to complete a series of links such as moving the mechanical arm to a designated position, accurately identifying the color, absorbing the wood blocks, and transporting the wood blocks to other designated areas.

  As expected, their first attempt failed, and the green block was put in the red area. "No, no! Write the data again! " Bai Haoming’s mother is more anxious than her children.

  Six-year-old Fu Hongzhou sat in front of the computer, but he was very calm. His little hand rested slowly on the mouse, and Bai Hao-ming also gathered in front of the screen. They discussed dragging the program module to reprogram, and it was soon finished. After restarting, the green building blocks were successfully transported to the corresponding green area.

  In fact, when Bai Haoming was five years old, he could command the airplane model to start the propeller through computer programming. His mother was convinced that "artificial intelligence starts with dolls". Designated robot platform for this competition — — A certain type of mechanical arm is worth "20,000 to 30,000 yuan", and Bai Haoming’s mother thinks this kind of investment is very worthwhile.

  Fu Hongzhou’s father also thinks that "the future must be the era of artificial intelligence". He asks his children to practice programming once or twice a week for no more than two hours at a time.

  Encouraging children to learn programming is not only the choice of the above two parents. Yi Hui, a robot training coach at the scene of the Youth Robot Design Competition, told reporters that a training institution where he works has become more and more popular in the past three years: some 3-year-old children come to cultivate their structure and sense of space through spelling exercises; Learn simple programming at the age of 5 to 6, and master simple physics knowledge after preschool; After the age of 8, you can usually start to contact relatively complicated modular programming.

  This time, Tian Tian, the little player he brought, began to contact the mosaic robot at the age of 3, and at the age of 5, he was able to design simple games through modular programming. Tian Tian’s father believes that the simplified programming that he is exposed to now will be helpful for children to write code programming in the future. "Although the input forms are different, the logic is the same."

  However, he believes that for Xiao Tiantian, how much knowledge is acquired is second, and what is more important is the shaping of soft power. Tian Tian’s father thinks that the child’s patience has been "greatly improved" and "he can analyze the reasons himself in the face of failure".

  What kind of education scheme is suitable for you?

  In fact, not only in the competition, but also in the Expo and product exhibition area of the World Robotics Congress, "programming" is also the key word in the hearts of parents and children who come to visit.

  Mr. Liu from Beijing and his 6-year-old son Yangyang stopped in front of a programming robot for just over ten minutes, and Yangyang learned how to make the robot parrot dance by using action memory programming.

  Mr. Liu introduced that Yangyang was able to put together hundreds of models at the age of four, so this time he bought a programming robot worth 1299 yuan for his son without hesitation. I believe programming is not difficult for his son.

  "Artificial intelligence will be very popular in the future, and he should be exposed to the development trend of society." Mr. Liu said.

  Judging from the popularity of on-site programming robots, Mr. Liu seems to have spoken the voice of most parents. Exhibitors don’t need to elaborate on the significance of programming to children’s development. As long as they put out their own products, they will be quickly surrounded by a wave of teenagers and parents.

  The reporter noted that in order to meet the needs of children, parents, schools and training institutions, many related enterprises are actively developing educational programs for "cultivating aborigines in the era of artificial intelligence", and the concepts and characteristics of each supplier are different.

  Taking a certain type of programming robot selected by Yangyang children as an example, simple programming learning can be carried out after the robot components and motors are inserted. The programming methods include "action memory programming" and "graphical programming".

  According to reports, teaching material packages including such programming robots have landed in several children’s palaces and primary schools around the country. Guo Zuyun, an information technology teacher at the experimental primary school in Kunming Economic and Technological Development Zone, is one of the users. He introduced that in order to be in line with the era of artificial intelligence, the school built a new function room and introduced a number of engineering intelligence teaching materials. "There are more than 900 people in the school, and more than 200 people have chosen my class. However, due to limited conditions, we only recruited 35 people. "

  In the mobile game My World: Education Edition, which is popular among teenagers, children can cultivate computational thinking through visual programming. It is understood that teachers in more than 100 countries around the world are promoting classroom innovation and collaboration through this game.

  People are exploring various possibilities of artificial intelligence education. Material packages, laboratories, interdisciplinary educational research and practice platforms, mobile games or public welfare activities, and various educational programs are dazzling. At present, what remains unchanged is that "programming" has become the intersection of various schemes.

  "The traditional concept is that learning programming is to be a code farmer in the future, but it is not. The future world will be a digital world, and writing code may be as natural and necessary as writing articles and learning languages today. " An industry insider in the field of artificial intelligence education told reporters. (China Youth Daily Zhongqing Online Reporter Jess Zhang)

Time and Space Technology: Yang Yaohua plans to reduce his holdings by no more than 2.98 million shares.

The chairman of Time and Space Technology is Gong Gonghai, male, 50 years old, with a bachelor’s degree background; The general manager is Jiang Huapeng, male, 47 years old, with a junior college education background.

As of press time, the market value of Time and Space Technology is 1.7 billion yuan.

1. In the past 30 days, no organization has conducted research on space-time technology;
2. Time and Space Technology last announced its reduction on July 15, 2023, and fell by 0.48% on the second trading day. Time and Space Technology issued two reduction announcements in the past year.

(Reporter Cai Ding)

LinkedIn develops built-in game functions, and it is reported that employees’ scores will affect the company’s ranking.

IT House reported on March 18th that LinkedIn, a social platform for the workplace, was developing a built-in game function. Nima Owji, an application researcher, posted a series of screenshots on X, showing some games being developed by LinkedIn, and said that employees’ scores would affect their company’s ranking in the game.

LinkedIn has confirmed this plan to foreign media TechCrunch. The official said: "We are adding puzzle-based games to the LinkedIn experience to release some fun, deepen relationships and hopefully stimulate opportunities for dialogue."

The report also said that the games currently being developed by LinkedIn include Queens, Inference and Crossclimb. It is not clear when the game function will go online and whether it will be available to free users.

LinkedIn revealed that its advanced subscription plan in 2023 generated revenue of $1.7 billion (Note of IT House: currently about RMB 12.24 billion). These plans start at $39.99 per month (currently about RMB 288).