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AI server burst into red, China Taiwan Province industrial chain benefited.

The growth rate of global server industry’s shipments this year is approaching the "Guarantee 1" war. However, with the rise of self-driving, AIoT and edge computing and the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) chat robot "ChatGPT", AI servers will become a pioneer in the growth of server niche this year. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of shipments will reach 8%, and Taiwan Province supply chains such as TSMC, Weiying and Quanta are expected to benefit.

According to the report of TrendForce, a research institute, under the leadership of emerging application themes in 2018, many large cloud operators began to invest heavily in the construction of AI-related equipment. By 2022, it is estimated that the annual shipment of AI servers equipped with GPGPU(General Purpose GPU) accounts for nearly 1% of the total server.

It is estimated that in 2023, with the application of chat bots, it is expected to stimulate AI-related fields again. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of shipments will reach 8%, and the compound growth rate from 2022 to 2026 will reach 10.8%.

In 2022, the proportion of AI server procurement is dominated by Google, AWS, Meta and Microsoft, the four major cloud providers in North America, accounting for 66.2%. In recent years, with the intensification of localization in mainland China, the wave of AI construction has warmed up, and ByteDance, Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu are the providers with large purchases.

In terms of computing specifications, ChatGPT is mainly based on NVIDIA A100 and exclusively uses Microsoft Azure cloud service resources. If other Microsoft applications are merged, the annual demand for Microsoft AI servers is 25,000. Baidu Wenxin adopts NVIDIA A800 in a word and combines other applications. The annual demand for Baidu AI servers is about 2,000 units.

Taiwan Province AI server supply chain includes TSMC, IC design factory Creative and Purui -KY, server foundries Quanta, Weiying and Inventec. The market is promising. With the contrarian growth of AI servers, the supply chains of related factories are expected to benefit.

Among them, whether it is AI computing or data center, most of the back graphics cards are manufactured by TSMC, especially on the AI chips led by Nvidia, including GPU A100/H100. Related accelerators and chip design applications are mainly produced by TSMC’s 5-nanometer family process.

Wei Ying pointed out that in 2022, AI servers will be less than 20% in terms of shipment or revenue. At present, more than 50% of newly opened cases are AI-related servers.

Quanta has invested in the field of AI servers many years ago. Although the revenue proportion of AI servers has not been announced, the legal person pointed out that the unit price of the main board of AI servers is twice as high as that of standard products, and it is difficult to manufacture, and the gross profit margin is rising, which is beneficial to the improvement of product portfolio.

Best team duel! The sun will make a smile and make a good job. ESPN is optimistic about the Warriors while ESPN!

On December 1st, Beijing time, the NBA regular season in the 2021-22 season was fighting. In a battle of focus today, the Sun will face the Warriors at home. Prior to this game, the Warriors 18 wins and 2 losses first ranked first in the league, and the Sun team ranked second in the league 17 wins and 3 losses. Therefore, this game was particularly attractive.

According to statistics, this is the first time that the NBA history has appeared more than 85%of the winning percentage, and it is in a team confrontation between the 7+ consecutive victory. The Warriors have achieved a 7 -game winning streak, and the Sun team has won the longest 16 -game winning streak this season. If the Suns can win again today, they will tie the team history of the longest consecutive victory.

Before the start of the game, the Suns officially released the preview map of the game, as well as warm -up maps such as Paul and other generals.

It can be seen that although this game can tie the long -winning record of the team history and whether they can defeat the Warriors’ top leagues, the Sun team will still be very relaxed. Paul, Booker, Claude and other people will laugh at the training ground.

The Warriors officially wrote: "The duel of the best record team of the two league, staged in Phoenix tonight!"

ESPN also debated this game. However, the result was one side, and everyone thought that the Warriors could win. Former NBA star Reydick said: "The warrior has a greater probability of winning the game, their defense is very good, they will take a lot of defense. The main tactics of the sun are to relieve it by the pick -and -roll, and then go to the ball three points. Unless Paul and the" Booker can play ultra -efficiency, otherwise it will be difficult for them to win. "

The reasons for the well-known commentator A-Smith is only one reason for the Warriors, that is Curry. He said: "I am not interested in this issue, because the Warriors will win the championship, and no one can defeat them. The Warriors will win bigger today, but the Sun team will win when they meet next time. Because they do not have Curry, Curry is the greatest shooter created by God. And the Warriors’ ball -free running and transfer balls are the top leagues. They are the purest basketball. "

Whether this game continues 17 consecutive victories, or the Warriors defend the league 1, we will know the answer in a few hours.