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In July, production and sales increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12th Title: Production and sales in July increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xinxin

  According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently, in July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 805,000 and 780,000 respectively, up by 30.6% and 31.6% respectively, and the market share reached 32.7%.

  Industry experts said that with the support of a series of policies such as excellent supply and consumption promotion, new energy vehicles continued to develop well and supporting facilities were constantly improved. The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles has increased, the technology has been continuously improved, the innovation vitality of enterprises has been further stimulated, and the high-quality development of the industry has been continuously promoted.

  Lantu Automobile recently released brand delivery data, and delivered a total of 3,412 new cars in July, up 90% year-on-year and 13% quarter-on-quarter. Stepping up to 3,000 steps for five consecutive months, "Lan Tu Speed" has the strength of brand’s continuous accumulation, as well as the expanding market scale and comprehensive industrial competitiveness of new energy vehicles. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu, told reporters that Lantu Automobile has entered a stage of steady growth in sales, and the newly upgraded new Lantu FREE will be listed soon. While constantly exploring the domestic market, the brand is also actively deploying "going out". In the third quarter of this year, it will be officially launched in the Nordic markets such as Finland.

  On July 11th, 2023, at Taicang Port International Container Terminal in Jiangsu Province, a batch of new energy vehicles will be exported by special frame transportation (panoramic photo of unmanned aerial vehicle). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Ji Haixin)

  Since the beginning of this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has galloped all the way. From January to July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles totaled 4.591 million and 4.526 million, up 40% and 41.7% respectively.

  Recently, policies to support automobile development have been launched intensively. China has made it clear that the vehicle purchase tax reduction policy for new energy vehicles will be extended to the end of 2027; The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments, formulated "Several Measures for Promoting Automobile Consumption"; The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has clearly stepped up the formulation and implementation of the work plan for the steady growth of key industries such as automobiles … …

  "Support measures from both ends of supply and demand further boost market confidence and stabilize industrial development." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, said that with the implementation of the new round of automobile consumption promotion policy, the consumption potential of automobiles, especially new energy vehicles, is expected to be further released, which will help the industry achieve the goal of steady growth throughout the year.

  Market expansion drives industrial chain innovation. At the end of June, Dongfeng Weifu distributed wheel drive passenger car started long-term test, adopting pure electric four-wheel drive, high integration technology of wheel motor and controller. Compared with the traditional drive configuration, the whole vehicle accelerated by 42% in 100 kilometers.

  You Zheng, deputy general manager of Dongfeng Company, told the reporter that Dongfeng has continued to promote electrification and intelligent technology across the board, and has achieved independent control in the three power systems and completed the industrial layout. Focusing on intelligence, we have independently created a new generation of centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture. Relying on technology brands Hydrogen Boat, we will continue to promote the development of hydrogen power. "We will make efforts to fill the shortcomings, seize the new track of intelligent network connection, and use new technologies and new products to build the competitive advantage of new energy intelligent network connection vehicles".

  "In the past, competition relied on special technology. Today, it depends more on ‘ Chain ’ 。” Xu Jun, senior vice president of Zero Run Automobile, said that consolidating and expanding the advantages of industrial chain by relying on integrated innovation is very important for new energy vehicles to achieve "leading" in the future. The industry is also stepping up its efforts, and collaborative innovation modes such as host manufacturers, component manufacturers, software companies and scientific research institutes have become the mainstream.

  The supporting system will be improved to lay a solid foundation for industrial development. According to the data released by China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, as of July 2023, the member units in the alliance reported a total of 2.211 million public charging piles.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Transport, by the end of June, 5931 expressway service areas had built charging facilities, accounting for 89.48% of the total number of expressway service areas in China. The next step will be to further optimize and improve the service charging infrastructure network along the highway in accordance with the principle of "moderate advance".

  Shandong introduced measures from the aspects of charging infrastructure construction and time-of-use electricity price of residential charging piles, and Shenzhen issued the Three-year Action Plan (2023-2025) for Shenzhen to accelerate the construction of a new generation of world-class automobile city … … All localities have launched pragmatic measures according to local conditions to "escort" the development of new energy vehicles.

  Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments have revised the current Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points, adjusted the calculation method of new energy vehicle points, and established a flexible trading mechanism of points to further help the industrial development.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of National Vehicle Networking Industry Standard System (Intelligent Networked Vehicles) (2023 Edition)" was recently issued to provide the vehicle networking industry with a more complete framework, more comprehensive content and clearer logic.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it will guide the industry to be electrified, intelligent and networked through standards, and further enhance the development momentum of the automobile industry. At the same time, it will support key large enterprises to take the lead, large, medium and small enterprises to participate, carry out cross-industry and cross-domain collaborative innovation, accelerate the research and development, popularization and application of new technologies and new products such as high-precision sensors and operating systems, support the development of high-security climate power batteries, heat pump air conditioning, vehicle thermal management and other technical research, and provide policy assistance for the high-quality development of new energy vehicles.

Managing finance and stabilizing real estate … China’s economy will do six major things in the second half of the year.

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 28 (Reporter Li Jinlei) China’s economic situation has been stable and improving in the first half of the year. What should China do in the second half of the year? In this regard, the central government has made it clear that it is necessary to adhere to the general tone of striving for progress in stability and focus on six aspects of work, including rectifying financial chaos, stabilizing the real estate market and resolving local debt risks.

  What do you think of the economic situation in the first half of the year?

  — — Steady progress, deepening structural adjustment

  To do a good job in China’s next economic work, we must first accurately judge the current economic situation. The the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting held on July 24th held that the economy operated in a reasonable range, the main indicators were better than expected, urban employment increased steadily, fiscal revenue, corporate profits and residents’ income increased rapidly, and quality and efficiency rebounded.

  "The overall judgment is that the economic situation in the first half of the year was stable and the structural adjustment was deepened." Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group Office, once again summed up the economic situation in China at the press conference held by the State Council Office on the 27th.

  Behind these judgments is the support of groups of data. The data shows that GDP in the first half of the year increased by 6.9% year-on-year, an increase of 0.2 percentage points over the same period of the previous year, which is the highest value since the fourth quarter of 2015. There were 7.35 million new jobs in urban and rural areas, an increase of 180,000 over the same period of last year. The overall price level remained stable, and the CPI rose by 1.4% year-on-year, which was the same as that in the first quarter. After deducting the price factor, the per capita disposable income of residents actually increased by 7.3%, which continued to be higher than the economic growth rate.

  "Looking at the economic situation depends on both the present and the long-term; It depends on both indicators and expectations; We must see both achievements and problems. " Yang Weimin believes that although the economy is stable and improving in the first half of the year, there are still some problems. For example, the problem of poor circulation in the real economy is still serious, and the task of preventing and resolving financial risks is still arduous. The long-term mechanism for the stable and healthy development of the real estate market has not yet been established, and the pressure of rising enterprise costs is also increasing. In addition, the trend differentiation of regions, industries and enterprises is also intensifying to some extent.

  What’s the keynote for the second half of the year?

  — — act on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability

  Fully affirm the achievements without avoiding the problems. A scientific judgment of China’s economic situation is also the basis for doing a good job in economic work in the second half of the year. In the second half of the year, what is the tone to do?

  In this regard, the the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting set the tone: to do a good job in economic work in the second half of the year, we should adhere to the general tone of striving for progress while maintaining stability, better grasp the relationship between stability and progress, balance, opportunity and degree.

  How to understand striving for progress while maintaining stability? Yang Weimin believes that stability is the main tone, that is to say, we should strive for progress on the premise of maintaining overall stability. However, striving for progress in stability is not inaction, not strong stability and mechanical stability, but doing something and working hard on the premise of grasping the degree.

  Yang Weimin also said that it is very important to grasp the balance, the opportunity and the degree while doing something. We should not only prevent blind leaps and bounds, but also prevent timidity and inaction, both to prevent "going too far" and to avoid "not being as good as".

  How to do it in the second half of the year?

  — — Focus on six aspects of work.

  How to carry out economic work in the second half of the year? Yang Weimin said that the central authorities stressed that efforts should be made to do a good job in six aspects in the second half of the year: First, unswervingly deepen the structural reform of the supply side. Second, actively and steadily resolve the accumulated local government debt risks. Third, deepen and solidly rectify financial chaos. Fourth, effectively stabilize the real estate market. Fifth, stabilize foreign investment and private investment. Sixth, attach great importance to the work of people’s livelihood.

  The reporter noted that "deleveraging" in the supply-side structural reform, local debt, financial chaos, real estate market and investment all involve finance, and "keeping the bottom line of systemic financial risks" was also identified as one of the goals of China’s economic work in the second half of the year.

  Wang Zhijun, director of the First Economic Bureau of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group Office, pointed out that both "black swan" and "grey rhinoceros" may impact the bottom line of financial risks. For the hidden risks of "grey rhinoceros", such as shadow banking, real estate bubble, high leverage of state-owned enterprises, local debts, illegal fund-raising and other issues, it is necessary to find out the situation, distinguish the priorities and the degree of influence, highlight the key points, and take effective measures to properly solve them.

  "In the second half of the year, we should do a good job of deleveraging, because this is the source of risk." Yang Weimin pointed out that the National Financial Work Conference emphasized that deleveraging of state-owned enterprises should be the top priority. If state-owned enterprises deleverage, the leverage of the enterprise sector will definitely decline, and the leverage of the entire national economy will also decline. This is to prevent and control from the source. We can’t let the leverage ratio continue to rise in order to maintain growth.

  Gao Feng, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, mentioned at a regular press conference on the 27th that he would continue to do a good job in preventing foreign investment risks with relevant departments to ensure the healthy, standardized and orderly development of foreign investment. For foreign investment in real estate, hotels, cinemas, entertainment, sports clubs and other fields, it is recommended that relevant enterprises make prudent decisions.

[National Fitness Day] @ Skiers don’t fall into these misunderstandings!

With the approach of the Winter Olympics, the public’s interest in ice and snow sports is increasing day by day. Among them, as a popular sport of ice and snow, skiing has gained a lot of fans. "Many people want to come to the ski resort to experience it now, and the number of skiers suddenly shows an bursting state." Zhao Yue, head coach of Beijing Lianhuashan Ski Resort, told Guangming. com.

People’s high interest in skiing is certainly worthy of recognition, but there are still some cognitive misunderstandings. On the occasion of National Fitness Day, come and recognize these misunderstandings of skiing!

Children experience the pleasure of skiing. (Sun Kaifang/photo)

Myth 1: Skiing can only be carried out in northern winter.

Some people think that skiing has high requirements for time and place, and it needs to go to the northern cities in winter.

[Coach dispels doubts]

In this regard, Zhao Yue said that skiing has already broken the boundaries between time and space. Many southern cities have also built ice and snow venues, and people can enjoy skiing at home. Skiing is no longer just a winter sport. In hot summer, people can also choose to ski in indoor ski resorts, which is cool and healthy.

In addition, there are ski simulators in clubs in many big cities. "It’s similar to normal skiing, but the location has changed from snow to machine." Zhao Yue said that there is a 5× 10m field in the middle of the ski simulator, on which there is an upward rolling conveyor belt, and people can put on snowshoes and skis to slide on it. The special material on the conveyor belt can give participants a feeling of skiing, but the sliding speed will be slower, which is suitable for beginners.

Myth 2: Skiing threshold is high.

Many people think that skiing is a difficult sport and requires participants to have a high foundation. In addition, some people think that skiing is a "money-burning" sport, and whether it is skiing tickets or skiing equipment, it is not a small expense. Is the threshold for skiing really so high?

[Coach dispels doubts]

"In fact, this is not the case." Zhao Yue said that there are two main restrictions on skiers, one is their age and the other is their health. The ski resort stipulates that children under 4 years old are not allowed to ski, and older people should judge whether they are suitable for skiing according to their physical condition. Under normal circumstances, people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are not recommended to ski. If skiers have had ligament tears and fractures before, it depends on their recovery before judging whether they can ski.

Regarding the skiing cost, Zhao Yue took Beijing Lianhuashan Ski Resort as an example and calculated an account for the reporter. On weekdays, the price of a 4-hour ski ticket for one person is -108 yuan in 88 yuan, and the total cost will play a role in 150 yuan. It can be seen that skiing is not as expensive as you think. Zhao Yue suggested that the public can give priority to some small and medium-sized ski resorts when they experience skiing. "The prices of small and medium-sized ski resorts are usually lower. Beginners generally start to experience from the primary ski slopes. The slopes of the primary ski slopes of each ski resort are basically the same."

Myth 3: Short people are more suitable for learning skiing.

During skiing, it is very important for participants to control the center of gravity. There is a saying that the lower the center of gravity, the easier the skiing process is to control, so does it mean that short people are more suitable for learning skiing?

[Coach dispels doubts]

Zhao Yue said that this statement is not very accurate. To be precise, short people will learn to ski faster. Because short people have low center of gravity, it is easier to grasp the center of gravity in the process of learning skiing; Tall people, on the other hand, have a high center of gravity and are easy to swing back and forth, so they will be slower in mastering balance. "It can only be said that the level of the center of gravity has a certain impact on learning efficiency, but it does not mean that the learning effect is good or bad."

For this reason, Zhao Yue suggested that skiing should start with children. "Children are short, so it is easier to master skiing skills.".

Myth 4: People with poor balance should avoid learning skiing.

Many people who think they have a poor sense of balance are full of fear of skiing. So, can people with poor balance learn to ski?

[Coach dispels doubts]

Zhao Yue said that the sense of balance is not a factor that restricts people from learning to ski. "People with poor balance just learn to ski more slowly, but once they learn it, they won’t forget it." Zhao Yue said that skiing is a skill-based sport, just like riding a bicycle. It may be a little unfamiliar without contact for a long time, but with a little practice, you can get your feeling back.

Zhao Yue suggested that beginners with poor balance should give priority to snowboarding. "Getting started with two boards will be relatively simple, because the two feet are fixed on two boards respectively, and beginners will be more confident in maintaining balance."

Myth 5: When skiing, snow goggles is dispensable.

Many people don’t wear snow goggles when skiing, especially some friends who wear glasses. They think it’s more troublesome to wear a snow goggles outside their glasses. So, is snow goggles dispensable when skiing?

[Coach dispels doubts]

Zhao Yue said that the snow goggles is as necessary as the helmet in skiing. Snow goggles has two functions, one is to prevent the damage to the eyes caused by sunlight reflected from the snow surface, and the other is to prevent the stimulation of the eyes caused by the wind during sliding. "If it is cloudy, people can slide on the primary road without wearing snow goggles." Zhao Yue said.

In addition, Zhao Yue reminded that sunscreen is also very important for skiers who participate in outdoor skiing. It is suggested that skiers wear sunscreen every two hours to prevent ultraviolet rays from burning their skin.

(Guangming. com reporter zhangqian)

Source: Guangming Net

A survey of the concept of financial knowledge

Source: supply chain finance
Financial concept daquan
1. Financial market in a broad sense: generally refers to all financial transactions conducted by both the capital supply and demand sides through various financial instruments, including all monetary financial activities between financial institutions and customers, between financial institutions and between capital supply and demand sides, such as deposits, loans, trusts, leasing, insurance, mortgage and discount of bills, trading of stocks and bonds, gold foreign exchange trading, etc.
2. Narrow financial market: generally limited to financing activities with bills and securities as financial instruments, interbank borrowing between financial institutions and gold foreign exchange transactions.
3. Financial market: the general term for monetary fund transactions, gold foreign exchange trading and interbank lending between financial institutions with bills and securities as financial instruments.
4. Primary market: also known as the issuance market or the primary market, it is a trading market formed when the fund demanders sell financial assets to the public for the first time.
5. Secondary market: the trading market where the issued old securities are transferred and circulated among different investors.
6. Financial instrument: also known as credit instrument, it is a legal document to prove the relationship between creditor’s rights and debts and to conduct monetary and capital transactions accordingly.
7. Stock: a kind of securities, which is a certificate issued by a joint stock limited company to prove the identity and rights of investors as shareholders and to obtain dividends and bonuses accordingly.
8. Common stock: a basic stock issued by a joint-stock company, which is the most standard stock.
9. Priority stocks: stocks issued by joint-stock companies that have priority over ordinary shareholders in terms of company income and distribution of remaining assets.
10. Bond: A written certificate issued by the debtor to the creditor to undertake the obligation of repaying the principal and interest at the agreed time.
11. Treasury bonds: short-term debt certificates issued by the government to make up for the temporary shortage of treasury funds.
12. Mortgaged corporate bonds: bonds issued by companies with real estate or movable property as collateral.
13. Credit corporate bonds: bonds issued by companies that do not use any assets as collateral or guarantee, but rely entirely on the company’s credit.
14. Converting corporate bonds: This kind of bonds stipulates that bondholders can convert into company shares in a certain proportion and under certain conditions within a certain period of time.
15. Corporate bonds with subscription rights for new shares: This bond gives the bondholder the right to buy new shares of the company.
16. Restructured corporate bonds: A bond with lower interest rate issued by a restructured company to reduce the debt burden.
17. Debt-sinking fund corporate bonds: This kind of bonds requires the issuing company to regularly withdraw a certain percentage of profits according to the total issued amount as repayment funds before the maturity of the bonds, and hand them over to the entrusted trust companies or financial institutions for safekeeping, and gradually accumulate them to ensure that the bonds will be repaid in one lump sum.
18. Financial bond: A bond issued to the public by banks and non-bank financial institutions in order to raise funds in accordance with the relevant securities laws and securities issuance procedures of the state, using their own reputation.
19. Fund securities: also known as investment fund securities, are securities issued to the public by the sponsors of investment funds, which prove that the holders enjoy the ownership of assets, the right to return assets and the right to distribute the remaining property according to their shares. It is the product of certain equity combinations of stocks, bonds and other financial products.
20. Bill: negotiable securities that the drawer promises or entrusts the drawee to unconditionally pay a certain amount on the specified date or at sight.
21. Free foreign exchange: It can be bought and sold freely in the foreign exchange market without the approval of the issuing country, and can be freely converted into currencies of other countries. They are widely used as means of payment and circulation in international economic exchanges.
22. Bookkeeping foreign exchange: Without the approval of the relevant foreign exchange administration departments, it cannot be converted into other countries’ currencies, and usually it can only be used between the countries of the agreement according to relevant agreements.
23. Derivative financial instruments: also known as financial derivatives, refer to a kind of financial products whose value depends on original financial instruments.
24. Money market: a short-term financial market with financial assets with a maturity of less than one year as the transaction object.
25. Interbank lending market: a market formed by short-term capital lending activities among various financial institutions.
26. Central bank bills: short-term bonds issued by the People’s Bank of China, with maturities ranging from 3 months to 1 year.
27. Pre-issuance market: In reality, there is a kind of treasury bond trading that is not conducted after the issuance is completed, but immediately after the announcement of the issuance. This trading market is also called the pre-issuance market. Such as WI-Fi transactions in the United States.
28. Transferable large deposit certificate: a certificate of deposit issued by a commercial bank and transferable in the market.
29. Repurchase agreement: When the securities holder sells the securities, it is agreed with the buyer that the seller will buy back an equal amount of the same kind of securities from the buyer at the agreed price on a certain date in the future.
30. Capital increase: An established joint-stock company issues new shares, which is called capital increase.
31. Credit transaction: also known as advance transaction or margin transaction, it is a transaction method in which the customer pays a certain amount of cash or stock to the broker as a margin, and the difference is advanced by the broker.
32. Option trading: Also known as option trading, it means that both parties reach a contract on whether to buy or sell a certain stock at an agreed price and within an agreed time.
33. Stock index futures trading: Futures trading with the stock price index as the object aims to reduce the risk of stock investment and increase the attractiveness of stock investment.
34. Stock index option trading: buying and selling option contracts based on stock price index.
35. Stock exchange: a place organized according to certain methods and rules to conduct centralized securities trading, also known as the floor trading market.
36. Membership system: A stock exchange in the form of membership organization is a legal entity that is formed voluntarily by intermediaries engaged in securities business and is not for profit.
37. Company system: The stock exchange in the form of company system is organized according to the company law. The exchange collects the issuer’s "listing fee" and extracts the "handling fee" and other service fees for securities transactions.
38. Commission broker: a broker who accepts the entrustment of clients, buys and sells on behalf of clients in the exchange and receives a fixed commission.
39. Two-yuan broker: Also known as expert broker, it is specially entrusted by the commission broker, and buys and sells on his behalf, charging a certain commission.
40. Special broker: Also known as professional broker, it is a broker who has a special status in the exchange and is engaged in special securities trading.
41. Securities dealers: also known as trading hall dealers, they only handle self-operated business and do not handle entrusted business.
42. Zero-share dealers: securities firms specializing in stock trading with less than one trading unit.
Brief discussion
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct financing and indirect financing?
Advantages of direct financing
(1) The close relationship between the supply and demand of funds is conducive to the rapid and rational allocation of funds and the improvement of efficiency in use.
(2) The cost of financing is low and the investment income is high.
Disadvantages of direct financing
(1) There are many restrictions on the amount, term and interest rate of direct financing.
(2) The liquidity of financial instruments used in direct financing is weaker than that of indirect financing, and their cashing ability is lower.
(3) Direct financing is risky.
Advantages of indirect financing
(1) Flexible and convenient.
(2) High security.
(3) The scale economy of finance has been improved.
Disadvantages of indirect financing
(1) The direct connection between the supply and demand sides of funds is cut off, which will reduce the concern of investors on enterprise production and the pressure and binding force of fund raisers on the use of funds to a certain extent.
(2) intermediary agencies charge a certain fee for providing services, which increases the cost of financing.
2, the relationship between the four elements of financial market.
Financial market participants, financial market trading objects, financial market intermediaries and financial market prices are the four major elements that constitute the financial market. They are closely related, mutually promoting and influencing each other. Among them, financial market participants and financial market trading objects are the most basic elements. As long as these two elements exist, financial markets will be formed, while financial market intermediaries and financial market prices are naturally generated or inevitably accompanied. Perfect intermediary institutions and price mechanisms are important conditions for the development of financial markets.
3. Particularity of financial market.
(1) There are mainly loan relationships and principal-agent relationships among market participants, which are temporary separation or conditional transfer of the right to use and ownership of funds based on credit.
(2) The transaction object is monetary funds or their derivatives.
(3) The transaction mode is special.
(4) The price determination in the market is complicated, with many influencing factors and great fluctuations.
(5) Trading places are invisible in most cases, and the ways of trading through telecommunications and computer networks are becoming more and more common.
4. The main differences between capital market and money market.
(1) Different maturities: all financial instruments traded in the capital market are more than one year, while those traded in the money market are within one year.
(2) Different roles: most of the funds in the capital market are used for the creation, renewal and expansion of equipment and storage materials of enterprises, or the establishment of public utilities and the maintenance of financial balance. Most of the money in the money market is used for short-term working capital of industrial and commercial enterprises.
(3) The degree of risk is different: the risk of credit instruments in the capital market is higher, and the risk of credit instruments in the money market is smaller.
5. Functions and functions of financial markets
(1) Facilitate investment and fund-raising.
(2) Reasonably guide the flow of funds, promote capital concentration and transfer to high-efficiency units.
(3) Facilitate the flexible conversion of funds.
(4) realize risk diversification and reduce transaction costs.
(5) It is conducive to enhancing the flexibility of macro-control.
(6) It is conducive to strengthening economic ties between departments, regions and countries.
6, the difference between financial instruments and financial assets
Financial instruments are sometimes called financial assets, but strictly speaking, these two concepts are different. Although all financial instruments are financial assets to the holders, they cannot be called financial assets if we look at them in isolation. For example, money issued by the central bank and stocks and bonds issued by enterprises cannot be said to be financial assets, because for issuers, money, stocks and bonds are their liabilities. Therefore, money, stocks and bonds should not be simply called financial assets, but should be called financial instruments. Financial instruments are financial assets to the holders.
7. Characteristics of stocks
(1) Stock is a kind of ownership certificate, which represents the certificate of invested share capital.
(2) Stocks are permanent securities with no repayment period.
(3) The return of stock has great uncertainty.
8. Main differences between common stock and preferred stock
(1) Ordinary shareholders enjoy the right to participate in the operation of the company, while preferred shareholders generally do not enjoy the right to participate in the operation of the company.
(2) The income of common shareholders depends on the profitability of the company, while the income of preferred shares is fixed.
(3) Ordinary shareholders cannot withdraw their shares, but can only be realized in the secondary market, while preferred shareholders can request the company to redeem their shares in accordance with the redemption clause attached to the preferred shares.
(4) Priority stock is the most important kind of special stock, which enjoys priority in the company’s profit and the distribution of surplus property.
9, the difference between bonds and stocks
(1) The relationship indicated is different: bonds indicate the relationship between creditor’s rights and debts, and stocks indicate the ownership relationship.
(2) The rights and obligations of investors are different: bond investors have the right to obtain principal and interest, but have no right to ask about business management activities. Stock investors can get the right to operate, but they can’t withdraw their shares to recover their principal.
(3) The determination of income is different: the income of bonds is determined by their interest rates, and the income of stocks depends on the operating conditions of the issuing company.
10, the main reason for the government to issue treasury bonds.
(1) To make up for the temporary and seasonal balance of government finance and meet the temporary capital turnover needs.
(2) When unexpected events occur in the process of budget implementation, resulting in an increase in expenditure and it is difficult to keep up with the income, it is necessary to cope with temporary emergencies.
(3) When the interest rate in the financial market is too high, the interest burden of the government issuing long-term bonds is too heavy, so the short-term treasury bonds are issued first, and then the low-interest long-term bonds are issued after the market interest rate changes in the future.
11, fund securities, stocks and bonds in common.
(1) The investments in fund securities, stocks and bonds are all securities investments.
(2) The forms of fund securities are similar to those of stocks and bonds.
(3) Stocks and bonds are the investment objects of fund securities.
12. The difference between fund securities, stocks and bonds
(1) Different investment status: Shareholders are shareholders of the company and have the right to express their opinions on major decisions of the company. The bondholders are creditors and have the right to recover the principal and interest at maturity. The holder of fund securities is the beneficiary of the fund and has the right to distribute the investment income.
(2) The degree of risk is different: the risk of stocks is the greatest, the risk of fund securities is the second, and the risk of bonds is the smallest.
(3) The returns are different: stocks have the highest returns, followed by fund securities, and bonds have the lowest returns.
(4) Different ways of investment: unlike investors in stocks and bonds, fund securities are an indirect way of securities investment.
(5) Different ways of investment recovery: bond investment has a certain term, and the principal is recovered after the expiration, while stock investment is indefinite. If it is to be recovered, it can only be realized at the market price in the securities exchange market. Fund securities are different depending on the form of funds held.
13. Similarities and differences between negotiable certificates of deposit and general certificates of deposit.
(1) What they have in common is that they are all time certificates of deposit issued by banks, and banks pay interest.
(2) The difference is that it cannot be withdrawn in advance, but it can be transferred at any time. It has a specific amount and term, and the term is short, usually 14 days to one year. The interest is paid in coupon rate every six months or on the maturity date, and the denomination is large. Most large deposit certificates in the United States are $100,000.
14. What are the benefits of negotiable certificates of deposit for banks and investors?
Certificate of deposit is a good financial tool for investors and banks;
(1) certificates of deposit enable commercial banks to take the initiative to issue certificates of deposit in the market to raise funds, so that commercial banks can manage their liabilities and assets more actively.
(2) certificates of deposit enable investors to buy or sell certificates of deposit at any time according to the situation of capital week and adjust their asset portfolio.
(3) certificates of deposit improve the stability of commercial banks’ sources of funds.
15. Purpose of stock issuance
(1) To issue shares for the establishment of a joint-stock company.
(2) shares issued by an established joint-stock company to improve its operation or meet a specific need.
16. Purpose of capital increase
(1) Increase the proportion of self-owned capital and improve the capital structure. (2) maintain or expand business. (3) Meet the listing standards of the stock exchange. (4) promoting cooperation or maintaining the right to operate. (5) Divide benefits among shareholders. (6) Others, such as company restructuring or merger.
17, the characteristics of futures trading
(1) The transaction and delivery are not synchronized. (2) It can be offset at the time of delivery, that is, the liquidation parties only need to pay the difference. (3) There are both ordinary investors and speculators in the transaction.
18, the characteristics of OTC:
(1) A wide range of trading objects. (2) Both parties agree on the transaction price. (3) The trading mode is more flexible. (4) The trading places are scattered.
Transfer from: those things in the investment circle

What’s the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise? Which is easier to lose weight?

Hello, this is China. Now everyone attaches great importance to physical health, and exercise has also been put on the agenda. There are two words in exercise, whether you understand them or not, but they will not be unfamiliar, that is, aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.

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What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?

I don’t know how you understand these two words. Many people think that aerobic exercise is exercise with less oxygen consumption. Some people even think that aerobic exercise is mainly responsible for reducing fat and anaerobic exercise is responsible for gaining muscle. Is that really the case? What is the relationship between them?

In fact,The difference between these two exercise modes is that the metabolic mode of providing energy is different.Aerobic exercise mainly provides the energy needed for exercise through aerobic metabolism. Correspondingly, anaerobic exercise naturally refers to the exercise mode that provides energy through anaerobic metabolism.

It sounds like a clear line, but in fact, aerobic energy supply and anaerobic energy supply rarely exist independently. Often, a variety of energy supply methods work at the same time, so what we call aerobic or anaerobic exercise is only differentiated according to the main energy supply methods.

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Aerobic vs anaerobic, which is easier to lose fat?

In fact, anaerobic exercise, like aerobic exercise, has a good fat-reducing effect. Fat is the energy reserve in our body. As long as we consume energy, we naturally consume fat. Just,Aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise consume different periods of energy.

Aerobic exercise mainly consumes energy during exercise, while anaerobic exercise will continue to consume energy after exercise and reduce the possibility of energy being converted into fat.Therefore, from the perspective of energy consumption, anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise actually consume the same amount of fat.

From the point of view of shaping, anaerobic exercise also has many benefits. Many people are afraid of anaerobic exercise to train themselves into thick legs and shoulders, which is completely worrying. Although anaerobic exercise has the effect of strengthening muscles, it is by no means possible to build a big size by lifting iron casually in your spare time. Moreover, with the increase of muscle content, our own basal metabolism will also rise, and the body consumes more energy, which is more conducive to our fat loss.

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Six cars suitable for "playing" can be bought at the cheapest price of 80 thousand

The first car came out, and the car was a luxury. Later, with the improvement of industrial technology, cars became mass consumer goods and a means of transportation for many people. Nowadays, with the blessing of various elements, the car is no longer limited to the identity of travel tools. It has more ways to dispel doubts and open it. With the increase of functionality, its car scenes are becoming more diverse.

For example, in recent years, people not only use cars for commuting to work, but also begin to expand the scene of using cars in the wild. Instead of going to poetry and distant places, they find a quiet place in the suburbs of the city to get in touch with nature, stay with their families and have a deep dialogue with themselves. Especially the camping scene that has arisen in recent years, do you want to go to the wild? See if your car supports it? We will take stock of six cars today, and all of them can satisfy this idea.

Baojun KiWi EV

Most people have a certain degree of anxiety. When they see a small product like Baojun KiWi EV, they all have a mileage anxiety. Can it really take them out of the city and go camping to relax? If you don’t go too far, Baojun KiWi EV can actually satisfy it. After all, it also has a cruising range of 305km, and the travel radius is guaranteed. The price is only 77,800, which is a cost-effective car.

And camping needs two characteristics, one is large space, and the other is the function of out-of-band discharge. If we can also pay attention to economy and car cost, it will be icing on the cake. Baojun KiWi EV positioning mini-cars, some are not dominant, but its rear space can be laid down, and the roof rack can be optionally installed to release more storage space, and in most cases the demand can be met.

Moreover, KiWi EV also has an external discharge function, such as boiling boiled coffee, which is difficult to meet and more practical. The biggest highlight is that it can be charged at a voltage of 220V, and it supports fast charging and short-distance travel. In camping series, the threshold is relatively low, the cost of car use is not high, and the practicality is relatively excellent.

Zero run C11

The appearance of new car companies has given cars more characteristics of 3C digital products, which has significantly improved the car experience in terms of technology and convenience, and also brought more specific and diverse car scenes.

Take the Zero Fear C11 as an example, and choose it as your own camper. There are several attractive points. Its nap mode allows you to rest in the wild. After the time is set, you will fall asleep with the white noise played by the vehicle, and the seat will automatically recover when it is time. The rear seat also supports the flat-down mode. If there is a dedicated car mattress, it is equivalent to a mobile exclusive "lounge", which is more private and safer than a tent.

The zero-run C11 also has the function of external discharge. One electric cooking pot can unlock all kinds of beautiful things, which saves equipment such as charcoal fire and barbecue grill, which not only saves space and cost, but also reduces potential safety hazards. There is another bonus item for the zero-run C11, KTV. With the exclusive microphone and entertainment display, you can better set off the atmosphere and relax yourself. For a product with a price of less than 150,000 yuan, it can unlock more car scenes and modes while taking care of home travel, with excellent cost performance.

Zhiji LS6

A trip with Zhiji LS6 is a performance tour. After all, one of the outstanding selling points of Zhiji LS6 is performance.

Zhiji LS6 can meet all the requirements for campers, with high value, large space for taking photos, 596L trunk, 69L hidden storage tank and 32L front storage box, which has strong storage capacity, and it is not a problem for a family to go out. The quasi-900V platform can last more than 500km after 15 minutes of charging, so it is not worried about the loss of external power supply and other functions.

The auxiliary driving function and intelligent cockpit are the outstanding highlights of Zhiji LS6. It provides the elevated high-speed NOA function, and the vehicle can follow the car by itself, controlling acceleration and deceleration while keeping a safe distance. While paying attention to the comfort and technological car experience, it also pays more attention to performance. The accelerated performance of 3.48S per 100 kilometers brings a more wanton and hearty experience. The cruising range is as low as 560km, and the highest can reach 760km. The travel radius is larger, and it will not be held back by the pursuit of freedom.

Haobo HT

If Zhiji LS6 is a performance journey, then Haoplatinum HT is a quality trip.

Haobo HT locates medium and large SUVs, with a price of 213,900, which is highly coincident with the positioning and price of Zhiji LS6, but the specific car scenes and audience groups are still subdivided. Take Haobo HT for example, it is more suitable for the audience who pursue the quality of car use.

As far as modeling is concerned, Haobo HT is fashionable, with European wing doors as standard, and the photos are quite out of the picture. Moreover, it comes standard with the back row of the King’s Throne with heating function, which can realize the largest adjustment angle of the back seat backrest at the same level of 143, and also supports various modes. It is more comfortable to get on the bus when camping in the wild, and has the function of seat massage. The panoramic canopy can lie down and watch the stars, and there is an electric sunshade during the day, which can better protect against the sun and relax.

The biggest highlight is that more than 20 speakers are standard, the Dolby panoramic sound response system is created, and the headrest audio brings a LIVE-level auditory feast. Imagine the specific car scene. You can have a wild KTV with your family, relax and get on the bus to watch movies together. At that time, a mobile KTV is also a mobile home theater, with the function of out-of-band discharge, which can diversify the car scene and improve the car experience and quality.

Tank 300

Zhiji and Haobo bring a certain range of performance and quality travel, while Tank 300 crushes everything with absolute strength and takes you to any poem and distance with hard power.

Hard-core off-road SUVs are excellent in hard power, which is doomed to make some concessions in comfort, such as the second row of seats, which cannot be adjusted and laid down like other products. Fortunately, the space is large enough, the square box shape ensures the seating space, the trunk has strong storage capacity, and the roof and luggage rack can be expanded externally.

Moreover, with the blessing of part-time 4wd system of Tank 300 and three locks, there are crawling modes, tank turning, and a transparent chassis. Compared with other household SUVs, Tank 300 can unlock more scenes and has lower requirements on environment and road conditions, so it can easily cope with it.

Ideality L8

Life is indifferent to three major events, house, car and children, which can be taken into account in the ideal L8. It is a luxury car and a mobile home, which is more suitable for family travel, and children, the elderly and lovers can all hold it.

Medium and large SUV positioning, 6-seat layout, independent seats, reasonable space utilization and higher comfort, and with the support of large-size central control display and other scientific and technological configuration, the car is more convenient and comfortable. The extended identity gives it a wider travel radius, which can supplement energy with oil and electricity, without mileage anxiety, and supports external discharge, which can also unlock more car scenes and experiences. The internal space can also be turned into a mobile big bed and lounge, which is highly practical and comfortable, pays more attention to the car experience of passengers, and is more friendly to the user groups who travel at home.

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

On October 31st, in the women’s final of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup held in Jinjiang, Fujian, China’s Beijing Normal University team beat Brazil’s paulista University team by a total score of 7-6 in a penalty shootout and won the championship.

↑ The starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game.

↑ Beijing Normal University team players celebrate the championship.

Zhou Xinyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, celebrated the goal.

Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game.

Zou Mengyao (left), a player from Beijing Normal University, competes with Diovanna, a female football player from paulista University.

Photography: Lai Jincai

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Tencent king returns? In 2023, eight self-developed games will be launched, one of which can be called Wang Fried.

As we all know, Tencent had a rather bleak life in 2022, and two new games were reviewed throughout the year, which made the giant of the domestic game industry look a little embarrassed. However, all this will usher in a turning point in 2023. In the past three editions of December, January and February, Tencent not only made the list, but also got many heavyweight masterpieces in the imported editions, sweeping away the past.

So today, let’s take a look at what new products Tencent will launch in 2023.

Awakening at dawn: vitality

The "Dawn Awakening: Vitality" mobile game is an open-world survival mobile game independently developed by Tencent Photonics Studio Group. The game has a seamless world, rich survival gameplay and diverse combat experiences, allowing players to explore together in a more realistic and free open world.

The overall gameplay of the game is still a common "zombie doomsday" type in domestic survival mobile games. Players deal with a large number of zombies while searching for props in the wild, and then use materials to build their own safe houses and weapons. This gameplay that integrates architecture, survival and resource exploration is also the mainstream of the mobile game market at present.

As the first self-developed work launched by Tencent this year, "Dawn Awakening: Vitality" is bound to be tilted by various resources, and the future activity intensity and update speed must be guaranteed.

"Dawn Awakening: Vitality" has been officially launched, and players interested in this type of survival sandbox shooting game can also download the experience directly.

King’s chess

"King Chess" is a brand-new derivative game of the glory of the king IP under Tencent Tianmei Studio. The game combines the previously popular self-propelled chess game with the hero role of King IP, thus giving birth to this brand-new self-propelled chess work.

I’m sure everyone will be familiar with the self-propelled chess game. the glory of the king was originally equipped with the corresponding self-propelled chess game, but the built-in self-propelled chess game has great restrictions on the picture effect and board special effects, which will also affect the volume of the game itself.

Therefore, the King’s Chess with better picture effect and more originality will be the best place for the future king’s chess lovers.

Of course, "the glory of the king" will inevitably be separated from some players by this new product, and the specific choice between them depends on Tianmei himself.

At present, after getting the version number in February, King Wan Chess has issued a document to celebrate the approval, and announced that the game will start the "Vientiane Departure" limited file deletion test in the near future. After all, it is a small game, and it will not be too difficult in technology and optimization. It is expected that the public beta will be launched this year.

Metal warhead: awakening

"Metal Warhead: Awakening" is a brand-new horizontal action shooting mobile game authorized by SNK and independently developed by Tencent Tianmei Studio. The game has just completed a round of testing before, and the completion degree has basically met the requirements of public beta.

In the previous test, the game restored the classic arcade "Alloy Warhead" in an all-round way. The game adopted the classic horizontal scroll-style clearance, and the classic maps such as pyramids, deserts and mines were also engraved on the level. Although the picture looks very high-definition, the overall style can still see the classic taste of alloy warheads.

"Metal Warhead: Awakening" has made a drastic transformation in the game’s characteristic gameplay. On the one hand, players can obtain a wide variety of weapons, equipment and characters through extraction, and the cultivation space is greatly improved. On the other hand, the game also incorporates a variety of special gameplay such as copy entry and Roguelike, which brings a lot of freshness to the game.

At present, the game has announced the approximate online time on the App Store, and players may be able to experience this game on April 28 this year.

Bao ke Meng da Ji "

In the list of imported version numbers reviewed at the end of last year, the long-awaited NS lightweight MOBA "Bao Ke Meng Da Ji" finally got the chance to play in World War I. This team strategy battle game jointly developed by Tianmei Studio Group and Nintendo allows players to play an interesting genuine Bao Ke Meng battle game on their mobile phones.

"Bao Ke Meng Da Ji" belongs to a special type of MOBA mobile game. Players can choose their own Bao Ke Meng to enter the game and start the game. In the course of the game, Bao Ke Meng can get points by killing wild monsters, killing enemies, etc. During the upgrade process, Bao Ke Meng can not only strengthen his own skills, but also usher in evolution at different stages, which can be said to be quite restored.

The map in "Bao Ke Meng Da Ji" is also relatively special. There are only two normal alignment lines, and all of them are wild areas in the middle. Players need to get points and compress their opponents’ activity space by scoring them into enemy strongholds until they break through the base.

This game can be downloaded for free on NS except the national service. In the future, the national service of "Bao Ke Meng Da Ji" will also realize the interoperability between the mobile terminal and NS Bank.

Edge of rebirth

Edge of Rebirth is a TPS tactical escape game produced by NEXT Studio of Tencent. Before that, the international version of the game has been publicly tested on the Steam platform, and the gameplay and operating experience are relatively mature.

The game combines various elements such as survival, construction and base construction, and also has a PVPVE gameplay experience of 50 players in a single game. Players can fight with other players while playing monsters and upgrading in the game.

At the same time, Beyond the traditional shooting and escape, The Edge of Rebirth incorporates the mechanism of nano-core control, which gives players a variety of skills and special abilities, such as being able to form a shield in the battlefield at any time, scouting the surrounding enemies, or remotely controlling powerful zombies. These skills can make players change the battlefield situation, and are not limited to simple gun fighting.

It is reported that "Rebirth Edge" will start a new round of testing in April, so interested players may wish to pay attention to it.

Rainbow falling in

Rainbow Falling, also developed by NEXTStudios, is a puzzle-solving game with "light and shadow" as its core concept and individual artistic style. In addition to the strong black-and-white contrast picture, there is also an imaginative story.

"Rainbow Falling" creates a light and shadow experience of a closed space "small world" in black and white, creates a unique artistic style, and uses a purer black and white comic style. Here, black and white is not a color subtraction, but an artistic technique to highlight the change of light and shadow.

Players can switch between 3D landscape and 2D shadow, and use mechanical devices to switch light sources to solve puzzles in the shadow world. Switch between reality and shadow, light and darkness, and personally feel the deep immersion brought by the picture change.

The game was logged into PC and host platform in 2020, and it also achieved excellent results in the Steam platform. It is expected that the mobile version of the game will be launched this year, and interested players may wish to pay attention to it.

Aurora at White Night

Aurora on a White Night is a strategy game of war chess. The protagonist awakens Bahamos, an ancient weapon of ten thousand years, in an unexpected excavation, and has the ability to recognize the color of light, which has caused a chain reaction among various forces. When the sleeping miracle reappears, the son of resonance will be guided by light.

"White Night Aurora" was first sold in overseas markets in 2021. After obtaining the version number in January this year, it immediately publicized the publicity PV and reservation channels. Recently, the publicity content has been constant, and it is expected that it will not be too far away from the national service public beta.

The game has a very high standard in art, and it is precisely because of this that the game has won a place in Japan where the second element blooms everywhere. The exquisiteness of the original painting of the character is not only involved in the character itself, but also in the background, which is a model of the original painting.

However, due to the recent revelation that co-artists used AI to draw commercial drafts, the game has attracted a lot of controversy, so Tencent still has to operate cautiously.

Handmade planet

"Handmade Planet" is a large-scale multiplayer online sandbox game with the theme of planet adventure launched by tencent games. Players can freely venture, build and fight in the civilizations of various planets.

As an online planet sandbox game integrating adventure, creation and socialization, players can explore many strange planets, experience a large number of fine games with friends, or build a planet home with different styles at will, or even create their own small games.

In terms of gameplay, the game is similar to the traditional pixel sandstorm box game on the market, which has a lot of free construction gameplay and challenges to BOSS. It has many similarities with games such as My World and Lego Unlimited, and is very suitable for players who like sandbox construction.

These are the self-developed works that Tencent will launch in 2023. From the game lineup, this year is undoubtedly a year of Tencent’s concentrated efforts, and players will also see a large number of new tencent games in the market.

Fan Zhendong case repeats itself! Stalking fan suspected of bribing the staff of the Macau Tournament and harassing Sun Yingsha’s privacy.

Recently, Sun Yingsha and Fan Zhendong’s main players are taking part in the championship in Macau. This time, they both advanced to the semi-finals, especially the women’s singles won the championship and runner-up in advance, and the China team achieved good results. It was during this competition that Sun Yingsha, the main player of Guoping, was harassed again, and this time the harassment was even more excessive than the previous flash, which was suspected of repeating the original tragedy of Fan Zhendong.

According to media reports, during the recent match between Sun Yingsha and chopper Han Ying, the director of a live program actually pointed a camera at Sun Yingsha’s backpack, and also rummaged Sun Yingsha’s things inside, and showed the picture to Sun Yingsha’s stalking fan through the camera. Under such circumstances, the director’s behavior undoubtedly caused a lot of questions. Afterwards, stalking fan posted on the social platform that they paid the director of the Macau Games to make him a mole. When the game was broadcast live, he touched Sun Yingsha’s backpack to see what privacy was in the backpack to satisfy the fantasies of these fans.

This behavior has caused serious harassment for Sun Yingsha. I still remember that some time ago, Fan Zhendong called the police because the fans broke into his room. At present, Sun Yingsha is definitely not lighter than Fan Zhendong. No matter for Sun Yingsha or ordinary people, their personal belongings are not allowed to be moved by anyone. The key is that it is even more excessive for the pilot to broadcast live through live cameras.

Next, for the coaching staff, in order to avoid the recurrence of Fan Zhendong’s tragedy, we should deal with this staff member in time. On the other hand, the most important thing is to improve the security of the whole Macau Championship and consider how to protect the rights and interests of these players. In this way, these main players can compete with more peace of mind and win glory for their country. Otherwise, like before Fan Zhendong, he was frequently harassed by these extreme fans. How can he wholeheartedly play the game and help the national team win the championship and honor? This should be a good job for the coaching staff, including logistics personnel.

Next, for Fan Zhendong and Sun Yingsha, I hope they will not be affected by these storms. On the other hand, I hope Malone and Wang Chu Qin will cheer them up, eliminate Zhang Benzhi and these opponents, and win the championship earlier.

Kill the fish in the 90 th minute! Great Paris gave birth to two kings overnight, and 2-1 is not enough: it is already a spent force.

In the 27th round of Ligue 1, Paris Saint-Germain quickly got out of the shadow of losing 2-0 to Bayern in the quarter-finals of the Champions League, and this game won 2-1 and made profits, with its record picking up. Brest, ranked 15th in the French Ligue 1 standings, was played away by Barley, and Sohler and Mbappé each scored one goal, which was one of the heroes of the victory in Paris. Aunola also scored one goal for brest, which was once even. Messi also played well in this campaign and completed wonderful assists.

After being knocked out of the Champions League, Barley wanted to concentrate on the French Championship. The head coach Garger sent 4222 system in this game, Messi cooperated with Mbappé in double shooting, Fabian Ruiz and Sohler cooperated with double avant-garde, Virathit cooperated with Zaire-emeri with double midfielders, Nuno Mendes cooperated with Danilo Pereira, Ramos cooperated with Pembele with four defenders, and goalkeeper Donaruma and 11 starters were worth 500 million euros. Brest has an average lineup, with 11 starters worth only 4,380.

Paris Saint-Germain controls the rhythm of the court with its powerful strength, with the ball control rate reaching 61%. Compared with brest’s 17-7 shot, 8-2 shot was a positive comparison, and finally it became a 2-1 winner. The course of the game was very difficult for Balinese, who should have won easily. Obviously, the 2-1 dominance was far from enough. A group of giants had reached the end of their tether, playing hard for anyone, and the offensive and defensive ends were not balanced. On the defensive end, Dali collapsed and collapsed, and the 1-0 lead was tied until the 90-minute lore ended; Offensively, Baali relied heavily on Mbappé and Messi, two superstars, and failed to form a good whole.

In the 37th minute, Mbappé completed a cold shot outside the restricted area by virtue of his personal ability, and the goalkeeper saved the ball. Sohler scored a goal in front of the door and Greater Paris led 1-0. In the 43rd minute, Del Castillo made a long pass and Aunola, who was inserted before the assist, scored a goal with a single shot, and brest scored 1-1 in Paris. After 90 minutes, Messi finished the delicate and straight plug in the midfield, and Mbappé made a single pass after the forward insertion, and went straight through the goalkeeper and scored an empty goal to help the team beat brest 2-1.

Great Paris, the winner of this game, finally won 21 matches in Ligue 1 this season, leading the Ligue 1 standings with 21 wins, 3 draws, 3 losses and 66 points. Marseille, the second-ranked city, won 17 wins, 4 draws and 5 losses, and scored 55 points in a match in Bali. From the data point of view, Greater Paris produced two kings in one night, Messi completed the thirteenth assist in Ligue 1 in the season, crowned the assist king in the five major leagues of the season and surpassed De Braune by 12 points; Mbappé was promoted to the top French shooter in the history of Paris team, scoring 138 goals on behalf of Paris, and tied with cavani as the best French shooter in history.

As the saying goes, one mountain can’t accommodate two tigers, and the two kings of Paris are about to part ways, and their MMN combination with Neymar is on the verge of collapse. Three people have won the Champions League for two consecutive seasons, which proves that they can’t achieve the effect of 1 plus 1 plus 1=3. Messi refused to renew the contract with Paris, and the contract expired in the summer; Neymar was reimbursed for the season, and Dali also made a decision to sell him voluntarily; Ramos, another big star, also signed the contract in the summer window, and there is no sign of renewing the contract so far. According to the analysis of L ‘Equipe, the Greater Paris will be rebuilt again this summer, and a team will be formed around Mbappé while solving financial problems and reducing salary expenses, which will further promote the transfer of Messi and Neymar.