标签归档 夜西安论坛

Millions of greedy people openly shouted: I didn’t make a mistake! The prosecutor used this trick to silence him.

  CCTV News:Recently, the Intermediate People’s Court of Zibo City, Shandong Province publicly pronounced the case of Lu Zaimo, former member of the Standing Committee of Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and former chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Ethnic Affairs, accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The defendant Lu Zaimo was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined 600,000 yuan.

  At the age of 18, he served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of Rushan County in Yantai, the head of Fushan District in Yantai at the age of 36, the mayor of Jining at the age of 48, and the first director of the Department of Commerce in the history of Shandong Province at the age of 55. Lu Zaimo’s career can be said to be smooth.

  At work, Lu Zaimo was highly effective and conscientious, and was praised as a "good cadre". However, it is this glamorous "star" official who used his position to illegally accept property of more than 4.28 million yuan; It also reimbursed many times the monthly expenses, transportation expenses, meals and other expenses that should be paid by individuals and families for more than 170,000 yuan; Even the public funds of 9 million yuan from Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce were used to buy houses, decorate houses and buy vehicles in Yantai for their personal use.

  At this point, in the face of censorship, Lu Zaimo refused to explain the problem, and even yelled at the case handlers: "I didn’t make any mistakes, you are so unfair to me! I want to report you! "

  However, no matter how tough his attitude is, he can’t change the outcome that he will be caught if he reaches out.

  Restore massive evidence and sit on the "iron case"

  According to Zhang Jingya, the procurator of the Third Public Prosecution Office of Shandong Provincial People’s Procuratorate, in case Lu Zaimo did not plead guilty, the case handlers worked around the clock almost every day, made a pre-judgment of every possible situation, and went back and forth to Jinan and Zibo several times to look for evidence. Finally, I found a key witness, Qi Moumou, who gave Lu Zaimo 1.5 million yuan in cash four times since 2003.

  In August 2016, Lu Zaimo was suspected of accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The key witness, Zhai Moumou, testified in court, but Lu Zaimo did not look at him. He even insisted that "I don’t know him at all, and I have no impression at all. The bribe of 1.5 million yuan is unnecessary."

  Lu Zaimo (data map)

  Lu Zaimo’s reaction, investigators have long expected.

  In order to confirm the testimony of the witness, the case-handling personnel went to the scene in advance to extract the paper bag used by the witness company to bribe Lu Zaimo. After the test, it was found that it could indeed hold the cash and gifts mentioned by the witness. Bribery money can be found from the company’s finances; Witnesses can clearly explain the purpose of the loan in detail … …

  In this way, more evidence of bribery by Lu Zaimo was restored one by one.

  The investigators also adopted synchronous recording and video recording technology when Lv Zaimo was first arraigned, and kept all the guilty confessions he made before the trial.

  In the face of overwhelming evidence, Lu Zaimo was finally speechless.

  Diet Coke, jiaozi and Longevity Noodles Break the Suspect’s Psychological Defense Line.

  In the face of censorship, some people are arrogant, while others play dumb.

  Qi Guangsen, a discipline inspector at the tenth discipline inspection and supervision office of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, has encountered such a situation.

  When conducting a disciplinary review of Yu of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yu pretended to be deaf and dumb and said nothing. Qi Guangsen found that Yu did not speak because he worked in the judicial department for a long time and was very aware of the consequences of his violation of discipline and law.

  After careful observation, Yu was most concerned about his elderly mother, so he adjusted his work ideas and conversation strategies in time, focused on family influence and policy, insisted on talking with Yu every day, had dinner together, and carefully prepared a sugar-free coke that Yu loved to drink.

  In the first 20 days, Yu was still expressionless and stubborn, but Qi Guangsen didn’t give up, and finally influenced Yu to truthfully confess his disciplinary behavior.

  In fact, "moving people with emotion" has long been a common method for case handlers to break through the psychological defense of the censor.

  According to previous media reports, at the beginning of 2014, a cadre of a unit in Xicheng District of Beijing seriously violated the law and was taken "double regulations" measures. Just before the Spring Festival, in order to stabilize the mood of the investigated cadres, the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Xicheng District of Beijing ensured that he ate jiaozi on the New Year’s Eve, and let him watch the Spring Festival Gala if conditions permitted.

  Similarly, when investigating a case a few years ago, the day when the Xicheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection took the subject to the "double regulations" happened to be his birthday. The staff first gave him a bowl of longevity noodles during the meal. Seeing the noodles, the cadre burst into tears. The follow-up investigation of this case was very smooth.

  Judge the facts of a crime in English

  In order to avoid the organization’s inquiry, what’s more, they came up with a "crooked trick" to communicate and talk with the case handlers in English.

  In the interrogation room of the Dazu District Procuratorate in Chongqing, there was such a scene: the prosecutor Lu Duandong conducted an exchange trial of the suspect in English.


  Lu Duandong (right) discusses the case with colleagues.

  It was a corruption case that Lu Duandong’s case-handling team took over. After the case arrived, the suspect Liu refused to cooperate. During the trial, Liu even insisted that the interrogators communicate with him in English.

  Lu Duandong found that Liu had the habit of persisting in learning English because of his master’s degree and his daughter’s studying in Canada, and his oral English level was also high.

  Grasping this point, Lu Duandong asked during the trial: "If we interrogate in English, you will honestly explain the facts of the crime?"

  Liu didn’t expect the prosecutor on the other side to ask this question, and smiled silently.

  Therefore, after work, Lu Duandong began to suddenly train his listening and speaking skills, preparing for the next contest with Liu.

  The second interrogation of Liu, Lu Duandong calmly and fluently talked with him about English, Liu’s psychological defense line was broken a little bit, and more and more criminal facts were confessed.

  During the trial break, Liu asked, "What do you think of using ‘ Fight back ’ Is it appropriate to describe my current situation? "

  "No, I think ‘ The trapped beast still fights ’ This word is more suitable for you. " Lu Duandong said.

  After listening to the word "trapped beast still fights", Liu was silent for a long time and confessed all the criminal facts.

  Facts have proved that no matter how cunning a fox is, it can’t compete with a resourceful and good hunter. Any act of resisting censorship and inquiry will ultimately be nothing more than shooting yourself in the foot. Corruption and violation of discipline are like stepping into a swamp, sinking deeper and deeper, and breaking free with brute force can only accelerate the fall. (Text/Chen Xin)

Seasonal fruits have been listed one after another, and the national fruit price has dropped slightly.

CCTV News:After long summer, the temperature in various places has risen, and it is the season when a large number of seasonal fruits such as cherries and watermelons are on the market. What about the recent fruit prices? Let’s look at the reporter’s investigation.

In Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, fruit merchants told reporters that after the May 1 holiday, a large number of watermelons were listed in Shandong, Jiangsu, Beijing and other places, and the prices went down. On May 9, the average price of watermelons in Xinfadi Market was 4.82 yuan per kilogram, which was 20% lower than that on April 29, and 33% lower than that on April 9, while the varieties with higher prices in the previous period also dropped significantly recently.

Ma Jing, a fruit merchant in Beijing Xinfadi Market:Cherry from Dalian, Liaoning, and cherry from Shandong are on the market in large quantities. Last month, it was a kilo in 60 yuan, and now it is a kilo in 40 yuan.

Xu Jingju, a fruit merchant in Beijing Xinfadi Market:(Originally) high prices are now declining, such as litchi, which started at more than 200 yuan a box, and now it has dropped to 70 yuan (a box).

The data shows that in April, the average wholesale price of six kinds of fruits monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was 7.90 yuan per kilogram, up 0.3% from the previous month and 10.5% from the same period last year. After May, with the warmer weather, seasonal fresh fruits such as watermelons and melons in the south, cherries, strawberries and mulberries in North China and Central China entered the harvest period one after another, and the market supply and varieties of fruits increased.

Wang Yunjuan, chief fruit analyst of the agricultural product market early warning team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:Since May, the national average wholesale price of fruits has declined slightly, mainly due to the large number of melons and other fruits listed, of which the weekly average price of watermelons has dropped by 6%, down by 25% year-on-year. It is expected that fruit prices will enter a seasonal decline channel in the later period.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  The stars and the moon are burning in the sky, and there are two yuanxiao on earth. Every year, it’s Lantern Festival again.

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival". In this festival, in addition to eating dumplings, enjoying lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns, there are also countless literati who have left many poetic poems. These poems, or trigger the resonance of missing, or contain similar warmth, as well as countless inner attachments. These beautiful images hidden in ancient poems have amazed the time and the soul.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Today, let’s walk in poetry and feel the Lantern Festival in poetry.

  Ouyang Xiu wrote in the Northern Song Dynasty: "On the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market was lit like a day. The moon rose above the willow tree, At dusk he had a tryst with me. The lantern festival on the fifteenth day of the first month of this year, the moonlight and the lights are still the same as last year. I didn’t see last year, and my tears wet my spring shirt sleeves. " Just a few crosses create a hazy, quiet, graceful and soft artistic conception, which makes people feel the charm of China’s traditional poems.

  "Jin Li Fang Yan, Lan Hongyan in his early years. The color is far away, and the light is far away. After the Chinese suspect that the stars are falling, the building is like a moon hanging. Don’t have a thousand gold smiles, come and reflect the nine branches. " Lu Zhaolin, one of the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Watching Lights at Fifteen Nights", which made the colorful Lantern Festival lights unique and brought people into the enchanted fairyland.

  The poet Su Weidao wrote in the poem "The fifteenth night of the first month": "The fire tree and silver flowers are combined, and the star bridge is locked. The crowd surged, the dust float in the sky under the hoofs of the horses; Moonlight all over every corner, where people can see the moon overhead. Prostitutes are all ruined, and songs are all ruined. Jin Wu can’t help but stay up at night, and the jade leaks. " The poem describes the scene of lights scattered and crowds surging on the Lantern Festival night in Chang ‘an, and people still don’t want to leave at midnight. Read it carefully, and you will have a wonderful feeling of being in the capital of Datang and sleepwalking in the sea of people and lights.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Yuan midnight snack, between the lights. "Find him thousands of baidu in the crowd. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, and the lights were dim. " Xin Qiji, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, is well-known for this word in "Qing Yu An Yuan Xi". In fact, in ancient times, Lantern Festival was also a romantic festival. Lantern Festival provides an opportunity for unmarried men and women to get to know each other, and it is also a good opportunity for young men and women to meet their lovers.

  In the Song Dynasty, the anonymous poet "Partridge Sky Shang Yuan" said: "At dusk, we welcome the auspicious to the Royal Return, and the palace flowers carry the brocade in piles. The whip sounded by the bridge in Tianjin, and the shadow was opened in front of Xuande Building. Play Shun music, enter the Yao Cup, and announce that the car will go to Tianjie immediately. The king likes to have fun with the people, and he comes with shock on all sides. " It describes the grand occasion of the Lantern Festival in the capital city of Song Huizong, where the emperor enjoyed the fun with the people, the officials and petty officials swarmed around, and the people flocked to it. Everyone wore all kinds of flowers on his head, and all the way, it was colorful and dazzling, as if it were a sea of flowers.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Photo by Beijing Daily reporter Pan Zhiwang.

  Tang Bohu, a cynical and talented six-legged layman, also wrote a beautiful work "Yuanxiao". "A moon without lights is not entertaining, and a moon without lights is not spring. Towards everywhere spring comes as seen here with lady fair, Over bright moonlit night flashing lanterns set off the moon as pure silver. All over the street, Zhu Cui swims around the village girls, singing and competing with the social gods. If you don’t show your respect and smile, how can you get rid of this good time? " The Lantern Festival written by him is not only beautiful in artistic conception, but also lively and touching. The lights and the moon are shining, the songs are everywhere, and even the village girls wear red and green to travel. The scene is very spectacular and moving.

  The beauty of poetry lies in its rich flavor of the times and life. The romance of poetry lies in its engraving of human experience and customs changes. Therefore, it can cross the long river of time and let us regain the memory of culture. No matter how time and space change, Lantern Festival is still a spiritual symbol that we can’t give up, and people are still used to reunion in festivals.

  "At the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market lights were as bright as day. On the first night of this year, only the moon remains. " On this day, which should be a family reunion, too many people can’t do so because of the unexpected visitor "COVID-19 epidemic". This sudden epidemic has disrupted the rhythm of everyone’s reunion and disturbed our pace of going home. At this moment, on the Lantern Festival, let’s say a word to the "soldiers" who are fighting against the epidemic: take care and be safe! Say a word to all my family and compatriots: Happy holidays!

  The fight against the epidemic has entered the stage of Armageddon, and we look forward to the early dispersal of the epidemic and the family reunion as soon as possible! (Guangming. com reporter Yuan Qing)

Another first time in 34 years: the Chaozhou opera "Watching Lights" made its debut at the CCTV Lantern Festival.

  CCTV’s 2019 Lantern Festival Gala will be held soon. Southern Reporter learned that Chaozhou Opera, one of the four famous dramas in Guangdong, will be on CCTV Lantern Festival Gala, and Zhang Yihuang, winner of China drama "Plum Blossom Award", and others will show the charm of Chaozhou Opera "Watching the Lights". The famous artists who appeared in this performance are Zhang Yihuang, Lin Chufa, Ant yan dan and Zhang Shutong. Like the Spring Festival Gala, the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala has also attracted much attention. This is another famous Guangdong drama on CCTV Lantern Festival Gala after Guangdong Cantonese Opera on CCTV Spring Festival Gala.


  Chaozhou Opera, one of the four famous operas in Guangdong (Cantonese Opera, Chaozhou Opera, Han Opera and Lei Ju), was named after its formation in Chaoshan area of Guangdong, commonly known as "Chaodiao", "Chaoyin Opera" and "Baizizi Opera". It was widely circulated in Zhao ‘an, Yunxiao, Pinghe, Dongshan, Zhangpu and Nanjing in southern Fujian in the late Ming Dynasty, and was closely related to Liyuan Opera. In 2006, it was selected into the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. Known as "southern flowers".

  "Watching Lights" Dressed Rehearsal

  Plays: Meet a beautiful woman under the Lantern Festival, and a beautiful marriage is made by a mirror.

  The performance program is "Watching Lights" from the classic drama "Li Jing Ji" of Chaozhou Opera.

  Li Jing Ji originated from Chaozhou and Quanzhou in southern Fujian, mainly in the form of Qupai (script), and was performed by drama. The Chaozhou opera Li Jing Ji, also known as Chen San Wu Niang, is written in Chaozhou dialect and Quanzhou dialect, which is the earliest publication in Minnan language and the most representative traditional repertoire of Chaozhou opera.

  The story tells that Chen San, a native of Quanzhou, Fujian Province in the Ming Dynasty, sent his brother and sister-in-law to Guangnan to take office. On the Lantern Festival, he passed through Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, and met Huang Wuniang, a rich daughter, at the Lantern Festival. They fell in love at first sight and loved each other. Huang’s father was greedy for money and love power, and allowed Wu Niang to marry Lin Da, a rich man. Wu Niang was dissatisfied and depressed. Chen San came to Chaozhou again and passed by Wuniang Xiulou, where Wuniang threw lychees and handkerchiefs to show her love. Chen San disguised himself as a mirror grinder and entered Fu Huang. When Chen San was grinding the mirror, he deliberately broke the mirror and sold himself into slavery on the pretext of losing the mirror. After twists and turns, Yichun tactfully helped pull strings, and Chen San and Wu Niang finally escaped and eloped back to Quanzhou. This drama has a distinctive color of rebelling against feudal ethics, eulogizing the free marriage of men and women, and breaking the vulgar marriage arrangement of men and women in feudal society. The whole drama has strong local cultural characteristics and has been performed for a long time. Watching Lights, Collecting Books, Keeping an Umbrella and Contracting in the drama have become immortal classics of Chaozhou Opera.

  Fang Zhanrong, a national representative inheritor of Chaozhou Opera and former head of the 2nd Troupe of Guangdong Chaozhou Theatre, introduced that the performance of "Li Jing Ji" and "Watching Lights" at the CCTV Lantern Festival was a brilliant scene and a classic fragment, among which, four professions representing Chaozhou Opera will be presented to the national audience one by one. Fang Zhanrong is a famous and ugly Chaozhou Opera. He devoted himself to its promotion all his life. He said that Chaozhou Opera is more difficult to promote than other local operas because it is performed in dialects. "But this is also our ambition. As an ancient opera, it is great that local operas in languages that are not easy to learn can be put on the CCTV Lantern Festival." Fang Zhanrong introduced that Chaozhou Opera has also been put on the central opera channel many times. He said that CCTV Lantern Festival Gala is a national event.

  Do you know this famous Chaozhou opera?

  Wu Niang Zhang Yihuang


  Zhang Yihuang, who plays Wu Niang in "Watching the Lights" in the Chaozhou drama "Li Jing Ji", is a national first-class actor and a plum blossom award winner. He is currently the vice president of Guangdong Chaozhou Theatre, the top-notch talent in Shantou, the vice chairman of Guangdong Dramatists Association and the chairman of Shantou Dramatists Association.

  Zhang Yihuang, a native of Nan ‘ao, Guangdong Province, graduated from Shantou Opera School in 1989, majoring in Chaozhou Opera Performance, and graduated from China Opera Academy in 2002.

  As a leader in the field of Chaozhou opera performance, Zhang Yihuang has successively starred in more than 30 dramas, such as Yaniang, Dongwu Princess, Fireworks Woman and Champion Lang and Yutangchun, which are deeply loved by Chaozhou opera audiences at home and abroad. In 2001, he went to Japan to hold a concert of Zhang Yihuang Chaozhou Opera, and published Zhang Yihuang Chaozhou Opera Art Album and Masterpiece Golden Melody — — Zhang Yihuang’s Singing Album, Chinese Chaozhou Opera Masters — — Selected Works of Zhang Yihuang’s Singing, etc., are deeply loved by Chaozhou opera audiences at home and abroad.

  Chen San Lin Chufa


  Lin Chufa, played by Chen San, is a national first-class actor, a junior in Guangdong Chao Theatre and a director of Guangdong Dramatists Association. In 1993, he graduated from Shantou Culture and Art School, and in 2002, he graduated from China Theatre Academy. Successfully played more than 30 different characters such as Liu Bei in Dongwu Princess and Zhu Jingwu in Yaniang. In recent years, he has taken many large-scale Chaozhou opera art films and Chaozhou language film and television works, such as "The Legend of the Moon" and "The Bride of the Champion". He has won many awards, such as the second and third drama performing arts competitions in Guangdong Province, the first prize for young and middle-aged singing in Shantou City, and the first prize for young and middle-aged performing arts competitions in Guangdong Chao Theatre in 1998 and 2002.

  Yichun ant yan dan


  Yan dan, the actor of Yichun, is a second-class actor of Guangdong Chao Theatre. He graduated from Shantou Culture and Art School with a major in Chaozhou Opera performance. After graduation, he has been an actor in Guangdong Chao Theatre. Since she was an artist, she has played the role of Chuncao in Chuncao Rushing into the Hall, and the wife on the way home has played the leading role and important role. As a choreographer in many plays and cultural evenings. He has won the bronze prize in the 4th Drama Performing Arts Competition in Guangdong Province, the second prize for young singers, writers, directors and vocalists in Guangdong Chao Theatre, and many other awards.

  Ugly Li Jie Zhang Shutong


Ugly female Li Jie Zhang Shutong (right)

  This time, the role of the ugly Li Jie was played by Zhang Shutong, a group of ugly actors and directors in Guangdong Chao Theatre. He has played the role of Hu Lian in Noisy Chai, Sun Fu in Capture Sun Fu alive, and Li Laosan in Chai Fang Hui. In 2008, he went to the advanced editing and directing class of Shanghai Theatre Academy to study, and then independently directed plays such as Capture Saburo alive, Hu Bugui Weeping the Grave, and All the Children Cry. In 2001, he participated in the basic skills competition of young and middle-aged actors in Guangdong Chao Theatre and won the first prize. In 2006, he directed and acted Saburo alive and won the gold medal in the 5th Guangdong Drama Performing Arts Competition.

  Reporter Li Chunhua

This is a popular science post! Tangyuan was called …

Chinanews. com client Beijing, February 15 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Today, the Lantern Festival. At this time, glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao is a seasonal food that many people like.
Previously, "Tangyuan is understood by eating" was also posted on a hot search, and many people shared the methods of eating Tangyuan online: Tangyuan Baba, crispy chocolate Tangyuan … there are quite a few patterns.
Data Map: Laojie Tangyuan. Photo by Zhang Hengwei
As many people know, glutinous rice balls are a traditional snack. Its origin is very early, with rich fillings, which can be sweet, salty and vegetarian, and now there are various creative shapes and eating methods.
A Brief History of Tangyuan
The appearance is round and the entrance is sweet, which is the first impression of many people on glutinous rice balls.
Wang Juan, a folklore expert, said that there were many names for glutinous rice balls in ancient times.Such as cocoons, round corners, round balls, dumplings, pink fruits, etc.. This kind of food existed in the pre-Qin period.
Zhou Bida, a poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote a poem "Boiling a Floating Yuanzi on the Lantern Festival", which mentioned that "the stars are in the dark clouds and the pearls are floating in the turbid water". Some people think that the "bead" in the poem refers to glutinous rice balls.
Interestingly, in the Qing Dynasty, Chen Zuolin once said in the "Local Records of Jinling Products", "Tangtuan is called Yuanxiao, and it is also named after the festival."
Data map: Tangyuan is made into a mahjong style. Photo by Chen Chao
"Ancient glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao are generally round with stuffing in the middle. In the traditional concept of China, there is a meaning of yin and yang wrapping and containing everything. Therefore, it is a seasonal food, symbolizing the change of seasons, especially yin and yang, and also praying for reunion." Wang Juan said.
Can be fried or boiled, sweet or salty.
The difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is mainly reflected in the practice. Yuanxiao is made by shaking, and the dumplings are wrapped.
Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty recorded the practice of radish dumplings and gouache dumplings in Suiyuan Food List. Among them, the radish glutinous rice balls are salty, and the practice is "the radish is shredded and boiled … and then burned with sesame oil. The soup can also be rolled. "
Some articles mentioned that the ancients ate Yuanxiao, and many fillings were "sweet", which were generally sugar mixed with chopped flowers, walnuts, melon seeds, sesame seeds and so on. In Qing Dynasty, there was a master named Ma Siyuan who made Yuanxiao, and he also made Yuanxiao with sweet-scented osmanthus, sugar and walnuts as fillings.
Fu Zeng, a poet in the Qing Dynasty, wrote in "Poems on Bamboo Branches in Shangyuan", "Sweet-scented osmanthus is filled with walnuts, and the rice is like a pearl well. See that Ma’s family is good at dropping powder, and try to sell Yuanxiao in the wind. "
As far as the production method is concerned, there are many methods such as frying, steaming and frying. Sometimes, the fried dumplings will swell up and taste crisp and delicious.
Data Map: Cartoon dumplings made. Li yanran
Do you know that this idiom is related to glutinous rice balls?
In addition to eating methods and practices, there are many interesting little knowledge about dumplings.
For example, there is an idiom "hollow glutinous rice balls", that is, glutinous rice balls without stuffing, which is a metaphor for a false name without real benefits or unfulfilled promises.
Now, there are many creative shapes that make people feel more novel. For example, the "Mahjong Tangyuan" that appeared earlier, the cartoon-shaped Tangyuan and so on. In addition, there are various "trendy" flavors of glutinous rice balls such as strawberries, flowers and chocolates.
However, on the other hand, people like to eat glutinous rice balls, because they symbolize reunion and perfection, and they have a good wish for their future life. Therefore, its "heat" will never decrease. (End)

Let outsiders see jokes, no! Making this big country’s heavy weapon is to fight for making it in China.

  CCTV News:There are representative major projects and major projects in each era, and those super projects have become the symbolic symbols of the times, which embodies the hard work and creativity of the people of China and also witness the road of China’s revival and rise.

  Shield machine is a necessary equipment for tunneling, and it is also a high-end equipment focused on "Made in China 2025". At one time, the technology and overseas market of super-large diameter shield machine have been monopolized by western countries for more than a century. In May this year, the super-large diameter shield machine independently developed by China will go abroad for the first time and become a new "national business card" for China.

  In May, this super-large diameter shield machine with a diameter of 12.12 meters and a weight of 2,200 tons is about to leave for Bangladesh. Although it is the weekend, the manufacturing team is still making the final confirmation of the export shipment plan.

  For Zhang Boyang, the person in charge of this shield machine, it is not the first time that there is no weekend. The shield machine exported this time is not the most difficult project he took over. At the same location, they once manufactured the first super-large diameter shield machine with independent intellectual property rights in China — — "Tianhe", with a diameter of 15.03 meters and a weight of 6,500 tons, was used to excavate the Yangtze River tunnel in Nanjing at that time.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "This was the most difficult geology in the world at that time. It was soft on the top and hard on the bottom. If it was all hard, it would be easy and even."

  Zhang Boyang is the commander of Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel Project. At that time, only one foreign company in the world had experience in manufacturing shield machines with similar conditions, and the construction party planned to order two shield machines from this company.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "700 million one, two 1.4 billion, no price reduction. You can’t rely on others to import all the time. Once they wean you from food, you will die, so we are determined to make it ourselves. "

  It’s better to throw off your arms and do it yourself than to cry your head off and beg for help. A big country’s heavy weapon must be in its own hands. As an engineer of this project, Zhou Jun was mainly responsible for research and development.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine Project: "The pressure is enormous. Everyone thinks it is incredible, and there are doubts outside."

  In the process of research and development, many technical problems appear for the first time, so we can only cross the river by feeling the stones. The research and development of core components has made everyone think hard.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine ProjectThe cylinder is the core component of the shield machine, and the shield machine moves forward by the thrust generated by the cylinder. Before that, they were all imported from abroad. Our super-large diameter shield cylinder is a luxury car, 500,000 yuan each. "

  Tianhe needs about 50 such cylinders. In order to realize the localization of core components, the R&D team made great efforts and made up their minds to gnaw this hard bone.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine ProjectWe employees are the earliest to get off work at 11 pm. I basically go to work after 7 o’clock in the morning and get off work around 1 o’clock, every day. Through four to five months of experiments, we have come up with a set of manufacturing inspection standards for large-diameter shield cylinders. "

  After nearly half a year of technical research, the domestic shield cylinder finally came out, and the cost of one cylinder was 300 thousand yuan cheaper than that of imported cylinders. A super-large diameter shield machine consists of tens of thousands of parts of different sizes. Behind every domestic part is hard work. The research and development of Tianhe has been designed, modified, tested and revised thousands of times. There are more than 7,000 drawings confirmed in the final design of the whole equipment, which are more than one person high when stacked together.

  Zhou Jun, Chief Engineer of CCCC Shield Machine Project: "Everyone thought the same thing as me at that time, that is, we built these two machines. At that time, China should be said to be the shield machine with the most advanced technology, the largest diameter and the highest difficulty. Everyone had this sense of accomplishment at that time, that is, this kind of glory for the country, this kind of courage, including this spirit, that is to say, since I have done this, I must do it well. "

  After 14 months of hard work, in July 2012, China’s first super-large diameter shield machine "Tianhe" was officially put into use, and the two shield machines saved nearly 800 million yuan for the country. However, can this shield stand the test of super engineering?

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "The most painful thing was in 2013, when the cutter head got stuck. Just a few days before the Spring Festival, I didn’t leave the construction site for half a step, and I stayed in the shield machine for observation and analysis every day. "

  The cutter head suddenly stopped turning during the excavation of the Yangtze River tunnel, and these 59 days were the most difficult days for everyone.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project"This is not only an enterprise, but also the pressure from China people. You let foreigners see Chinese jokes. This pressure is really huge, even if you cut my meat. "

  After a long period of hard thinking, Zhang Boyang made a bold suggestion.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "I retreated the cutter head and shield body of this integral shield machine, which is technical and has never been seen before. But I also evaluate and analyze what risks it has, how to retreat, and how much strength it needs. I use the telescopic mechanism and oil cylinder of the cutter head, and every time I retreat 10 mm, 10 mm, that’s all. "

  After two months of persistence, the cutter head finally turned again. In July, 2015, after three years, Tianhe came out of the hole at the bottom of the river and saw the light again. Many people present cried with joy.

  Zhang Boyang, head of CCCC shield machine project: "Without responsibility, there is no innovative spirit. You dare not take responsibility, do you dare to innovate? We are not willing to do this. How can China’s manufacturing industry develop? "

  Tianhe has achieved 50% localization rate, and the localization rate of shield machines to be exported to Bangladesh has increased to 95%. It will be used in China’s largest overseas shield road tunnel project, and help the country’s "Belt and Road Initiative".

Volleyball synthesis: the men’s volleyball team beat Japan 3-2 to qualify in a favorable position.

  Xinhuanet Beijing August 14th Olympic Special (Reporter Shi Chundong Yi Ling) On the evening of 14th, China men’s volleyball team beat the old enemy Japanese team 3-2, occupying a favorable qualifying position in the group.

  Twenty years after bidding farewell to the Olympic Games, China Men’s Volleyball Team entered the Olympic Games directly as the host. At present, the Japanese team ranks 12th in the world, and the China men’s volleyball team ranks 21st. In recent years, the records of the Chinese and Japanese teams have been evenly divided.

  The 12 teams of men’s volleyball team in Beijing Olympic Games were divided into two groups to compete. Of the six teams in each group, the top four entered the top eight.

  In Group A, China’s men’s volleyball team won the Venezuelan team narrowly, and only after winning the Japanese men’s volleyball team can it be expected to qualify. If you lose this game, it will be extremely difficult to win against the United States and Italy.

  The game started at 20 o’clock that night, and more than two hours before the start of the game, the audience poured into the Capital Gymnasium. China men’s volleyball team was so powerful at home that it was deafening with the support of more than 12,000 spectators.

  The starting lineup of China Men’s Volleyball Team is Shen Qiong, Cui Jianjun, Bian Hongmin, Yu Dawei, Yuan Zhi and Jiao Shuai.

  The China team didn’t start as nervous as expected. Yuan Zhi’s diagonal smash and Cui Jianjun’s serve scored the goal, and the team entered the state quickly. In the second timeout, China led by 7 points. The Japanese team wanted to defend on the Internet, but the opponent’s heavy artillery was too strong. Japan made a mistake of 12 points in the first game. On the 16th, Yujie Ishishima served out of bounds and introduced the game into the game. Japan made another mistake: 25: 20.

  China continued to exert his strength in the second game. In the second timeout, China led by two points. In this game, all the points of the China team were fully alive, and many good balls were played, and the players were very excited. China led by 3 points into the inning, but the Japanese team almost caught up with it by one point. Experienced Zhou Jianan called for a time-out to curb the opponent’s counter-offensive momentum. Yuan Zhi brought the game into the inning, and Yu Dawei took the lead at No.2: 25: 23.

  The Japanese team that lost the game didn’t sink. In the third game, it changed its passivity, strengthened the supervision of China’s main attack and response, and focused on man-to-man interception. Score 7 points in a row in the middle game. As long as the China team attacked, they were stopped by their opponents, and Ren Qi, a free man, flew to save the ball, which was very tragic. Fourth inning: 17: 25.

  In the deciding game, Zhou Jianan arranged for the new face to attack Fang Yingchao and the veteran to attack Shi Hairong in the third and fourth games. The score was 2: 3, and Chinese captain Shen Qiong killed again at No.4, followed by a one-man block. The China men’s volleyball team suddenly burst into unprecedented strength. Fang Yingchao became a top player on the Internet. At 9: 8 stalemate, his 3-position fastball and serve directly stimulated the team’s fighting spirit. The China team completely controlled the opponent with three blocks, and at 14: 10, Fang Yingchao’s 4-position winner sealed the victory.

  "Win China! China will win "cheers, China boys embrace together, excited to shout.

  Zhou Jianan, head coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency: "Today, the China team played its best level since the team was formed, and walked out of the strange circle of winning first and then losing for many years. The fighting spirit has been played out. At a critical time, I boldly launched a new face, which made my opponent very uncomfortable. This is also a reason for winning. "

  China men’s volleyball team will also play against the United States and Italy in the group stage.

Editor: Wang Yuxi

Yinhu welcomes blessings, saying that New Year’s Eve is a happy family.

New Year’s Eve is the last day at the end of the year, also known as New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is a time to get rid of the old and get new, reunite with the family and offer sacrifices to ancestors. Tomb-Sweeping Day, July 30 and Double Ninth Festival are traditional festivals to offer sacrifices to ancestors in China. It is connected with the beginning and end of the new year, which is called "the end of the poor month and the end of the new year". It is the eve of the new year and an important time junction to get rid of the old and welcome the new year. Because New Year’s Eve often falls on the 29th or 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is also called New Year’s Eve. "One night is even two years old, and five hours is divided into two years." On New Year’s Eve, the old year ends here, and the next year will be replaced by a new year. Sticking Spring Festival couplets, observing the New Year’s Eve, and lucky money … all these customs can’t be less!








Spring Festival couplets are also called door-to-door couplets, spring stickers, couplets, couplets, etc. They depict the background of the times and express good wishes with neat, dual, concise and exquisite words, which is a unique literary form in China. Sticking Spring Festival couplets comes from ancient peach symbols. Every spring festival, every household should select a pair of red Spring Festival couplets and stick them on the door to add festive atmosphere to the festival.








The lanterns in China, also known as lanterns, originated in the Western Han Dynasty more than 1,800 years ago. Every year before and after the New Year’s Eve, people hang red lanterns symbolizing reunion to create a festive atmosphere. On New Year’s Eve, red lanterns are hung at the door, the hall is burning with flaming fire, candles or oil lamps are lit, and the family talks around the table.








On New Year’s Eve, eating New Year’s Eve is the most lively and enjoyable time for every household in the Spring Festival. The sumptuous New Year’s dishes are filled with a table, and the family is reunited, sitting around the table and having a reunion dinner. There are big dishes, cold pots, stir-fry and snacks on the table, and the hot pot is boiling and steaming, which indicates that the coming year is booming; "Fish" and "Yu" are homophonic, which not only symbolizes "auspicious and festive", but also implies "annual surplus"; Radish, commonly known as vegetable head, wishes a good head; Frying food wishes the family a prosperous life, such as "cooking oil with fire". Northerners are used to eating jiaozi on New Year’s Eve, which means "making friends at a younger age". And because the white-flour jiaozi is shaped like a silver ingot, a pot of pots on the table symbolizes the meaning of "making a fortune in the New Year, and the ingot rolls in".








Lucky money is given by the elders to the younger generation. After eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, everyone is not allowed to leave at the table. When everyone has finished eating, the elders will give it to the younger generation and encourage their children and grandchildren to learn and improve in the new year. Because "old" and "precious" are homophonic, the elders hope that the lucky money can exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters, and bless the healthy growth of children. "Lucky money" first appeared in the Han Dynasty, and it is a wearable coin-shaped ornament. During the Republic of China, the lucky money became the "welfare money" given by the elders to the younger generation.


a kind of bamboo






There is a saying among the Han people in China that when the new year comes, the first thing for every household to open the door is to set off firecrackers, so as to get rid of the old and welcome the new with the sound of firecrackers. Firecrackers are a specialty of China, also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers" and "firecrackers", which have a long history of more than 2,000 years. Setting off firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere, which is a kind of entertainment in festivals and can bring happiness and good luck to people. Today, the concept of "Green Spring Festival" is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and traditional firecrackers have also been replaced by colored lights, lanterns, electronic firecrackers and other products. As the Spring Festival approaches, the flavor of the year is stronger and fresher.








Shounian, commonly known as "staying up late", waits for the arrival of the new year. "Year" was commonly used with "year" in ancient China. Year is year, and year is year. The custom of observing the age has a long history. In the old twelfth lunar month, on the thirtieth night, after eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, people did their jobs according to their own division of labor. Parents should preside over the worship of gods, buddhas and ancestors to welcome the "lower world of god". Children go outdoors to set off firecrackers and fireworks, while women are busy preparing noodles and stuffing for jiaozi. Busy, the whole family, old and young, sat around the stove, eating dry goods, melons and fruits, talking about the past and the present, playing cards and playing chess, and staying up all night, which is called "guarding the old age." It is said that the custom of observing the age was very popular in the Jin Dynasty.

The customs of the year have been changing.

But what remains unchanged is people’s good wishes.

On New Year’s Eve, the year-old ends that night.

This is the most China day and night.

It is a magical intersection between the old year and the new year.

A year of sorrow and joy will pass tonight.

A unified beginning and a new tomorrow.

At the end of this year

A glass of wine to send the old year.

wake up after a sound sleep

It’s a new day.

It’s another prosperous and auspicious New Year.

Say "Happy New Year" to each other.

Cartography: Anna

Original title: "Yinhu welcomes happiness, saying New Year’s Eve, family fun"

How do senior three students prepare for the exam when the countdown to the college entrance examination is less than 100 days?

  This year, the number of college entrance examination candidates in China is expected to exceed 10 million. Weng Tiehui, Vice Minister of Education, said at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism in the State Council on February 28th that the Ministry of Education will carefully study the implementation plan of this year’s college entrance examination, and relevant work arrangements will be announced to the public in time. The reporter found out that since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination has never been rescheduled for any reason. Even during the SARS period, the original plan was still implemented, one month ahead of the previous year, and it was carried out normally. According to the usual arrangement, the 2020 college entrance examination will officially enter the 100-day countdown on February 28th. How to stay in the sprint stage and get rid of the adverse effects caused by the epidemic has also become a challenge that this year’s senior three students must go all out to face.

  Recording and broadcasting lectures, live answering questions, opening the "online teaching" mode in the third grade of senior high school.

  Wang Yi, director of the third grade of Wuchang Experimental Middle School in Hubei Province, told the reporter that the "online preparation" model carried out by the school has been going on for more than a month due to the epidemic.

  Wang Yi said: "We started our holiday on January 20th. We originally planned to start classes on February 1st, the eighth day of the first month, and the winter vacation lasted for 10 days. Due to the sudden outbreak, online teaching has become a routine mode. Before that, to be honest, most of our teachers, including myself, taught online ‘ Zero foundation ’ . I thought at that time, I would take advantage of the winter vacation to explore. I had a holiday on January 21st, and I started to broadcast live on the Internet on the 22nd … …”

  With the development of the epidemic situation, in late January, the Ministry of Education announced that schools all over the country should "close classes without stopping studying", integrate online learning resources according to their own reality, enrich learning content, and provide suitable home learning methods for candidates.

  Wang Yi led the team to take action formally. He introduced: "On the fifth and sixth day of junior high school, I suggested to the school to hold a video conference through QQ group to let the teachers get familiar with the operation. After four or five meetings, everyone gradually became proficient, brainstorming and communicating with each other, and this kind of teaching channel was gradually established. "

Interactive screenshot of online teaching feedback in Class 5, Grade 3, Wuchang Experimental Middle School, Hubei Province

  Designated e-mail to send and receive grading homework, mobile phone applet to conduct quizzes, and online simulation exam to test learning results … … After two weeks of exploration, the online teaching feedback mode in this special period has been continuously enriched and improved.

  Li Huisuo, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Hengshui School, introduced in an interview with CCTV News 1+1 that Hengshui School has taken three measures to help senior three students prepare for the exam: 1. All the students participate in student management: a teacher subcontracts several students for video home visits and individual counseling to keep abreast of their situation; 2. Expand the content of education in an all-round way: the cultural class adopts the way of combining recording and broadcasting teaching with live answering questions; Physical education class arranged gymnastics suitable for family exercise; Carry out labor education classes and let students do some housework. 3. Highlight inspirational education in the whole process: record inspirational theme class meetings and inspirational micro-videos to keep students energetic.

  Parents of online exams and home exams turned into "invigilators"

  From January 30 to February 11, the teaching and research staff of senior three in Wuhan began to develop and revise the February research examination questions in Wuhan online, and completed the online and offline versions of 9 sets of papers. On February 26th, relying on the Wuhan Education Cloud Platform, the city’s senior high schools were organized to carry out the online quality testing of senior three English subjects, and the feasibility of online quality testing of senior three English subjects was studied and analyzed, which also provided a practical basis for the online quality testing of senior three English subjects in Wuhan in the future.

  Su Min, the educational director of Wuhan No.11 Middle School, said: "We have designed an online exam, which is called the heart-taking exam, to make students transition from the loose state of holidays to the tense state of study as soon as possible. There is a weekly test once a week to test the learning state of the week. There is a monthly exam once a month to understand the learning status of the whole month. Teachers can fully understand students’ learning situation through testing and adjust their own teaching. Students can also check for gaps and make timely adjustments, and at the same time, they can also conduct sufficient exercises to hone their skills, speed and mentality. "

The cloud system invigilation of Guangqumen Middle School in Beijing

  On March 3rd, the first adaptive test of Beijing New College Entrance Examination was held. Affected by the epidemic, more than 50,000 candidates took the "home exam" for four consecutive days.

  According to the different conditions of each school, the test papers reach the candidates by flash mail, on-site collection by parents, and self-printing by mailbox extraction. Because this test needs candidates to be conducted at home, parents become "invigilators". In order to ensure the effectiveness of the test, schools let parents receive "cloud" training before invigilation through online counseling and "A Letter to Parents" before the test. 15 minutes before each exam, parents remind students to empty their desks, prepare school supplies, mute electronic products such as mobile phones, prepare test papers, answer sheets and barcodes for the subject, and issue instructions such as "The exam is about to begin, please confirm that electronic products such as mobile phones are mute". After the exam is completed, submit the answer sheet by mail or sending pictures according to the requirements of middle school.

  Psychological micro-courses and expert lectures relieve stress and boost morale.

  In the past, the "countdown to the college entrance examination" hanging above the blackboard in the classroom can only "move into" the class groups of online platforms such as QQ and WeChat. Without the teacher around, the pressure and anxiety of many students have increased.

  Xi Huisuo, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Hengshui School, said that the college entrance examination is a big competition of comprehensive strength, which not only tests knowledge and ability, but also tests students’ psychological quality, will quality, behavior habits and physical health. In a special period, children are prone to anxiety at home, and even have some problems with their parents. At this time, psychological counseling becomes very important. To this end, Hengshui has arranged a special psychological teacher to record psychological micro-courses, and students can watch them on demand according to their own wishes.




Depth | The beauty market is crowded, how does Prada become a new dark horse?

深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

There are still only a handful of luxury brands that really broke into the beauty market and shook the original pattern.

Author | Chen Huiyan, Drizzie


Prada broke the traditional thinking of luxury beauty with three levers.


In August last year, after the launch of "I am unpredictable" perfume, Prada beauty cosmetics officially launched the makeup and skin care series for the first time, and the matte lipstick with a price of 395 yuan became an annual explosion once it went on the market.


Only one month later, the cumulative sales of this Prada lipstick with platinum tube and square ring brand imprint logo in Tmall flagship store has exceeded 10,000 pieces, and as many as 10 lipsticks out of stock, including B03 ugly red brown, B101 plain nude brown, B103 light wine brown, etc., and ranked first in Tmall lipstick new product list for many days.


The latest sales page shows that the monthly sales of Prada lipstick has exceeded 12,000 pieces, and the monthly sales of two-piece suits have also exceeded 3,000 pieces. In Little Red Book, a popular beauty sharing platform, there are more than 10,000 notes about keywords such as "Prada Lipstick" and "Prada Lipstick", and the related topics of the latter have been viewed more than 20 million times, and the interaction of many notes is close to 5,000.


Although the lipstick effect still works, it is really hard for the industry to imagine that a lipstick, which has been officially published for less than half a year, can successfully tear a hole in the China beauty market where luxury brands and domestic cheap brands are in fierce melee, catch the eyes of consumers who are already tired of lipstick marketing and stand out in this attention battle.


Unique color matching is regarded as the primary reason for the popularity of Prada lipstick.


As a brand labeled as an intellectual, earthy tones, which is emphasized in Prada lipstick, reflects a cool sense of high intelligence and becomes the basic color that is trusted by social traditions as well as uniforms. Lynsey Alexander, a global creative makeup artist of Prada Beauty, said in an interview with LADYMAX of WeChat WeChat official account that the brown color in Prada lipstick corresponds to the meaning of uniforms to Prada, that is, everyday and classic.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

Prada beauty cosmetics global creative makeup artist Lynsey Alexander


According to the makeup report released by Xiaohongshu in November last year, the popularity of lipstick with lower-key colors such as brown, brown and nude is soaring. In the macro environment of increasing uncertainty, the trend of abandoning publicity and embracing more classic styles exists not only in the fashion field, but also in the beauty market. From this point of view, Prada lipstick with neutral tones such as nude brown undoubtedly caters to the market demand.


The report also pointed out that with consumers’ more and more mature understanding of lip makeup, the functional requirements for lipstick are becoming more and more refined. Above the color, the moisturizing texture that does not show lip lines and does not dry is increasingly welcomed by consumers, especially considering that compared with the younger consumer groups of lip glaze, the target consumers of lipstick have higher purchasing power and higher demand for products.


In fact, lip dryness caused by lipstick, especially matte lipstick, has always been a difficult point for beauty brands to overcome. Lynsey Alexander admits that as a lover of retro red lips, she used to have to endure chapped lips almost all the time, but Prada lipstick brought the opposite experience. 


Although it is called matte lipstick, Prada lipstick has a unique soft and fuzzy matte lipstick texture due to the addition of Bifidobacterium extract and Jojoba oil, supplemented by high-tech technology to create a frosting texture. While nourishing the lips, it reflects a faint luster similar to Prada’s iconic recycled nylon.


From color matching logic to texture research and development, the product strength of Prada lipstick can be seen from this. In the seemingly colorful makeup market, only the core products can impress the increasingly rational consumers in China.


Prada Beauty, which successfully opened the market through lipstick, launched a brand-new Prada lipstick deconstruction nude series at the end of December, starting from nude brown, introducing four variable colors: plain soft powder, contrast reddish, deep rose purple and flexible earth color, thus forming a very layered color aesthetics. It is worth noting that the B107 naked brown in the new color has been shown out of stock in Tmall flagship store.


At the same time, Prada Beauty also announced actress Andy as the spokesperson of Prada makeup and perfume, and released lipstick blockbusters and series of short films performed by her. With the help of the star effect, Prada Beauty is continuously expanding its share in the China market.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

Prada Beauty announced actor Andy as the spokesperson of Prada makeup and perfume.


It is reported that Prada Beauty Cosmetics held "Prada Speculative Aesthetics — — Special creative meeting ",Lynsey Alexander, the global creative makeup artist of PRADA Beauty, as a special guest of this creative meeting, started an aesthetic dialogue with professionals. Dr Xavier MARAT, skin regeneration laboratory of L ‘Oré al R&D and Innovation Center (French headquarters), also introduced the cutting-edge technology of brand skin care at the creative meeting. This is an important and complete appearance of Prada Beauty in China market after the perfume was released last year.


With the growth of the overall luxury market slowing down, it has become an industry consensus to build a diversified income structure. Thanks to its status as a cash cow, beauty cosmetics have once again become the focus of high-level brand attention.


In recent years, it is not uncommon for luxury goods group giants to set up beauty departments, or luxury brands to enter the beauty industry. However, it is rare for brands to break into this category in a real sense and shake the original pattern. Prada is one of them.


The success of Prada has revealed three new ideas for the operation of luxury beauty brands, namely, creativity first, technology empowerment and sustainable development.


First of all, in terms of creativity, the integrity of the aesthetic system has been raised to an unprecedented height, which is different from the narrative of luxury brands and authorized perfume beauty brands in the past.


For most luxury brands that authorize the beauty business to the professional beauty group, it is necessary to keep the beauty business matching with the brand image at all times, get inspiration from the fashion business, and strengthen the connection between products and core brand assets to solve the problem that the beauty business is out of touch with the brand story.


The practice of Prada beauty cosmetics provides a reference answer to this question to some extent. From simple packaging, the extensive use of the brand’s iconic triangle elements to the product concept that emphasizes speculation and innovation, Prada beauty products are highly consistent with the brand’s ready-to-wear line.


It is reported that Prada’s beauty products all use its brand-name fragrances, such as mustard flower, vanilla and iris flower, and the fragrance type is created by Daniela Andrier, the perfumer of Prada Watermark private perfume series.


The design of Prada lipstick is undoubtedly a benchmark example that closely follows the brand gene and continues its aesthetic system. In addition to the metal shell that echoes the avant-garde style of the brand, the triangular cut at the top of the paste, the Saffiano cross pattern engraved on the paste and the texture of the Re-Nylon recycled nylon fabric all come from Prada’s past iconic design.


When talking about the color creation of Prada Beauty, Lynsey Alexander said that the team reviewed as many as 27,000 kinds of pattern prints in the brand archives, and got the inspiration of TINT, and even directly extracted a series as a prototype to form a palette. This also explains why brown, a symbol of everyday classics, becomes the background color of Prada lipstick.


However, under the seemingly harmonious and conservative main color, there are imperceptible conflicts and rebellions. In the article "How to Understand Prada" written by WeChat official account LADYMAX, the author Tang Shuang once wrote that Pradism is rich and complex, with multiple levels, and even often fights with the accustomed aesthetics, constantly overlapping levels outside the solid base, reflecting vivid and interesting different personalities.


In Lynsey Alexander’s view, the unexpected purple, orange or green in the eye shadow tray is the embodiment of this complexity. They not only add interest to the classic elements, but also release free space for improvisation, encouraging consumers to go out of the comfort zone and explore new possibilities, even if they are contrary to daily aesthetics.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

Prada Beauty held "Prada Speculative Aesthetics — — Special creative meeting "


"I think this is Prada’s philosophy, and there is no specific restriction on something." Lynsey Alexander’s understanding of Prada is largely due to her frequent meetings with Miuccia Prada, the current creative director of Prada. High-intensity communication ensures the relevance of beauty categories and brand themes, as well as the consistency of information conveyed by products.


However, moderate exploration does not mean complete change. Unlike many top makeup artists, Lynsey Alexander is not keen on changing a person’s own style. Accidents can be used as embellishments, but they cannot be the "main course". For her, people’s own sense of existence must be greater than makeup, and their own style cannot be erased by cosmetics.


This people-oriented concept has also been injected into the design of Prada beauty by Lynsey Alexander, emphasizing the preservation of personal characteristics, breaking through the traditional beauty thinking and becoming a reflection of the "speculative aesthetics" system.


Taking the foundation as an example, she believes that different from other liquid foundations that completely cover the skin, the foundation products of Prada beauty cosmetics should reveal the true beauty and take the amplification of natural beauty as the core concept.


In fact, this is in line with the global beauty trend. After the pursuit of tanning in the western market and the mainstream aesthetics of whitening in the east, the makeup trend with natural skin color as the core has risen. On social media in China, the popularity of keywords such as "plain water makeup" and "nude makeup" also confirmed this trend.


In addition to reshaping the thinking of beauty through creativity, the second important lever for Prada to pry open beauty is technology.


Lynsey Alexander admits that the competitiveness of beauty brands ultimately comes from technological innovation, and research and development often needs to rely on beauty giants with absolute advantages in resources such as laboratories and researchers. In 2019, Prada signed a long-term license agreement with L ‘Oré al Group, which came into effect in 2021. The latter was licensed to create, develop and sell high-end beauty products for Prada.


"The support of the big group provides a strong backing for the research and development of Prada beauty." For example, Lynsey Alexander said that the laboratory has tried many times to modulate a color between yellow and green, so as to ensure the accurate transmission of the emotional narrative that the overall color matching wants to express, and any lack of expressiveness will not be compromised.


Not only that, Prada’s reflection on the boundary between makeup and skin care is also obvious. Lynsey Alexander believes that the era when makeup has become a burden on the skin has passed, and makeup will gradually approach skin care. By injecting skin care ingredients into make-up, Prada Beauty has introduced products such as lipstick and eye shadow containing moisturizing factors, and promoted the blurring of the boundary between them with innovative technology.


深度 | 美妆市场拥挤,Prada如何成为新黑马?

The support of large groups has provided a strong backing for the research and development of Prada beauty cosmetics.


The active cream, which marks Prada’s ambition in the field of high-end beauty, also reflects the brand’s strong strength in product research and development by introducing a new skin care concept called "active".


According to reports, the day and night two-in-one cream formula contains the cutting-edge technology of "muscle comes from fitness" which has been developed for more than three years, accurately compounding three major components: 18% boson, 2% vitamin CG and 0.175% ceramide NP, so as to promote the progressive regeneration of collagen layer by layer and rejuvenate the skin in time.


In addition to creativity and technology, Prada Beauty also promotes sustainable development to a rare height in the industry as an important part of the triple operation idea. If creativity and technology are used as leverage to help Prada beauty break through the tight encirclement and determine its top line, then a responsible attitude is to create a solid bottom line for the series.


This is also the embodiment of the overall strategy of Prada Group, which has taken the concept of sustainable development as an important starting point in fashion, jewelry and corporate governance in recent years.


Reflected in the beauty series, not only in the design and packaging process, strict control of packaging materials, use of recyclable plastics, promotion of sustainable replacement packaging, but also traced back to the product formula. Take Prada Active Cream as an example. This iconic product follows a sustainable formulation process from raw material procurement to ingredient extraction, and does not contain raw materials from petrochemical industry. The replaceable supplementary design can save 86% of material consumption compared with repurchasing formal products.


But more importantly, as a brand that leads the market, the sustainable development of brands in all fields now not only depends on the improvement of their own technical practice, but also needs to guide consumers to adopt a longer-term thinking mode through product concepts with the help of brand appeal, and promote changes from both ends of the consumption chain at the same time.


In fact, many inspiring ideas implied in Prada’s first beauty collection can indirectly benefit sustainable development.


Dr Xavier MARAT, skin regeneration laboratory of L ‘Oré al R&D and Innovation Center, said at the creation meeting that "initiative" has a corresponding concept in the context of China, that is, "preemption" to prolong the healthy state of skin. It is often more efficient to intervene in layout in advance than to react passively to aging signals, especially in the field of skin care.


For example, before mixing the color of liquid foundation, Prada Beauty scanned 3,000 faces and their skin colors from different regions and races around the world. On the one hand, it can cover and understand the largest range of consumers, but on the other hand, it can be sorted and extracted into limited color numbers with the help of AI technology through dynamic filtering and other scientific and technological means, without causing excessive product quantity and inventory waste.


From fashion to fine jewelry to beauty cosmetics, the launch of beauty cosmetics series continues to complete Prada’s story, and also continues Prada’s ability to reconcile seemingly contradictory concepts such as art and commerce, elegance and popularity, idealism and consumer society and reality at any time. For brands that accurately balance the proportions, beauty is undoubtedly the freest palette and playground.


Release creativity, make good use of technology, and a responsible attitude, which are nested in a ring and become the golden triangle of Prada beauty.


There are still dark horses in the most crowded beauty market.

morePrada   Information of