Spring in Ma ‘an Village

Spring in Ma ‘an Village

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, February 27th (Reporter Wang Ruiping) When the Sanhua plum beside the village road blooms a little bud, Ma ‘an Village is also ushered in spring with more than 30,000 mu of bamboo forests around it.
Ma ‘an Village, Pingtang Town, Xinyi City, Guangdong Province, located in the depths of Yunkai Mountain, is more than 800 meters above sea level and more than 1,000 meters above sea level. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the land is barren. The villagers once used "nothing but steep slopes" to describe their remoteness and poverty.
"I have to walk on the dirt road hanging on the ridge for more than an hour every day when I go to school. I bring my own rice and leftovers. At noon, I use three bricks to build a stove to cook." Zhou Qinglian, born in 2002, recalled that her childhood journey to school was full of bitterness. Today, although her face looks immature, she has been working for almost two years after graduating from college and is a reserve cadre of Ma ‘an Village Committee.
Zhang Yujiao also chose to go back to the village for employment. In 2023, she graduated from Guangdong Ocean University majoring in economics and joined the Ma ‘an village tourism development and operation enterprise, becoming the "new generation" of local rural revitalization. "I used to study hard to get out of this mountain, but I didn’t expect to return to my hometown after graduation." Zhang Yujiao, dressed in fashionable clothes, wore Chinese hairpins and a horse-faced skirt, while receiving tourists, told reporters the story of employment at home.
It depends on the earth-shaking changes in Ma ‘an Village to attract college students to return to their hometowns for employment. In June, 2021, Yunmao Expressway was officially opened to traffic, which ended the history of no expressway passing through the eastern mountainous area of Xinyi City, narrowed the time and space distance between the mountainous area of western Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Ma ‘an Village also ushered in a new life.
The new look of Ma ‘an village (photo taken on February 12, drone photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
More than 30,000 mu of bamboo forest around Ma ‘an Village is the biggest local feature. In August 2022, the rural revitalization project of "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" officially started construction. As an important node in the "Demonstration Zone of Rural Revitalization along Yunmao Expressway" carefully built by the local government, the project is jointly invested by the government and enterprises with a proportion of 250 million yuan, and the construction and management are not lower than the national 4A-level tourist attractions.
"The first exit of Yunmao Expressway in Xinyi is our Pingtang Town. We have the largest bamboo forest in western Guangdong, with alpine meadows, lakes, clouds and patches of virgin forests."
Xiao Yingbei, secretary of the Party branch of Ma ‘an Village, took the reporter across the rest pavilion hanging with "cooking tea around the stove" from the entrance of the renovated village Committee, along the asphalt road, through the hydrophilic platform with flowing water, climbed up the hotel and homestay in the middle of the mountain, and went around to Zhuhai Square in the middle of the village. As he walked, he introduced that Pingtang Town used to be the "leftover material" of Xinyi City, and Ma ‘an Village was the "leftover material" of Pingtang Town. Now the traffic is good.
The scene of Yunmao Expressway passing through Yunkai Mountain (photo taken on February 11th, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
"Just after the Spring Festival, several friends from other places wanted to visit our village and asked me if there was a traffic jam." Yang Xiangwen is usually engaged in logistics and distribution work in Baiyun District of Guangzhou. After dinner with friends, he walked to Zhuhai Square. He took the reporter’s hand and said, "Now I am very proud to tell others about our village. There are many videos of our village on my mobile phone, which others envy!"
Tourists took a group photo in Ma ‘an Village (photo taken on February 12). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
In the reception room of Ma ‘an Village Committee, the wall is a new panoramic photo of Ma ‘an Village. Xiao Yingbei broke his fingers and analyzed the situation of the scenic spot after it was opened to reporters. In 2022, the collective income of our village was only about 170,000 yuan, and it has increased to 963,000 yuan in 2023. "Ticket income, house rental, parking fees, operating share of hotels and homestays, plus homestays run by villagers, restaurants and canteens can all increase villagers’ income."
According to the planning of Ma ‘an Village, after the "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" scenic spot is opened normally this year, the per capita annual equity dividend of villagers can reach 2,000 yuan, providing 200 jobs, and more villagers will also find jobs at their doorsteps.
"In the past, the village was a winding mud road, but now it has expanded into a 5.5-meter two-way lane." Zhou Qinglian said that every time the hometown road is widened, the life of the villagers will become better.
Driving from the top of the mountain to Yunmao Expressway, the clouds spread over the bamboo sea from the valley, and countless bamboo shoots were buried in the soil at this time, calling for spring rain. When the spring thunder rings, these spring shoots will bring different spring to Ma ‘an village.


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