The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

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The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

The second season of "Running Man" starts in April, and the program team strives for seven without changing people

On January 16 (Friday), Zhejiang Satellite TV announced the end of the first season of "Running Brothers", which caused many fans to cry out, and even some netizens lamented: "A lot of fun in life is missing." Although the show has come to an end temporarily, the topic it triggered has become more and more popular with the audience’s reluctance. Among them, the most attention of fans is naturally the selection and broadcast time of the second season of "Running Group". After the end of the first season, many fans swiped the screen and begged for the second season not to be replaced. The program team also said that the second season will strive to retain the original cast, and the broadcast time will be in the second quarter of 2015. In addition, in addition to continuing to run in China, the second season of "Running Brothers" may also add a lot of foreign specials, and special guests will also "rush out of Asia".

Click to enter the blueberry video review of the first season of "Run, Brother" full video > >

Hot-selling "butt pants", ubiquitous "run it xx" slogans, torn name brands… These "run" markers that extend to real life always show the growing influence of "Run it Brothers", and all of this is caused by, in addition to the "run group" that everyone can see, there are also people behind the scenes that everyone can’t see at ordinary times. For the smooth recording of a program, the program team has worked for more than ten hours continuously, which is a daily routine, and there is always hard work behind happiness.

Continue to run in April, the program team strives to run globally without changing people

On January 16, the first season of "Running Brothers" ended perfectly, and the audience rating of 4.08 broke 4 again, winning the Friday variety show hegemony for 14 consecutive weeks; the whole season of feature films was nearly 3.90 billion times on-demand, more than the third season of variety show hegemony "The Voice of China"; Weibo topic reading volume is also close to 13 billion times, and the topic discussion volume is nearly 3 million, which can be said to be the well-deserved king of topics today. The second season of "Running" will meet you in the second quarter of 2015. Judging from the information revealed so far, "I see you have a show", the successor to "Run Brothers", has been moved to February 6th because of the "Run" special program. If all goes well, the 12th episode will be broadcast on April 24th, then on May 1st, "Labor Day" viewers may be able to see the seven happy figures of the "Running Group" again and celebrate the festival with them.

Since the seven members of the "Running Group" are all famous domestic stars, the daily itinerary is already very full. After participating in "Running Brothers", its popularity has skyrocketed, and various performances have been invited. Therefore, whether the "Running Group" can maintain its original cast in the second season has always been the topic of greatest concern for fans. Regarding this issue, producer Yu Hangying once said in an interview: "We strive to not change people in the second season, but we will have a greater improvement in the selection of guests. We want to invite bigger, hotter, and more attention-grabbing artists. In the design of games and themes, we still hope to have something related to Chinese culture and regional characteristics. From these two aspects, we can make breakthroughs."

The three Korean specials in the first season have been impressive so far, and according to the program team, in addition to continuing to run in places with Chinese cultural characteristics in China, the second season of "Run Brothers" will also go abroad again, running to the world, recording more foreign specials, but the recording location is still uncertain.

Phenomenal effects: "Butt Pants", "Tear Famous Brands" are hot

Nowadays, walking on the street or opening the webpage, you can see the slogan "Run xx" everywhere, and it is no exaggeration to say that now is the era of running for all people. As a veritable phenomenon show, many elements of the "Run Brothers" program were directly brought to real life. "Fart King" Zheng Kai’s self-created "Fart Pants" sold more than 4,000 pieces in just a few weeks, and then the "Fart Clothes" launched became an Internet hit. With almost no advertising, such sales can be called miraculous only based on the personal influence of the program and the star. " The most popular game in "Running Brothers", "Tear Brand War", has also become a favorite relaxation game for many white-collar workers and students. Many shopping malls seize business opportunities and open shopping malls to provide game venues after business ends every day. Its popularity is evident. Students without professional props use their imaginations, and even heating pads and women’s products have become game props. Tear brand names have also become essential game items such as major film and television work conferences and company annual meetings. In addition, classic sentences in programs such as "Super English" by "Captain Running" and "Are You a Pig" by "Little Mean Mean Mean" Chen He have also become popular online buzzwords, which can be seen everywhere in online life and have extraordinary influence.

"Desperate" team makes "Run, Brother"

In the eyes of the audience, "Running Brothers" is a source of joy every week, and seeing the "Running Group" full of joy always makes people happy. But where the audience can’t see it, there are a group of nervous and hard-working teams supporting and recording these happy images. Behind every smiling face of the "Running Group" is actually full of the fatigue of the staff. For a perfect shot, the follow-up cameras can crawl for three hours motionless, or run all the way in the desert against the wind and sand carrying dozens of catties of cameras; for a more delicate picture effect, the costume props team can stay up all night to make props, and if they are too sleepy, they can use needles to keep themselves awake; in the final episode of the show, the director Lu Hao, who announced that the task is iron-blooded and cold, also couldn’t help but shed tears because of reluctance, although at that time he had not slept well for two consecutive days in order to be able to finish the show perfectly. However, a staff member of the program team said: "Although it is difficult to say that these processes are happy, the mood when completing these tasks is actually quite happy."

Deng Chao, who is the captain, also sent a Weibo post after the end to express his respect for the behind-the-scenes team: "Actors always harvest flowers and applause in front of the stage, but few people know the hardships behind the scenes of the show. Today, I will grandly introduce our behind-the-scenes heroes! Without them, there would be no running today, brother, without them, there would be no current tide of happiness!"

"Running Group" has a deep brotherly love, and various CP websites have become popular

After the fifteen episodes of "Running Brothers", the most impressive thing for the audience was naturally the absolute protagonists of the "Running Group". After a whole season of running-in, the seven "Running Group" had become true brothers, and they were like a family in the game. Among them, "Appendix CP" can be said to be the earliest popular combination. As classmates, the two have been friends for many years, and they play and joke with each other in the game, which makes them even more intimate. Every time, they can bring a lot of laughs; Li Chen and Chen He form the "Chenhe" combination because of the "strongest and weakest" setting. But after the last episode of the program, these CP groups had to say goodbye temporarily, because they didn’t want to separate, and the "running group" couldn’t even bear to tear off the famous brand they got. In the end, they cried collectively, and their reluctance was palpable.


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