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Football originated in China, why can’t it be played in modern times? It has something to do with Zhu Yuanzhang’s prejudice against Cuju.

When it comes to football, I believe many students will think of ancient cuju in China. There is no doubt that football originated from ancient cuju in China. In 2004, FIFA confirmed that cuju in ancient China was the earliest prototype of football. # You don’t know the history of football #

So, when was Cuju invented in ancient China? The "Ju" in Cuju can be traced back to the stone balls in the cultural site of Ding Cun 100,000 years ago. At first, it should be a hunting tool. In the late primitive society, stone balls kicked by feet and hollowed-out pottery balls appeared.

However, it is not known from the development of stone balls to the inventor of Cuju. According to Liu Xiang’s "Bielu", it is said that Cuju was invented by the Yellow Emperor and began to be used in military training. The bow was made of leather and filled with hair.

The earliest accurate and credible written record of Cuju was in the Warring States Policy and Historical Records. In 285 BC, that is, during the Warring States Period, Cuju was recorded as an activity with both military and recreational nature.

When introducing the living conditions of people in Linzi, the capital of Qi State, Qice wrote: "There are 70,000 households in Linzi … which are very rich and real, and all of them are people who play the flute, drum instruments, percussion, playing the piano, fighting cocks, walking dogs, playing six blogs and squatting."

It can be seen that cuju has developed into a popular way of sports in Linzi, the capital of Qi during the Warring States Period.

During the Han Dynasty, Cuju ushered in a period of rapid development. Cuju can be used not only for entertainment and performance, but also for competition and training. It is estimated that many students can’t believe that Cuju will be used for training. This is because Cuju can not only train soldiers’ physical fitness, but also enrich military life.

If Han Dynasty was the first peak of Cuju’s development, then Tang and Song Dynasties was the second peak. After improvement, Cuju started with a solid ball stuffed with hair and became an inflatable ball. Because of the lower cost of football, more ordinary people could afford to play Cuju. With the increase of the number of Cuju, there were teams and norms dedicated to Cuju, and organizations specializing in Cuju competitions appeared in the Song Dynasty.

Having said that, everyone must first think of Gao Qiu, the first master of cuju in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, because Song Huizong liked cuju very much when he was the king of Duan, and when Gao Qiu sent something to the palace of Duan, he inadvertently showed a few hands, thus being left behind by Zhao Ji. After Zhao Ji became king, he began to promote Gao Qiu.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the gradual popularization of cuju, Japan often sent Tang envoys to China at that time, and brought the game of cuju back to Japan. Today, football is still called "cuqiu" in Japanese and Han Wenzhong, which is also influenced by China’s cuju.

Why did China Cuju, which was still at its peak in the Tang and Song Dynasties, fall out of fashion in the Ming and Qing Dynasties? Even after the mid-Qing Dynasty, football turned from export to domestic sales and reappeared in the eyes of China people.

All this stems from an imperial edict of Zhu Yuanzhang. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, it was different from the situation that the previous generation used cuju as a means of military training. Zhu Yuanzhang thought that cuju was a sign of being a plaything, because Zhu Yuanzhang had an old rival named Zhang Shicheng, and Zhang Shicheng’s troops liked cuju very much. However, when Zhang Shicheng was at war with Zhu Yuanzhang, it was simply vulnerable. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang thought that cuju would not help the improvement of soldiers’ military literacy. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that the Ming army would not be allowed to cuju in the future, and offenders would be punished.

Because this order only prohibits soldiers from playing cuju, but not the people, it actually abandons the function of competition and training, while the people play cuju more for entertainment and viewing.

Therefore, in Ming Dynasty, cuju was still popular among the people, but most of them were women. At that time, cuju was a talent show, just like a brothel woman performing singing and dancing. Although there were several emperors who liked cuju in Ming Dynasty, it was even recorded that the emperor organized eunuchs and maids to play cuju in the palace, but at that time, cuju had developed into a very lightweight thing, and even developed into kicking shuttlecock, which completely deviated from the development of modern football.

During the Qing Dynasty, there were few records about cuju. When the Qing army entered the customs, cuju was banned in the Eight Banners during the Shunzhi period, and cuju was combined with skating, resulting in the movement form of "cuju on the ice".

While the development direction of football in China is crooked, western countries are keen on playing football, and Britain is the first country to popularize modern football.

According to legend, in the 11th century, there was a war between England and Denmark. After the war, when the British were cleaning up the ruins of the war, they found the skull of a Danish invader. They were in resentment, so they kicked the Danish skull with their feet to vent their dissatisfaction. Later, everyone felt that it was very difficult to kick the skull, so some smart people thought of replacing the skull with a cow’s bladder, so there was the origin of modern football.

It can be seen that the birth of modern football itself is full of bloodshed and killing. The initial football match is not just an entertainment, but more like a confrontation.

Generally, two cities take part in a football match. The host throws the football into the air. At the beginning of the game, both sides rush into it, not only shouting, but also running and kicking. Which side can kick the ball to the downtown area of the other side is the winner.

The strong desire to win or lose makes the participants on both sides crazy. In order to win, when the football rushes into the residents’ houses in the middle, the players will rush in and kick around, often leaving the houses in pieces. Therefore, when there is no football match, the people have to close their doors and wait until the end of the game before they dare to leave the house.

Under the strong opposition of the people, the British government had to make a ban, stipulating that football matches can only be played in open spaces, but not in downtown areas, so there was a special football venue.

By 1848, the first written rule of football, Cambridge Rules, was born, which was made between Oxford and Cambridge for a football match. The rule was that only 11 people played in each team, and this rule continued until recently.

In 1862, the world’s first football club was established in Nottinghamshire, England. On October 26th, 1863, the world’s first official football organization, the English Football Association, was established in London, England. This day was also regarded as the birth day of modern football. Since then, with the further improvement of the rules of the game, football has quickly spread around the world.

It can be said that while modern football is flourishing, the ancient cuju in China is evolving into a shuttlecock-kicking sport. Do you think that the decline of modern football in China is related to Zhu Yuanzhang’s ban on military cuju? Welcome to discuss in the comments section below!

Jankovic angrily left! Jia Desong wronged? The truth is revealed! Super League celebrity 1 words Taishan heartbreak.

Shandong Taishan has just changed coaches, and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger has also maintained a good competitive state. It was originally a high-profile Super League focus battle, but the referee’s blowing penalty completely changed the taste of the whole game, especially the control of the referee in stoppage time, which directly changed the taste of the game.

Jia Desong, the main central defender of Shandong Taishan, and Fabio, the assistant coach, were both sent off with red cards! Beric was also beaten with a broken nose and was taken directly to the hospital.

In the last round of stoppage time, Shandong Taishan got a corner kick. In order to grasp the last chance, almost all the players in Shandong Taishan concentrated in the restricted area, and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger also made a strong defensive posture, especially for several high points of Taishan team, and strictly guard against sticking to the ground!

Beric single-handedly defended Jia Desong, who tried to push Beric away in order to have space to compete for the landing place. But at this time, Beric grabbed Jia Desong’s jersey and stuck himself on Jia Desong’s body, so that he could not take off easily. Just when Jia Desong wanted to get rid of Beric abruptly, Beric directly kicked Jia Desong in the upper leg and ignited Jia Desong’s anger!

After the corner kick came out, the two men scrambled for the landing spot at the same time. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Jia Desong raised his hand and directly hit Beric’s face. While Beric fell to the ground in pain, the referee Liu Wei also blew the whistle of the whole game. Under the dissuasion of Fernando, Jia Desong quickly went to the lounge.

At this time, the var referee reminded Liu Wei, the referee, that Jia Desong’s action could directly give a red card. Although Liu Wei went to the player channel, let Jia Desong come back quickly. Players, coaches and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger in Taishan, Shandong, all surrounded the referee and expressed their inner anger. Assistant coach Fabio stood in front of Liu Wei, and even tried to fight for the red card in Liu Wei’s hand, which was directly shown by Liu Wei. Jia Desong, who then returned to the court, did not escape the fate of the red card. Liang Xu, who is a famous Chinese Super League, said frankly:Jia Desong’s action will be punished at least three to five times, or even more than five times!

This assertion is very difficult for the fans of Hot Mount Tai to accept. First of all, the reason why Jia Desong made such a radical move was entirely because the other side ignored the rules too much and the action was beyond the scope of football. Secondly, as the core of the defense line, Jia Desong is irreplaceable. Jia Desong’s personal ability is still the strongest in the Taishan team’s defense. He keeps an eye on the arrows on the opponent’s front line, which is often reassuring. But once banned for many games, who can shoulder this burden in the future?

The last scene was a farce. You know, this game attracted a lot of media attention, especially the national football coach jankovic. And after witnessing all this, I don’t know how jankovic will feel.

Throughout the game, the two teams played very well, but the referee’s control of the scene was very unsatisfactory. In addition, many blowing penalties are also ambiguous. Both the home team Tianjin Jinmen Tiger and the visiting team Shandong Taishan have suffered a lot of grievances, which explains why the anger between the two sides has been so great.

Jankovic, who had been in the stands, was in a good mood, but the more he got to the back of the game, the more serious his expression became, until after the farce, jankovic shook his head and got up and left directly. Obviously, jankovic is very dissatisfied with the present scene! Everything behind the scenes is obviously caused by the referee.

About the referee of the Super League, his professional level and ability have been controversial. There have been many controversial penalties in this round of leagues alone. For example, in the match between Shenzhen team and Nantong Zhiyun, at the last moment of the game, Shenzhen launched a quick counterattack, and Archimpen was directly knocked down by Nantong Zhiyun’s goalkeeper Shi Xiaodong. Instead of punishing Shi Xiaodong for a foul, the referee thought that Archimpen had collided with the goalkeeper. Guan Zhen, the coach of Shenzhen goalkeeper, was directly sent off by the referee for protesting the referee’s blowing penalty. After the game, head coach Chen Tao was still indignant!

Another example is the match between the three towns in Wuhan and Chengdu Rongcheng. Stanciu broke into the restricted area and was tripped by the defending palacios. Because the referee was close to the incident, he did not give a penalty at the first time. Then, after being reminded by var and replayed for a long time, palacios was considered to have fouled and gave a penalty to three towns in Wuhan. But judging from the slow motion, there must be contact between the two people, but palacios’s action will not directly put Stanciu down. It can only be said that Stanciu’s experience at this time is still very rich. However, after the game, most fans did not recognize this penalty and once attacked the referee.

Finally, in the Beijing-Shanghai War, Shanghai Shenhua faced Beijing Guoan at home. The Football Association attached great importance to this game and sent Ma Ning, the best referee at present. However, Ma Ning’s several controversial blows directly annoyed Wu Jingui. After the game, Ma Ning actually left the stadium under the escort of many security personnel. This scene looks very sad.

When we talked about football in China, our first impression was that it was no good and the skills were very poor. Yes, the backwardness of football in China is related to the players’ own skills, their ability to understand the game, and the bad football environment in China. But have you ever thought that in our top leagues, referees are also a part of China football? If our referee level is poor, how can we ensure the team to play in a fair environment, and how can we make the players’ hard work pay off?

Therefore, the relevant departments should not always stare at the players and teams to rectify, but also check these referees carefully, and the relevant departments of the Football Association should also conduct strict assessment on these referees from time to time. If the professional ability is not good, it is necessary to formulate stricter punishment measures!

The two founders of Meituan joined hands again.

ChatGPT’s wind blew, and the US group Wang Xing was tempted.

Yesterday afternoon, Wang Xing, the founder of Meituan, announced in a high-profile circle of friends that the AI ? ? model made him "both excited and worried". In the future, he will personally participate in the A round investment of Wang Huiwen’s startup company "light years away" and serve as a director.

The original text of this circle of friends is: "The AI ? ? big model makes me both excited about the huge productivity that will be created soon and worried about its future impact on the whole world. Lao Wang and I have been on the road to entrepreneurship for nearly 20 years.Since he is determined to embrace this big wave, I must support it. "

Source: screenshot of Wang Xing’s circle of friends

Just last month, Wang Huiwen, another core founder of Meituan, published articles on social platforms continuously, announcing that he would start a business in AI, with the goal of creating "China version of OpenAI". Recently, ChatGPT, which is very popular in the technology circle, is the product launched by OpenAI.

His concrete measure is to contribute 50 million dollars., valued at $200 million, set up Beijing Lightyear Technology Co., Ltd.. However, its own funds only account for 25% of the shares. In his AI Heroes List, he wrote that another 75% of the shares are used to invite top R&D talents.

If these shares have not been issued by the time the company goes public, a non-profit fund will be set up to "invest in projects with unclear development path, slim realization hope and unclear commercial value".

As soon as this move came out, the four sides moved.

Some researchers questioned its capital and technology, and some people yearned for it, but never expected that the first big fish caught in this project was actually an old partner Wang Xing.

At this point, we look back,Recently, the investment and entrepreneurship of AI, Big Model, ChatGPT and other related tracks have entered the stage of racing against time.

Not only Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen’s "Double Kings" combination, but also Ali, JD.COM, Baidu and Tik Tok are actively participating in the competition.

After Wang Huiwen took out $50 million in real money, Wang Xiaochuan, a former Sogou CEO, also posted on social media that he was about to enter the "China’s OpenAI" battlefield.

On February 26th,Zhou Bowen, the former head of JD.COM technology, announced the recruitment of partners to build a China version of ChatGPT.

In the last two days, Yan Li, the core figure of AI technology research and development in Aauto Quicker, has also started a big AI model business as a new company founded after leaving Aauto Quicker.

Mu Li, a great technical god, and Alex Smola, his former mentor, started their business together, and the track they chose was also a big model-related project.

Coupled with this high-profile announcement by Wang Xing,At present, the domestic AI model entrepreneurial track has been crowded with big names, including many serial entrepreneurs and technical gods.

As the "best co-production venture combination" recognized in the Internet industry, the re-joining of Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen has brought a beautiful imagination to the industry.

On December 18, 2020, Meituan issued an internal letter, and Wang Huiwen, the co-founder and senior vice president of Meituan, officially retired as planned.

On the occasion of Wang Huiwen’s retirement, Wang Xing wrote a letter for him, briefly summarizing his ten-year entrepreneurial achievements.

"Joined the US Mission in 2010 to help the company stand out from the Thousand Regiments War; Three years later, we will build a US group take-out from 0 to 1, and then go deep into the upstream and downstream of the catering industry chain to build local service business scenarios such as store, home and travel; One year before leaving office, Lao Wang was still promoting the building of platform capabilities such as user platform, basic research and development, big data and Al. "

Wang Huiwen

It can be seen that Wang Huiwen plays a cornerstone role in today’s Meituan Empire. However, before the establishment of the US Mission, Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen had already cooperated many times.

In 1997, 18-year-old Wang Xing walked to Tsinghua University from Longyan No.1 Middle School in Fujian. At that time, the first classmate he knew was his roommate Wang Huiwen.

Since 2003, they decided to start a joint venture. It is said that Wang Xing interrupted his doctoral studies in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the University of Delaware, and Wang Huiwen also dropped out of the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In a year, Wang Xing tried 10 entrepreneurial projects until.In 2005, the real-name registration system social networking platform "Intranet", which was jointly founded by them, went online, and finally made a name in the industry.

This social platform, similar to Facebook, quickly took off in China. However, due to the broken capital chain and lack of entrepreneurial experience, Wang Xing’s team sold the campus network to Thousand Oaks Group for $2 million in less than one year.

Three years later, in 2009, Thousand Oaks Group renamed its famous campus network Renren. By 2011, when Renren was listed in the United States, its market value reached 7.482 billion US dollars, surpassing Sohu, Youku, Netease, Ctrip and Sina, becoming the third company with internet market value in China.

Source: Renren. com official website

In this story, although the "two kings" group left early, their keen judgment and industry judgment on the Internet still surprised everyone.

After the campus network project, Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen went to toss up the projects such as Fanbu, hainei and Taofang, but none of them improved much.

In 2010, the two men got together again and jointly founded Meituan., and then completed the expansion of thousands of regiments, takeaway wars, big retail and big travel.

In a short sentence, how many wars are raging? After several wars and standing out from the crowd, Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen combined to gain a firm foothold, and more people began to call them "industry bosses". As we all know, the super entrepreneurial strength displayed by the two of them together is an important factor that makes everyone look askance.

Thousand regiments war

It is worth noting that after Wang Huiwen retired, he never stopped to invest in the technology industry.

Specifically, in April last year, Wang Huiwen’s signature on Instant was still "All in Crypto". After half a year, his interest shifted from Crypto and web3 to artificial intelligence, and he wanted to build the China version of OpenAI.

By the way, he also invested in LI and met Wang Xing in the investment field. In the last round of financing before the ideal IPO, Wang Huiwen’s name appeared on the ideal investment list together with Wang Xing.

Not only does Wang Huiwen continue to explore in the science and technology circle, but Wang Xing has gradually become an investment tycoon in the field of hard technology.

According to incomplete statistics, in addition to his ideals, Wang Xing’s personal investment projects also include mutual assistance, convenience, e-driving, Qingping Technology, Maibu Technology, flight steward, Tiger Securities and so on.

Wind data shows that there are 121 affiliated enterprises of Wang Xing and 39 foreign-invested enterprises, of which 34 are surviving. The enterprises they invest in are mainly engaged in scientific research and technical services, information transmission, software and information technology services, and leasing and business services.

Source: wind

It can be seen that the exploration of the two people joining hands to enter the AI industry is not as simple as a "supporting friends". In fact, there are both sides’ continued emphasis on the technology industry and their recognition of entrepreneurial ideas.

In the open letter of Wang Huiwen’s retirement, Wang Xing wrote that "Lao Wang and I are classmates and roommates with common interests, partners who work together to start a business, comrades who fight side by side, and lifelong friends who can collide with each other and talk with each other".

Different from the rhetoric in Wang Huiwen’s hero list, when the two really entered the AI industry, of course, all the spectators were most concerned about:What are you going to do and what kind of business model are you going to establish?

From the current mainstream point of view, the AI ? ? big model and ChatGPT entrepreneurship actually require high R&D investment. In fact, the only team in China that is most suitable for competition and has a greater possibility of success is BAT, an Internet giant with a cloud computing platform and a large number of users and related data.

Some insiders have calculated the relevant costs. "ChatGPT hardware needs 30,000 top-level GPUs, plus CPU, memory, hard disk, network and data center power supply and buildings, which is close to 10 billion yuan.Training takes several months at a time, and besides the huge cost of materials and electricity, there is also the cost of software development. "

In the past few years, both Ali and Tencent have invested no less than $50-10 billion in OpenAI. However, from the landing effect, the results are not obvious.

The same is true for Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen.They face as many difficulties as Ali.

At present, the advantages of the two men in the process of starting a business are rich entrepreneurial experience, keen market insight, talking about ideals, talking about feelings and grabbing talents. Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen are very powerful.

Earlier news showed that recently, Liu Jiang, vice president of Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, wrote in a circle of friends that he had decided to join Wang Huiwen’s "light years away", and he also called other "AI heroes" to join the team.

It shows the appeal of the two of them, but in addition to the above competitive factors, the specific landing scenarios, related business models and profit models of the AI ? ? big model are still being explored.

Is it ToB, facing the business side, using ChatGPT and big model as an interface to improve the efficiency of production and service, or ToC, putting the AI big model technology to the ground and making a more reliable and intelligent chat robot?

Just like several keywords mentioned by Wang Huiwen in the continuation of the hero list, "unclear, vague and unclear" indirectly summarizes the mentality of both surprise and anxiety about related technologies in the industry.

Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen took a group photo.

What we can make clear is that in the process of AI entrepreneurship, in addition to technical belief, it is necessary to have sufficient capital and the support of related industries, and it is actually very difficult to simply explore technology without landing scenes.

Wang Xing and Wang Huiwen stood up and supported the industrial development with actual funds. They played more of the role of "investors". This move deserves more people’s follow. After all, no matter how difficult the technical research is, someone must promote it.

Betting on AI entrepreneurship is a new journey for these two Internet giants, and the whole Internet industry is waiting for the day when the truth comes out.

Author | Lao Dian

Listening to your words is better than listening to them.

Casey left AC Milan on a free transfer before this season. He had been at the club for three years. In an interview published earlier, the midfielder discussed the difference between Milan and Barcelona. He said that the goal is the same, winning is the only thing, but other aspects are very different.

"I want to say that they are two very different ways of playing football and their understanding of football. Here, Barcelona is more technical. The same is winning, yes, but not in every way. Barcelona is very demanding of good scenes, and every player should have a wonderful performance to do this. In Milan, it’s different, everything is more direct. But the most important thing is the result. The constant is that in these two clubs, you have to win, of course.

Barcelona is currently ranked first in the La Liga standings. After a little struggle at first, Kathy has gained a foothold. Therefore, it is unlikely to return to Milan (or join Inter).

Cloud giant Salesforce is introducing ChatGPT function.

KlipC reports: With the global explosion of ChatGPT, American cloud service giant Salesforce has also set foot on the last bus of this storm. It is reported that Salesforce, the world’s largest CRM software service provider, launched a $250 million (about 1.74 billion yuan) venture capital investment fund on Tuesday local time, aiming at generative artificial intelligence start-ups.

According to Salesforce, the company will integrate artificial intelligence technology into the new version of software products to help enterprise personnel complete their jobs efficiently. The target customers are startups that are developing technologies similar to ChatGPT, which can be used with their commercial software applications.

According to informed sources, Salesforce began to cooperate with OpenAI’s language model team more than a year ago, but the recent popularity of this technology in the industry has prompted the company to advance its timetable and let customers enjoy some black technology as soon as possible.

Andi Duan, a partner of KlipC, said: "Since the advent of ChatGPT, there has been a storm in the technology industry. Many top technology companies have used people’s interest in generative artificial intelligence technology to launch new products. This trace once again shows that AI assistants will become ubiquitous in daily life."

However, the text generated by OpenAI’s generative artificial intelligence technology may contain wrong information. For solving such problems, Salesforce has taken several measures to avoid misleading users. For example, users still need to edit and modify answers, and Salesforce also limits the range of inventory information used to generate answers.

Wall Street analysts said in an interview with KlipC: "ChatGPT’s AI competition has recently been launched all over the world, including many top technology companies such as Microsoft, Google and Meta. With the upsurge of people’s interest in generative AI technology, the issue of moral safety has also caused controversy, and the current chat bots and language models are not mature, which has also made many related manufacturers and enterprises adopt a more cautious attitude."

Mbappé escaped the red card before the lore! Hook down the opponent+revenge kick yellow VAR not changed.

On March 12th, Beijing time, Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 2-1, and Mbappé scored in the 91st minute, but before that, he was almost sent off with a red card!

Mbappé has become the top scorer of the team history in Greater Paris. However, against Bayern in the Champions League, he got nothing, only stopped in the top 16 and missed the big ear cup again. The battle with brest was a good opportunity for Tim to prove himself again. He put on the captain’s armband and performed quite well.

In the 37th minute, Great Paris broke the deadlock on the field, and the goal came from Mbappé’s long-range shot hitting the post, and Sohler shot back into the net. In the 62 nd minute, he didn’t pass it to Messi after stealing in the restricted area, but chose to shoot with his right foot, but unfortunately it was outrageous.

In the 86th minute, when Mbappé was fighting, he hooked Belko Bula from behind, and the latter hugged General Mu’s left leg. Mbappé retaliated and kicked Belko Bula. brest midfielder immediately stood up and theorized, and the two sides clashed!

In the end, the referee on duty presented a yellow card to each of them, and after VAR intervened, there was no revision. However, Tim can get a red card for this retaliatory kick, can’t he?

Five minutes later, Messi went straight to the goal, and Mbappé scored the winner after passing the goalkeeper, becoming a hero in Paris, scoring 40+ goals for four consecutive seasons, ranking first in Ligue 1, which is also the 3000th goal in the top league in team history.

9.3.2 Another computing machine 2

This book regards the conceived language machine as the latest development of language media system tools, and language machines can also be analyzed and compared in the history of computing machines.

When Turing conceived the Turing machine, he began by observing the process of people’s calculation on paper with pens. The Turing machine device conceived was used to simulate the behavior of human beings in the calculation process. Turing machine models calculation problems by establishing rules about symbols, internal states, and how input and state determine output. Simply put, given the input, Turing machine can output regularly. The idea of Turing machine is more from the machine, which is reflected in the fact that the atomic operation of Turing machine is based on a character: reading a character, making judgment and processing, and the output is only a character or no output. This is unnatural to understand from a human perspective. The object of concern in manual calculation operation is various expressions, which may be a single symbol only under certain circumstances. In this book, we regard calculation as equivalence in expression-substitution as a calculation operation. In an abstract sense, Turing machine’s output from input to rule can also be regarded as a replacement operation. Only the substitution of a single symbol is not a human computing behavior pattern. The effect is the same problem, usually Turing machine needs to establish more rules.

As mentioned earlier, Turing machine is equivalent to Chomsky’s type 2 grammar. The basis of Chomsky’s grammar theory, such as production rules, is also a substitution operation in nature. Chomsky’s grammar theory forms the grammatical basis of modern programming languages. A few months before Turing submitted his paper, the American mathematician alonzo church (June, 1903–August, 1995) submitted his paper "Explanation on Deterministic Problems", which also proved that there was no solution to the deterministic problems. Qiu Qi’s argument is based on Lambda calculus. Qiu Qi’s Lambda calculus is equivalent to Turing machine’s computing power. By studying the theory of Lambda calculus, we can find that the operation of calculus is obviously embodied in recursive symbol replacement. Through more investigation of the history of computing machines, other computing machine models based on similar replacement operation designs can be found. Turing machine thought does not explain where the rules from input to output come from, which is regarded as open. Church’s Lambda calculus theory, Chomsky grammar theory and other theories and models are also considered from a specific technical point of view. In this book, calculation is not studied as an independent topic, but in the context of the use of symbols. The replacement rules on which calculation is based can be classified as equivalence relations in knowledge or facts, including existing equivalence relations and potentially derivable equivalence relations. The background on which this book is based enables machines to be used as tools for language media systems.

Modern computer is an engineering realization of turing machine, and turing machine is not only realized by modern computer. The processing of modern computers is ultimately decomposed into arithmetic and logical calculations. Turing machine theory itself has no such requirement, which is only determined by the technical route. The consistency of binary system and its calculation in symbol and physics has brought modern computers. In the concept of language machine, the process based on substitution-transformation can have special advantages in terms of the efficiency of calculation execution. Because it can operate directly on any level of expression, it reduces the process of decomposition back to atomic operation. A substitution-transformation operation in expression corresponds to many times of atomic arithmetic, logical calculation operations and corresponding internal communication of modern computers, and theoretically, the consumption of space and time will be smaller.

Using the present computer, it is possible to simulate the ability to perform substitution-transformation operations at the expression level, or to package a programming language based on substitution-transformation operations. For the goal of language machine, these schemes have only limited verification significance. First of all, this brings some kind of cycle: virtual replacement-conversion operation based on logical and arithmetic calculation, and logical and mathematical calculation based on replacement-conversion operation. Conceptually, this book thinks that substitution-transformation is a more basic operation than logical and arithmetic calculation. Secondly, it sacrifices the possible efficiency advantages of language machines. The conception, design and implementation of language machine may draw lessons from some current computer technologies, and the overall use mode is difficult to be compared with the use of von Neumann machine. It can be predicted that the language machine will be realized, and its ability will not exceed that of a universal Turing machine, which does not constitute a key evaluation of the language machine. What the language machine pursues is the effects that can be brought by the new man-machine collaboration, which are first of all for people.

If the language machine is finally realizable, will it be dedicated or can it be used as a new universal machine? It is too early to think about such a problem now. It can be seen that the discussion in this book is basically limited to the scope of theoretical knowledge. By comparison, the application of computers is mainly in the fields of technology and engineering. In the problem solving in these fields, many problems are not typical calculation problems; Empirical rules are equally important for solving all kinds of problems, and they are not all deducible from theory. This book is to understand the language machine from the perspective of language tools, and to support people’s use of symbols is always the first. On the other hand, once the machine shows some potential, people will try to maximize the potential of the machine, which is easier to carry out and may be counterproductive to the goal of using human-oriented symbols by the machine.

In application, the depth of language mechanism and content of language machine is related to the problems considered by artificial intelligence at present, so the two can also be compared. Fundamentally, their ideological starting points are different. The primary goal of language machine is to replace tools such as paper, pen, ink and computer to support the construction and use of human language and realize more effective use of human language with the help of tools. Contemporary artificial intelligence generally uses machines to simulate the intellectual behavior of the human brain, so that more jobs that were originally done by people can be replaced by machines. This book regards human intelligence as developing or expanding with the use of symbols, rather than a roughly fixed model that can be imitated and replaced by machines.

While better cooperating with the use of symbols by human beings, the knowledge possessed by human beings and machines can be more and more similar, and the knowledge possessed by machines can exceed the capacity of any human individual; In the past, more and more symbolic regular operations performed by people can be performed by machines, and they are more efficient; At this point, it is no problem to say that the behavior shown by the machine is intelligent. Let’s look at a concrete example, the relationship between category and instance. A is a category, and X is an example under the category. We say that X belongs to A, and the word "belonging" can be understood by interpretation. It is doubtful whether the understanding formed by this explanation is really effective, and it is impossible for us to explain the machine like this. Now, we can realize such a mechanism: X is an example under category A, which contains any proposition of A. You can replace A with X, and the proposition still holds. This substitutable relationship can be actually implemented by the machine in a specific context. From the operational sense, the language machine shows that it has understood that "X is an example under category A". Machines don’t understand whether symbolic units have meaning or not, just like people do. On the other hand, an important sign of understanding is to know how to operate symbols.

A popular view is that modern computers are good at dealing with structured and regular knowledge, but they are not good at dealing with unstructured and open knowledge, such as common sense. With the development of machines in the latter direction, we can understand and imitate human intelligence more. First of all, this book does not think that a perfect understanding of structured rule knowledge has been established, and this theory has been disintegrated in machine application. Modern computers began with computing as an independent theme. To this end, this book has established its own theory, the core point is: knowledge is expressed based on equivalence relation, and calculation is based on equivalence relation. On this basis, we discuss how to build knowledge in the machine, thus making the machine have deduction ability. What is important is the structured and regular knowledge, which corresponds to the expansion of human intelligence and cognition by symbols. From the perspective of the division of labor between machines and humans, it is a reasonable way to improve or innovate tools to enhance this expansion.

The emphasis on common sense makes natural language a core theme of artificial intelligence. Through the establishment of a complex language model and statistical calculation on a large number of corpus, the machine also shows a certain language processing ability. From the economic point of view, these advances can be of great value. Most white-collar jobs are fixed jobs and do not need real creativity. It is possible that these processes are close to some parts of human intelligence, but this will not be the core part. The deductive ability of a language machine, ideally, can calculate all possible conclusions from the currently known theories and facts. This ability is the part of human intelligence expanded by symbols. This book only re-understands and realizes this part of intelligence as a more general way.

When the system we build shows that we can name, define, form new cognition and express, and ask questions, we can probably say that it is close to the core of human intelligence. This may require more systematic research, and a continuous understanding from perceptual experience to symbol system and from natural language to abstract symbol system can be established before we can find out whether there are some forms of intelligence that always depend on it. This book is more concerned about whether we can develop new forms and ways of using symbols, so that human beings can use symbols more efficiently.

ChatGPT fire out of the circle! Artificial intelligence foreground geometry?

ChatGPT has become very popular on the Internet with its unique personalized answers and interesting interactions. It can not only answer a wide range of questions, including emotional and scientific aspects, but also provide users with interesting games and interesting chat interactions, which not only makes users experience the fun brought by knowledge, but also relieves the psychological fatigue caused by pressure.

ChatGPT realizes the translation between any languages through its intelligent algorithm, and it enables users of different languages to communicate effectively through voice chat. ChatGPT also has the ability to prevent harassment and protect users’ privacy, and provides immediate technical support services.

Thanks to ChatGPT’s powerful technical ability and excellent service, this intelligent robot has won a series of praise and reputation among users. It not only brings convenience to users, but also helps users enjoy a new lifestyle. ChatGPT is not only an ordinary intelligent assistant, but also an indispensable helper in users’ lives, providing people with more interactive ways and lifestyles, making all aspects of users’ lives more humanized, intelligent and convenient.

Now, ChatGPT has already become a star product in a circle. In this impetuous Internet era, ChatGPT is loved by users for its continuous innovation and professional service, and has won the trust and support of users. ChatGPT’s popularity not only shows the increasing improvement of artificial intelligence technology, but also shows the good prospects and development space of intelligent customer service market.

Perhaps the current ChatGPT has developed from a fledgling intelligent customer service platform to a leader in the industry, but its development cannot be separated from the continuous attention and support for users. The ChatGPT team will, as always, be committed to providing intimate and convenient services for users and constantly innovating to bring more surprises and touches to users.

Cancelo’s field data: passing and shooting, winning the confrontation 10 times, stealing 5 times and shooting 4 times.

Live broadcast on March 12 th In this round of Bundesliga Bayern’s 5-3 victory over augsburg, Cancelo played well and made contributions. The following are his specific data in this field:

The success rate of air confrontation is 100%

87 touches of the ball

Win the confrontation 10 times.

Eight times the opponent touched the ball in the penalty area.

Seven passes into the opponent’s restricted area

Win back the ball five times

Five steals

Four shots

Second clearance

I have passed twice.

1 goal

1 assist

(Chenpi is not orange)

Comparing the four virtual human companies, who do you choose?

The application of virtual human technology is more and more extensive and mature. Microsoft Xiao Bing, Iflytek, Silicon-based Intelligence and Fengping Intelligence are all highly influential companies in the field of virtual human. Let’s take a look at the outstanding advantages of the four virtual human companies!

Comparison of technical strength and popularity: Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek are leading artificial intelligence companies at home and abroad. They have deep technical accumulation in natural language processing and speech recognition, and have the leading technical strength in the world.

Xiao Bing, as a digital employee, is loved by many users, and also highly praised in the industry, such as the digital employee "Cui Xiaopan".

Iflytek has excellent technical strength in the fields of speech synthesis and speech recognition, and its developed virtual human images, such as the host of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the virtual "Wang Bingbing" of the Winter Olympics, are also very popular.

Comparison of application scope: Silicon-based intelligence and leveling intelligence are better in the application scope of virtual human technology. The virtual human applications of silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have covered many fields such as education, medical care, advertising and e-commerce. In the field of education, virtual people can be used for online education counseling, curriculum promotion, etc. In the medical field, it can be applied to health consultation, medical diagnosis and so on.

Comparison of making and customizing digital people;Silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have a large number of digital people libraries, which can select digital people with different images to appear in the camera, and can be driven by text and voice. It is also relatively simple to customize digital people’s images. Providing real-life videos can generate digital avatars through modeling.

Price comparison: In terms of price, compared with silicon-based intelligence, Iflytek and Microsoft Xiao Bing, Fengping Intelligence is more affordable and can provide faster digital human production services. Because of its technological innovation and high production efficiency of digital people, Fengping Intelligent can reduce the production cost, introduce a more affordable price scheme and attract more customers.

Generally speaking, Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek have higher technical strength and popularity, while silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence are superior in the application scope of virtual human, and the price of Pingping intelligence is lower. When choosing a virtual human production company, you can choose a company that suits you according to your own needs and budget.