Can navigation software evade the Beijing license camera? Traffic control department will investigate

Can navigation software evade the Beijing license camera? Traffic control department will investigate

  According to regulations, foreign vehicles entering Beijing need to apply for a Beijing entry permit at the Beijing entry permit office or through the Beijing traffic police mobile phone client side. However, some drivers are thinking of "taking advantage of loopholes" and not applying for a Beijing entry permit, and driving by avoiding the camera. Recently, Beijing Youth Daily found that several mobile phone software clearly marked with the restricted camera appeared in the online software store, and some software even provides detour route planning and navigation to avoid the restricted camera.

  Navigation software can reduce the risk of being shot by 80%?

  Recently, a reporter from Beiqing Daily found that some special navigation software appeared in the mobile phone software store. In the introduction of this kind of navigation software, the map in the software will mark the camera of the vehicle with the foreign number plate without the Beijing license. "As long as you avoid these cameras, you can drive in Beijing even without the Beijing license."

  Developed by "out-of-town car owners who have trouble entering Beijing," the software reduces the likelihood of being detected by cameras by 80 percent, and the software’s map can also navigate a route to avoid entering Beijing, according to the introduction of an 18-yuan navigation software called "Duoduo Entering Beijing."

  One owner of Duoduo’s foreign license plate number said that he first downloaded the software to drive without penalty when he forgot to renew his license. The owner said that after using the software several times, he found that his violations were not only caught by the camera, but also fined. "Many cameras are not marked, and some are marked incorrectly. The route planned by the software cannot bypass all the cameras."

  The navigation route may still pass the camera

  The Beiqing Daily reporter downloaded and installed the "Duoduo Entry to Beijing" software. The map of the software is the same as that of ordinary navigation, but the map of the software has hundreds of red "pushpins" on it, and each "pushpin" shows the location of a camera and the accuracy of the camera. The Beiqing Daily reporter found that some cameras have a reminder that "east-west two-way, you can take the inner lane". The software contains data on 177 morning and evening peak cameras and 192 cameras with entry permits, as well as the update dates and accuracy rates of these cameras, according to a list of cameras in the software.

  The software also provides a driving navigation service that avoids the camera. A reporter from Beiqing Daily tried to let the software navigate the route from Tuanjiehu Park in Chaoyang District to the People’s Congress Affiliated Middle School in Haidian District. According to the navigation, when the owner travels from east to west to the Lenovo Bridge in the North Third Ring Road, he should turn north and right to enter Zhongguancun East Road. If he turns right to Zhongguancun Street as the usual navigation prompts, he may encounter a Beijing Entry Permit camera located west of Lenovo Bridge.

  But the Beiqing Daily reporter noticed that the planned route still passed through a red "thumbtack". This camera located in the east of Ximen Bridge on the outer ring of the North Third Ring Road was marked as the camera for entering Beijing. In this regard, the software reminded that the navigation is real-time, and the planned route may still pass through the camera, so "you need to pay attention to avoid the camera".

  Navigation may pose a threat to user safety

  As for whether the camera position on the software is accurate, the software developer once said: "The morning and evening peak camera is 90% accurate." At the same time, some industry insiders say that some of the content of the camera data in this software is credible, but the current camera is much more than that.

  Before 2013, the traffic control department announced that the content of electronic monitoring equipment included "the function of electronic eyes". Some drivers had the opportunity to "exploit loopholes" by inquiring about the monitoring types of these new electronic eyes and grasping the main violations of electronic eyes.

  Since March 2013, the list of new electronic eyes published on the website of the traffic control bureau has no longer informed the purpose of the electronic eyes. The new cameras only disclose location and location information, not function information. This move is to prevent "knowledgeable" drivers from evading punishment. The developer of this software has also expressed "fear of being investigated".

  On the afternoon of June 8, a reporter from Beiqing Daily learned from the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Management Bureau that such software is made by individuals. "Using this software is’non-compliant ‘. Please don’t use this kind of software to take advantage of opportunities. If used improperly, it may threaten the user’s own safety and traffic safety." The traffic bureau said it would investigate and deal with the matter. Article/Reporter of this newspaper, Wang Tianqi


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